They pulled everything apart and soon the only thing left was the tie in to the electrical system. Rhys held open the door as they lugged the equipment out before Ianto went back to shut the system down. He walked through the empty space and stopped at the door. Looking back, he saw the wall where Rhys had written the Hub 2 name and he smiled before turning to where Rhys held open the door.

"All set?" Rhys asked. Ianto nodded and stepped out into the sunlight. Rhys closed the door and Ianto picked up the padlock and placed it on the door again. They had broken it, but with a little finagling, he made it look like the door was still locked to the casual observer. Not that there was anything inside, other than memories. Ianto turned away to where Gwen and Jack were finishing up packing the boot of the Rover.

Rhys sensed that the three needed a moment to themselves and so went off to one side with Clem, pointing out the trains as they went by. Gwen smiled at him, grateful for his tact in letting them have some space for a moment.

"Well," Jack said. He looked around the abandoned space before looking up at the sky. The sun was shining and he peered upwards, wondering what the blue sky held for them next. Shrugging off the thought, he looked back down. "Three of us, three vehicles."

"Five of us, four who can drive," Ianto said. "Actually, correction. Three of us who can drive, and one who drives like a homicidal maniac." Gwen giggled and Jack glanced at her sourly. "And only one of these cars was obtained legally. And I really do have to return it to my sister before my brother-in-law blows a gasket."

"That might be fun to watch," Jack said with a grin. Ianto just gave him a disgusted look and Gwen giggled harder at their antics. "All right, I tell you what," he said. The other two looked at him expectantly. "Gwen, you and Rhys take Clem in the Rover. Take him to the safe house, get him set up and then head home. It's safe now. I'll follow Ianto back to his sister's where we'll drop off the car."

"Then what?" Gwen asked. "It's not like you can go back to the Hub."

"I'll go back to Ianto's," Jack said with a nod. "Half my clothes are there, anyhow. And I'm getting a bit sick of tan," he said, indicating his trousers with his hand. Ianto chuckled softly. "Let's give ourselves a couple of days and then we'll tackle the problem of the Hub."

"I'll ring Andy, let him know everything is okay and ask if they can put some security on the area so nothing grows legs and walks off by itself," Gwen said. Jack nodded. She smiled up at him and gave him a hug.

"Thank you," he whispered in her ear. "I couldn't have done this without you. And thank Rhys as well. He's kind of an honorary member of the team now."

"Oh, don't you go getting ideas in your head!" Gwen protested, putting up her hands and fending him off. "You are not recruiting my husband!"

"No?" Jack asked with a grin. Gwen shook her head violently. "Oh, he proved to be very handy."

"Well, except for his poor timing with the beans," Ianto tossed in. Jack glanced over at him and chuckled.

"Point taken," he said. Gwen looked mystified by his comment. "Never mind. Just go. Get some rest." She nodded and reached up to kiss him on cheek before turning back to where her husband was standing next to the Rover. Ianto and Jack waved to them as they got in and took off for the ride back to Cardiff.

"Well, it's just us," Jack said. "I'll follow you back to Rhi's place, yeah?" Ianto stood with his hands on his hips and surveyed the two cars. He nodded.

"Yeah, that will do," he said. He started to turn away when Jack reached out and touched his arm, stopping him from leaving just yet. Ianto angled back towards Jack. "Yeah?"

Jack tugged on him until he held Ianto in his arms, his hands circling around Ianto's hips. "Hey, not so fast," he protested. "I want to say something to you."

"Yeah?" Ianto asked. "What's that?"

"Thank you," Jack said. He moved one hand up so he could touch Ianto's face. "I sent you through Hell in so many ways this week and I want to apologize for that." Ianto looked at him before glancing downwards. "Ianto."

"Yeah," Ianto murmured. "It's okay. It had to be done," he said. He felt the pressure of Jack's fingers on his face, urging him to look up. After a moment, he reluctantly did so. "It's okay."

"No, it isn't," Jack said. "I'm sorry. And Ianto?"

Ianto stared up at him and waited for him to continue. Jack stared into his eyes as he thought about what his other half had said to him before leaving on their mission. The other Jack had said "Let's stop being stupid and tell him." He had agreed. They – he, he amended in his mind, needed to tell this incredible man how he felt. How much Ianto meant to him. He opened his mouth and Ianto reached up a finger to stop him.

"You don't have to," Ianto said softly. Jack stared at him. "Don't."

"I have to," Jack said against Ianto's finger. "No more secrets, remember?" Ianto closed his eyes as he heard his words bounce back at him. Jack tightened his hold on the man in front of him, pulling him close. He then reached up and cupped Ianto's face. "I love you, Ianto Jones." He heard the other man inhale as he said those words to him for the first time.

Ianto looked into his eyes, seeing the love reflected here. The love he had always known was there, but that they had both been too scared to say. Too afraid to speak out loud. He trembled as he thought of how many times they could have lost one another in the past week without having said those words to one another. He licked his lips.

"I love you, too," he said, his voice catching on the last word. Jack pulled him in for a kiss. Ianto closed his eyes and leaned into Jack's kiss. Memories of the other Jack and their last moments together were in the forefront of his mind. The kiss was the same. Jack's touch was the same. It was still his Jack, despite the memories he had. He opened his mouth to Jack, absorbing him into his soul. After a long moment, they parted enough to look each other in the eye. Nothing more was said. Nothing more needed to be said. Jack smiled at him.

"Race you back to Cardiff," he said, breaking the moment between them. He pulled back and Ianto sighed.

"I am not getting pulled over by the police because you want to run that sports car back to Cardiff," Ianto said in a forbidding tone. "Do what you want, but I'm going the speed limit, like any sane individual."

"Awww, where's the fun in that?" Jack complained as he trailed after Ianto who was headed over to his sister's car. "Come on, Ianto!" He yelled as the other man moved to the driver's side of the car. "It will be fun!"

"No it won't!" Ianto protested! "I'm not doing it!" He got into the car and started the engine. Jack stood where he was and Ianto executed a precise three-point turn until he could speak out of the open driver's window. "Come on, don't dawdle!" Jack grinned and ran over to the Porsche. Getting in, he started the engine and headed off after Ianto. He'd beat Ianto back to Cardiff, but at least he'd have a little fun goading him along in the process.

The two cars headed out of the industrial park, leaving only a trail of dust in their wake.

~*~ FIN ~*~

A/N: Thanks for reading. This story went in directions I hadn't planned, but then the characters take you in odd journeys sometimes. There may be a sequel to this at some point. If there is, keep an eye out for it. Nothing written yet, but you never know!