Mordecai turned to face Margaret. The pretty robin was twisting her feathery wings together shyly, somewhat sheepishly. She opened her beak, closed it, then opened it again and said:
"Listen. I know I haven't been very supportive for you. I guess that's just because I'm jealous. I...I like you, Mordecai. I do, but...If you do want to be with CJ, then that's alright. If you're happy, I'm happy."
Mordecai copied Margaret's former movement, opening and closing his beak. After a moment of doing this, his nonexistent eyebrow rose and he said, "But what about your fiance?"
Margaret's eyebrows furrowed. "'Fiance?'" She parroted.
"Your fiance. That bird-dude. I saw him proposing to you in the Coffee Shop, and you were like, 'yes, dude, yes!'"
"Bird-dude...? Wha-Mordecai, that was my cousin!"
"...Your what?"
"My cousin. I was saying 'yes, dude, yes!' because he finally got the wooden leg he's been needing."
"...Well. I feel like an idiot."
Mordecai turned around and nearly face-palmed when he realized that he had completely forgotten about CJ. She was now staring at him questionably, an eyebrow raised and her arms crossed "Are we dating or not?"
Mordecai blinked, took a deep breath, and replied:
"CJ...I...I like you, but not the way that I thought I did. I thought that Margaret and I were done for, so...Rigby set me up for a dating site, and I met you. You're really great, but now that I know the truth, I think this is just friend-like and not girlfriend-like."
CJ paused, taking in Mordecai to see if he were lying or telling the truth. She took a deep breath. "Well. This does hurt, but...I can't say I don't understand. And you guys do look happy together."
"Thanks for understanding," Mordecai sighed. Margaret pulled him in for a hug, which he happily returned.
"So!" CJ smiled at them all, and said, "Are we going bowling are not?"
"Heck yes!" Mordecai fist-bumped the air and, wing-in-wing with Margaret, followed CJ out of the door.
"You guys can come, too!" CJ called to Rigby and Eileen.
Rigby leaned to Eileen and whispered behind his hand. "Beehive can wait later." Then, the both of them dashed after the trio. "Bow-ling! Bow-ling!"
As the five friends sat in their seats, Mordecai turned to Margaret and began, "Sorry for being-"
He was cut off by Margaret kissing him full on the beak.
Afterwards, Margaret set her head on his shoulder. "Forget about it."
All Mordecai could do was laugh, his face as red as a tomato.
There. I did it.
Please no flames.