Author has written 13 stories for Due South, Book X-overs, Harry Potter, Smallville, X-Men: Evolution, Lord of the Flies, and Power Rangers.
Hi. I'm new here, (Shut up, she's talking) thank you. those voices are myself and i with me being me. (sut up I) that's confusing. you can here more of them on my webpage (listed above) Grrr. Stop interupting. Anyway, i like Harry Potter, Star Wars, Smallville, Due South, Highlander, The Sentinel, the LoTR, uh...various movies (KEVIN SMITH RULES!) I love crossovers (as you can see as most of my stories are crossover, and i'm a slash addict, though i do write the occasional GEN. I'm a huge fan of Percy Weasly (of HP fame) and love to see him paired with Oliver Wood (the same). I also am OBSESSED with Methos and will pair him with anybody but Richie (i don't know him too well) and i'm reluctant to pair him with's done too much. I think all the hobbits are paired off (sam/frodo, merry/pippin) and don't tell me otherwise...i might hurt you. I like Ray Vecchio, but not to slash, that's strictly Ray K/Fraser, as it is practically cannon, and i have a weakness for blonds and redheads. Legolas is good with anybody and everybody but's just too wiered. Did i say i was obsessed with methos? well i'm moreso with Legolas. It's sad really, but i'm happy. i saw the LOTR movie 4 times and i'm going again. (YAY) I also love Frodo in that move (those eyes!!) um...what can i say. Luke is gay, no matter what Mara says, that's why he never got the girl and that the story i'm sticking to. I love you Luke but honestly. The only girl he fell for without some mind altering experience was his SISTER! Gah. I also love the online comic boy meets boy. i suggest you check it's cool. I'm definately a Cya/Skids shipper. I'm also a Clark/Lex shipper, but don't tell my boyfriend...he swears Clark will get with Lana, but i doubt it. Not this season anyway. I like stargate, Daniel is my favorate, but i don't slash them at all, so... i'm being rather longwinded so i'm gonna shut up now and let you read my story Thanx!