![]() Author has written 44 stories for Pokémon, Digimon, Gundam Wing/AC, Inuyasha, Final Fantasy VII, Harry Potter, Torchwood, Sherlock, X-Files, Magnificent Seven, Red Dwarf, Pacific Rim, Doctor Who, and Final Fantasy XV. I have no idea what to say about myself. I'm not very open. I write. Does anything else truly matter? I have a job that I used to love, but I've been screwed around so much that the shine of it all has been tarnished. But writing is still my passion. Though I don't update often, I do write nearly continuously. If I ever finish something, I'll post more of my newer stuff. But for now, I'll have to continue with what I already have ongoing. If you like, please review. I value the opinions of others. But no flames. I will completely ignore those, so your time would be wasted there. Please, enjoy my works of fiction. Sorry, I can't actually add links in my profile, but I can try my best to let me know where else to find me. My personal website, where you can find ALL of my fiction as well as some other stuff, can be found here: broken spirits dot net Want to be notified when I update my fics and/or site? Then join my mailing list. Here is the address: It's a yahoo group called kearafanfiction You can also find me on Facebook, under the name Keara Leigh. I also have a Livejournal account, under the name keara418...but there honestly isn't really anything there. Have fun! I generally post on Mondays or Tuesdays because those are the days I am off from work. xxxxx For all of you who think I don't do anything with my time, here is a fraction of the list of fics I have ongoing, or planned. I'll only list the stories that actually have titles. Otherwise, this list would never end. And even then, I won't list all of them anyway, as my list of fiction numbers in the hundreds. I'm actually serious. I've counted, it's daunting. Torchwood/Doctor Who Expectations Series Slave and Master Series Neglect Series Spectral Devices (in-progress, but not posted anywhere) Left Behind(In-Progress, but not posted anywhere) Final Fantasy Risks and Wagers (In-Progress and posted below) Inuyasha Bound (Yes, I am still working on it) Inner Demons (A Hojo/Kagome/Inuyasha story. In-Progress and posted on my site) Harry Potter Family Secrets Series (A series of fics about Veela Draco, his mate Ron and their growing family) Sordidus Ars Magica (Draco is a prisoner in his own mind and is trying to escape his fate. Harry is horribly beaten by Vernon but rescued by Sirius. In Progress and posted on my site. Will be Mpreg) Shadows of Truth (Harry has a prophetic dream concerning Draco and tries to save his life. Mpreg. In-progress and posted on my site) Return to Innocence (Snape is de-aged. In-progress and posted on my site) Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel Acting on Instinct (Spike is taken to a hell dimension by a demon and comes back damaged. Spike/Xander In-progress and posted on my site) Magnificent Seven Never a Burden (In-progress and posted below) Gundam Wing Holiday Series (Collaboration with Tenshi-Chan) Acquiescent Concubine (The boys are harem slaves for the Sultan Rasid. Enough said. In-Progress and posted on my site) Captive Hearts (In-progress and posted below) Choices of the Heart (In-progress and posted below) Hope from the Past (In a world ravaged by aliens, a group of rebels make a startling discovery. In-progress and posted on my site) Lost Innocence (The guys raising clones of themselves. Not the same as Young Hearts, but similar in theme. Contains child abuse and sexual assault. In-progress and posted on my site) Secrets Series (Quatre is from a race of feline/humans being hidden by his royal nanny and on the run with her and her three children, Solo, Duo and Une.) Servitude, Retribution and Enchantment (LONG, involved AU universe where Meiran is a sorceress Queen and Heero is a prince kidnapped into slavery and saved by her jester/assassin Duo. In-progress and posted on my site) Strays and Misfits (In-progress and posted below) Young Hearts (In-progress and posted below) Untamed Spirit (Quatre raised by wolves and found by Forest Rangers right before a storm cuts them off from civilization. In-progress and posted on my site) Soldiers of Sorcery (Crossover between Gundam Wing and Harry Potter. In-progress and posted on my site) Flawed (Collaboration with Tenshi-Chan. Heero is broken when J removes an implant from his brain. In-progress and posted on my site) Raiders Legacy (Collaboration with Tenshi-Chan. Crossover between Gundam Wing and Tomb Raider. In-progress and posted on my site) Coming Home (Collaboration with Tenshi-Chan. After having his heart broken by Heero, Duo returns to L-2 and finds someone he thought dead. Will be Solo/Duo/Heero eventually. In-progress and posted on my site) Desires and Deceptions Series (During a Halloween party Heero is approached by a woman who turns out to be Duo in disguise) Painful Memories Series (Duo's secret past comes back to haunt him) As I said, this is only a short list of what I have posted, and a few that I haven't. There is SO much more. And I will work on them all, so long as the muses cooperate. |