Six months later…

It was calm in the apartment. The light hum of a refrigerator stocked with food shook the floor and reminded the both of them that they were safe.

It was cold, but for them that just meant a heavier blanket and a longer sleep.

The train began to pass below, 3AM, right on the dot, as it did every Sunday, plastered with intricate swears that described the pair. From up there they could barely read them.

Rigby peeled his eyes open and backed into his friend a bit more, seeing if he could take in any more heat from his body.

Mordecai gathered Rigby's arms and legs held them tight.

This very event had played out almost every week since they moved in to the apartment. It was the kind of sweet little ritual that never got old.

Rigby moved the blue arms out of his way and hopped out of their cramped bed to get a cup of water.

He got a glass out of the cupboard; it was a bit milky looking. He held it under the already dripping faucet and twisted the side that said "C". He turned it off again, and finished half the cup before his feet left the tiles.

Mordecai took the cup from Rigby, finished the other half and sat up Indian style.

Rigby smirked and ran his hair back and fourth under Mordecai's chin before curling up in the blue jay's lap. His tail was like a whirlwind, and yet it seemed calm in context, falling limp across the length of Mordecai's leg.

Mordecai placed a hand on the back of Rigby's neck, and it vibrated underneath him. Rigby attempted to bite the other hand, and Mordecai rewarded him with a thumb to gnaw on.

"When do you think we should tell them?" Mordecai asked, stroking Rigby's right ear.

"Tomorrow would probably be a good time," Rigby said, taking his mouth off of Mordecai's thumb for a second.

"Hey, is Eileen almost finished with that book she was writing?" Mordecai asked.

"Yeah, pretty sure it just needs some editing," Rigby said, once again popping the thumb out of his mouth.

"Did you read the preview copy she lent us?" Mordecai asked.

"I skimmed it," Rigby shrugged. This time, the thumb stayed, causing his voice to lisp.

"Yeah? What did you think?" Mordecai asked.

"Eh," Rigby replied.

"Eh?" Mordecai asked, this time indignantly.

"It just didn't seem all that plausible," Rigby said, reclining on his friend's comfortable legs.

"Dude, all of that stuff happened exactly like she wrote it," Mordecai said, removing his thumb and poking Rigby on his nose.

"Doesn't mean it's plausible, and plus she didn't get my character right at all," Rigby said, pathetically (and slowly) grasping at the hand. His neck hung off the side of the bed loosely.

"Oh, you mean Crosby?" Mordecai asked, dodging Rigby's attempts at apprehending his thumb.

"Well sure, she was nice enough to change our names, 'Malachi', 'Crosby', but she wrote me all wrong."

"Dude," Mordecai said, "She interviewed you, and she pretty much wrote your exact words." The blue jay pressed his palm against Rigby's forehead.

"Feh," Rigby replied.

"Whatever, just don't tell her that," Mordecai said. "She's been busting her ass for half a year trying to finish that thing and get it published, she'd probably give up if she didn't think you liked it."

"I didn't say I didn't like it, it's just flawed," Rigby said, grabbing the thumb again with his gums like a cigar. "Now, once they make it into a movie, maybe I'll like it a bit more."

"Pff… movie?" Mordecai asked. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves here."

"This thing is gonna be big, yo, I have a feeling," Rigby said.

"Has she come up with a name for it?" Mordecai asked.

"She's throwing around a few… I think she has her heart set on 'Deep in the Heart of August' or just 'August'," Rigby said.

"Kind of cliché," Mordecai said.

"Yeah," Rigby said. "Whatever, hey, once she gets it published we're gonna be kind of like celebrities."

"I told her to change the names for a reason, dude," Mordecai said, playing with one of Rigby's toes. "I don't want that kind of attention."

"We'll be secret celebrities," Rigby said, pulling away his foot.

Mordecai laughed a bit and pinned Rigby against the mattress with his knuckles.

Rigby gave some playfully pained yelps as Mordecai twisted his arm softly. Their eyes met and locked, and Mordecai gently clawed at the waistband of Rigby's boxer shorts.

"So when are we gonna tell them?" Benson asked as Skips slumped over the bed.

"Tomorrow, I guess," Skips said.

Benson groaned. "I'm really dreading this," the gumball machine said, clutching his belly. "I mean, I don't want to disappoint anyone."

"You've done the best you can, Benny," Skips said, sitting back down on the bed.

"I know… I know…" Benson said. "It just seems so sudden, is all… and it's been all this time and…"

Skips shushed him softly and held his hand. "It'll be fine, they'll understand."

"I certainly hope so," Benson said.

Margaret typed furiously, correcting the words lined with jagged red squiggles beneath them.

"Eileen," Margaret said, scratching her temple. "Break?"

"Sure," Eileen replied, reclining in her office chair. "I think we're almost done, yeah?"

"Sure are," Margaret said with enthusiasm. "Finally…"

"Hey, writing a book takes time," Eileen said.

"Sure, sure," Margaret said. "I wasn't complaining, I'm just saying… hard work, you know?"

"What's the word count?"

"You don't wanna know," Margaret chuckled. "Still a bit too high if we want to get it published."

"Ah… darn," Eileen said.

"Yeah… hey, did you give Mordecai that preview copy yet?"

"I did," Eileen said. "I think he's gonna give me his thoughts on it tomorrow."

"You think Rigby's gonna read it?" Margaret asked.

"You kidding?" Eileen chuckled. "He pretty much already has."

"That so?"

"He acts like he isn't into it, but he asks about it more than anyone," Eileen said. "Have you shown any of it to Mitch at all?"

"Nah," Margaret said. "He's not really into reading… and I think he's still a little bit pissed that he didn't get to be apart of it."

"Oh, speaking of him, I mean you two… I mean you know," Eileen said. "How was your date tonight?"

"Date?" Margaret detested. "That wasn't a date."

"He was wearing a suit when he picked you up… you sure he didn't think it was a date?"

"We're just really good friends," Margaret smirked.

Eileen groaned.

"What?" Margaret asked.

"Nothing," Eileen said.

The long train outside finally hissed and screeched to a halt outside.

Rigby's tail relaxed itself, and he fell over on his side.

Mordecai wrapped himself around Rigby and shared in his friend's panting afterglow.

"You're too good," Rigby coughed, trying to catch his breath.

Mordecai tickled his chin and kissed his forehead.

It was true; Mordecai had learned how to make Rigby happy. They certainly practiced enough.

"I try," he cooed confidently, giving Rigby a firm pat on his bum before rolling toward the window.

Rigby wrapped his arms around Mordecai's waist, and Mordecai examined his hands as he usually did.

"I really love you, man," Rigby said. "I… I want you to know that. And… I don't throw that word around. I don't even really like it…"

"I love ya too," Mordecai said.

"Yeah?" Rigby asked.

"Hells yeah," Mordecai said. "You're my buddy."

Rigby blushed a bit and nuzzled his friend's back.

"Is it always gonna be this way?" the raccoon asked.

"Sure," Mordecai said. "It's been this way since we were kids."

"I guess…" Rigby said. "Minus the boning and sleeping in the same bed. I just don't want to lose you ever."

Mordecai rolled toward his friend again and looked him over with an inviting smile. "I don't think you're gonna," he said, running his thumb over the raccoon's cheek. "I don't know if you want me to keep saying it, but you're the one I like being with, man. Nothing's gonna change that."

"I don't get tired of hearing you say it," Rigby said, looking to the side.

"Well get it through your skull dude," Mordecai said. "You're my best friend, and I like getting it on with you."

They laid in silence for a bit, enjoying each other's temperature.

Mordecai felt a bit of mischief settle in his bones. He let his hand think for itself.

Rigby felt a sharp pain. "Yo, quit pinching my ass," he laughed, shoving his friend.

"Never," Mordecai said, pinching even harder.

"Dude, for crying out loud," Rigby cried. His mouth was apprehended.

Mordecai loosened his pinch and kissed Rigby deep, rolling on top of him and grabbing the back of his neck.

Rigby hummed a bit through his nose and let his tongue wrestle with his friend's.

They stayed like this for a short while, and when they found a break they stared into each other's eyes, locked in a warm and happy gaze.

"Dude," Rigby said in a low tone. "We just fucked like a minute ago." He laughed a bit.

"Well don't you want a turn?" Mordecai said, touching foreheads with his friend.

"What? You mean," Rigby began before being interrupted by a nod.

"I'm feeling it hard tonight," Mordecai said, looking to the side with a guilty smile. "You know I don't give 'little Rigby' enough attention…"

"Uh huh," Rigby said with an elongated emphasis and a tight smirk. "Hey, it's not little," he added with indignation.

"You're right," Mordecai said. "That's why I usually don't offer… but you're really fucking hot right now and I love you and I just want you to give it to me really badly."

Rigby loved the power presented to him. "Even I have more dignity than that," he smirked.

"Oh shut up," Mordecai said, sitting up and crossing his arms. "If you're not gonna do it…"

"Hey, hey, I was kidding, man," Rigby said, sitting up with him. "I just thought you didn't like it."

"I like it a lot," Mordecai admitted.

"Well then," Rigby said, once again donning his confident grin. "Park your chest against the mattress and relax, I'll treat you right."

Mordecai complied, adding "not too rough" before resting his head on the bed.

"That's a laugh, you're 'too rough' every single time," Rigby said, resting his hand on Mordecai's hip.

"Yeah but you love that," Mordecai mumbled.

"True," Rigby said. "In any case, try not to wake the neighbors." He started giving Mordecai a backrub.

"Oh god, look at you, mister cocky and confident," Mordecai grumbled.

"That's Mister Thundercrotch to you," Rigby said in a deep voice.

Mordecai gave him a puzzled look.

"My porn name? Remember?" Rigby asked. "I was Ricky Thundercrotch, you were The Blue Bomber… Why do you not remember these things, we made up porn names like last week and…"

"Are you gonna do it or what?" Mordecai asked, getting impatient.

"Hold your horses," Rigby said, letting his thumbs work Mordecai's back. "I said I was gonna treat you right."

"Well just let me no when ah… oohhhh…" Mordecai cooed as Rigby finally gave a firm thrust.

The raccoon settled his chest against Mordecai's back and parked his nose under his friend's ear. "What do you say?" he whispered. His voice was cool and seductive.

"Thank you," Mordecai said with a struggled but obviously satisfied groan.

Rigby snickered to himself and gripped Mordecai around his stomach, biting down on his shoulder lightly.

"Another awesome date," Muscle Man announced, reclining into his favorite chair.

Fives greeted him with a smile. "That's good to hear," he said.

"Yep… I'm thinking I'm gonna ask her out pretty soon."

"You haven't already?" Fives asked, hovering a bit closer.

"Well no," Muscle Man said. "I mean, we pretty much are already, we just haven't made it official… Oooh!" he remarked. "Text message from Margaret," he announced, holding up his phone. "It says; 'thanks for the awesome time, dude! :P'"

"She called you dude," Fives laughed. "Isn't that a friendly thing?"

"Pff, Mordecai and Rigby still call each other dude, dude. It's a new world," the green man said, still fondling the text message. "And look, she sent the little face with the tongue sticking out. She totally wants it."

"Whatever you say," Fives said. "I'm gonna go outside for a bit, you mind?"

"Go ahead man," Muscle Man said, not breaking his gaze with his phone. "I might be asleep by the time you get back though."

"Yeah, okay, well if that's the case then goodnight man," Fives said, exiting through the window.

The green man started snoring almost immediately.

Fives hovered across the park in the darkness, taking in the silence of the late night.

The moon cast a light glow on the white surface of the snow. It was glazed over from the day's sun.

Fives looked around and smiled. It had been a peaceful couple of months, and despite everything that had gone on that summer everyone was closer than ever. He did miss Skips, though. Everyone missed Skips, it seemed, except Benson, who seemed to be in his own world most of the time.

And there was one more thing; Fives missed Spot dearly. He hadn't stopped looking after the mushrooms around the park, whose conspicuous and sudden appearance had yet to be accounted for. They managed to live through snow, somehow.

He came to his favorite tree and saw a healthy patch of toadstools at the roots. They seemed to glow. Perhaps it was his imagination. He hovered closer to the ground and touched their heads gently, wishing for a response.

"Ah… I wish you guys were here right now," Fives said. "I miss you. I feel so bad about… you know… getting all of you killed, well, most of you anyways."

There was silence.

"I want to repay you for helping all of us out, but," he said, looking around. "I dunno. Ever since Maelard filled in the well, I mean, I was planning on visiting all of you guys at some point but now it's a bit difficult. I hope your people are okay without you."

Again, it was silent. A whisper of a chilled wind echoed across the fallen snow.

"I had hoped that in all this, you would have found your way up here… to 'heaven', as you put it. Just wishful thinking."

"Hm?" a quiet voice said. "Spirit?"

"S… Spot?" Fives asked.

"That name is rather silly," the mushroom whispered. "Yes, I'm here."

"Is it really you? Oh my gosh, I knew it!" Fives cried. "You're really here!?"

"I'm here, spirit. I was resting, but you were so persistent," the voice chuckled. "What is it you want, closure? You did fine, don't worry about it."

"Why haven't you said anything?" Fives asked.

"I've been resting, friend," the voice whispered. "It's nice up here. The ground has so much to say."

"Well you could have said something," Fives said. "Here I thought you were dead…"

"I am dead, friend," Spot whispered. "And I'm happy."

"But can't you move?" Fives asked.

"I'm done moving," Spot said. "Please don't take offense, but at some point you stop wanting to give. And I have. I love it here. This cold breeze, the white circle in the sky, they bring me ease."

"Oh," Fives said with a bit of disappointment.

"Do not be sad, friend," Spot said. "You'll get yours… one day. I promise."

"But what about your people?" Fives said.

"Oh, I'm sure they're fine. You don't know how much you've helped them. You might never know, but to them you were an angel."

"I'm hardly an angel," Fives said with a frown.

"But you are, friend," Spot said. "Your wings just forgot to grow… they'll be with you soon enough, believe me. How are your friends doing?"

"They're okay… everyone's alive," Spot said. "At least I can say that."

"Well that's good. I feel like the ground here is disturbed, a bit."

"It is… There's been talk of leaving from everyone. I think Rigby and Mordecai are quitting," Fives lamented.

"Well, sometimes it's good to move on," Spot said. "I'm sure they have their reasons. There's a strong love between the two of them."

"Yeah," Fives said. "Makes me kind of jealous."

"Well don't you have a special someone you have your eyes on?"

"I do… there is a girl," Fives said.

"Well go get her," Spot said, "And let me sleep." He laughed a bit.

"You really want to be left alone, huh?" Fives said.

"I really do," Spot said. "My friends, the ones you feel so torn up about, are with me, by the way. They thank you."

"Fair enough… Are they really happy?" Fives asked.

"Happy as can be," Spot said. "Now… go find something else to do! I'm sleeping over here."

"Alright. Take care, in the… afterlife, or whatever," Fives said. "I'll be back to bug you at some point."

"I believe it," Spot said.

"So?" Rigby said. "What did I tell you?"

Mordecai huffed and rubbed his face against the bed, exhausted but alleviated. "You were awesome," he admitted, flipping over and looking up at his friend.

"Yes," Rigby said, clentching his fist and pumping it toward his chest.

Mordecai reached up and touched his friend's face. "Can you get another glass of water though?"

"Sure, sure," Rigby said, hopping off the bed and making his way to the kitchen. "You want anything to eat?"

"Yeah man… we got anything in the freezer?"

"Yeah dude I'll make you something," Rigby said, climbing up to the freezer and fishing around for something to microwave.

Mordecai sat up and watched his partner in the kitchen with a sweet admiration. He winced when he knew Rigby couldn't see him. Against his own wishes, Rigby had been a bit too rough, but Mordecai could forgive it. He wouldn't admit that he was in a little bit of pain.

"Um…" Rigby said. Only the blue glow of the coffee maker showed his silhouette in the dark. "We got ice cream, some pizzas, some weird thing that's got chicken in it…"

"All of it," Mordecai said with a huff. "I'm starving dude."

"Alright, one 'everything'," Rigby said with a smirk, taking several boxes out of the freezer and getting some plates.

"Dude," Mordecai said, "if we keep staying up like this all the time we'll never get our lives together."

"I'm okay with that," Rigby said. The box he was holding in his mouth muffled his voice. He tore it open with his free hand. "Oh, we also got mac and cheese."

"Make it," Mordecai said. "I fuckin' love you by the way," he added, stomach grumbling.

"It's nothing. I'm gonna eat half," Rigby said.

The microwave beeped to life, rotating and humming as the many frozen goods, stacked upon each other, thawed and released pleasant smells into the cozy apartment.

"Are we gonna say love a lot now?" Rigby asked. "It's such a gay word." He smiled, though he tried to force himself not to.

"You love it," Mordecai laughed.

"Oh pshh," Rigby said, taking the food out of the microwave.

"Hey Rigby," Mordecai said, perking up and becoming more aware.

"What?" Rigby asked.

"Love you," Mordecai said, elongating his vowels and tilting his head.

"Fuckin' quit it," Rigby chuckled.

"Love ya," Mordecai said again, biting his lower lip and making a stupid face.

Rigby pounded his own side with glee and a bit of anguish.

"Gimme that food lover boy," Mordecai said. "Oh and by the way I love you."

"I'm gonna kill you!" Rigby said, laughing hysterically.

"Fine, do that," Mordecai said. "But feed me first."

"Here's your stinkin' food," Rigby said, approaching the bed and handing Mordecai a plate full of macaroni and cheese, pizza and some strange thing with chicken in it. "Bon Appétit, bitch."

Mordecai took a forkful and shoveled it into his mouth. "So I'm your bitch now?" he asked, mouth full of mush. "I think you're the one cooking, bud."

Rigby belched loudly out of disrespect, and Mordecai stuffed some more food in his mouth.

"Thanks for the food though, man, seriously," Mordecai said.

"Don't mention it," Rigby said.

After they finished their very early breakfast, Rigby brought their plates to the sink and rinsed them off, returning with a glass of water and a bit of a smile.

They finished the water together and then snuggled up together.

Mordecai opened the window a smidge to let the cool breeze in.

The next day, they appeared at the park, on time, as they had for the past few months.

Muscleman and Fives stood in front of the house. They looked confused.

"Where's Benson?" Rigby asked.

"We were gonna ask you guys the same thing," Muscleman said.

"Look!" Mordecai said, noticing a small white envelope peaking out from under the steps.

Mordecai picked it up. It said "To everyone."

They all gave each other nervous glances as Mordecai peeled the slip open carefully.

Inside was a handwritten note.

To my crew;

I consider all of you my friends. Maybe even more than that. I honestly like to think of you guys as the family I never had, and for that I'm truly grateful.

That doesn't mean you haven't pissed me off on the daily, and it certainly doesn't mean any of you deserve your jobs. I could have fired each and every one of you at some point, but I didn't, and you know? Up until now, I've had a hard time understanding why I could never bring myself to it. I've been working here longer than any of you, and I can tell you one thing, you four are the sorriest excuse for a work force I've ever seen in my life. You never finish your work on time, you're always complaining, and you're always hooking up when you think I'm not looking (Mordecai and Rigby, don't think I don't see you.)

But you're also the most important to me. You've taught me things that no one else could have.

And for that reason, it is my duty to be the first to go. I care about you too much to let it get in the way of my authoritative duties. Consider this my resignation as your boss. I QUIT! Ha ha. Give my regards to Maellard, and tell Pops to keep his chin up.

Oh, and Mordecai and Rigby; I knew you were going to quit today. Word spreads fast. Didn't want to give you the satisfaction, so the both of you are fired! Ha ha… I beat you to it. Check the books, neither of you guys are working here anymore… so feel free to get out while you still can! I left you a month's worth of paychecks to buy food and weed and whatever the hell else you two idiots do with money.

Thanks for making these years special. I'm sure we'll all see each other again some day.

Much love;


PS; I'm taking Skips with me. He says "sayonara."


That's my fic!

Phew. Sorry, this might be a bit emotional. I published the first chapter of this over a year ago, and it's not that I never had the intention of finishing it, but I didn't expect to. In any case, this is by all accounts the most ambitious thing I've ever started and completed, and I have all of you to thank.

If you head over to my tumblr you can download the mixtape of all the songs that inspired this and a few original tunes, too. It's a big barrel of music.

I guess I should do a thank you list...

Thank you Demihuman123 for believing in me.

Thank you Mintz for being both an incredibly talented artist and also a really cool, patient and understanding friend.

Thank you Druggiefresh for making the first ever August grafitti (I still can't believe that actually happened)

Thank you Partywolf for helping proofread and for just being a really cool dude with good taste.

Thank you Pacefalm for being an awesome guy. When you first reached out to me it was a glorious day.

Thank you Sy for being a superfan and an awesome author as well! (Be on the look out for this guy, he's got crazy skills and he's working on an awesome fic right now called SODA.)

Thank you Sugar for being awesome and hilarious and helping me get alot of exposure with your great fan art.

Thank you yellowboze (you'll probably never read this *shakes fist*) for being a great friend! You were the first internet bro I ever met in real life, and all the times we chilled were memorable and fun.

Thank you Nope (I KNOW for a fact that he'll never see this but oh well) for being a cool dude. I know we butt heads alot but I still think you're a good friend.

Thank you Waifu for always keeping up with my writing and making me feel special. You always get so excited about everything I write! =) (Her OCs Maxine and Amy are really really good, and I'm not even the OC type. Look them up, seriously.)

Thank you Herpus for being my Game of Thrones bro and just being cool as shit. (*bro-bumps*)

Thanks Partyvan for just... i dunno... being an awesome friend and an adorable individual! (He has an OC called Dudley, aka Rigby's dad, and I've written for him because I really like Dudley alot.)

and a big BIG thanks to all of my readers and followers. I love you guys, and if it weren't for you I would never have gotten this far. You make me feel confident, and I don't have alot of confidence so seriously, thank you. I wish I could put all of you in a room and give you giant hugs and throw cake in all of your faces.


Yeah I guess I'm done here. Tell me what you thought of the story! Did you hate it? Did you love it? What do you like about this pairing?

And again! Make sure to hop on my tumblr to get the mixtape/ album, I'm sure you'll love it!