A/N: Hiya! This fic was kinda inspired by the song "She Hates Me" by Puddle Of Mudd. I love that song and this idea came up. X3 Somehow it did, but who can argue with inspiration. [Evil Music] MUAHAHAHAHAHA
Disclaimer: I don't own Regular Show or any of the characters. They all belong to the genius JG Quintel.
Yeahhhuhhh! Now, let's get the show on the road! Told in Margaret's POV.
I slammed the door to my apartment and sighed. I sat down on my couch, thinking to myself.
"Stupid Slasher." I thought.
Earlier that day, Slasher had dumped me, after I found out he was cheating on me with two diffrent girls! To make it worse, they were sluts! I felt my blood boil. I reached for my television remote and turned on the TV.
"Great, Nothing's even on!" I mumbled. I looked at the clock and sighed.
"11:23 PM. And I still gotta go to freaking work tomarrow. Ugh." I complained to myself. I looked at the TV screen. The channel I was on was playing some movie. I reconized the movie though.
It was about a girl who gets dumped and to get back at him, she used her...best friend...who actually didn't like her...to get her ex-boyfriend jealous. I grinned an evil smile.
"I can get him jealous and want to come back to me! Great! But wait, who...who can I use? I know using people was wrong, but I can use someone who doesn't even like me." I thought, then I shrugged, turned off the TV and started walking to my bed.
"Eh, I'll sleep on it. Tomarrow, the answer should come to me." I thought as I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
::Next morning at the Coffee Shop::
I was washing some dishes, still trying to think of someone that Slasher doesn't like.
Business was running slow and that wasn't really helping. Eileen was serving some coffee to some couple. I growled. Suddenly the door opened and Mordecai and Rigby walked in. I paused. I started to remember at the Fist Pump Concert awhile ago. Slasher didn't really like Mordecai. I remember him complaining that I should stop hanging out with losers like him. I didn't like that memory very much, since Mordecai was a really good friend. Could I really use him just to get back Slasher? I did really miss Slasher though. I sighed.
"I'm sorry Mordecai. But it's not like he actually liked me! He'll understand...maybe. Well, it's not like he'll figure it out. Okay. I'll use Mordecai." I thought. I started walking toward their table. Mordecai and Rigby were talking about their work apearently. When I got to them, Rigby was nudging Mordecai, and Mordecai was just...staring blankly at me.
"Hi guys." I said, hiding my anxious feeling.
"Hi, Margaret." Rigby said casually.
"H-Hey Margaret..." Mordecai studdered. I always wondered why he did that.
"Um, what can I get you guys today?" I asked.
"Eh, just get us the usual, Margaret." Rigby said.
"Okay." I replied. Quickly, I went back to the counter to get their coffee. I looked back at them. Mordecai was blushing as he talked to Rigby and Rigby was laughing at him. When their coffee was done, I walked back to them and gave it to them. I shivered slightly as I tried to think about how I was gonna ask out Mordecai. Of course, I remember when I did a solid for Eileen to break a date with Slasher, I remembered when he spit taco all over my shirt, or when he farted at the movies. But then I remembered that Mordecai had told me that almost everything he did that night that was embarrassing for him was a solid for Rigby. Like he told me he didn't mean to spit at me, and he didn't really fart in the theater.
"Okay, so he does have some manners." I thought. Mordecai was really sweet and kinda shy too. I almost started to feel bad that I was about to just use him but, it's not like I was actually gonna tell him! Okay, I'm just gonna do it. Let's see, Slasher was appearently supposed to be at the theaters tonight. Okay, here we go...
"Um, hey Mordecai? Do you think...you could go with the movies with me tonight? Just you and me?" I asked. Suddenly he started choking on his coffee, but quickly recovered from it. "Mordecai?" I asked again.
"Uh..uh sorry, I, um..uh...sure? I mean, yes. Yes!" Mordecai said blushing, between coughs.
"Okay, cool. Meet me infront of my place at 6 tonight. Cool?" I asked. He nodded and Rigby made a sneaky expression. "Cool. See ya, Mordecai." I said, waving as I walked back to the counter.
"This should be easy. Just go out with him until Slasher wants me back!" I thought.
I looked back and saw Mordecai with a freaked out expression and Rigby with an expression like he was taunting him. "Weird." I thought.
A/N: Wow, I'm making Margaret a total bitch to Mordecai behind his back. Aw..Oh well!
'Till next chapter.