Okay, this is the final challenge fic I'll be taking up based on a challenge I have on my profile. The challenge guidelines are as follows:
After meeting and battling each other during the invasion (both Naruto & Gaara are 16 as the graduating age for the academy should be bumped up to said age for this challenge), Naruto & Gaara end up using so much of their Bijuu's chakra that they merge with their Bijuu's and literally BECOME the new Kyuubi and Ichibi respectively! As a result of this, they take on new features akin to that of demons and are thus referred to as such upon being discovered. However, confusing enough to the two of them, rather than being shunned, their respective villages decide to make use of them as powerful assets and actually train them to become more powerful and learn more of their new abilities rather than try to kill them for being what they are.
Two years later, at the age of 18, both villages receive a letter from the headmaster of Youkai Academy, Mikogami. He requests the help of both Naruto Uzumaki and Gaara. Agreeing to the mission, Gaara travels to Konoha where the two of them wait at the gates of Konoha for a 'bus' to show up and take them to their destination. Once the bus appears before them and takes them away to the academy, they soon realize that the odds of receiving backup, should it be needed, are slim to none due to the fact they just traversed dimensions, leaving their home behind.
Upon arrival, the first thing the both of them do is go to speak with the Headmaster, Mikogami. Once they do, they get further details on their mission, learning that their duty is to protect the students from any and all threats, as things have become rather hectic as of late, what with the situation with Kuyo just being resolved recently and Tsukune and friends returning from their field trip and dealing with that witch and befriending Ruby and so on. Mikogami wants people he can trust and knows are capable of dealing with the threats to his school and its students to take care of things, but more than that, he would like them to befriend Tsukune's group and look out for them, as trouble seems to keep finding them most of all.
You, as the challenge taker/author can write out the meeting and the month of interactions and so on as you'd like. However, after a month, Tsukune's jealousy and anger starts to get the better of him as he thinks that Naruto is trying to take Moka from him, despite the fact that Naruto and Moka are just friends. In fact, Naruto and Gaara get along well with all the girls and have tried to get along with Tsukune, but he's been nothing but suspicious of them and spurns them both, refusing to trust them or be friends with either of them.
Finally, when Tsukune sees Moka giggling with Naruto and placing her hand on his arm, despite not hearing what they were talking about (even though it should be obvious that Naruto made a joke of some kind and made her laugh), Tsukune decides enough is enough and decides to do something about it in an effort to get rid of him. As a result of this, he removes the rosario placed on him and willingly gives into his Ghoul side, thus attacking Naruto and trying to kill him. At first, Naruto tries to simply calm him down and only defends himself, but once Gaara appears and restrains Tsukune with his sand, they both realize that Tsukune's already too far gone, the Ghoul has already taken over and Tsukune, as they knew him, no longer exists. So, despite the fact it would hurt those that care for Tsukune and likely make them hate him, Naruto kills Tsukune in front of Moka and the other girls before he and Gaara leave them to grieve in peace.
From this point on, you as the author can take things in your own direction pretty much. However, you need to make it so the girls come to the realization that Tsukune really didn't give Naruto much choice, that he was in the wrong and chose to do that for whatever stupid, selfish reason he did. Essentially, there's nothing to forgive, and they should seek out Naruto and talk to him, telling him that it's okay and they aren't angry with him.
Somehow, I would like to see Naruto end up with both Moka and Kurumu, while Gaara gets with Mizore. You can make it so both of them get harems if you want, that's fine with me. And if you want to make Yukari older so she can be with one of them (preferably Naruto), that's cool too. Really, it comes down to what you, as the author & challenge taker, choose to do.
As you can see, there's a lot of information in this particular challenge. If you want to take up this challenge yourself, feel free to. I'm actually quite curious to see what people can do with this particular challenge. You're also free to take up any of the other challenges on my profile page.