Author has written 3 stories for Sailor Moon X-overs, Buffy X-overs, and Ninja Turtles. Hi. If you're reading this, then welcome to the changes. I haven't updated this profile in about three years, so that's saying something. To put this all succinctly: this isn't me. None of the stories listed below are me. And I don't love them anymore. To be honest, I have a fierce hated for 99% of what you see listed below. I wrote a good deal of these about seven years ago, and who I am now and who I was then are entirely different people. I will not delete this account, and, for the moment, I will not remove any of the stories listed. Still, I am receiving reviews and praise and questions of whether I will, or when I will, continue my work. I received a lot of grief on how I ended Unexpected Losses. I received a lot of praise, as well. Both, I feel, are undeserved. I was tired with the work, cheating myself and the effort I needed to put into this, but couldn't always because of life, exhausted with the concept, and at the time was tired of requests to continue. Every fan of that story, I did you a disservice by trying to write while I was so burnt out. I have learned from my mistake. What this means? I am starting over. There is a kernel concept in all of my stories that I loved once, and still love. I have begun rewriting, recrafting Unexpected Losses into something that I care about, something that my readers deserve, and something that actually expresses my talent, my abilities, as a writer. I have some skill, and I am passionate about writing. Most of Unexpected Losses is dirge and I loathe it. I was lazy and wouldn't employ my own cleverness. My skill was poor and my passion was for reviews, not my story. I was trying to please others in that work. Not myself. I will never do that again. Better to Die -- another story whose concept is still within me. I'm revamping it entirely as well. We'll see what happens with it, though it more of a backburner concept. Unacceptable has begun to grow into it's own full piece. Being the most recent of my works, it is comparatively easier for me to work with. I am embracing writing again, and as I've settled a bit more in life -- things are changing. However. None of my new work will be posted under this account. This account is dead. I have no love lost for it. I do not love the name, anything here, and I don't even like the e-mail address I worked with when I had it. I will have an entirely new account. is the link to it, the name is Cadence Fell. If it doesn't work right away -- give it some time, I've only just registered. Any other necessary facts about myself will be answered there, of if you have any questions, access me via that path. Also, for any of you who've hung around for a while: Thank you. And I hope to someday do you justice. |