Memories Arc

Chapter 1

The Secret That Would Shake The Galaxy


The Illusive Man was the most powerful being in the galaxy. A bold claim, which if spoken to any sapient in Citadel Space would be bluntly ignored as the illusions of a paranoid fanatic. But rest assured it was the cold hard truth. The Illusive Man was the only one who knew it, and he planned to keep it that way.

But what made the Illusive Man so strong were not his nonexistent armies or his not-so-immeasurable wealth. You see, power did not come from military might as the turians had come to believe, nor did it lay in one's financial prowess, or the volus would be more than glorified bankers. Power, true power, came from something far more immaterial: information. And for the Illusive Man, information was never in short supply.

Knowledge, networks, bribes, blackmail; all were his instruments masterfully manipulated to learn the galaxy's darkest secrets and twist them to his purposes. In the short period of Cerberus' existence he'd built an information network so powerful and so discreet that would make the Shadow Broker himself green with envy, if he was ever made aware of its massive scale. But while the two held the greatest library of information in the galaxy, they were anything but alike. The Illusive Man didn't waste his resources selling his valuable knowledge to the highest bidder. His resources, his precious data, were dedicated to supporting his loyalists in Cerberus. With his vast storage of galactic secrets, the skills of some of the most talented humans in the galaxy, and a few dummy companies on the side, their small organization of 150 operatives had managed to elude Citadel forces for years while they focused on a single goal: the betterment of Humanity throughout the galaxy.

At present the Illusive Man stood at the end of his grand office, staring at nothing in particular as the magnificent star continued to die. Taking a long drag of his cigarette, he savored the warm smoke as he held it in his lungs before letting it out in a long powerful breath. He was worried, and for no small reason. It was only through years of practice that he showed no sign of it.

It didn't make any sense. He could keep his organization away from the arms of the law for decades. He could twist the heads of government to whatever direction he saw fit. He could even bring a man back from the dead! But despite all of these grand accomplishments, something small, something so simple, had slipped past his control. And now things were spiraling into chaos before him. He had little time to correct his mistake. If Cerberus didn't act fast, over a decade's worth of investment would be lost in an instant.

A virtual display opened at his side, a single red light flashing at its center. Glancing down, he brought his hand up to close the interface. That signal could only mean one thing: Shepard had completed his assignment. Good, there wasn't a moment to waste.

He didn't bother turning around, but waited until the communication link had been formed before starting, "Shepard, good work on Freedom's Progress. We've received the Quarian report on Veetor's debriefing. Nothing new, but a surprising olive branch given our history."

"It pays to have friends. You ever think about playing nice once in a while?"

"Diplomacy is limited when everyone already perceives you as a threat. One must do what is necessary to survive in a harsh playing field."

"A perception well deserved, if the attack on the Idenna has any truth to it. Does it?"

It seems he couldn't keep all of his skeletons buried, "I'm not here to discuss history with you, Commander. I'm here because we have a common enemy. Because of you, we now know that the Collectors are behind the abduction of the colonists."

"Why do I get the feeling you knew about them already?"

The Illusive Man finally turned to face the Commander, taking strides to reach his chair. "I needed proof to verify my suspicions. Even my knowledge of the Collectors is limited, at best. They come from beyond the uncharted Omega 4 Relay, looking to trade technology for seemingly unimportant items, or unique specimins. Once they've finished their business, they disappear as quickly as they arrived. But this operation is unlike the Collectors. They're not after anything more specific than humans, and any will do. Thousands have disappeared already, and it's up to us to stop them."

The Commander crossed his arms, still skeptical "And you think these disappearances are connected to the Reapers?"

The Illusive Man took his seat before continuing "There are patterns, buried beneath the details. The Reapers are planning something, bigger than the attack on the Citadel two years past. In that time attitudes in leadership have shifted, no one wants to believe the Reapers are a credible threat to life as we know it. We're the only ones to stand against them."

"I'm still a Spectre. The council owes me their lives. They'll listen to me."

How lovely it must be to have missed all the changes in the last two years. His ignorance would be colored soon enough, "If you think you can change their views, by all means. Just remember, it's been two years. Things have changed, Shepard."

"I've found it never hurts to ask, the worst anyone can do is refuse. To the matter at hand, if we intend to challenge the Collectors, I'll need an army…or a really good team."

"I've assembled dossiers on hundreds of potential candidates, ranging from soldiers, scientists, biotics, technical experts and such. The best in the galaxy are in these files. I'll send them to you for review. Let these be your foundation, Commander."

But Shepard shook his head, "I had a good team, people who have proven their worth to me. I want them at my side, not some mercs for hire."

"Commander, it's been two years. They've moved on. These aren't the same people you fought with against Saren, they've changed. Some have even dropped off the map."

"What about Tali'Zorah? She was on Freedom's Progress, and would've joined me if she wasn't already duty bound. I'm sure the others are still just as loyal."

"Maybe they are, but you may find their current positions beneficial to our goals. It may be difficult to build your team from scratch, but you're a natural leader. I trust you're up for the challenge."

The look on Shepard's face showed he clearly wasn't keen on the idea, but was willing to shelve the issue for later. "Fine, you bring me everything you can on the Collectors and I'll make sure my team is ready."

The Illusive Man brought up a display beside him, quickly shuffling through the list of dossiers. "Before you begin, I'd like you to take care of a little problem for me. Nothing outside of your capabilities, I'm sure."

"Another errand?" he said in a tired tone. A leash hardly suited him, he found it ironic considering his military history.

"Of sorts. There's been an information leak, and the Shadow Broker is aware of one of our best kept secrets. I have some of the best hackers in Cerberus looking to delete every trace of the files from the Shadow Broker's database, but that doesn't help the team he's sent to investigate. Eliminate them, and our secrets shall remain secure."

"And what exactly is in this file?"

"Coordinates and procedures for reaching one of your potential recruits, but more importantly the location of a planet Cerberus has been protecting for the majority of our existence."

"And what makes this world so special?"

The Illusive Man took a long draw from his cigarette, preparing to share Cerberus's most precious secret. "It's inhabited by humans."

Shepard looked skeptical. "There are plenty of human colonies. Why keep this one hidden?"

"Not a colony, Shepard." The Illusive Man began, "A homeworld. Humans have dwelt there since before recorded history."*

There was a long silence as Commander Shepard processed exactly what the Illusive Man has just revealed. Finally, and with less poise than he usually possessed, he said "What are you talking about?"

"Exactly as I said, impossible as it may appear. Humans, nearly genetically identical to us, on an alien world."

"Two species don't just evolve into the same creature half a galaxy away. What aren't you telling me?"

"Not enough, but we don't have time for a history lesson. There are too few genetic mutations between us to consider us wholly different species, but what little variation exists separates us beyond measure. Our brethren have evolved into natural biotics. You wouldn't believe what miracles these people are capable of."

Shepard rubbed his forehead. Galaxy-shaking revelations had a nasty habit of giving him a headache. "It's a bit of a stretch to believe this…"

"You'll see it with your own eyes, if you hurry." The Illusive Man pressed a button and a moment later Shepard's omni-tool beeped. A few keystrokes later and the dossier the Illusive Man just sent him popped up from the omni-tool. The headline demanded Shepard's attention.

"The War Hero?" he asked.

"Correct. Despite his youth, his accomplishments speak for themselves. He led his people to victory in their Fourth Great War, defeating an enemy that threatened their world single handedly. Well, so to speak. I believe that should meet even your high standards."

Shepard shifted his gaze back to the dossier, scanning the biography for a few moments before saving the data to his omni-tool. "You said we were in a hurry?"

"We don't have time to waste, Shepard. Agents of the Shadow Broker are aware of our interest in the young man. Even as we speak, our friend is walking into a trap. If you don't reach him in time you'll have lost a valuable recruit."

"If he isn't good enough to outwit a few hired guns, what use is he to me?"

"He has no idea what he's getting into. Technology on his homeworld is no more advanced than ours was at the end of the second World War, and due to a heavy focus on biotic power their weapons technology predates even that. Firearms are nonexistent, and their knives won't penetrate high-end armor with military-grade shielding. The man will be a pin cushion before he knows what hit him…unless they want him alive."

"And if he is?"

"Then I leave that decision up to you. Recruit him or leave him, the choice is yours. Just make sure that the Shadow Broker never hears from those agents again."

Shepard nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. "Okay, so how am I supposed to get there? The shuttle isn't built for speed."

"Already taken care of. I've arranged for reliable transportation for your convenience. And I've found you a pilot as well. I hear he's one of the best…someone you can trust."

Shepard was about to ask him to elaborate further, when a third voice made its way over the communications link.

"Hey Commander, just like old times huh?"

The Illusive Man brought up a console on the arm of his chair and terminated the connection. Taking a final draw from his cigarette he placed the remains in the chair's ashtray as he stood, making his way back to the end of the office to stare into the nothingness of space once more.

It was an impossible task, erasing all shreds of the planet's existence from the galaxy's most powerful information broker. But like Shepard, Cerberus wasn't unfamiliar with doing the impossible. He would make sure that the planet vanished from all records and keep it hidden from the galaxy at large. That lone world hidden from the rest of galactic civilization, the last pure human world in existence, would remain protected so long as he stood as its shield.


A young man in a long white body coat strolled down an elaborate hallway in the dead of night, his footsteps so light the very floor would be unaware of his presence, let alone anyone that might be a threat. But with each empty room he checked, and with every sign of the living all but gone, a single thought kept humming in his mind like a fly he could not swat.

Something was very, very wrong.

The mission was supposed to be a simple capture operation, in and out before anyone noticed. Their target was a crime lord known for smuggling knowledge of secret jutsus for whoever could pay the price. Any hint of a breach in security, especially regarding hidden jutsus, was never taken lightly. The ANBU had been on the case less than an hour after the news hit the Hokage's desk. Over a month-long investigation they'd finally tracked down their headquarters after sending in a false request to acquire one of their village's forbidden techniques. The shadow clone jutsu, strangely enough. And so the ANBU Captain had taken his squad to find the crime lord's estate hidden deep within the forests of Fire Country.

But now here he was, and the place was already dead. He'd cased the entire left wing of the mansion and so far no signs of life. No mercenaries or hired hands, no servants, business associates, or any of the various company you'd expect to find in a criminal estate. It seemed as if the dust mites would be their only company tonight.

Reaching behind his fox-shaped mask the Captain tapped the radio planted into his ear, breaking radio silence with his team.* "There's no one here. It's possible they caught a leak about our operation. It may explain why they left in such a hurry."

A moment later a second voice responded. "West wing is clear. Nothing else to report."

"Copy that. Mouse, anything?"

"Basement is clear, no signs of life. Plenty of evidence, though. Clan jutsus, forbidden seals, and a list of potential buyers. We hit the jackpot, Captain."

"And all that was just out there in the open?" He asked skeptically.

"Of course not. Encrypted files, sealed behind ten centimeters of reinforced steel. But you know me."

"Good work. Rabbit, anything in the central chambers?"

He waited several moments for a reply, but there was no response. So he tried again, "Rabbit, break radio silence. Do you have something?"

Anything would do, even a sharp whisper or tapping through his earpiece would be enough to signal that he'd found something and couldn't risk conversation. But to receive nothing was one of the worst signs a Captain could receive. Best case scenario, his headset was down and he wasn't aware of it. Worst case, the enemy wasn't as gone as he'd thought, and Rabbit was down. And if they'd received no warning, then Rabbit had been killed faster than he could report an attack. And that meant that Rabbit's radio may still be operational. And if the enemy found it, then their communications were compromised. Everything, including what they'd just said, may be open to enemy ears.

Acting fast he clicked the radio several times, sending a wordless message with the clicking of the radio: compromised, converge Rabbit. Even before the message was out he was making his way as quickly as he could to the central chambers. He was a gust of strong wind down the empty corridor, coming to the central staircase. The Captain climbed the stairs with practiced silent speed and he registered Mouse waiting by the door with Tiger approaching on his left.

The Captain pressed against the door as softly as a falling feather and signaled for Mouse to do the same. He spoke, his voice as delicate as his touch, "Tiger, do you sense anything on the other side?"

Tiger flipped through seals, remaining motionless as the jutsu took effect. The young Captain could feel the pulse of chakra expanding, reaching out to touch anything that would hint to their mystery. After a moment of silent sensing he began, "I sense no active chakra networks, but there are traces of Rabbit's, and others…I don't think anyone's alive."

"I sense the same." He sniffed the air leaking through the crack in the doors, pungent and macabre. He turned to Mouse, "Don't assume the worst yet, he could be in shock."

Mouse nodded and kept his composure and making his Captain proud. He lowering his hood and placed his ear next to the door. "Can't hear anything…not even any vibrations. We're clear."

The Captain scanned the room. If there were traces, he reasoned, then any unknown actors must have been quick, possibly done less than an hour before they'd arrived. They must not have had time to arrange multiple ambushes for them all, and were waiting to spring the trap the second they opened these doors. What doubled his disturbance was the knowledge that they must have known they were coming. Who could have been expecting them now? Did the suspect have spies in Konoha, had their operation been compromised? Possibly the former, but he doubted the suspect was to blame, or he'd have cleared out his vault and would have been more prepared.

If this was an emergency setup, he doubted this unknown party had time to set up surveillance throughout the house, possibly even here at the door, or they could have ambushed them in the antechamber when they'd arrived. He imagined the maps he'd studied of the manor: the room behind these doors was set apart, an arched rooftop with set skylights and a chimney in the far corner. He moved his mind to the rest of the house and remembered the short series of escape tunnels, including one that led to the roof directly above them. They could see everything from there.

"Follow me."

Mouse sounded confused, then with a hint of desperation he said, "Wait, what about Rabbit?"

"Quiet. We're not leaving him."

Tiger asked, "Then what?"

"Setting up an ambush of our own."

They followed him back to the east wing, where they shifted an inconspicuous bookshelf and found a ladder. They climbed it and found themselves on the rooftop. They weren't alone.

A man was leaning over the edge, gazing below at the room of the ambush. His armor was off-white highlighted with tones of gray and red markings, and it looked bulkier than anything a ninja would be caught wearing, even in war. It looked more advanced than top of the line samurai armor he'd seen in the Land of Iron. He looked more like a machine than a man. His focus was remarkable, which to their favor meant he was unaware as three masked figures emerged from the hidden door behind him with the silence of an audience before the start of a concert. Fox watched their unwitting target observe his charge when his blood ran cold: he couldn't sense his chakra, as if he were a void in the fabric of reality. A glance at Tiger and he knew he felt the same absence.

This changed everything. He wondered if this armor hid their chakra signature, of they mastered some sort of chakra masking jutsu, one more powerful than anything he'd ever heard of. Either way it was impossible to know how many there where. So why weren't they pressing that advantage any further? Perhaps their numbers were more limited, but he was no longer willing to trust his assumptions. He ordered his men still as he ducked over the wall. Peering down he saw men in similar armor looking over the metal shapes they held through the windows. Some kind of projectile weapons? He'd seen shuriken slingshots, but these looked nothing of the sort. He could only see one side, he assumed the other was similarly manned.

He climbed back up and gathered his men. After explaining what he found he said, "We're going to disable this one and tie him up for questioning later, that will give us the high ground. The rest of the men are focused on the room below and won't notice us. We figure out however many there are and ambush them all at once."

"We're ready, Captain," Tiger said, Mouse nodding his concurrence.

Fox squatted and silently approaching the unwary outsider. The distance closed with his breathing, three breaths left, two breaths, one, then he sprang. His target was well armored and he had to assume there was a radio in there somewhere, he had to be quick, efficient and kill any sound that threatened to escape. That gave him few options, he only needed one. In a flash his hand lifted the man's throat and exposed the lightly armored throat, Fox hoped the armor here would be more malleable, and when he struck it and took the man's voice he found himself correct. He threw the man down and gripped his throat, the armor resisted but his sage strength fought through it. His victim struggled against his grip, but in only a few seconds the flailing stopped. Fox waited a few more seconds before relenting. He said, "Tiger, remove the helmet, then bind and gag him. When you're finished we'll-"

There was a sharp hiss like opening a bottle of soda, Fox turned just in time to see the wall explode. The force of the blast threw everyone back, the ANBU quickly caught themselves and landed on their feet while the unconscious man landed in a broken pile. Mouse fingered his mask which had been cracked by shrapnal, "What the hell..."

The sound of a hundred nails on chalkboards over a loudspeaker screeched behind him, the brick wall behind him broke away in chips that launched into the air. Fox threw himself to the ground. How could they have known? He knew that man hadn't made so much as a squeak, even if they had radios they had nothing to hear! And they couldn't have a sensor on their side or they'd never have gotten this far! So did they have a way to sense each other? He wanted to say it was impossible, but how else would they have known?

He waited until the shrieking stopped and chanced a quick glance over the wall. Nearly a dozen men aimed their metal weapons in his direction and fired again. He felt the air ripple as something rushed by his hood before ducking.

He regrouped with Tiger and Mouse, the latter saying, "You have a backup plan, Captain?!"

He did, or his cloak wouldn't be white, and after today he would regret that the plan hadn't been retreat.

"Three clones will distract them up here, we'll go over the side and come up behind the group to the right. We'll take them out quickly and move to the other side. Do not let them aim those metal weapons at you, they shoot something very hard and very fast, faster than the eye can see."

He'd already created the clones by the time he finished talking. Two of them transformed into Tiger and Mouse, peering over the edge as the originals descended out of sight. They circled below the right-hand group and spread out to ambush them all at once. Fox peered over the edge with a mirror and saw a man holding a shape larger than the others, he aimed it at the tower and fired again. Fox recognized that hissing and watched the projectile rocket through the air, impact the tower right below where his clones were standing, and the whole thing went up in the air and rained down around them. All eyes waited for the smoke to clear, this was their chance!

"Over the edge in!"

Fox gripped the edge of the roof and kicked off, flipping onto the tiled surface and moving forward as his comrades set down. The tiles crunched under his feet as he rushed the first of the six with all the explosive power his legs could fire like pistons in a combustion engine. He caught the first man, the one with the largest weapon, before he could turn, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him into a devastating gut punch that even his armor couldn't properly deafen. The force lifted him off his feet, Fox grabbed his ankle and swung him in an arc, slamming him into the roof and shattering the tiles.

Mouse struck second, his wind walk jutsu moving him like a skater on ice. His kunai flashed in the moonlight as he made his approach, his movements erratic and impossible from them to track. He glided to the first one and slid, slicing the weak armor in the back of the knee. The man fell and gripped his wound, Mouse circled around and charged the man with full force of a boulder rolling down hill, the impact sending the man rolling down the tiles and off the roof.

"Stone skin jutsu!" Tiger spread himself like a peacock spreading his feathers. His approach was slow and he made no move to dodge their assault, he was betting he didn't need to. Whatever those weapons unleashed were ignored like ice pellets in a hailstorm. The two targeting him parted, and while Tiger approached the first the second shot into his back as if his skin were armor that had a chink. Tiger lunged for the first suddenly, he grabbed his throat and squeezed until he felt a crack.

Fox dashed to the side as his second target dropped his long metal weapon and pulled out a much smaller metal tool from his hip. He brought his hands into his familiar cross seal when the armored man pulled the lever below the long barrel. A crack, and a hot, searing pain in his palm. Something tore through it, leaving his right hand in stigmata and taking away almost all his ninjutsu. He didn't panic, he adapted like a stream being diverted with the tools he still had. The force whipped him around, he finished the spin and hurled a shuriken before his enemy attacked again. The shimmering star smacked the weapon aside, Fox lunged before it could be aimed again, leaped into the air, flipped and extended his leg, delivering a kick straight down, onto the armored man's head, and following through. He felt his neck compress unnaturally, the vertebrae shattering in a chain reaction. His enemy went lifeless as he recovered. Naruto turned as Tiger flung his last opponent into the air, Naruto leaped and intercepted, grabbing, twisting, and tossing them over the edge.

In that instant the tides began to shift. Mouse was circling his last target who had his guard up to protect his neck. Mouse steered past him, then dug his kunai into the roof to catch himself, he spun and kicked the man's legs out from under him. As he fell, Mouse flipped and landed on top of him. The man tightened his guard around his neck, Mouse raised his kunai and with full force jabbed it into his heart. His Kunai was Tenten's best stock, nothing better anywhere on the continent, and there wasn't an armor Fox knew of that could protect against this steel with a man's full force behind it. So when it bounced off like a pebble on a mountain, its tip breaking from the impact, Mouse couldn't help but pause to marvel. It was his undoing.

The pinned man stuck his arm into Mouse's stomach and pressed a switch on his wrist. A glowing net erupted from his gauntlet and swallowed Mouse, he screamed as he tumbled into a pile and struggled to cut himself free. If it had been any normal netting Mouse would have escaped in an instant, but this one shimmered with an artificial strength, and before he knew what was happening the armored man was standing over him, a boot knife in his hand, and he brought it down on his catch over and over and over.

"You bastard!" Tiger screamed, the blood rising through his voice.

"Tiger, get Mouse!" Fox commanded.

They'd taken too long. They must have used those suit radios again, because six forms climbed over the arched roof and peered down at their fallen colleagues and their foes. Naruto knew it was futile, he couldn't take them in a fair fight, not with only one hand. They had to regroup, but Mouse, he'd have to leave him behind. Unless...his eyes glanced to the small metal weapon left by his latest victim. In the instant it took their new opponents to assess the situation, Fox estimated he could reach it, he saw how it was used, if he could make it work he'd have their own weapon to use against them. With no jutsu, it would give him a chance at a distance again.

He lunged for it, snatching it before diving off the roof, "Tiger, we're regrouping!"

The man wasn't listening, it was as if the blood of Rabbit and Mouse had stifled his ears and all he could see were the men who shed it behind cold masks. Tiger was familiar with loss, the world had taken more than its fair share from him and he'd endured. Now in losing what little he had left, that madness returned. He roared, "I'll kill you all!" They began attacking all at once, Tiger shielded his head with his massive arms and took it all as he forced his way to them, a mountain versus a hurricane.

Fox hung over the edge with what strength he could muster in his wounded hand and aimed the strange machine with his good one. He aimed at the one stabbing Mouse, hoped he was pointing it right, and pulled the trigger. It jerked and he missed. He tried again, pulling softer this time and expecting the recoil. It cracked and a blue field shimmered around the man. He looked around in surprise. Fox fired again, building a rhythm when he was discovered. Mouse's attacker reached for his own smaller weapon as the blue field burst. Fox fired again, this time the man buckled as he fired, and Fox felt the air ripple beside him. He fired again, and again, the last shot smashing through the helmet.

He leaned over the roof while the others were focusing on Tiger. He tried firing again, for some reason those blue barriers blocked his first few shots. He was intent on firing as long as it took when suddenly it stopped working. He pulled again and nothing happened.

Tiger's blood rage was peaking, his war cry chilled the air as he lunged for the first man. But before he could the target extended his arm, Fox expected a net like before, but a pale fog erupted from beneath the wrist. It engulfed Tiger, whose movement slowed, then crawled, then stopped as his cloak, mask and skin were coated in a layer of frozen chrome, as if he were a sculpture. The enemies fired and chunks were torn from Tiger, one after the other, until he split at the waist, his torso tumbling from his hips like a broken statue.

Alone, and outmatched. Fox could recognize defeat when it was inevitable. He only wished he could have realized it before their failed assault. But how could anyone have expected these monsters with their machines that produced death in an instant from afar. His only option now was to retreat, to warn the Leaf of these intruders in their territory. He glanced at Mouse, the man was still moving in the net. He didn't want to leave him behind, not when there was a chance. He felt his hand, the skin was already healing, maybe even quick enough for him to regroup. Use his clones as a distraction and take Mouse while there was a chance. It was the only chance he had. He would have done it, if his body wasn't suddenly engulfed in radiant blue.

He was weightless, trapped in the blue energy as it lifted him over the ledge. He managed to turn his head and saw one of the men was glowing in darkness that had a light of its own. Then the energy shifted and sent him hurling at the window. He crashed into it like an innocent bird and tumbled into the grand room below.

He had landed right beside the body of their fourth squadmate, who was spread eagle on the floor, a fresh puncture wound through his heart answering their question as to how Rabbit met his end. Bodies were piled high on either side of the desk at the end of the room, their blood collecting into two separate pools on the floor. Each pile was made up of over a dozen corpses, each with various puncture wounds covering their bodies. Trails of dried blood were creeping from the wounds.

The Captain sniffed and quickly closed off his sense of smell. Rotting corpse stench was never a smell he acquired a taste for. His gaze shifted from their deceased target to their fallen comrade. Rabbit was quick, and he wouldn't have been caught off guard. Whatever killed him did it fast and clean, without warning.

Something shifted above, Fox looked up and saw the remains of Mouse and Tiger, or at least the larger pieces of him freshly thawed and bloody, crumpled around him. Mouse let out a gasp.

Fox pushed through the numbness that tried to claim his senses and he leaped to his fallen comrade's side. He knelt beside Mouse and said, "Stay with me, we're getting out of here!"

Mouse slowly tilted his head to meet the fox-masked man. "Captain…behi-"

A loud crack filled the air. Mouse's head whipped back as the force of the round passed through his head. Before the Captain could turn to face his aggressor he felt something hard and hot press against the small of his back.

"On your feet, and keep those fancy knives to yourself."

The voice was heavily warped, like it was somehow being manipulated, or utterly unnatural. But at least it was a language he understood. So what were they speaking before? Then again what did it matter now. Slowly lowering Mouse's body to the ground, he brought himself to his feet without a fight, so as not to give his aggressor any reason to attack. Once he was on his feet he felt the hot metal removed from the back of his coat. Whatever was behind him took a few steps back and said, "Good, now turn around." He complied.

Before him stood a man covered from head to toe in that sophisticated body armor, triangular red shapes embossed on the front and the arms.

"And just in case you get any funny ideas…" he began, before snapping his gloved fingers. The windows above shattered as the survivors aimed down at him from their hard-won positions.

"Take that mask off. And that hood, now," he ordered.

There was no alternative if he wanted to live, even if only for the glimmer of a chance at understanding what he'd stumbled into. The ANBU Captain carefully lowered his hood and unstrapped his fox mask, placing it gently on the floor. The man who now looked at his captors was a blonde haired blue eyed young man, an intense neutrality gracing his usually peaceful features.

The leader of the enemy squad nodded, reaching to remove his helmet. With a quick hiss and a tug the man tossed his helmet aside. It was that moment when the blonde's two eyes met his four that made the entire trip worth it. He'd always wondered what a primitive's face would look like at first contact.

"Captain Naruto Uzumaki…you're shorter than I expected."

Codex Entries

-Humanity's Second Homeworld

REMINDER! Cerberus would like to remind you that this information has received the highest level of classification and must not be discussed outside of the approved working facilities. Failure to do so may result in breach of contract and termination. This document has been scrubbed to comply with your current Cerberus Security Clearance Level (CSCL).

Humanity's second homeworld, located in the data rescinded system in the data rescinded, was discovered by Cerberus in 2166, approx. nine years following the First Contact War. Its inhabitants share a 98.3% genetic match with earth-born humans. This difference is largely due to what is know as the chakra circulatory system present in these humans. These humans exhibit radical natural biotic powers in a manner never seen before in the biotic community. Cerberus researchers believe our similar genetics and their natural biotic prowess is due to data rescinded. This world is also home to fauna with human-like intelligence, though they remain separate from most of human society. Following the Fourth Shinobi World War, occurring approx. 2178, there are currently five major counties. The five great nations are Fire Country, Water Country, Earth Country, Wind Country, and Lightning Country. Currently the five great nations are in a state of data rescinded. Cerberus maintains a stance of passive observation so as not to interfere with the evolution of our brethren. However, as each nation has given their own unique name for the homeworld, Cerberus has named this world data rescinded for record-keeping purposes.

If you would like to know more, or become involved with this research cell, please speak to your supervisor and put in a transfer request. Thank you for using Cerberus Knowledge Online!

-Konoha's Hidden Archives: ANBU Squad 113

ANBU Squad 113 (A-113), code name Hurricane Squad, is a standard squad of the ANBU Domestic Division of the Leaf village. Hurricane Squad was formed 15 months ago and specializes in missions relating to internal security. They have built a respectable record and are the Hokage's top squad for combat deployments not related to the war. It consists of four members:

Fox (23): Captain of the squad. Specialties include large area attacks and unprecedented stamina, multiple elemental affinities. Sage mode further enhances his abilities and classifies him as a sensor. Rapid healing complex. Adept in all areas of intelligence, intermediate healing proficiency. Toad summoning. Good at defusing situations before they lead to violence from his experience as a diplomat. Fox is a jinchuriki, though he does not utilize the powers of his tailed beast. Refuses to allow his squad to become involved in the war effort. Bingo Book ranking: S rank.

Tiger (47): Squad sensor and combat specialist. Large and built like a train, Tiger specializes in taijutsu and is capable of lifting three times his weight without opening the eight gates, which he is also capable of. Stone skin jutsu protects him with natural armor. Problems with alcohol reported, Fox is providing support in rehabilitation. Fox vouches that it will not interfere with duty. Bingo Book ranking: A-rank.

Mouse(30): Squad intelligence specialist, specializing in reconnaissance with intermediate skills in infiltration. Small and lightly built. Master trap and escape artist. Master of the wind walk jutsu, letting him glide across the floor without putting his weight on it. Adept in the silent killing jutsu. Bingo Book ranking: B-rank (annoyed by holding lowest Bingo Book ranking in squad).

Rabbit (29): Squad medic. Lanky build. Excellent record working in Konoha General before volunteering for ANBU. Capable of dealing with all intermediate medical issues and below without outside assistance. Also expert in poison and assassination jutsu. Expert genjutsu user. Works closely with Mouse. Romantic relationship with Mouse outside of work suspected, but Fox refuses to confirm. Bingo Book ranking: A-rank.


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As an advisory, this story breaks from the Naruto canon following Naruto's battle with Pain. The Fourth Shinobi World War still occurred, but it was led by Madara, not Obito. On top of this, the shinobi are not one-man forces of destruction in this universe, for the most part. Shinobi are enhanced, superhuman even, yet not godlike, save for those gifted by blood or demonic curse. I do this because the changes will better fit with the story. Shinobi have the potential to stand proudly among the other races of the galaxy, not towering over them like superior beings. This is an alternate universe story, made to blend the two universes together.

I hope you can understand these changes, and enjoy the story that they make possible.

Reviews, questions and criticism are all welcome!

UPDATE September 4, 2018: As of this date, I've re-written the latter half of this chapter. The original content involves Naruto and his team rushing into the room and being ambushed by cloaked Shadow Broker agents. My reviewers read only this first chapter and see complete ineptitude on their part. That was never what I intended to portray, but after re-reading this section over five years after writing it I decided a more confrontational approach was needed to set the stakes between these two groups. Now the protagonists are active again, and I feel I retained enough elements of our heroes meeting the unknown for the first time. I'm quite proud of this update and find it more in tone with the rest of the story.