Naruto: The First Paper Ninja V2

Chapter 3

By: MedicWolfram

A/N: The next instalment of Naruto: The First Paper Ninja, there's almost no action in the chapter, but it does introduce the characters on a deeper level, hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Read or Die

Last time:

Anita nodded as she jerked her thumb behind her at Naruto. "Hey," he said, scratching the back of his head.



The group of four, the three sisters and Mr. Lee the editor, sat around a small table in a cafe. The sisters took up one side, arranged according to height, while Lee occupied the other side.

"Thank you," Michelle began, "We have received confirmation of payment, as it says in our contract." She reached across the table handing a small paper to the editor, "Here is your receipt."

"Thank you," Lee replied, pulling the receipt off the table and placing it into a briefcase lying on the cushioned seat.

"Please use the Three Sisters' Detective Agency again, Lee-san" Michelle said again, using a professional tone of voice while talking to the editor.

"You say that now," Anita muttered rolling her eyes, "But were going back to Hong Kong," she finished, downing the last of a glass of milk.

"Well from now on, we're going international," Michelle told Anita with a smile, while Maggie, eating ice cream from a small dish, nodded at the explanation, seemingly in a world of her own.

Anita sighed rubbing her face with her left hand, "We barley got any jobs back home, what makes you think we'll get any here?" she reasoned with her cheerful sister.

Michelle lowered her head in defeat at the realization that work was slow.

"Are you guys returning immediately?" Lee cut in while sipping from his coffee.

The three sisters looked at each other before Maggie, who pulled a spoon from her mouth with a slight pop, "I would like to visit Jinbou-chou," she said in a quite tone.

"Your right," Michelle exclaimed with new glee while leaning on Maggie's shoulder, "We are still in Japan anyway."

"What! If were going somewhere, I want to go to an amusement park!" Anita complained loudly, slamming her glass on the table while eyeing Michelle.

"Well," started Lee, "I have another favour to ask of you then," he took a deep breath readying himself, "Although young Naruto is watching Nenene-san, I would feel better if you three would join him."

The sisters looked at each other again before nodding slowly, all happiness wiped from their faces, Michelle leaned forward a bit more, "We have no problem with that, besides it would be nice to meet Naruto-san again as well," she said, speaking for all three.

Anita scoffed, "Where are we going to stay?" she asked.

"I believe I can help with that as well, while Naruto is staying in an old apartment of his, I have a small condo available for use, it's not the greatest but it is a home that you can use." Lee butted in before Anita could start yelling again.


Naruto opened the door to his old apartment, it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in several years, books continued to litter the floors, overflowing from shelves and laying on stairs. The blinds were pulled shut over the windows, cutting out most sunlight; the rays that managed to break through the barriers only highlighted the disturbed dust in the air from Naruto's arrival.

The apartment was located on the fourth floor of a peaceful looking neighbourhood apartment building just down the street from Nenene's own home in a much better part of the city. The still open door allowed many noises to enter the derelict room, among them being the voices of three sisters.

Naruto slapped his forehead, the sisters were great partners and friends, Anita even seemed to be normal, but the other two girls acted almost crazy like. They were talking to Lee the editor, if Naruto was right about the voice. They continuously got louder as they walked down the bright hallway and stopped next door.

"What are the chances that there staying next door?" he asked himself.

Naruto poked his head out the door into the hallway to see the back of Lee entering the apartment next door. He smacked himself again, "I had to say it," he muttered.

Shrugging his shoulders he decided to great his new neighbours, peeking into the apartment he was shocked. The room was bare to say the least, the only items in the living room being a small dining table and some cushions, the kitchen was tucked into the corner of the room separated by a single island used to prepare food. The living room/kitchen had three extra doors; one would lead to a bedroom if Naruto was correct about the set up, one would be the bathroom while the last would have to be a study.

"It's not the greatest, but it can do for now," Naruto heard Lee say from the study.

"Thank you kindly, Lee-san" Michelle said.

"But there's hardly anything here," Anita said in a huff.

"Well, it's not much but I have also supplied some money for the cost of living," Lee said. "The opposite building is where sensei lives," he finished by pointing out where there charge lived.

Naruto slowly walked across the wood floor towards the study room door and saw the three sisters looking out the window towards an apartment building twice the size of theirs, "She sure does live in a nice place," Anita stated.

"A popular author sure has it a lot better," Michelle replied.

Naruto opened the door to the room fully, "They sure do," he said while flashing them a smile.

Anita looked up at the tanned, whiskered face of Naruto and grumbled, while Michelle and Maggie greeted him.

"Ah there you are Naruto, I was just explaining to the girls about the job they will be receiving which I believe you were planning to do by yourself," Lee said as he walked up to Naruto to shake the teens hand. "Anyway, Sensei has had a lot of enthusiastic fans and detractors as well as a ton of 'lovers' who are really only stalkers, so would you mind being her bodyguards for a while?" he asked.

Naruto spoke first, "Well my sister sent me her to watch over Nenene-san,

and being her bodyguard allows me to be paid, so I'm ok with it."

"A bodyguard," Anita started, "For how long?"

"Well it would be until sensei got over the last incident…" Lee said, not ending his sentence.

"So that means we have no idea how long that could be," Anita said while leaning back against the window sill.

"Well sensei seems to have gotten some inspiration in Hong Kong…will you accept?" Lee asked again, this time nervously chewing on a pen that had been in his coat pocket.

"Excuse us for a minute," Michelle said as she garbed her two sisters and went into the next room.

Naruto looked over as the sisters left leaving Lee and himself in the room alone, "I wonder what that was all about," he asked.

"I don't know" Lee said, starting to chew on his pen more erratically as he was becoming increasingly nervous.

Naruto's ears could here whispering come from the other room that the sisters had entered, it sounded like a bit of arguing was going on between them, apparently Anita was unsure of becoming a bodyguard while her older sisters' were for it.

"It's because I'm a fan too," Lee shouted, almost popping Naruto's ears, "I have really good hearing," he said towards Naruto sheepishly, rubbing his head.

Naruto muttered about old people who were disrespectful when yelling while holding his ears.

"I just want to read her new work," he continued while looking out towards Nenene's apartment, "If you were fans you would feel the same."

Naruto cleaned his ears as yelling filled the apartment, Michelle and Maggie said "I understand" while Anita shouted "I don't."

Naruto smiled at the sisters, he missed arguing with his sister, ever since they had gone into hiding they were forced to lay low, which in turn affected Naruto's and Yomiko's relationship, they hardly ever talked about random things and focused more on where they would hide next and who was coming after them. Thinking about his sister caused him to frown before he hid it with a smile.

The sisters continued to argue until Michelle was forced to call a 'three sisters' meeting', apparently a way of settling arguments between themselves. Anita crossed her arms in a large X while Michelle and Maggie raised their hands. Anita grumbled before she left the room to wander the rest of the apartment building.


"It's so expensive, I don't think that the money we were given is enough," Michelle stated as she looked into an empty bowl she had bought on an impulse.

"That's because you bought such stupid junk," Anita grumbled as she put together a retractable pair of hedge scissors.

"Aren't they convenient? You can cut branches you can't reach." Michelle said happily as she grabbed the scissors from her sister.

Anita growled, "I'm going to Naruto's, maybe he has some food." She said with as she headed towards the front door.

Maggie looked over at her sisters back before she fell down and rummaged through a bag looking for something to do.


Naruto slurped up some more noodles from the bowl, out of all the things in the cluttered apartment, the ramen was the one thing he missed the most when he had gone underground. The knock on the door only provided a minor hindrance to his dinner. He placed the chop sticks in his mouth held onto the bowl with his left hand and opened the door with his right.

"Hey Naruto," Anita said as soon as the door was open wide enough for her to slip into the untidy, "Mind if I come in?"

"Sure," he said while heading back to the cushion to continue eating, "You're already in."

Anita nodded before placing herself on another cushion by the table. "What's with the mess?" She asked while looking around.

Naruto smiled while placing his noodles down, "My sister and I used to live here, and we both had our quirks, Nee-san loved books more than anything while I had my scrolls."

Anita nodded her head about his sister, "So I understand about the books, but scrolls?"

Naruto nodded, "When we left the library my Nee-san gave me a bunch of scrolls, said they were for me or something, turns out we're not really related and the scrolls told me about my parents and ways to control paper."

Anita's eyes lit up at finding someone new with different powers over paper, "What kind of power?" she asked.

Naruto smirked, "Well there are a few theories over how to control them when battling the elements, like water."

Anita scoffed, "Water, that's rich Naruto paper never holds when against water."

"Well Anita-chan," he said, dragging out the chan, "I'll lend you the basic scrolls and you tell me then what you think. But first, I'm sure your sisters didn't buy any food, so go get them while I make some more noodles."


Naruto looked up at the door fifteen minuteslater as the three sisters walked in to his apartment. "Here're some noodles, it's not the greatest but they're my favourite."

Michelle looked ecstatic at the prospect of eating some food while Maggie gazed at all the books that littered the floor.

"Thanks Naruto," Anita muttered quietly as she slurped up her noodles.


Naruto and Anita placed the empty bowls by the sink as Michelle and Maggie rummaged through the books. "Well that's the last of the ramen," Naruto said with a sigh.

Anita looked up from where she was placing the bowls and cups. "You gave us the last of your food?" she asked.

Naruto nodded his head sadly as he opened the fridge to look inside, all that was left was a jug of water and some expired orange juice.

"Well Mi-nee is thinking about going to Jinbou-chou this week, want to come?" Anita asked.

Naruto looked at Anita, "Really, I haven't been to Jinbou-chou for a few years," he said happily, "Sure I'll come."

Both Naruto and Anita walked into the living room of the apartment to see Michelle looking out the window towards their charges apartment longingly, and Maggie in the closet silently reading his books. "What's with your sister?" he asked, referring to Michelle, seeing her with a wandering look in her eyes.

Before Anita could say anything Michelle quickly stood up, "I know what we can do," she said before grabbing Maggie's arm and running out the door.

Naruto and Anita sighed as they followed out the door, why did she have to act so spontaneous.


Nenene was going through the phone messages in her apartment when someone knocked on the door. She quickly went over to the peephole and looked through before grumbling. On the other side was Michelle dragging Maggie who was trying to read a book, while Naruto and Anita stood in the back looking a bit ashamed.

She opened the door quickly and stepped aside allowing her 'bodyguards' into her small home. "Why are you here?" She finally asked sitting on the couch.

"What else could we do, we don't know anyone else here." Anita said as she looked through the refrigerator, Naruto behind her boiling water, a pack of noodles in his hand.

"We stopped to say hi" Michelle said as she browsed through Nenene's bookshelf.

"Hey what are you doing?" Nenene asked as she looked over at Michelle, who blushed.

"Well you see, Lee-san asked us to be your bodyguards, so we decided to come here," Michelle said as she started to read a book she had found on the shelf.

"Lee-san did? Bodyguards?" Nenene said sounding bewildered. A noise caused her to look down at the book shelf again, Maggie was surrounded by books with a look of peer bliss on her face, "Hey, watch what your doing, don't make a mess!" She shouted in an aggravated voice.

"Ah, there's stairs!" shouted Anita as she looked up towards a door.

"The second floor is my workplace, so that means don't go their without my permission!" Nenene yelled again, the feeling of a powerful migraine assaulting her head.

"Stingy," was the only thing Anita said as she looked over at Nenene.

"Stingy? You called me stingy? You're the one who suddenly came to my place at night, you damn brat!" Nenene yelled, anger getting the best of her. She turned to Naruto, who was still cooking noodles, "And you, are you going to say anything! Act more like your Nee-san, help me out when I need it," she all but yelled.

Naruto looked up from his noodles and smiled, "This is my break, I had them at my apartment since dinner." Nenene growled in annoyance. She turned from Naruto to see Maggie throwing a sheet over a table.

"HEY, what are you doing?" she was starting to crack.

"Oh, she likes dark places to read," Michelle said from the ground where she was reading her own book.

"That's not fair!" Anita yelled at her two older sisters having found something to do," Then I'm getting the sofa!" She finished as she jumped onto the couch.

"That's my sofa!" Nenene yelled.

"Well I'm going to go take a bath before you." Michelle said as she attempted to sneak past Nenene.

"Hey, hey, wait!" Nenene raised her voice as she turned towards Michelle.

"Oops… I need some tissues," muttered Anita as the carton of milk, that she had pilfered from the fridge, in her hand dripped onto the carpet.

"Hey!" Nenene yelled again.

"Good night," Maggie said from her hideaway underneath the table.

"Hey!" Nenene repeated herself.

Naruto held up his bowl of steaming noodles, "Itadakimasu!" he yelled and began to slurp them up.

"SHUT UP!" Nenene yelled, kicking a waste basket, stopping everyone in their tracks.


It had taken fifteen minutes to get Nenene's four unwelcomed guests to sit still, although Naruto was still slurping his noodles, receiving a glare from Nenene.

"There are some rules that should be observed," Nenene said as she paced back and forth in front of them, "When you come over to some else's house."

"You ran out of our house in the middle of the night while you were in Hong Kong," Anita pointed out quietly.

"Did you say something?" Nenene growled out, now sitting on the floor, a role of paper acting like a weapon in her hand.

Anita looked over at her charge and was about to say something when a hand clamped over her mouth. Anita looked to her right at Naruto who had a glare in his eyes, shaking his head telling her to keep quite.

"I'll take you guys in for tonight," Nenene continued, ignoring Anita's muffled complaints. "But you better go home to your place tomorrow. That also includes you Naruto, you don't live here, there's a reason why I made sure your rent was paid since you left."

Michelle looked forward at Nenene, "Okay," she said quietly.

"Also, I will talk to my editor to dismiss you guys from being my bodyguards," Nenene started again.

Michelle was about to argue the point when Naruto cut her off, "Ah Nenene-san, Nee-san sent me here to watch over you, it'll be like old times," he finished with a smirk

Nenene's eyes lit up again at hearing that her friend still cared for her, and that her brother was planning to stick around. "Anyways, I'm going upstairs to work, so you guys better not make a mess, frolic, or whatever you do! Or else, I WILL KILL YOU," she finished a gleam in her eyes her hand in a fist.

"Kill us?" Anita asked only to receive a nod from Nenene. She retaliated by giving the author the finger, only to have Naruto pull her to the floor. Nenene continued up the stairs and slammed the door to her workplace.

"Sensei is scary," muttered Maggie.

"It seems that she is going through a tough time in her life," Michelle stated with a sigh.

"Who cares, she's the one that's saying she doesn't need us," Anita muttered, still underneath Naruto, kicking the nearby shelf knocking down a picture.

"I wonder if the incident at the airport is on the news." Michelle asked as she looked at the T.V. "Maggie, can you turn the T.V. on?" she asked while travelling towards the couch.

"I can't find the remote," Maggie said in a depressed tone.

Naruto got off of Anita, allowing her to stand up and look at the numerous pictures on the shelf, most of Nenene as a student writing stories and of her parents. "Well why don't you use the buttons?" Naruto asked.

"Come on come on, hurry up," Michelle said from her seat on the couch.

Maggie nodded and grabbed a stray piece of paper, turning it into a plane and sending it towards the T.V. Naruto looked over as he saw it travel towards the middle of the screen, not the power button. He lazily threw his arm out, sending a piece of his own paper to intercept the plane before any damage could be done, and another towards the power button turning it on. The sudden sound alerted Nenene, who quickly came running down the stairs.

"I told you to be quiet!" she began to yell. "Just…just go to sleep already!" she fished before heading back upstairs, slamming the door and knocking down more pictures.

A/N: Well that's the rewritten version of the chapter, made a few things flow together better I hope, and I also plan to go back to the Anita/Naruto pairing, and I touched upon the scrolls issue, as to what's in them is still a secret. I am still looking for a beta reader, seeing as I can't catch all of the errors in my work. Hopefully this ties you over till the next update.