Author has written 21 stories for Harry Potter, and Power Rangers. Welcome 2018! During November 2012, I decided to do NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month). The challenge is to write 50,000 words in the month of November. I did my 50k in power rangers fanfic. Ever since then, I've been writing them here and there. I've been posting them on here bit by bit but I've fallen to the wayside somewhat. I welcome critique as I'd love to improve them. Recent Update: I've got the Space fics and, hopefully if I can get them edited up, some of the fics i've been looking the most forward to, what I'm calling my "Post-Countdown fics. They are where we get to catch up with Billy and Trini and Kimberly. I've also got some post-LG fics I'm really looking forward to putting up because they feature a couple that has NO fics on this site, or so the search function tells me. No, I won't tell you who just yet. ;) (Note: I'm posting fics in season order currently but if there's certain seasons or characters you especially want to read, let me know. I have no issues skipping ahead on request.) Also, PR fans, I have a question for you all. I've got a fic written of when Chip meets Vida and Madison when they are younger but I'm not sure how much younger. Any opinions on what age they should be or what season this should be set during? I'm thinking elementary or middle school right now... My Complete fics Power Rangers MMPR: Saved From Between Rocky And A Hard Place Zeo: Turbo: Space: |
55anon (7) Caiaphas (2) Caitlyn1 (3) CrazyGirl47 (15) Guardian of Hope (142) Hafthand (24) HardlyFatal (84) | Hatteress (20) JTrevizo (48) Kypriotha (59) LilyAyl (5) Panache (32) PsychoLioness (7) Queen of Tortall (49) RainMirror (5) | Rivulet027 (135) SkaianClouds (12) Starhawk (24) StoryGirl83 (24) walutahanga (54) Willow Fireheart (144) |