Alrighty people welcome to Ashikabi Of The North

I apologise in advance for any butchered Japanese and/or horrible grammar

also before we begin i want to make something very clear

THE HAREM IS ALREADY DECIDED AS ARE THE SEKIREI so don't tell me to use anyone you will be ignored

and for those who have yet to read another of my stories i will say this now i don't reveal things like Harem members or Sekirei before they are officially in as i feel it cheapens any interactions had between the characters

Cold, dark and cold.


Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, son of Konoha's Yellow Flash, Minato Namikaze, and Konoha's Red Reaper, Kushina Uzumaki, third Jinchuriki to Kurama the Kyubi No Kitsune, holder of Chakra from all nine Biju one of Konoha's most powerful ninja, and child of prophecy felt himself falling.

Through a void of cold, dark, nothingness, they had succeeded, he and Sasuke had succeeded, but they failed, they had beaten Kaguya who had taken Madara's body and twisted it to revive herself. But they had failed, as they both touched Kaguya activating the Six Paths Chibaku Tensei they had become distracted and failed to notice Kaguya who managed to grab onto both Sasuke's right arm and Naruto's left. Rather than joining Kaguya in her soon to be new tomb in a moon both teens severed their own arms, Sasuke with Kusanagi and Naruto with a Futon enhanced Kunai.

Aside from the large amount of blood soon to be lost the two failed to notice two of Kaguya's portals open behind them as they pushed back from the precursor of chakra both rivals fell unknowingly launched themselves into the two recently opened wholes in space and time.

And that lead to the current situation, Naruto, his vision darkening slightly from the loss of blood was falling, through a void, however he could see the a semblance of light coming from behind him.

In the next instant Naruto felt himself cross the border of the void and felt air resistance take hold of his body as he hurtled towards the ground, all he could see was a pair of buildings either side of him, from the looks of it he was lucky enough to fall into an alleyway.

The blond shinobi slammed into the ground. Hard. He created a crater several feet deep as he landed.

Naruto groaned as he pushed himself up to a seated position, mentally thanking all that was holy for his Uzumaki vitality as he glanced upwards seeing the void that he had fallen through at least one hundred feet above him seal itself shut.

"Kokuo, steam please" thought Naruto to his tenant who quickly obliged and allowed Naruto to direct scalding hot steam to his right hand. Naruto hissed in pain as he pushed the boiling chakra to his now stump of a left arm cauterizing the wound so he wouldn't lose any more blood.

Naruto sat there for a moment in the crater he had made his left arm bellow the elbow completely gone. Pushing himself to his feet the blond stood, his head spinning as he stood, but he couldn't stay there he needed to move and find Sasuke. Wincing and clutching his side Naruto made for the exit of the alleyway missing the pair of eyes watching him go with mild interest.

The Blonde Shinobi stumbled his way to the edge of the alleyway glancing out he saw he stood near a semi quiet street, stumbling out of the alley Naruto wandered down the sidewalk.

Only to after maybe one hundred passes fall flat on his face unconscious his body finally succumbing to fatigue.

#Unknown Location Unknown Amount Of Time Later#

Naruto groaned his eyes fluttering open, as the blond shinobi went to sit up he winced and clutched his left side.

"Whoa there easy now you've lost a lot of blood and cracked a couple of ribs," declared a male voice. Looking to the source of the voice Naruto saw a feminine looking young man with short spikey silver hair and burnt umber eyes. The man stood leaning on the door frame of the room that Naruto found himself in, he wore a white dress shirt not tucked into his black jeans, no shoes nor socks.

"I'm fine I've dealt with worse," muttered Naruto wincing slightly glancing downwards, "where am I?" asked Naruto glancing back up at the man.

"You're in Maison Izumo, the landlady found you passed out on the sidewalk on her way back from some shopping, fearing what happened to you she brought you back here rather than taking you to a hospital. I'm Kagari one of the tenants here Miya, the landlady asked me to watch you," declared the silver haired man.

"I'm Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze," spoke the injured Shinobi with a small smile.

"I'll just let Miya know you're awake," Kagari said as he turned on his heels and walked out of the room.

Naruto glanced around himself familiarising himself with the space, the room was by no means large but it was easily bigger than his bedroom, but smaller than his apartment as a whole. Through the door Kagari had vacated Naruto could see a large glass window clearly spanning a reasonable length as it went passed the open door on both sides.

"You lot ok?" questioned Naruto inwardly to his nine tenants.

"We're good but when we came through that portal our link to the rest of our bodies was severed so if we used up all of our chakra then we would simply vanish" declared Gyuki.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Naruto asked in a panic hopping not to lose any of the Biju.

"It's ok Kit I'm whole each of them will take a tail of my Chakra it just means you can't go as nuts with our traits as you would have been able to before"came the calming and somewhat soft voice of Naruto's lifelong partner Kurama.

Naruto allowed a sigh of relief to cross his lips before he quickly looked up to see Kagari had returned along with a woman the blond could only assume was Miya. The woman was would be what Naruto would consider the definition of graceful she was a slender yet shapely woman with fair skin and brown eyes. She had waist-length purple hair with shorter bangs in a hime style. She wore the traditional attire of a miko consisting of a purple hakama, a white haori with a sash-like belt, wooden sandals and a white ribbon to partially hold her hair in place.

"Good afternoon Naruto-san, how are you feeling?" asked the woman kindly.

"Aside from a splitting head ache and the sharp pain in my side I'm good. How long was I out?" questioned Naruto looking up at the woman assuming Kagari had told her his name.

"Two days" was the curt and simple reply. Naruto closed his eyes and went to rub his face with his left hand only to remember his forearm and hand were gone.

Upon noticing that he was aware of the lacking limb Miya spoke up.

"If you don't mind me asking Naruto-san how did someone so young like yourself end up in that shape?" questioned Miya.

Naruto looked away internally debating what to say, only for a voice to speak up within his mind.

"Probably best you don't tell her Kit we don't know where we are so for all we know war might not be a thing here,"suggested Kurama Naruto internally nodded, glancing back to the woman he spoke.

"I'd rather not speak about it Miya-san it's painful in both the figurative and literal sense," spoke Naruto trying to be as polite as possible.

"Alright that's fine. Do you have any family or friends you need to ring to let them know you're ok?" asked Miya looking to the blond in worry. Naruto shook his head.

"No my family died when I was young and I don't remember any of my friends phone numbers if they're even the ones they had when I was young," spoke Naruto not entirely lying through his teeth but not telling the whole truth either.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up bad memories," said Miya bowing her head slightly.

"Nah its ok it's been so long it doesn't bother me much anymore," replied Naruto waving her off.

"Well if you need a place to stay here at Izumo inn we never turn away a person in need," announced Miya happily Naruto smiled sadly.

"That's nice of you Miya-san but I have no way to pay to stay here," said Naruto with a shrug. He'd been homeless before he could do it again.

"In that case you can stay here free of charge so to speak but to pay back what you would owe you can do some chores around the inn, fair compromise no?" spoke Miya, Naruto chuckled slightly before clutching his side in pain.

"That does sound fair but as you can see I'm not really in any condition to be doing chores," spoke Naruto wincing before motioning to his side.

"Once you get better, you silly child," spoke Miya with a giggle her hand coming up to cover her mouth as she let out the snicker.

"If you'll have me I'll happily do that, thank you" Naruto replied with a bow of his head.

"Alright with that settled there are three rules that all tenants of Maison Izumo must follow, no violence within these walls, no obscenity, and no illicit sexual activity, is that understood?" questioned Miya a purple miasma forming behind her as a hannya appeared over her shoulder. The appearance of the mask made Kagari who had been behind Miya flinch and walk away from the duo.

"Yes," spoke Naruto calmly with a nod, completely unaffected by the hannya causing Miya to quirk a brow but nothing more.

"Alright then, there are two other tenants here at the moment but you will be introduced to them at dinner until then you need to get your rest so Kagari-san and I shall leave you alone," spoke the woman with a smile closing the door as she stepped out of the room.

As the two left the room Naruto lay back down, closing his eyes letting his senses stretch out so as to get a feel for the people within the walls.

"You ok kid you seem different" spoke the unusually calm voice of Shukaku.

"Yes I must agree, from what I saw while you were training with Bee you seem different" spoke Gyuki

"Yes I'm fine, I've always been smarter than I let on, in a village that would like to see me dead it's better to act dumb than be attacked for being smart" was Naruto's reply.

"But you were a hero to your village right I mean you saved them from Pain?" questioned Matatabi confused.

"When one wears a mask for so long it's hard to simply let it go, I only had a few times where my intelligence, or psychopathy shone through," declared Naruto.

"Psychopathy?" questioned Shukaku liking the sounds of that.

"Yes I'm as psychotic as Garra was, I just buried it. I hate Konoha as much as Kurama does, but I have a handful of people I care about there, otherwise I would be likely to level the place. I've murdered people of Konoha for nothing more than fun when I was six with my bare hands," replied the blond shocking all bar one of the nine Biju.

With his tenants quiet Naruto allowed his eyes to drift shut and allowing sleep to overcome him.

#Several Hours Later#

Naruto awoke to a soft knock at the door, opening his eyes the blond sat up.

"Yeah Miya-san?" spoke Naruto recognising her energy signature from their earlier meeting.

"Dinner's ready Naruto-san," declared Miya after stepping into the room.

"Thank you Miya-san," said Naruto pushing himself to his feet wincing slightly as a sharp pain shoot through his side.

"Careful now we don't need you hurting yourself any more than you already are," kindly spoke Miya moving to Naruto's side gently helping him up. The blond nodded with a small smile following Miya as she led him out of the room, down a hall and down a set of stairs.

As the duo reached the bottom of the stairs where Miya lead Naruto to an open door, stepping into the room Naruto saw Kagari seated at a table along with two young women.

"Uzume, Matsu, this is Naruto-san he will be staying here for a while," spoke Miya drawing the attention of the two women to her as she motioned to Naruto who smiled. "Naruto-san this is Uzume and Matsu the other two tenants I told you about," continued Miya introducing the two women to Naruto. The two women were both rather gifted in the bust department, Uzume, as Miya had introduced her, had long, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. She was wearing a pink/violet belly top with a golden star on the front. For her lower regions she wore a pair of capri jeans. Matsu on the other hand had long red hair with side plaits. She wore an unflattering dress with detached sleeves that resembled a cheongsam and pair of red rimmed glasses. Naruto could have sworn he saw a hint of a blush on both women's faces as he gave them a polite smile.

Miya motioned for Naruto to take a seat, which he did next to Kagari as Miya quickly retreated into the kitchen.

"So what happened to your arm Hot Stuff?" questioned Uzume motioning to the stump where Naruto's left arm used to be.

"I'd rather not talk about it at this point in time," Naruto declared looking away from the woman hoping to avoid any probing questions she or any of the others may have, thankfully any other questions were interrupted by Miya returning with a large pot of what appeared to be curry setting it on the table the lavender haired woman quickly returned to the kitchen and returned a moment later with a large pot of rice.

The dinner was a somewhat quiet affair the four other people tried to question Naruto on various things but he either deflected the question, gave a simple answer or told them that he didn't wish to talk about it.

When dinner was finished Naruto offered to help wash the dishes but Miya insisted that he should be resting but Naruto didn't exactly feel tired so being somewhat curious the blond walked outside, ignoring the feeling that he was being watched by Uzume. Once outside Naruto looked around the back yard of the inn he found himself in, making sure no-one would see him, including Uzume who had apparently taken an interest in Naruto, the Shinobi pushed chakra to his legs launching himself upwards into the barely lit night time sky. Naruto landed softly and silently on the roof of the inn, before he quickly moved up the roof and took a seat, pulling his legs to his chest to keep warm Naruto looked out over the brightly lit city around him.

After a few moments the world around Naruto went dark. An eerie red glow cut through the darkness followed by flashes of silver all around the place. Naruto wanted to close his eyes, look away, anything to stop watching what he was but he found he was frozen in place forced to watch.

Somehow from a perspective not his own Naruto found himself watching himself, Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi facing off against Kaguya, clash after clash, the Oiroke Gyaku Hāremu no Jutsu (Reverse Harem Jutsu), Obito's death, Kaguya's dimension hopping, Kakashi's Susanoo, the team moment of perfect teamwork from the original members of team seven, and finally the sealing of Kaguya.

"DAMN IT," screamed Naruto slamming his hand into the roof next to him a few tears rolling down his face.

"You ok Hot Stuff?" questioned a voice from nearby, Naruto turned to see Uzume standing on the roof behind him before quickly looking away again.

"Yeah I'm fine Uzume-chan," said Naruto through a forced smile as he quickly wiped away the remnants of tears in his eyes hoping not to let the woman see him crying.

Uzume moved and sat next to Naruto looking up at the stars above them.

The brunette woman was about to turn to Naruto to ask him about himself only to hear the blond shift but as she turned the woman saw the blue eyed man walking away from her before dropping down onto the lower roof out of Uzume's sight.

Sighing Uzume turned back looking at the stars above her, she didn't know why she had followed the blond, but she had felt drawn to him almost as if she were reacting to him, but she had felt a reaction before to a girl named Chiyo who had unfortunately moved away before Uzume could wing herself on the woman, but whatever drew her to Naruto was weaker. Significantly. But Uzume still felt drawn to him shaking her head Uzume just looked up at the beautiful night sky.

#Several Days Later#

The last week had been both eventful and uneventful at the same time for Naruto nothing much had really happened as his ribs had taken several days to actually heal which confused him, as he had healed from worse quicker before. But along with that Naruto had a clone going out and learning about the world he found himself in despite the soreness in his side, and along with that Miya had the blond doing some light chores as his body healed.

However despite everything Naruto remained tight lipped about everything regarding himself which was a bit of a worry to the lavenderette inn keeper.

Naruto had spent most days helping Miya with what she had asked for help with, sleeping, or as he put it 'thinking' up on the roof. Whenever the blond made his way up to the roof he usually found himself joined shortly after by Uzume who always asked if he was ok.

Having no luck in finding Sasuke who would be able to get the pair of them back home along with the constant questioning to his wellbeing from Uzume was angering Naruto. To the point when Uzume appeared on the roof next to Naruto he snapped.

"I'VE TOLD YOU I'M FINE WHY DO YOU KEEP ASKING ME?" yelled Naruto turning to Uzume with a glare making her flinch away from him.

"I keep asking because even though we've only known each other less than a week I can see you're not fine," spoke Uzume calmly her usual teasing tone gone.

"SO YOU'RE ASKING BECAUSE YOU CARE ABOUT ME? HA DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH," snarled Naruto turning away from Uzume "no one cares about me," muttered Naruto a tear rolling down his cheek. Uzume said nothing to the blond only moved beside him placing a hand on his shoulder making him look back to her smiling face.

"You can't keep doing this to yourself Naruto-kun, you don't even know if Sasuke was sent here as well, and besides with the way everything turned out are you even sure you want to go back? You need to let someone in, let someone help you, let her in Naruto-kun" came the unusually calm voice of Matatabi from within Naruto's mind. Naruto wanted to shout back at the cat like Biju, he wanted to scream at her that she was wrong, but deep down he knew the feline was right. Naruto looked down in shame looking away from Uzume.

"Naruto-kun are you ok?" asked Uzume drawing the blonde's attention back to her.

"No," was Naruto's simple reply.

"Do you want to talk about it?" questioned Uzume wrapping an arm around Naruto's neck pulling him closer to her. Uzume jumped a bit as Naruto rested his head on her shoulder the slight tug in her subconscious growing to a small vortex, only for that small vortex to turn into a huge black hole drawing her to the blond as he smiled at her. A small genuine tear stained smile but a smile none the less, Uzume's felt her body heat up, and heart began to pound in her ears as she saw the blonde's smile, almost causing her to miss him speak.

"If you're willing to listen to me Uzume-chan," said the blond opening his eyes to see Uzume's flustered face. "Oh Kami are you ok Uzume-chan you're not sick are you?" questioned Naruto seeing the woman red faced before looking around for any sign of Miya, or Kagari or really anyone who could help her.

"No Naruto-kun," spoke Uzume touching the side of his face making him look back to her, "I'm not sick," continued the woman placing her other hand on the other side of Naruto's face.

"Uzume…chan?" muttered Naruto confused as the woman lent forwards, and before the blond could stop her Uzume pressed her lips to his. In his shock at the action Naruto's mouth opened, using that to her advantage Uzume's tongue darted into his mouth her tongue quickly beginning to caress his making a pair of pure white wings flare out from her back confusing the blond beneath her.

As Naruto began to lull into the kiss and was about to begin kissing the brunette back Uzume pulled back a trail of saliva joining her as she pulled back from Naruto.

"By the veil of my contract, my Ashikabi's nightmares will be dispelled," spoke Uzume softly.

Alright people chapter over

ok so first off we have Naruto being sent to the Sekirei universe courtesy of Kaguya

then him waking up in Izumo Inn

bits and pieces with the Biju

and ending on Uzume winging herself on Naruto

so there is a reason for Naruto being as OCC as he is which the various parts will be explained over the coming chapters and throughout the story

now if my plans come together this story should be updated once a fortnight from next week on wards

with all of that said...

Blarg Blarg McBlarg