Reviews for The Archmage of Arda
Daniel Huffman1 chapter 9 . 7/29
Dude that was the best story I have ever had the pleasure to read. You have a gift this is amazing I am amazed at the feelings this brought out in me. I cried and laugh so many different times you are an amazing author thank you once again for writing this fan fiction.
Roxas fleur chapter 9 . 7/28
Please you gotta post the sequel!
WolfishReader chapter 9 . 7/27
I love this story. Especially this last chapter here of poems/songs. There is something very special about ending a story with the songs of the land. They bring me a deep and abiding joy, that honestly has touched me during some of my deepest depressive episodes when nothing else could and honestly like Arwen did for Harry, bring me back to the light. Despite the joy, the melancholy ending of most of them also makes me weep. What I'm trying to say is that it evokes deep emotion in me.
Adam1ab chapter 9 . 7/26
It was great story, only thing that bothers me was this second romance, such a boring and unnecessary thing. I wish it was more adventures, less heart issues. Couldn't Harry be a lone wanderer, or something. Beside of that, you have made amazing plot, great characters. It was nice to read a good HP&Lotr crossover.
Nadiafarjana chapter 9 . 7/22
Amazing story..eagerly waiting for more
Hadami chapter 1 . 7/21
I really hope this gets a sequel. I want to see what happens between Harry and Arwen.
NeverDead571 chapter 1 . 7/21
This is a wonderful story and, I believe it deserves many more favorites and follows. I hope to see the sequel soon but I hope you do not feel rushed to do so and, I would not be entirely disappointed if you did not make one. This story had a beautiful end and sequels often ruin good endings but I have faith that you can do your own work justice. Once again this is a wonderful story and, whether you leave it at this or continue it I am happy to have gon on this journey.
Lord Cartwright chapter 9 . 7/20
Loved your story, certainly different from other HP/LOTR crossovers I have read, please please please write a sequel.
Humdinger1983 chapter 1 . 7/20
If the rest of the story is like this it will be hard to go to sleep before I finish it.
jahi06 chapter 9 . 7/19
Please more!
slwhalio1 chapter 9 . 7/19
I have been on this sight for 10 years and yours is the first story that has inspired me to say thank you for writing it.
lisa.ryanz1oh1 chapter 9 . 7/19
This has been one of the most interesting stories of Harry in the LOTR world, that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Its been a fantastic journey an you simply must live up to your author's note at the end of the Epilogue. I assure you, here's one who will await Galen-Galad's return.
llSilverHunterll chapter 9 . 7/16
I loved the story! Please make another
MerlinTheArchmage chapter 9 . 7/15
Please upload the sequel I love this story so muchh please upload it
Marmot95 chapter 9 . 7/14
What a truly marvelous story of magic friendship and hubris.
I was truly delighted to read this and I will keep the idea of Harry return g in my mind, for the final two chapters were extraordinary.
Rarely have I seen a story so well concluded on a powerful note. Both melancholic for his momentary departure and hopeful for a future return... Very well done... I applaud to you.
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