Reviews for Dumbledore's New Army
Ariande chapter 24 . 1/28/2013
good story. hope you someday return to it.
btw...regarding Faith, her last name isn' t Morgan. (per other review) It' s LaHayne. used in the Rpg and several books. confirmed in the season 8 graphic novels. But, since no real name given in the show...whatever springs to mind works :)
Espied7 chapter 35 . 4/20/2012
I'm very sad you abandoned this, but thanks for a fun read!
luckydarkpage chapter 35 . 5/1/2008
hey was just rereading this and thought i should give a REALLY LATE review... lol... anyways... so i liked this fic... hope one day you'll be able to pick back up on it.. but if not oh well... if you need any help with anything... im always here... just hit me up and i'll try give ya whatever help i can give... later!
HarlequinRaven chapter 6 . 2/4/2008
aw buffy should have given Kennedy a good ass-kicking!


lol hope Buff and Kennedy meet up again in the future. So some serious HURTING can occur. To Kennedy's face. XD
HarlequinRaven chapter 5 . 2/4/2008

God, I SO wish I was Jordan at that moment in time.

Lovin' the story so far! Great idea, to make Hermione a Slayer.

Definitely the best Buffy/HP crossover I've read so far. And I've read a fair few. ]
HarlequinRaven chapter 2 . 2/4/2008
GREAT story so far. I'm reading the rest of it, but I wanted to review this chapter to say: THANK YOU! Someone hates Kennedy as much as I do! She's just SO annoying. I hope you kill her or something. I don't know, 'cause I haven't read the rest yet, but I'm gonna now D
SailorNeo chapter 1 . 10/7/2006
Never mind. Ignore that last reivew. I read your bio.
SailorNeo chapter 35 . 10/7/2006
Hi. I like this story. A lot. And I would like it if you could possibly tell me if you have ANY thoughts on continuing this or not. At all. Because I really like it and don't want to just wait for it to continue if it's not going to.
Modestdeathcab chapter 18 . 5/30/2006
I like the way this story is going, you've added stuff other authors wouldn't one of them being another wiccan practisioner. Your very original and you could probably go along way if you decided to write a novel or something along those lines.
Leminicka chapter 35 . 4/30/2006
You know what I don't get why is it that you have 395 reviews and don't update? I have 33 reviews and the same amount of chapters as you and I some how manage it. I really don't mean to be rude infact I'm probably sounding amazingly rude at the moment innit? But wouldn't you like to finish this story so you have a sense of accomplishment? I really think you should because this is amazing. This was the first fic I ever read on this sight and I was in love with it, it would mean something to me and the other 395 people if you by chance did update.

I don't mean to sound bitchy if I am being bitchy. Well then that's the end of my rant so have a lovely day! x
hpfan718 chapter 26 . 12/26/2005
How about Willow and Xander?
hpfan718 chapter 14 . 12/25/2005
Why SLYTHERIN? What the h e double hockey sticks were you thinking? I just hope you make up for it.

*i'm sorry for the harshness but i'm only expressing my sorry!
hpfan718 chapter 5 . 12/25/2005
Thank you! You told that bit-cha Kennedy off! Again THANK YOU!
Vld chapter 35 . 12/11/2005
Nice part, here! Hermione losing it, Jordan almost losing it. And of course Hermy would think Malfoy was the one to sell her. I hope she's the one who kills Pansy. That would give a real good reason for her to have a guilt trip after that.

Now, translation time. These are Monique's three lines.

"What is wrong with her?" 'Qu'est-ce qui lui arrive?'

"What are you going to do?" 'Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire?'

"What should we do?" 'Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire?'

In case you're wondering, I'm translating it the familiar way. Meaning I translated it the way any kids with a normal upbringing (not a big, snotty rich one like Draco's). I don't know if Monique's supposed to speak all proper-like or whatever, but either case, in situations of shock, people usually forget about proper, which is why I translated it this way. But don't worry, the translation IS correct.
Spacehog26 chapter 35 . 12/5/2005
Hey, I've been reading this story the last few days and it's pretty good. Some interesting stuff going on here. I'm aware that you're probably not going to update again for a while, but I just wanted to offer you a bit of encouragement to write more as soon as possible. And bring Hermione back sane soon!
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