Armageddon z

[Would anyone be interested in making a webcomic of this storyline? I would love to see it if someone did. Anyway, a new chapter, Enjoy

Oh, I know Ratchet was brought in differently in the series, but that hadn't happened yet when I started this.]

Ratchet didn't know how long he spent in the makeshift CR Chamber. For that matter, he had no idea where he even was. It certainly wasn't the abandoned Section E facility the Joes had been using to combat the increasing Zombie infestation. This chamber appeared to be… outside? For that matter, the chamber he was in appeared to be a modified Stasis Chamber used for hauling criminals across cybertron.

He had been offline too long, how could he have let his energon supplies get so low? He knew the answer, of course, but he would never admit the reason was his own stubborn pride. Besides, the entire situation made any communication with Cybertorn difficult to impossible.

But now, his Energon levels were back up to wartime levels. Not Golden Age levels, but still, he felt better than he had in a long time… as long as he wasn't a prisoner in the stasis chamber.

He took a few hesitant steps outside, stretched out his old back and looked up at Earth's sky. It was a beautiful sight.

When he looked back down, he found himself staring directly into the face of a young female Autobot with white and blue stylings.

"Chief Medical Officer Ratchet!" The eager young bot shouted, "I am so delighted to meet you, you are a true legend, I mean the tales of your exploits are… unbelievable!"

"Then don't believe them," Ratchet grumbled and took a step back.

Behind the female Autobot was another red Autobot who looked just as annoyingly young as the first.

"Wait, so who is this guy again?" The red Autobot said.

"I know, I know!" A green Dinobot coming from behind the medical officer said. "This guy is Chief Medical Officer Ratchet. I hear he's a legend. See? I was paying attention!"

"Could someone tell me what in the slag hill is going on here? Who are you guys?" Ratchet said.

"Oh, Oh! I'm Grimlock!" the Dinobot said.

"I'm Strongarm," the female bot said, "I was a cadet in the Cybertronian Security forces before we came here, and this is Sideswipe. We were in the process of apprehending him—"

"Hey!" Sideswipe shouted.

"But in light of the larger mission, we deputized him, and Grimlock to help in our mission here."

"And that mission is?"

"We are trying to reprehend the escapees of the Alchemor, which crashed on this planet," Strongarm said.

"Why is it that every piece of Cybertronian junk finds its way here, to Earth, instead of just staying lost?" Ratchet asked.

"Sir?" Strongarm asked.

Sideswipe smirked, "I think I like this guy."

"And where is your commanding officer?" Ratchet asked.

"Oh, over this way," Strongarm said, leading the old bot around a wall of junk to reveal two more bots in the distance, discussing something with a small group of humans, while other humans were scattered about, but none of them seemed surprised to see a giant walking robot. "Sir!" she called out.

Bumblebee turned from Drift and smiled. "Welcome back, old friend!"

"Bumblebee… and leading your own mission! You've done well for yourself," Ratchet said.

The yellow bot shrugged. "Back on Cybertron, I just wanted to be a beat cop, but then things happened, and here I am. It's not as official an assignment as I would have liked, but…"

"We deal with what we have," Ratchet finished for him.

"Im going to need some of your old skills for this one, Doc," Bumblebee said.

"My medical skills are always at your service," Ratchet said.

"Thanks, but not those skills," Bee replied.

"I told him about our mission here," Strongarm said, still making Goo-goo eyes at the old Medic.

"We've spent most of our time tracking down and dealing with the petty tyrants and small fry that had escaped the Alchemor, and that kept us too busy to realize that there were some big fish aboard the ship as well, and now they are fortified, and we are badly outnumbered," Bumblebee said.

"And innocent lives are on the line. Just like the old days," Ratchet said.

"Too much like the old days," Bee said. "Strongarm and Sideswipe are just kids, Drift here doesn't have our experience. Only you and I have the experience needed to handle this situation."

Ratchet nodded. "What's the situation?"

"A lot of it is unknown, but we need to determine their numbers, rescue the hostages, and get the other humans clear. And, of course, we need to deal with the Decepticon threat," Bumblebee said. "I'm pretty sure the con leader is Straxus."

"Well, I'm not as good at telling stories as Bulkhead or Wheeljack, but gather around everyone, let me teach you about guerrilla warfare against Decepticons."