Author has written 19 stories for Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Better Off Ted, Torchwood, Stargate: SG-1, Firefly, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
I'm a big fan of Doctor Who, Torchwood, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Harry Potter, Firefly/Serenity, Better Off Ted, Stargate, Quantum Leap, and Red Dwarf. In that order.
My main series here is a Harry Potter - Doctor Who crossover. It has grown a lot since I first posted it, and there's still some more to come. The reading order is thus:
Every other story in this series depends on you reading this one first, some of the others are almost stand-alone from each other but still connected to this.
The Year That Never Was
The Christmas That Never Was
Just random funniness I uploaded while infected with Christmas Spirit, companion piece to The Year That Never Was.
The Bad Wolf And You
Sequel to The Year That Never Was.
--Children of Hogwarts
Sequel to The Bad Wolf And You, currently suffering from writer's block, no idea when I'll finish and post it.
Time War
--War Stories
Companion piece to Time War, currently suffering from writer's block, no idea when I'll finish and post it.
Here Come The Drums
Sequel to Time War.
A New Beginning
Harbinger of... Um, Well, Something
--Still WIP, to be posted at some point in the future.
Other completed stories:
In the order I posted them...
Why I Hate Werewolves
Harry Potter. In which a young Draco Malfoy meets Fenrir Greyback.
Fate's Wide Wheel
Doctor Who - Quantum Leap. In which the Doctor visits a certain rock concert.
An Exercise In Futility
Doctor Who - Torchwood. Set between The Sound Of Drums and Last Of The Time Lords. Featuring John Hart.
Fear And Death
Doctor Who. Brief one-shot AU for Last Of The Time Lords.
Too Many Jacks
Doctor Who - Stargate SG1. Title says it all, in my opinion.
Marvin, I Love You
Doctor Who - Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Post-Children of Earth, Jack Harkness meets Marvin the chronically depressed android.
Doctor Who - Firefly/Serenity. AU, not compatible with Children of Earth. Jack Harkness, tenth Doctor, the Serenity crew, and a whole lot of Reavers.
Doctor Who. Theorising on who River Song is. Set between Amy's Choice and The Hungry Earth. Written before The Pandorica Opens.
Silence Falls
Doctor Who. Theorising about the origin of the Pandorica. Written before The Big Bang.
Here At Veridian Dynamics
Better Off Ted. Very very short, and actually based on the funny advertisements they do, rather than any plot from the show itself.
Something Blue
Doctor Who. Trying to make sense of River appearing at Amy's wedding in a universe without the Doctor.
Stories I'm looking for:
A Harry Potter - Stargate crossover, in which Salazar Slytherin is a Goa'uld.
A Stagate Atlantis - Star Wars crossover that isn't just the SGA team talking about Star Wars.
A Doctor Who - Batman Dark Knight crossover, in which Batman tries to defend Gotham against the Toclafane, while the Joker turns his creative mind towards attacking the Master.
A Doctor Who - Lexx crossover, somehow involving Prince and the Master... or Prince as the Master... or some insinuation that the Master is His Divine Shadow... whichever.
A Doctor Who - Indiana Jones crossover that doesn't exist for the sole purpose of pointing and laughing.
A Doctor Who - (World of) Warcraft crossover... 'cause I just want to see what'd happen if he landed in that world... if Jack and/or the Master are in it, all the better.
A Torchwood - Dorian Gray crossover where Jack meets Dorian... um, nothing too graphic, I hope.
Please message me if you know of any such stories, or if any of you are suddenly inspired to write anything like this.