Author has written 144 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Buffy X-overs, Angel, Harry Potter, Firefly, Stargate: SG-1, Farscape, TV X-overs, Smallville, Doctor Who, Heroes, Superman, and Lois and Clark. I am an Australian. I am no longer a university student. I am now a fully fledged teacher. I am still a Buffy, Angel, Harry Potter and Discworld fan. Firefly, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis have been added to the list, although SG-1 should have been there originally. I have recently been working at school near my house... I seem to run into my students all the time now, but I've agreed to go back for the 2008 school year so it can't be too bad. I have a few ongoing fics, which are: Daughter of Mine I am very eclectic when it comes to my pairings, in fact I blame Echo for my love of unusual pairings. She does them so well, if you haven't read any of her stuff please do. Nominations: Harm's Way was nominated at the Fractured Fairytale Awards under the pause and rewind and crash test mommy categories. Drinks, Demons and Kitten Poker was nominated at the Fractured Fairytale Awards. November 2006- IOU has been nominated for best portrayal of Faith at the Crossing Over Awards. Happy Trails. P.S. May 27- started a live journal and I encourage you to actually visit the site as I worked very hard to make my 'The Raven' theme work. I will try to keep people updated on my writings and so on. Hopefully this should help explain where I go during those long periods when I don't post. Unbeta'd versions of my work will be posted on there. BTW- the image was created by Shannonsequitur at LJ |
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