![]() Author has written 254 stories for Harry Potter, Digimon, Pokémon, Ned's Declassified SSG, Card Captor Sakura, Legend of Zelda, Power Rangers, Mighty Ducks, Naruto, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Fairy Tail, and K-ON!/けいおん!. Age: over 20, male Fav. couples (not in any specific order at all) Harry Potter & Hermione Granger (absolute favorite of the HP franchise) Harry Potter Ron Weasley & Luna Lovegood (I like better than Ron & Hermione) Harry Potter Harry Potter & Luna Lovegood (I like this couple for some reason) Harry Potter Harry Potter & Hermione Granger & Luna Lovegood (it works for me somehow can't explain it) Harry Potter Harry Potter & Hermione & any other female (except Ginny though I'll make an exception if the story is good enough) Harry Potter Harry Potter & Daphne Greengrass Harry Potter Harry Potter & Padma Patil Harry Potter (Pretty much almost any Harry pairing up with any other girl than the main ones.) Tai Kamiya & Sora Takenouchi (Taiora) Digimon - one of my favorite of my Digimon couples tied with Takari really. They should've gotten together in my opinion. TK Takaishi & Kari Kamiya (Takari) Digimon - tied with Taiora as my fav Digi pairings. I know it's totally obvious and everything, but it so sweet and cute I think. Izzy Izumi & Mimi Tachikawa (Koumi) Digimon - I don't know why I like this one, but I guess it's the opposites that attracts me to them. Plus they're fun to write too. Takato Matsuki & Rika Nonaka (Rukato) Digimon - I actually like this couple a bit better than Jurato since it's different and doesn't follow the usual pattern. Takato Matsuki & Jeri Katou (Jurato) Digimon Sakura Avalon & Li Syaoran Cardcaptors Ash Ketchum & May (Advanceshipping) Pokemon - this was the first Pokemon couple I actually got into. I was never a Ash/Misty fan, but I don't hate this coupling. Just doesn't hold a big place in my heart like this one. Danny Messer & Lindsay Monroe CSI: NY Jaden Yuki & Alexis Rhodes (Fianceshipping) Yu-Gi-Oh GX Ned Bigby & Jennifer 'Moze' Mosely (Noze) Ned Declassified Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase Percy Jackson and the Olympians Leo Corbett & Kendrix Morgan Power Rangers Lost Galaxy - this was one of the first Power Ranger couples that I was into so it holds a nice chunk of my heart. Jason Lee Scott & Trini Kwan Power Rangers - this is a pairing that I love and like to write about since there's so much that can be written even though it was never in the show at all. Carter Grayson & Dana Mitchell Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue - a cute couple that falls into the most likely spot. Along with the usual Red/Pink get together cliche. But still cute. Leo Corbett & Karone Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Charlie Conway & Julie Gaffney Mighty Ducks (nothing in the movies, but got hooked on the couple reading the fics here) Wes Collins & Jen Scott Power Rangers Time Force Naruto Uzumaki & Sakura Haruno Naruto (not really high on the list of girls to pair Naruto up with, but it's there) Naruto Uzumaki & Hinata Huyga Naruto (like it and of course it's now canon. Just haven't written any fics for this pair since I don't care writing Hinata when she was having self-confidence issues and such) Naruto Uzumaki & Tenten Naruto (Like this couple since it is underrated and underused) Naruto & Yugito Nii Naruto (another couple after reading several fics on them I found I like) Naruto Uzumaki & Temari Naruto (a couple I kind of like and willing to read and write) Natsu Igneel & Lisanna Strauss Fairy Tail (a sweet childhood couple that could've been more if certain things didn't happen) Natsu Igneel & Lucy Heartfillia Fairy Tail (one of those I love you, but you annoy the heck out me couples) (Yes, I am both a Natsu & Lucy and Natsu & Lisanna fan. So sue me) Natsu Dragneel & Mirajane Strauss Fairy Tail (a couple after reading a few fics on this site I found I liked) Natsu Dragneel & Levy McGarden Fairy Tail (another couple I like after finding a fic or two here that I like) Natsu Dragneel & Wendy Marvell Fairy Tail (two Dragon Slayers, what can I say. I know there's a big age difference though. So I am more for a brother/sister kind of familiar relationship with these two) Fav. Video Games/Videos Games I enjoy playing (not in any specific order at all) Final Fantasy 7 all Zelda games that I've played which isn't all of them. Ocarina of Time was my first Zelda game I ever played. I also love Twilight Princess too Super Smash Bros. games The Kingdom Hearts games any Pokemon game really Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy 7 Final Fantasy 7 Soul Calibur 2 The Simpsons game (it's the Simpsons need I say more) Skies of Arcadia (I played it when it got ported to the Gamecube) Megaman Starforce games Fav. movies (not in any specific order at all) Fast Five, Fast & Furious, & The Fast and the Furious (don't count the others as canon in my mind) Transformers movie series (though the fourth one sucked the worse in my personal opinion) Blade movies done by Wesley Snipes The Lord of the Rings trilogy Star Wars original triology Fullmetal Alchemist: Conquer of Shamballa Fullmetal Alchemist: the Star of Milos Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children The Pokemon movie series so far Harry Potter 1-5 (haven't seen the sixth nor part 1 or 2 of the seventh) Green Lanturn Predator Pride and Prejudice (the A&E version and the one starring Keira Knightley) The James Bond (007) movie series The Avengers (or any of the Marvel movies really. They're really good) Super 8 Firefly Serenity The Simpsons Movie Jaws King Kong (Peter Jackson remake) The Hobbit trilogy Sherlock Holmes (the Robert Downey Jr. ones though the older ones aren't bad at all either) Star Trek (the new movies with Chris Pine as Kirk) Castle in the Sky My Neighbor Tortoro Now You See Me All the Scooby-Doo animated movies so far not the live action ones Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit K-On! the movie Fairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestess A Certain Magical Index movie: The Miracle of Endymion Justice League: Doom Batman Beyond the movie: Return of Joker Batman Mask of the Phantasm Wreck-it-Ralph Frozen Fav. Shows/Anime (not in any specific order at all) Fullmetal Alchemist Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Negima! (the first season) Negima!? (the second season or whatever it's called) Bamboo Blade Black Cat Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin' to Wild Force though I do like Dino Thunder too) Friends Criminal Minds CSI: New York Law & Order: Criminal Intent (I mainly like the episodes with Goren & Eames though there are few good ones with the other teams) El Cazador de la Bruja Good Luck Girl! RosarioVampire Ouran High School Host Club Scooby-Doo Where are you? & Scooby Doo Show (all the old ones except the ones with Scrappy-Doo. I don't hate Scrabby I just got annoyed with him) What's New Scooby-Doo Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated The Simpsons (one of my all-time favorite shows hands down) Soul Eater Okami-san and her Seven Companions Digimon (seasons 1-3) Sgt. Frog Strike Witches (and not for the obvious stuff in this show. It actually has a fairly good story and good characters in it) Kaze no Stigma A Certain Scientific Railgun A Certain Magical Index Fairy Tail Girls und Panzer K-on! (I will admit I am a guy and I do like this show. Don't judge me) Batman the animated series (Kevin Conroy is Batman!) The New Batman Adventures Justice League Justice League Unlimited Batman Beyond Kanon Avatar: the Last Airbender (I haven't watched the sequel series Korra at all though not because I didn't want. I didn't know there was one to begin with. Might check it out later) Fav. Books/Manga (not in any specific order at all) Pride and Prejudice Fullmetal Alchemist Yu-Gi-Oh GX Naruto (though I am way behind in reading the manga) Percy Jackson and the Olympian series Kane Chronicles series Heroes of Olympus series To Kill A Mockingbird The Prey series by John Sandford Hunger Games trilogy Lord of the Rings The Hobbit Virgil Flowers series by John Sandford Harry Potter (though didn't care for the last two books, but that's just me) Negima! Soul Eater John Corey book series by Nelson DeMilles About me: I post on three different sites. This one of course, but I have two others where I post all of my M/lemon stories. One is on adultfanfiction under the pen name sheltie87 and the other on the site called archiveofourown under the pen name sheltie1987. On those two sites you'll find all my M/Lemon work though on archiveofourown you'll find more stories on since I am going to be posting more there than adultfanfiction. Makes it a bit easier on me since then I don't have to post twice on two different sites. The characters that I love are few because most of them are in the couples section. But the few characters are from Harry Potter and didn't have a big role in the books. Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and Katie Bell. I try in most of my Harry Potter stories try to add these three in with Katie being the most recent addition. Fleur is also now a new addition to the club and I'm working on some story ideas that have her play a bigger role. I am also adding Penelope Clearwater into my HP stories more since I think she's an underused character and could do some much better than Percy. So giving her the limelight that she's been lacking. As well as adding in the other two Chasers, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet too. As you can see I am also bring Daphne Greengrass into my stories more and I'm working on adding Padma Patil too. Susan Bones is another character I am looking into also. I am having a hard time looking for male characters from the Potter series to do more with. I just have the Weasley twins and Neville and I feel bad that I have a lot of female characters, but very few male ones. I'm looking for suggestions on male characters I can use in my Potter stories. I just want to tell you all up front that I write for the fun of it and if I make a mistake then I make a mistake. I don't look over everything I write with a critical eye because that takes the fun out of it. I will go back and clean up my work, but only if I've made a big mistake anywhere. Working on stories with just only Padma or Daphne with Harry and have Hermione as just Harry's best friend role. Also working on adding in Penelope Clearwater into my HP stories with her pairing with Harry. Yes, I know the age difference, but if Harry can be paired up with Fleur than why not Penelope. Working on polishing up stories I have already posted and replacing the old ones with the re-polished ones. It's an on-going slow process that I am doing at my leisure. Accepting all ideas and suggestions on Brainy Girls, Ketchum Girls and Naruto and his Kunoichi. Please give me your pairing suggestion and a possible scenario with it to help me get a start. You don't have to give a scenario, just a suggestion. PM them to me. I am still accepting all ideas for my serials here even though they have a new home. It's a bit easier and more familiar to get them here, but you can leave your requests also as a review on the story too. Note if you post reviews on AO3 please tell me what chap it's for since there's no way to tell at all there. On Naruto stories that I write. I'll try to retain most of the personal aspects of the character though I will deviate from them more on this since they don't fully work with me. I am okay with Naruto being an ADHD loud mouth ninja, but I can't write it so I will tweak Naruto's personality to fit my writing. My main pairings I will write in Naruto will be Naruto/Tenten though I will sprinkle about Naruto/Sakura and Naruto/Hinata in there when I can. Sorry, somehow became a big Naruto/Tenten fan though I like the other two just fine. I also want to point out that I will try not make Sakura a screeching banshee like she is in some stories. I might have to do it in a few, but I will mostly avoid it at all costs. As for Hinata, well, doing her shyness will be a challenge since I've never wrote for a shy character as you can tell from my first Naruto/Hinata story. Did my best and hope I'll get better as time goes on. I am now as many of you have now seen and though now just putting in. Yeah, I don't update this part at all really. Anyway, I'm putting Naruto with other girls other than the three I mentioned above. I've grown as a writer and willing to try more things. My Power Ranger stories. Most of my stories will have Leo/Kendrix pairing since I can easily write those ones. Another will be that I will write Jason stories since he was my favorite Ranger when I watched way back when. I won't do any Tommy stories since he has way too many and I got sick of all the stories in the show done on him. No Tommy/Kim stories, they are over done to the extreme. I don't hate Tommy or the Tommy/Kim pairing at all. Just it's overdone by all accounts in my opinion. Other pairings I write will be Wes/Jen (Time Force), Cole/Alyssa (Wild Force), Leo/Kendrix (Lost Galaxy), and others couples that I might be interested in. Working really hard on finding a plot to write a multi chap Power Rangers story, which would be my first. Not having much success, but maybe one day. My thoughts on character bashing. I like it only if it is tasteful. That means that it shouldn't be done just to be cruel and for the heck of it really. There has to be a reason for it and just because the character is not your favorite though we're only human and I have my biases too. Except when it comes to parody fics since they just make fun of everything and anything in the series. Harry Potter, I don't hate Ron Weasley at all, it just when I write him I make him out bad. I am working on that, but it's hard to break. I can't bash Hermione or Harry since they are some of my favs along with the Potter girls I've mention above somewhere. Though I am pointing out Hermione's flaws more in my stories, which isn't bashing at all. Just pointing out facts really. Bashing Weasleys in general I can do. Mainly Molly, Percy and Ginny though I might make Ginny an exception if I feel like it. Can't really bash the twins since I like them along with Arthur, Bill and Charlie. With Harry Potter. I'll be expanding and doing Hermione/other stories. No Hermione/Snape, Hermione/Malfoy (both of them), Hermione/Ron or Hermione/any Death Eater. Though I might make an exception if a real good comes, but no real promises. Too many of those out there already and I don't care for those pairings anyway. With that I will not write any dark Harry, but grey Harry is possible. Another couple things for Naruto, I will bash Sasuke at times since he's easy to do. Sakura I will try not to, but she was kind of annoying in the beginning of the series and got a heck of a lot better later on, way later. Hinata can't bash either. Mainly if I bash either Sakura or Hinata I don't really mean it. It's just how I have to write them in the story. If I do bash Sakura it's only for just that story since it was the only way it would fit. I am not a Sakura hater at all. She just seems a bit easier to bash at times. But, I'll keep it down to rarely when I bash her. Though I might go off and really bash her since like I said it's just really easy to do. I might have a story or two that will bash Sakura, but those will be marked when I post them. Now accepting ideas for my One Shocking Surprise series. Please tell what female Naurto character you want and a small bit of the plot idea you have. It'll help me get a good idea what you're thinking of. Oh, please PM these ideas too. Stories in Progress and Status I want to let you all know first that these are all the stories I have going and there will be a few that won't be on this site. I have labeled all of them on where you can find them as well as when was the last time I updated them too. Lily's Plan Status: On Hold. I want to first apologize for not updating this one at all really in recent times. But I am having trouble finding my groove to writing this one at the moment. So for now this will be on hold til I can get my muse back to write it. This doesn't mean I've abandoned it. I am just taking a long break from it til further notice Sorry for the inconvenience. Updated (5/3/13) Harry Potter and his Three Wives Plus Status: in-progress. Now re-posted (2/7/14) Harry Potter and his Delightful Dilemma Status: complete. Naruto: Shinobi Sorcerer Status: in-progress and on a roll. New chap up the finals and the first part of the finals (6/13/14). Harry's Brainy Girls V2 Status: in-progress. Updated (2/9/20). Harry's Brainy Girls Status: in-progress. AO3 will be the only site I will post this series on. Updated (2/9/20). Ketchum's Girls Status: in-progress. AO3 will be the only site I will post this series on. Right now on Hiatus Updated (2/9/20) Naruto and his Kunoichi Status: in-progress. AO3 will be the only site I will post this series on Updated (10/20/19). Percy Jackson and his Goddesses, Demigods & Mortals Status: Discontinued. I have decided to end this series since I am not having the time to write it with all my other stories that I need to write. So it pains me to end this. But I haven't pitched out the chaps that I've been working on and they will be posted as their own individual stories on AO3. Founders' Intervention Status: in-progress though going is really, really slow. New chap should be up before the end of the year, hopefully. Updated (8/30/13). Advanceshipping in the Wild West Status: in-progress though won't have a new chap up for a while. I haven't abandoned it at all. () Two Girls with Harry in the Middle Status: in-progress. Being looked at and hoping to post and continue on. Harry Potter and the Oneshots Status: in-progress. Working on new chaps for the disturbing mini series I have going as well as other oneshots too. Hoping to have one done and ready to post soon. Updated (11/2/12). One Shocking Surprise Series Status: in-progress. I have compiled all my OSS stories into one and will be adding to it when I get to it. Updates will be random and will either have one or a couple added at a time. On Hiatus til further notice. Updated (10/20/19) Power Ranger Lemon Story Collection Status: in-progress. This is all my lemon Power Rangers stories I've written. You'll each individual one on AFF, but on AO3 I've placed them all together into one set. I'll be adding to this when I can so the updates will be very random. (5/11/13) Fox, Weapons & Wind Status: in-progress. This is my first pure Naruto story. Some of you may have read the first chap in my Naruto Ideas story. Made correction in chapter 6. (1/2/15) Dumbledore's New Plan Status: in-progress. Okay this HP story is a Harry/Multi without Hermione being in any part of it. A bit of Hermione bashing, but nothing really horrible. This HP story can only be found in my account on archiveofourown. (3/14/14) Digimon Lemon Story Collection Status: in-progress. This set of stories is on my archiveofourown account. It has all my lemon Digimon stories I've done so far and I am working on several more to be added later. () Night Patrol series Status: in-progress. I have posted this on archiveofourown after getting a review from someone telling me that I hadn't posted it up there yet. Well I have done just that. Now I am working on the next chap, sadly I kind of forgot about this series and now am getting back to it. I apologize for forgetting this one, but it kind of got buried under the other things I am doing. But I am back to work on it. () Naruto of the Whirlpool Status: in-progress. My new Naruto story from my Naruto Story Ideas story. Naruto is not a Konoha shinobi, but his a shinobi for his rebuilded village of Whirlpool. Will have added bits of FMA in it. Reposted chapter 2. (1/2/15) The Pocket Monster Summoner Status: in-progress. My latest Naruto story with a Pokemon twist. This is another story from my Naruto Story Ideas. (3/14/14) Team of Demons Status: in-progress. My newest Naruto story. No clue what part of my mind this came from since I am still unsure about that. Not that this will have lemon and lime scenes in it as well as nightmare causing scenes as well. I posted the first two chaps (2/7/14) Dumbledore Gets Ripped a New One Status: in-progress. A new series I am starting up. Kind of based on my HBG series, but will hopefully be on a smaller scale. This series will have Harry's wife/betroth/girlfriend raging at Dumbledore for whatever he's done to Harry. I'll be switching out girls each chap. All girls will have the same requirements that I had for HBG. Must be smart and that means in my mind no Ginny. Also I won't be doing a consistent amount of updates really. I'll be updating when I can on this one. (7/11/20) Naruto's Elemental Angels Status: in-progress. This one up and ready and now has two chaps to its name. (3/13/15) Kitsune & Panda Status: in-progress. this probably my most wackiest stories I've ever done really. More so than Team of Demons. Heavy on humor and bashing with some plot in it. A basic Naruto with multiple personality disorder. Don't read too deep into it and be prepared to laugh. Posted the first two chaps. Trouble trying to post right now. (7/11/20) Time Series Status: in-progress. What started off as a one-shot has turned into a series that will be updated when I get to it. (10/20/19) Story Ideas in the Works: These are story ideas that I am either working on or have in mind and haven't even started to write yet. I just thought it would be fun to show you some of the things that pop into my head. I've also started an idea story to give you the rough draft of some if not most of these ideas. Remember though that I may changes things from the draft in the ideas story to what I will officially posted the story. The Yule Ball Started it All - it's a Harry/Patil sisters/Hermione story that takes place at the Yule ball and after. Usual Weasley bashing along with Dumbledore. Actually working on two versions of this. One is this one and the other is called A Patil Change and that one doesn't have Hermione in it at all. An Anbu Beginning - A Naruto being an Anbu early story. Naru/Ten couple in this. Good Itachi. Sasuke bashing. Sakura bashing in the beginning, but won't last. Training Under an Uchiha - another Naru/Ten story. Naruto gets trained by Itachi and goes with him after he kills his clan. Has two version of this one. The second version will have a greater cast in the chunin exams. Sasuke bashing. Naruto's Tale - Naru/Ten story with possible adding of another girl in. Kushina survived and raises Naruto with the help of two Sannin. Sasuke bashing as per usual. Sakura will be annoying, but possible get better. Haven't decided yet on that. Harry Potter and the Merlin Intervention - Harry Potter along with a select chosen are trained early by the greatest wizard ever, Merlin, for the perils that lie ahead. A Sirius Start - my first Sirius raises Harry story. Harry is raised by Sirius, what changes can the mutt have on Harry's life? Not sure on the couples in this one as of yet. Leaning towards Harry/Daphne, but nothing solid yet. I am working on a different version of this one too. It's called a Black Beginning. Basically the same, but different in others. Summer of Greengrass, Fall of Patil - an attempt of writing a non H/Hr story. Harry will be paired up with Daphne Greengrass and Padma Patil. Starts at the summer before sixth year. The Vassals of the Potters - was called The Three Lioness of their Lord. My attempt in giving more life to Harry's Chaser teammates, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, and Alicia Spinnet. I've added in Penelope Clearwater since I wanted to give her more of a role. Still unclear as to pairings though no Harry/Hermione. Hermione mostly likely not going to be in this one much if at all. Can't find a place to put her really. Still working on the first chap. A Flamel in the Oinment - this is a Flamel raising Harry story. I haven't really read one before and thought it would be fun to try. Now being re-written and not a H/Hr like before. I am changing many things with this since it's now a Harry/Luna brother-sister story. Harry will be paired with someone though not Hermione. Luna will also be paired up, but not sure who it will be yet. It All Started with A List - a story that starts the summer before fourth year. Hermione makes a list for both Ron and Harry to pick who she'd like to date. Thought it would be fun to see that since Hermione is such an organized person that this isn't off character at all. One super long one-shot that's still being written. A Different Kind of Fourth Year - first to let you all know this has no connection to my Different Kind of Fifth Year. This is a new story. Starts right after the drawing of the names for the Champions. Harry gets help for the tournament and then some. This is a Harry/Hermione/Padma/Daphne story with Neville/Luna mixed in. There will stuff about the founders too. An Old Scroll - okay this idea came to me late one night. This is Harry Potter with Naruto mixed in. Not really a crossover since I will not be using any Naruto characters at all. The basic plot is Harry finds a scroll and in it he discovers the wonderful world of jutus. Now how does this change Harry and what will become when he enters Hogwarts. Not sure about pairings on this yet since it's still fresh. Harry Potter and the Witches Protection - This Potter story starts after fourth year. A secret group made up of witches have been watching over Harry though from a distance. Now that the Dark Lord is back they have decided to become more proactive. Not sure about couplings in this one yet. Harry's Companions - Takes place before Third year. Harry gets a visit by Cho and Su Li's fathers and Harry finds out due to some very old contracts that he is entitled to both Cho and Su. I am trying something different here with Harry being with both Cho and Su Li. I don't really see any with Su Li in them and want to change that. No H/Hr are in this except Hermione will remain a friend in this. Harry/multi. A Patil to the Ball - a Harry/Padma story. Starts just after the Yule Ball is announced. Harry needs a date and goes to Hermione for help. Hermione knows who could be the best date for Harry. Padma Patil. Camelot, A New Age - Taking the Arthur Legend and making it my own with Harry Potter mixed in. Harry and a select group are chosen by the first King of Britain to help defeat evil. Not totally sure about pairing on this one at the moment. A Royal Start - this is a Harry is from magical royalty story. Harry is taken from the doorstep and is raised by his grandmother who's the magical Queen of Britain. Follow how Harry grows up, goes to Hogwarts and meets his destiny. Harry/Padma pairing. A Claw for Harry - originally called Harry's Claw & Lion I believe. I've changed it from a Harry/Padma/Hermione to just a Harry/Padma story just because I wanted to. Takes place during the Yule Ball. I've taken lines from HBG V2 chap 31 in the beginning since it's too good not to use. Follow how Harry's future changes with Padma by his side and Hermione in a friendship role. Not sure how I'll handle Ron in this one yet. Blondes of a Feather - a Naruto/Ino, but possible adding on to. Basic premise is Naruto and Ino are best friends as kids though they keep their friendship a secret to everyone in the village except the Yamanaka clan and the Hokage. Follow Naruto and Ino's friendship turn to love. Might add in Temari since she is also blond and it goes with the title, but not sure just yet. Story still in early process of writing. An update on this one. Temari is in the group as well as Samui. Other than that no clue who else could be added though no Tsunade. I have nothing against her, just she doesn't fit into what I'm writing. Back Again - I am working on a new Naruto story that I came up with. I got the idea from reading many, many HP stories with Harry dying and going into Death's office and then being sent back. I thought why not do it for Naruto. I am not sure if this has been done already and if it has then I hope mine is different. There will be many changes in Naruto's world when he returns. I haven't finalized who Naruto will be with in this one, just know that he'll have a couple girls. This will have humor and most likely Sasuke and Sakura bashing in it. Still working a title at the moment as well as the first chap. If you got any ideas for a title for this one let me know by PMing me. The Contracts of the Uzumakis -here's another Naruto story I am working on. This takes place in the Wave arc. actually the start of it when team 7 first meets Zabuza. Kushina appears and Zabuza is scared of her. Naruto finds out he's betrothed to Haku and other girls. Not sure who the other girls will be yet. Just know Haku as of right now. Sasuke bashing as well as Sakura bashing too in this. I am currently working on the first chap of this. Twin Intervention - okay this is a Harry/Patil twins one. Takes places after fourth year. The Patils come over to the Durselys since Mr. Patil also has muggle business and Vernon is trying to make a deal. The Patil twins find Harry and stuff ensues. Sorry not much here, but I am still working on the first chap since it's quite rough when I first wrote it and needs to be cleaned up a whole lot. Hogwarts Heirs - Okay, this is me taking a crack at a Harry/Penelope Clearwater one. It takes place during the first year sorting. The Sorting hat senses the heir of the four founders are finally here in the castle and it's time for them to be called. Harry, Neville, Penny and Daphne are called up. Will they be able to handle their new destiny that has been thrust upon them? A Clearwater Change - another Harry/Penny with more girls added in later, but mainly Harry/Penny. This one takes off of the several HP stories where characters go back in time. This time it's Penny and she goes back to help Harry. But changes will she make to the timeline by going back and how will it affect the future? A Greengrass Accidental Intervention - this is a Harry/Daphne one. Starts in the Harry's second year of Hogwarts. Find out what happens if Harry met Daphne and they become friends. Ravenclaw Wives - this is a Harry/Penny/Padma/Su Li/Cho one. Rowena is sent to help Harry as he starts Hogwarts. How will the founder of the house of knowledge help Harry and why does he need so many wives? Naruto and the 3 Heiresses - this one will feature my first OFC I have ever made. Rei Uchiha. For those of you who don't know her. Check out my OSS series The Other Uchiha Edition as well as the few other OSS chap that have Rei in them. Naruto will be paired with Ino, Yakumo and Rei. How will these three changes Naruto and how will he change them for the better? Banished Uchiha - now I know many of you have probably read this idea in my Naruto's story Ideas. Basically the set-up for those who haven't is Rei Uchiha, who is an OFC that I created, is kicked out of the Uchiha clan for being weak. Rei, the twin sister of Sasuke, declares that she will get strong and show her clan how strong she is. She meets Naruto and they become friends. Now the Uchiha massacre still happens. Just Rei and Sasuke are the only ones left though Rei doesn't have the Uchiha name any more. This a Naruto/Rei story and only that. No other pairings with Naruto in this one. Konoha's Fullmetal Fox - okay this is a Naruto with a little bit of a FMA twist. Naruto loses his arm in Wave and gets an automail arm on thank to the Rockbells, Pinako and Winry. Winry goes with Naruto back to Konoha since he'll need a mechanic. Now returning from Wave Naruto finds out not only his heritage, but that he has to marry too. This is a Naruto/Multi one. The Fullmetal Fox of Konoha - okay, kind of same set up, but different. Naruto with FMA twist. Naruto loses arm in Wave gets an automail arm. Winry goes to Konoha with Naruto be to his mechanic. Difference is Naruto doesn't find out his heritage or that he has to marry. This one is still a Naruto/Multi. Swirling Waters of the Leaf - okay this one is a Yugao teaching Naruto while he is young, taking Naruto on as an apprentice. In this I expanded the back-story of Uzuki, which is Yugao's last name. Her clan is a branch family of the Uzumaki in this story. Kind of like the Hyuga family is split in two, but without the seals and animosity. Anyway, Yugao teaches Naruto to become a great shinobi. Not sure on pairings for this one yet. I haven't decided on it. A Sannin's Return - this my take of a good Orochimaru. Now this takes place after the chunin exams. Naruto and Jiraiya are out getting Tsunade. Jiraiya and Tsunade meet Orochimaru, but not the Orchimaru that had killed the Hokage. But the real one, who had disappeared and traveled the world. The Orochimaru who has done all these evil things is a clone of sorts. The Fox and the Hyuga - again, you'll find this story idea in my Naruto Story Ideas. Basically Naruto meets and befriends Neji early and they become best buds. How will this all change things? Naruto/Multi in this with Tenten being the first girl Naruto gets. Neji will get femHaku later on. This one has more humor in it than some of my other ones. The Harem Contract - this idea uses the betrothal contract and goes crazy with it. After Lily has a vision of the future and see how unloved her son is she takes drastic measures to ensure that her son will be loved. She creates a betrothal contract, something that has never been done before. Harry/multi with seven girls in this one. Hermione won't be in this at all. The Shy Uzumaki - this one is based off several anime that I've seen and been watching really. Naruto is a very shy boy when it comes to girls. What he doesn't know is that this shyness attracts girls to him. Naruto harem one. Shape-shifting Uzumaki - in this idea Naruto has the ability to shape shift transforming into mostly animals, but other things too. He becomes Konoha's shape-shifting ninja. Naruto/multi. Exotic Ravens - okay this Potter idea starts in fourth year about the time of the Yule Ball. Harry/Padma though I have the option in adding others girls in with me leaning heavy on Su Li since she doesn't get any real love at all. No Hermione though. The name of this has changed, but I haven't decided on a new name so that's why it's still called this until I figure out a new name for it. Kunoichi Fantasies - okay this series that I am kind of writing and planning is kind of like my Naruto Kunoichi series, but with several differences. This one will actually have a bit of plot instead of just chaps individual stories. It will be an M series so it won't be posted here. I don't know when It will be posted though since I am still working on a few kinks on it. Love Connection by Potion - Daphne, Susan and Padma find an old ancient potion that is said to find their one perfect partner. They make and take the potion only to find that their one ideal partner is the same guy, Harry Potter. Prince of Whirlpool - set after the Demon Brothers are taken care of. A mysterious figure appears and kneels in front of Naruto and calls him, "my prince". What's going on here, is Naruto really a prince? Appearances from familiar characters from other media as well as OCs. Shadow Fox - I got this idea from snake1980. He saw I haven't done any Naruto story that started in the Shippuuden timeline of Naruto and thought I should try one. Anyway, Naruto leaves alone without Jiraiya to train himself and get stronger since he doesn't think that Jiraiya will help him as much as he needs help. Harry Potter and the Vipers - okay, this one has Harry paired with Daphne, Tracey and Pansy. I thought I should show some more love to Pansy since I have given her a little in my HBG V2 series. Anyway, Harry will be paired with these three. Haven't worked out the whole thing yet since I am still working on how the story will flow and stuff. Heck, haven't really started writing it yet. Harry Potter and the Oriental Harem - I got this idea from miner249er. They wanted me to do a HP story with Harry paired up with the Patil twins along with Su Li and Cho. Konoha's Silent Assassin - okay, another idea I am working on. This one Naruto started his ninja career early. And has become one of the village's top assassin based ninjas. So far the pairing is Naruto/Hana and I might add in Tenten, but not sure at the moment. I like to add Tenten in pretty much everything, but this one I am not sure about. Royal Ninja Guard - okay, my first of two Naruto ideas that has him raised outside of Konoha within the Fire Daimyo's realm. This one a guard named Yuna takes Naruto in figuring out who he is. She takes Naruto away. Jiraiya and Tsunade are found and help raise Naruto. Not sure on couples on this one at the moment. Daimyo Guard - my second idea with the Daimyo. This one is a bit of a crossover. Cloud, Tifa and Yuffie head to Konoha so Yuffie can pick up her niece so she can train her. In Konoha they meet Naruto as he's attacked by a mob. The three take Naruto away and he and Tenten become guards for the Daimyo. Naruto comes back to watch the chunin exams. Same with the one above, couples aren't set yet at all. Working on the story and not who'll be paired up at the moment. Potter Guard - okay, this idea will be merging several of my favorite anime/video games and other media into one. Basic premise is Harry comes to Hogwarts with bodyguards. I am working hard on this one with very little progress since I am trying to work in a lot of things. So don't expect this one to be ready any time soon really. Uzumaki Guard - same ideas as my Potter Guard, but Naruto gets bodyguards when he returns to Konoha after being taken away after the kyuubi was sealed inside him. He returns when it's time for him to become a ninja. Why Me? - this one kind of comes from the idea in The Accidental Bond by kb0. But very different from their story. Harry does his saving people thing and be bonds with the girl he saves. I'll be having Harry saving different girls than in kb0's story and more of them. Not giving away who the girls will be. They'll be a surprise. Okay, I haven't really thought of a title, but I've been bouncing an idea in my head back and forth about a Fairy Tail version of my HBG series. I mean I have one of Pokemon and Naruto. So I was thinking about doing a Fairy Tail one with Natsu being the main guy and getting all the girls in the Fairy Tail world. What do you guys think, let me know by PMing me. Potter of Fairy Tail - okay this is my first ever HP crossover. It will be HP with mixes of Fairy Tail in it. I will most likely change a few things in Fairy Tail to fit into HP, but not too much. Basically Harry is raised by Fairy Tail and then heads to Hogwarts. Appearances of Fairy Tail characters throughout the story though. Not too sure on pairings so far, but I do know that Natsu will be paired up with Lucy and Lisanna. He couldn't decide between the two so the girls decided to help him choose. Mirajane will be the mother figure to Naruto and the rest of the guild members mostly aunt and uncle roles and Makarov as grandfather. Harry will be able to use certain magical abilities that certain members of Fairy Tails have. Still working that out too. Mother Fox - okay, this one follows the Kushina becomes the kyuubi after the fox is sealed in Naruto. I thought I'd try my hand at it and see what I can do with it. Just starting writing it so don't expect much for it right now. Pairings are up in the air as of this moment. Dead Again? - I've decided to do a Harry dies and send to meet the Grim Reaper story. Yes, I'm on that band wagon now too. But this one I've changed some in hopes ways that might hopefully make it fresh and new though I doubt since there's really no brand new fresh ideas any more. They are very rare since it's all been done by one writer before at some time. Harry/harem, but trying to use different girls that I haven't really used before in my HP stories except my HBG series. An Interesting Summer - this is a HP M story I am working on. This takes place after the fourth book. Harry is having nightmares of the graveyard and can't sleep and being all emo and moody. But his summer will be different from past ones. There'll be a lot of OCs in this one and sex too. Back with a Blast - okay, as many of you have already read the first draft in my HP stories ideas story So I don't need to go into this one too much. Basically Lily and James come back due to Harry during the whole graveyard scene in the fourth book. Has been done before I know, but I'm doing it my way. Delacour Divison - a Harry/Fleur story I am working on. Starts up right after the end of the third task. Not giving too much away since still working on the first chap. Hotel Fun - this story I am writing is an M one and for Avatar: the Last Airbender. I know, something different. Anyway, this has a basic and useless plot with a lot of sex in it with several different couple combinations in it though no yaoi. Incest will be in this. Putting it out here now so you'll know what you'll be in for when it's actually posted. Just trying to finish up the first chap and get it ready to post. Been working on this for a while going back to it when I have time to write it or have that urge to write it. Harry Potter Claimed - right, this story idea I am working on is set in Harry's second year after his Parseltongue ability is revealed and what happens. There will be a lot of OC in this one. My first in creating new HP characters, I've never done that before for as long as I've written HP stories really. The Pretty Guardians of Uzumaki - this idea has a mixes in the inner senshi of Sailor Moon. Pretty much Naruto grows up in a caring enviroment with some special guardians. Not giving out too much since it's still in its early stages of writing though I can tell you this takes place right after Naruto has the kyuubi sealed in him. The Rangers of Uzu - basically the same set up as the idea above, but with Power Rangers and this one takes place right after the prelims. There will be appearance of several Rangers and couples. A Galaxy Far, Far Away... With Magic - right, this is my first Star Wars/Harry Potter crossover. I'm using the used thing of Harry getting transported to the Star Wars world. It starts off in Phantom Menace. What kinds of thing will Harry alter and change being in the Star Wars verse. Amidala of Hogwarts - this is a second Harry Potter/Star Wars crossover I am working one. This one works with Padme dying and gets transported to the world magical world on a mission to help Harry in his destiny to fight and defeat Voldemort. I haven't quite figured out when this will start, but working on a few ideas right now. Team Alpha - so here's another idea I'm working on. This one will have Naruto not be Minato and Kushina's son. I have a back-story for him in mind, but not going to spoil it here. Anyway, Naruto and a team he has gathered are one of the elite teams in Konoha. They do the toughest, hardest missions. Missions usually meant for Anbu, but this team isn't Anbu. They only obey Minato, who's alive, duh. The story is still being roughed out and I'm still working on the first chap and trying to think of to do the second one really. This one will have a nice mix of a new character I've created for the story and bring in a character from a video game and a character from an anime and plop them into this. The New Team 7 - right, this idea takes that Kakashi is stripped of his team due to leaving Naruto tied up on a post after the team passes their test. I really don't need to go into much detail since you can check out the rough first chap of it in my Naruto Ideas story. I'm leaning on a better Sakura and not as moody emo Sasuke in this. I want to make this one where Team 7 becomes more of a team. The Lost Clans - Again another you can basically read in my Naruto Ideas Story. I do feel this is ambitious for me since I'm adding in real life people into a fictional world. I've never done that before, ever. The people are form the J-pop group AKB48 though not using the more current members, but the older ones, which most have now aren't a part of the group any more. This one I feel a little more attached to for some reason. Not to say I'm not attached to everything I write, which I am, for sure. If I wasn't then I wouldn't be writing it in the first place. But this one a bit more so since I feel like I'm trying to stretch my limits though not sure if I'll pull it off in the end. The Gemstone in Wave - this is a Naruto/Kurotsuchi one. Naruto meets Kurotsuchi during his mission in Wave. I know it's not a great summary, but it's in my Naruto Ideas Story so, read it and you'll get a better understanding. The first chap is basically finished and working on the second, which is giving me a bear of a time to write. Working on back story and exposition is quite annoying and tedious since you don't want it to sound as boring as reading from a text book. Uzumaki Trio - here's another idea I'm working on that's hasn't been posted yet. Yippee! Anyway, in this one it wasn't just Naruto born, but so was his sisters. Yup, Naruto's a part of triplets. After their birth they get taken away by some survivors of Uzu to be raised. They come back at the start of the chunin exams as a team. Now in this I'll be mixing in Kingdom Hearts characters in, and maybe others too if I fell like it. Still working on the first chap of this. Auction - okay, now this one is unique since this one will have three versions of it. One for Naruto, one for Harry Potter and one for Digimon. Don't ask me why I did this since I'm not too sure myself. Each one will be pretty different from one another aside from the characters being used. There'll be a few similarities of course, but I'll try to keep those few. Basically though in the Naruto one Kiba gets Naruto and Sasuke to sign up for a dating auction. Yes, in this one Naruto and Sasuke are best friends. In my Harry Potter one, Ron suckers in Harry to entering and in Digimon Tai and Matt sign Izzy up. That's all I can basically give you since I'm still working on them right now. Death and Me - okay, this has Death meeting Harry when he's still with the Dursleys. How will this change Harry? And those are just some that I am working on/ thinking about doing. There's so many more and they will be added later as I feel like getting to them or remember to post them up here. What ever comes first. Challenges/Ideas I've decided to put in a challenges section since there are some story ideas I have, but can't get time to do them or can't even think how to start writing them and thought one of you might want to try them. These will range from the things I usually write like Harry Potter, Naruto, Power Rangers, Pokemon and Digimon to things I've never written, but had ideas about, but just don't have time for. If any of you who read these and would like to try any of them let me know by PMing me and if you have any questions concerning them. Scooby-Doo- This idea comes from watching Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo. It will be a Velma/Shaggy/Madlyn love triangle sort of thing. The line in near the end where Madlyn say that the Dinkley sisters have more in common or something like that. I thought that both Dinkleys girls have crushes on Shaggy. If you need more info on this one let me know by PMing me. Scooby-Doo- Okay, this idea comes from an episode of What's New Scooby-Doo?. In third season in the episode E-Scream. Mystery Inc. has split up and Velma is longing for another mystery finding that running a mystery book store to be very boring, but how will she go on mysteries. Enter Dr. Ostwald's invention. Velma gets the virtual mystery simulator and she along with the virtual mystery gang takes on mysteries again. But now she is addicted and losing touch with reality. It's up to the real Scooby gang to pull Velma from her virtual world. I know this one will be hard since you'll have to write out several mysteries yourself, but I have confidence you can do it. You can do any pairings on this or you can just have it be solid friendship between the entire gang, which would be nice to see. Again if you want do this idea or need more info let me know by PMing me. Harry Potter/Naruto- this idea came to me one night and though I have it I just don't have time to work on it with all that I have going on right now so I am presenting it to you all. This one is a Naruto-esque Harry Potter. Think Harry Potter in Naruto's world. Meaning Harry is now Naruto. No Harry saved the world and his soul transfered to Naruto or anything of the like. Just plain Harry is Naruto. So it's set in Naruto's world, but has Potter characters. Their shinobi are witches and wizards. and they have their own ranking with Warlock being the grandest and the head of the village. I am not entirely sure how the other Potter characters will fit in, but if you want to accept this challenge PM me and we can discuss it. Power Rangers Zeo- Okay, not sure if this idea has ever been thought of or not so I decided to take a chance. This takes place during the Gold Ranger arc of the Zeo season. Instead of it just being the Gold Ranger there's a Silver Ranger too. Both Rangers complement one another in their powers and their Zords join together and stuff. That means you'll have to create and change a few things for this. Now Trey can't hold the power since he can't keep his three parts together, but that affects the Silver Ranger too since both the Gold and Silver Ranger powers coexist. They can be used separately, but to show off their true power they have to be used together. So Jason comes back, but so does Trini since the Gold and Silver Ranger powers have to be transferred at the same time and Jason and Trini work well together. As you might've surmised this is a Jason/Trini story and you can add in any other couples if you wish. Now you can follow the Zeo canon as much as you possible can with the new additions or you can go a whole new route. How ever you want to do it. Just have Jason and Trini together whether before they get the Gold and Silver Ranger powers or after or during it. That's up to you. Fairy Tail- right, I got this idea and don't really have a lot of time to dedicate myself to it at this moment though this might change in the future. Anyway, the idea is that Dragon Slayer magic is something biological. You gain in when you're born and you get trained via a psychic link of dragons of the past that have died. Natsu joins Fairy Tail early he's strong and smart though does have times when he's a hot head. He still has his rivalry with Gray. As for couples I was thinking Lisanna and Levy since there's more than enough Mirjane and Erza ones out there. You can follow the canon loosely as much as you want when it comes time for that. Power Rangers in Space- okay, I had this idea after watching PRiS again. During the finale when the Space Rangers reveal themselves I thought why not have the other past Ranger teams in the Zordon era come into play as well. Now this is where things will get tricky since you'll have to do a lot of re-tooling on in Space to make this work, but have all the past Ranger teams come back, well, all that you want. I feel you need the original five, since they are the ones who started it all. You can have Rocky, Tanya, Catherine and Adam take on the Zeo or Turbo powers, take your pick there. If you want to can exclude Justin since he was one of the worse things about Turbo aside from it not being a good season overall except the finale. As for Tommy, um, take a pick, I really have no clue, but he can only have one, don't have him change into each one during the fight since that's just not fair to the others really. You can followed the basic premise of the Space finale with Zordon's sacrifice and Karone begin saved. If you decide to take any of these ideas let me know and if you need any more info about them just PM me. Thanks. More to come... Updates 7/11/20 - Okay, so it's been quite a while since I've done any real posting and I apologize for that. With stuff going on that's out of my control I haven't been in the writing mood and leave it at that. But I got some stuff up, finally. Nothing from my big series I have, but I'm working on those and hope to have something by at least Sept. So what I've done. New chaps of DGRNO as well as a Kitsune & Panda chap. Plus two new Fairy Tail stories. Oh, and some new HP oneshot stories as well. Over on AO3 I posted two stories that aren't my usual fare. I want to thank everyone who's been patient with me while I was away. Again I'm sorry for being gone this long. Here's just a few things I want to throw out there. Do you any of you know any good Naruto harem stories. It can be any rating, must be multi chap. Naruto is not to be dark. Also another thing, any good Naruto stories with Tsunade raising Naruto in some way. Also any Naruto being raised/trained by the First or Second Hokage or Mito Uzumaki. Plus any with a good Sasuke in them. Here's another, any stories with Naruto/Kurotsuchi. Oh here's something else any stories with a good Orochimaru or Danzo. I am also now looking for Naruto with Mokuton bloodline stories too. As well as ones with Naruto with a brand new bloodline or getting known ones. Please PM your responses to me. Thanks. Okay, here's another request to you all. If you know any good Power Rangers stories with Jason/Trini coupling in it. Also stories with good Leo/Kendrix, Jason/Kim, Billy/Kat H., Leo/Karone. Rating doesn't matter to me really since I'll pretty much and read almost anything really. Of course dark stories are off the list since I can't really stand them. If you know some please let me know by PMing me. Thanks. |
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