Author has written 34 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, G. I. Joe, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Kim Possible, Starblazers, Men In Black, Indiana Jones, Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, Ben 10, Steven Universe, Godzilla, Vampire Hunter D, Sarah Jane Adventures, and Buck Rogers. I love science-fiction and transformers. I also have a fondness for Doctor Who and related properties. Hopefully I will be able to improve my writing until it can be considered good. Links to some of my original stories can be found at fiction press, and some of my books can be found here. In regards to some of my stories... Armageddon Test Run-- The darkest story I have ever written. Crossover between GI Joe and Transformers Prime. It was written thanks in a large part to the inspiration from the Cobra Zombie Viper figure. This story is complete, but I am continuing the story line in a few other stories that fit in different fandoms. Armageddon Z-- A continuation of Armageddon Test Run set some years after the events of that story. Alien Exodus-- The proper title is Cobra Armageddon Z: Alien Exodus. This story picks up after Armageddon Test Run, and is mostly a crossover of Men In Black and Ben 10. Brought to a premature close, elements that would have been in this story will be in Armageddon Z. Sight Seeing-- this Vampire Hunter D/Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover story may be continued... difficult to tell. Distance between me and the cowriter makes additions difficult. It would be nice to see where the story would wind up going given how the story seemed to evolve. Fragments-- This is not so much a constant story as a place for me to put whatever odd Transformers oneshot stories or story fragments come to mind and have no other place to go. Kidnapping-- Arguably one of my most popular stories. Not sure I would have done it if I had known Season 4 was going to end the way it was, I may not have written it. The main reason I did write it was that all the crossover stories I could find with Torchwood and Sarah Jane had them being instant friends, while to me their methods would put them on opposite sides. I hope it is not too obvious that Im not British... I tried to capture the style of the respective shows. This story is complete. Maximum Ron-- My friend is always telling me about all these neat Kim Possible fanfics he is reading with odd crossovers. Then I had a joke I wanted to tell... (all the rons answering at once from their various alternate identities) and seeing as how I dont think anyone else had used Ultraman yet, it seemed natural... then about a week later I came up with another joke so when I finally sat down to write the story it got longer. Crossing the Ultraman backstory with Kong just happened... works well though, especially given the monkey thing. Minicon Dawn-- Another of my most popular stories... crossing two of my least favorite Transformers timeframes (Beast Machines and Armada). The story was ended prematurely, mainly so as not to leave it hanging after being left alone for so long. One day I may continue it, and there either is or may someday be a glimpse of what the follow up would have held as a chapter of Fragments. Shadows From the Past-- Once I purchased a few years worth of Battle Action Force comics which included the stories that covered the transition from Red Shadows to Cobra. After Devil's Due reintroduced GI Joe keeping Marvel's continuity I wrote this partly to inform people of the differences and partly to combine the continuities. Cannot believe no one reviewed the final chapter... I really liked some of the imagery in that chapter, although I did forget to put in a few character meetings that I had planned in that chapter. Oh well. Story is complete, but Armageddon Test Run makes some references to it. The Appology-- this short Doctor Who story is based on two of the worst days I have ever had, and the one day I dont want to have. Decepticon Invasion of Japan-- I am going to continue this one, really I am! I may not finish it completely according to the outline I origonally had for it, but I will not abandon it before I write the "Great Race" chapter(s). The Final Challenge-- Various toy releases and TF club and Convention comic releases have had refrences to Go-Bot characters who have inexplictably found themselves in the Transformers Universe. This story was to show a scenario of how that may have happened. I do plan to do at least one more chapter for this story to show some posabilities of what may have happened to other Go-Bots who entered the TF universe. Secret of the Legion-- A lot of people really do not like Transformers: Kiss Players. I put this down to the art style, as to me the story is incredibly dark and interesting. This story is a reimagining of Kiss Players to accent the aspects of the story that I like and take it into new directions. It also places Kiss Players in a different segment of continuity than it is origonally set in. The story is only one or two chapters away from completion. Transformers/Godzilla: Timetrap-- Set shortly before Godzilla Vs Destroyer... well the present day segments are. The ending is weak, but I do like it. Worldship Saga-- The plot behind this story is the only story I have come up with that would be worth of Star Blazers/Space Cruser Yamato. I expect that I will ad a chapter or two to it, but I doubt that I will finish it, at least not unless it recieves some level of "official" attention. I am useing some of the origonal characters and their associated subplots in an origonal project. I have a full outline of what is planned for this story, available on request. |