Alright people sorry about the wait for what boils down to a summary before the start of the new story, I'm really shitty about actually writing anything. This is the first time I've written anything since the last update so… that should tell you a lot. Without further ado here's what would've gone down.
Harry and Thalia would've gotten together after getting her out of the tree of course, Draco and Clarisse would've ended up together as well and the 4 of them would have sided with the titans for boons. The titans would have won the war between the gods and themselves in part due to the four godlings/demigods. However, the boons that they had received would be sacrificed in rituals for great power, they would have betrayed the titans and end up placing themselves as rulers of the world. Problem with that being they're all pretty fucked up in the head, obviously evil so the world is plunged into chaos. And the remaining forces of the gods (Athena, Zeus and Poseidon escaped) with their demigods and wizards/witches make for one last push to attempt saving the world and fail.
That sums up what would go down in an admittedly shitty way, I'll be honest with you guys I feel like I'd be forcing myself to write anything in regards to fanfiction. I love reading it, but genuinely feel like I'm not meant to write it. Granted I also rip into my own works like crazy and tend to hate them so, we'll see. It'll probably be a while before the new story is up, obviously, since it's taken so long for this ridiculously tiny ass summary.