THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER YAY!!!!!!! OMG!!! I've finished my first story I'm so excited!!!! But there are some very important things I need to say. Firstly I received a review the other day mentioning that my story contradicts Jack and Suzie's descriptions about what happens when they die and I was meant to explain that during the course of the story but I didn't get a chance so I thought it best to explain now. Since the Eternal kingdom was created by the time lords and hell for lack of a better description was created by the Daleks and I believe them to be masters of understanding the flows of time, they would know if someone wasn't going to stay dead and would therefore not claim their soul since that person would then wake up and tell everyone what they'd seen. If I continue to write stories in this particular universe Suzie will make an appearance as a demon because I honestly believe that she was evil to start with. I hope that explains that.

The other thing I must say and PLEASE READ!! Not long ago I realized that I was having trouble with my new Firefox upgrade and none of my web pages were working properly. Unfortunately I have no way of knowing how long the problem was going on for but I eventually discovered that all my reviews I'd been writing and all my replies to my reviewers for this story weren't getting sent. Consequently, many of you who wrote me reviews for the chapters around the middle of the story may not have received my replies because I decided to write them personally rather than writing them in my next chapter. So if you wrote me a review and didn't get a reply I'M SORRY!!!!! I really appreciated all your reviews and I wasn't snobbing you I promise. Problem's all fixed now hopefully, I have Google Chrome instead, which makes me very sad because I used to love Firefox :(. Anyway once again I'M SORRY, I'm SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!!????? I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

Okay enough grovelling hopefully. Lastly and very very importantly, this chapter is dedicated to Socalrose, the lovely creature that's been my beta for these last few chapters. I love you to bits honey, thank you so much!!!!!!!

Anyhow I won't go on any longer except to say thank you so much for reading it's really appreciated. I hope you liked my story as much as I loved writing it. And if you did like it PLEASE REVIEW and let me know. I've got about another four Torchwood stories that I've started writing not to mention more from this universe that are currently in my head so if you liked this one please review and tell me and I'll post up some more!!! Kisses and hugs to all, you're such lovely people. Oh and I don't own Delta Goodrem's song that's in this chapter, but I love it to bits and there's a link at the bottom of the chapter if you haven't heard it before. Ok here we go last chapter.

Love and Ceremonies

Captain Jack Harkness opened his eyes and looked around him. Walls, weird lights, strange buzzing feeling in his head, someone out in the next room seemingly talking to himself…yep, he was still in the TARDIS. Something was different though; he didn't feel that horrible heart wrenching pain he'd been living with for the last 18 months or so. Why not? After wracking his brain for several moments, memories of the last few days slowly returned to him and he remembered exactly why not.

Had it really happened? Had Ianto really come back to him? Was his team really happy? Had the Lady really offered him the chance to spend eternity with Ianto? Had Abaddon really been in that tiny glass-jar? Without moving his gaze from the TARDIS walls he tentatively reached across to the other side of the bed searching for the soft, warm body of his Welshman.

When his hand found nothing but cold sheets he froze. No! It couldn't have all been a dream that wasn't possible. But if it was real, how had he ended up in his bed? He and Ianto had fallen asleep in the observation area how had he gotten back to his room? He sat up in his bed searching wildly around the room for any sign of Ianto. When he found nothing he felt himself beginning to panic. Oh, god, it had all been a dream! This wasn't fair!

'No!' he scolded himself mentally. 'Stop it, you're being a child!' He took a few deep breaths to calm himself before pushing the covers aside and making his way over into the bathroom. He ventured all the way into the room making entirely sure he wouldn't miss anything but there was still no sign of Ianto. Closing his eyes Jack fought against the panic that began to rise within him once more. The TARDIS was a big place, not to mention the fact that they were parked in the hub unless something had changed while he was out. Ianto could be in any number of places he just had to find him.


He froze at the sound of Ianto's gorgeous voice calling his name. He took a deep calming breath before calling back. "Ianto?"

He heard footsteps moving through the bedroom and a moment later Ianto's extraordinarily beautiful face was peering through the doorway. "Hey, you're up, how are you feeling?" The Welshman asked with a warm smile.

He looked back at Ianto for a moment, taking in his appearance from his perfectly cropped, dark hair to the lovely forest green of his new appendages. Okay so he couldn't have been dreaming, or if he had been he still was. Either way relief flooded through his being so fast it made him dizzy and he had to close his eyes for a moment to regain his equilibrium.

"Jack are you okay?" he heard Ianto ask seconds before he felt soft hands gently grasping his arms.

Jack took a few deep breaths and once he felt a little more stable, he opened his eyes and found himself looking straight into Ianto's concerned green orbs. With greater care than he'd ever exercised in his life Jack reached up to gently cup Ianto's face in his hands. He stood there for what felt like hours, gazing into his Welshman's lovely green eyes, feeling his soft skin under his hands.

Ianto gazed back at him, his concern for Jack still obvious in his expression.

After a few more moments Jack slid his hands down from Ianto's face and around to his back, pulling the young guardian into a gentle embrace. He felt Ianto's arms wind around him in response, a gentle sigh escaping his lips as he buried his face in Jack's neck. After a few moments of holding his beautiful Welshman, Jack finally answered Ianto's question.

"I'm just fine," he said softly reaching one of his hands up to gently stroke Ianto's hair.

He felt Ianto relax against him and one of the Welshman's hands began to gently stroke the naked skin of Jack's back. A shiver of pleasure ran up Jack's spine and he heard Ianto chuckle quietly.

"I see some things haven't changed since I've been gone," the guardian whispered.

"And others really have," Jack replied a lot more seriously.

Ianto pulled back from the embrace just enough to be able to look in Jack's eyes. "What's changed for you, Jack?" he asked quietly.

Jack gazed back at the gorgeous man in front of him. The true meaning behind Ianto's question was written clearly in his eyes. Jack had had his freak out about their future last night after the battle. He'd broken down and sobbed (in a way that was very much unlike him and would most likely never be repeated) and Ianto had held him and soothed him and addressed his fears in a way that meant they would never be an issue for him again.

Now it was Ianto's turn to worry about their future and while he hadn't asked the question directly, Jack knew that what his Welshman really wanted to know was what he was going to say to the Lady. The day before, when the Lady had first made her offer to him and the Doctor, Jack honestly had no idea what he was going to say. He was worried and scared about what it would mean, not just for him, but for Ianto as well.

Could he be monogamous for the rest of eternity? The Lady had told him he'd have no problem and she was a time lord so chances were she was right but he'd still worried. Could he be a good partner to Ianto? That wasn't really something he could answer until he tried it for himself but he could definitely try. Most importantly, did he truly love Ianto or had he just thought so because he'd missed him so much?

He'd worried over these things after Ianto had fallen asleep beside him up in the observation area and had eventually drifted off himself without coming up with an answer. All of that changed a few minutes ago when he woke up and found Ianto gone from beside him. The sheer terror coursing through him at the thought of being without Ianto again coupled with the intense relief he felt seeing his beautiful Ianto walk through the door erased all his doubts. He loved this man and he wanted to be with him forever, he had never been surer of anything in his very long existence.

Bringing his hands back up to Ianto's face, he drew the beautiful guardian into a slow, sensuous kiss. He felt Ianto's arms slip around his neck as he kissed him back. "Jack, I've missed you so much," Ianto's voice whispered in his head.

A deliciously warm feeling flowed through him and he slipped his arms around his guardian, holding Ianto's well-muscled body tightly against his own. Jack would have loved nothing more than to drag his beautiful Welshman to the bedroom and devour his entire perfect body but he knew Ianto needed an answer from him and since he finally had one to give, he brought the kiss to an end and leaned his forehead against Ianto's.

"I love you, Ianto Jones," he whispered. "You are the best, most beautiful thing in my life and while I still can't understand how you can love me so much after seeing everything I've done I'm not going to question it." He pulled back a little so he could look into Ianto's eyes and smiled adoringly at his lovely guardian.

"I never thought I'd find someone to spend eternity with, partly because the idea seemed impossible, partly because I didn't think I deserved it and partly because I don't do relationships well. Now, out of nowhere, I've been offered the chance to spend what I thought was going to be a long, lonely eternity with you and the idea thrills me more than you can probably imagine. You are everything I want, smart, funny, strong, incredibly beautiful, and sexy as hell. You're absolutely perfect and I want to be with you forever…if you still want me?"

Ianto's beautiful, forest green eyes filled with tears, a few of them escaping down his cheek as he nodded.

Even though he'd been pretty sure of what Ianto's answer would be, Jack couldn't help the tears that came to his eyes in response. He reached out and gently brushed the tears away from his love's beautiful face only slightly surprised when Ianto took the hand gently in his own and kissed it.

He watched the young Welshman close his eyes and take a deep breath before looking back at Jack, a loving smile on his beautiful features.

"I love you, Jack," he whispered.

"I love you too, Ianto."

They gazed at each other for a moment, sky blue eyes burning into forest green before Ianto slid his arms up around Jack's neck once more and kissed him.

Jack couldn't help the groan that escaped him as he slid his arms around Ianto's waist and pulled the young guardian's body up against his. He heard Ianto moan in response and he deepened the kiss pulling his lover gently toward the bedroom.

"Um, Jack."

They both froze and turned toward the door way to find the Doctor standing on the threshold, looking a little embarrassed.

"Yes, Doctor," Jack replied, flashing the time lord one of his infamous Captain Jack Harkness signature grins.

"While I have absolutely no problem with what you two are about to do, I think that perhaps it would be a good idea to move you into a room a little further away from the main area. Things tend to echo in here." The Doctor suggested.

Ianto looked embarrassed.

Jack just laughed. "Anything you like Doctor," he replied taking Ianto's hand and towing him out of the room. Jack pulled Ianto quickly down the corridor eager to get back to what they'd been doing. Halfway down the long winding hallway Ianto's quiet laughter made him stop and cast a curious glance at the Welshman.

"No need to rush, Jack, we've got forever." The beautiful man reminded him.

Jack smiled warmly at the young guardian before pulling him into a heart stopping kiss. When he pulled back a few moments later he cast Ianto a cheeky grin. "I know but I'm impatient," he informed the other man, taking his hand and pulling him down the corridor once more, Ianto's laughter echoing behind them.

It was late afternoon on the fourth day since the battle and the Torchwood personnel were sitting around the couch sipping coffee and discussing what a dull few days it had been. The TARDIS had been moved back up to the higher levels of the hub after the battle was over, and apparently, even though it was underground, the energy it emitted was strong enough to be detected from thousands of miles above the planet and therefore no one wanted to come anywhere near them. While that was good for the Earth, it made things a little boring for Torchwood. Even the weevils were laying low.

The first day after the battle had been filled with cleaning up the hub and either repairing or reordering the equipment that had been broken or damaged in some way. The other three had been so quiet that Martha had ended up sending everyone home after a few hours of doing nothing, telling them she'd call if there was an emergency.

Getting Gwen to leave had been a challenge. She'd insisted on sitting outside the TARDIS whenever possible, waiting for Jack to emerge, which of course he hadn't yet. After the second day Martha had let herself into the TARDIS once everyone had finally gone home; to find out what Jack was doing so she could tell Gwen and the other woman could stop fretting.

She'd been greeted by the Doctor who, upon questioning, informed her that Jack and Ianto had been in their room since that morning and weren't likely to emerge any time soon. When she'd asked what he thought she should tell Gwen to get her to stop fretting, the Doctor had reminded her of Owen's orders for bed rest which was exactly what she'd told Gwen the next day. It helped…a bit.

Unfortunately it was now the fourth day which meant the end of their ordered rest period and Gwen had once again taken to sitting outside the TARDIS waiting for Jack. They'd managed to coax her over to the couch with coffee but Martha knew that once they were finished she'd be back over there again. Oh well, there was nothing else Martha could do except send her home and she was considering that option since today had been just as quiet as the last few.

"So, Martha what do you think, is Jack ever going to come out of there?" Mickey asked.

Martha shrugged. "I'm assuming so since the Doctor's still parked here. I can't imagine any other reason why he'd stick around," she replied.

The group sat in silence for a moment and Martha was just about to down the rest of her coffee and tell them all to head home when the door to the TARDIS burst open and Jack came running over to them, grinning like a crazy person. He grabbed one of Martha's hands and one of Gwen's and pulled them to their feet.

"Quick, everyone in the TARDIS, we're taking a little trip!" he announced pulling the two women toward the lovely, blue box. "Come on Mickey!" he called over his shoulder.

Mickey knew better than to question Jack and immediately jumped to his feet to follow.

Gwen on the other hand began to protest. "Wait, Jack what's going on, where are we going, is everything all right?"

"Oi, just do what the man says and get in the TARDIS, killjoy!" Mickey interrupted, giving her a slight shove from behind to get her moving.

"But I want to know what's going on and…HEY!" she squealed the last word in surprise when she suddenly found herself thrown over Jack's shoulder. "Jack what the hell's going on? Put me down!" she ordered.

Jack ignored her and continued on into the TARDIS. He dumped her in a chair and ran back to shut the door once Martha, Mickey and Lois were inside. "All right, Doctor we're ready to go!" he announced.

The Doctor came running back into the main room, dressed in his black suit with a sky blue shirt, a black tie and for once, black dress shoes. "All right then everybody on, let's go!" he announced excitedly throwing a lever on one of the consoles.

The TARDIS shook and lurched and the Doctor cast a bright smile over at Jack who returned it with one of his own.

Jack was happy, indescribably happy, and he knew the Doctor was too. He felt a gentle touch on his back and he turned around to see Ianto and Donna standing behind him.

Donna was wearing a lovely, long, emerald green dress; that sat off her shoulders, was fitted at the bust and flowed the rest of the way down to the floor. She looked absolutely stunning and Jack told her so, but most of his attention was focused on his beautiful Welshman. Ianto was dressed immaculately in a classic black suit, with a crimson dress shirt, a black waist coat and a black tie with alternating bands of red and gold.

He smiled up at Jack who reached forward and took Ianto's hands in his, pulling him close. He leaned his forehead against the lovely guardian's and gave him his most loving smile.

"You look perfect, leannan," he complimented, his smile becoming a grin when he saw the curious look on Ianto's face. "Yes, my culture had pet names for their lovers too," he explained.

"So what does it mean?" Ianto asked softly.

"Roughly translated, it means cariad," Jack explained. "I really liked it when you called me that the other day by the way."

Ianto smiled. "I'm glad, I like yours too. Leannan." He tried the word out for himself and nodded. "It has a nice ring to it."

Jack smiled back and reached forward to press a soft kiss to Ianto's lips. "So, what do you think?" he asked when he pulled back, motioning to his own outfit.

Once they'd told the Lady they were planning on going ahead with the binding ritual, she'd taken it upon herself to inform everyone in the eternal kingdom. Tosh had therefore turned up the following day with Katie, Lisa and a few other women who apparently knew Ianto from his time in the eternal kingdom and they'd taken it upon themselves to ensure that Jack, Ianto and Donna were properly prepared for the ceremony (the Doctor had escaped but only because the Lady had decided to bug him personally).

Katie and two of the other ladies had taken Donna and designed her dress just for her. It had then been created in the Eternal kingdom in about five seconds (we've covered this but I'll say it again, it is heaven after all). Lisa had taken charge of Ianto, (he really didn't need any help but it gave her a chance to annoy him a little), which left Jack with Tosh and the rest of the ladies, and boy, had they been bossy!

In the end, they'd managed to get him into a black suit, with a royal blue dress shirt that apparently brought out his eyes, a black waist coat, a black tie identical in style to Ianto's with royal blue and silver bands rather than the red and gold, and black dress shoes. Even he had to admit he looked pretty damn hot, although he would never look as good in a suit as his Welshman.

Ianto kept his gaze locked on Jack's as he replied. "You look stunning, cariad, you always do."

Jack gave him a mock pout despite the warm happy feeling that flowed through him at hearing Ianto's reply. "But you can't give me a proper answer without even looking at my outfit, leannan," he complained in a girly voice that made Ianto laugh.

"All right then," Ianto replied with a mock sigh pulling back so he could look at Jack properly.

Jack tuned his head slightly to the side and pulled a perfect, supermodel pose which made Ianto laugh even more.

"You look wonderful, Jack," Ianto replied once his laughter had died down.

Jack smiled and pulled him in close once more. "Good, because I honestly thought Tosh was going to strangle me before we were done."

Ianto laughed and pressed his lips softly to Jack's. "Well I appreciate it, cariad; thank you."

Jack was about to reply when the TARDIS suddenly came to a stop.

"All right we're here let's go!" the Doctor announced grabbing Donna by the hand and pulling her toward the door.

Jack took Ianto's hand and followed with Mickey, Martha, Lois, and a still confused Gwen close behind.

The Doctor opened the door and the group stepped out into the most beautiful landscape any of them had ever laid eyes on. They were standing atop a plateau, surrounded on three sides by trees of every imaginable shape and colour. The other side had an absolutely breathtaking view of a beautiful city, bathed in the early morning light of three suns. A multicoloured sky floated above them, while thick, green grass carpeted the ground beneath their feet. In the centre of the plateau was a large, raised, stone dais and standing in the middle of that dais was the lady; dressed in a beautiful, multicoloured robe with long, flowing sleeves.

Most surprising of all was that the stone dais was almost completely surrounded by people that Jack, Ianto, the Doctor or Donna had known some time during their lives. Among the group of friends and relatives were the other Doctor and Rose, Tosh and Tommy, Owen and Katie, Lisa and Derrek, Donna's mother and grandfather, Rhys, Allira, Jackie, Sarah Jane, Luke and K9, even Estelle and Steven. There were so many others it was overwhelming and Jack couldn't help the beaming smile that overtook his features. Unfortunately his parents couldn't be there since they hadn't been born yet, but the joy of living forever, was that when the 51st century did finally roll around, he could take Ianto back to his home world and introduce him to them then.

Mickey, Martha, Lois and Gwen quickly scampered over to join the rest of the group, Mickey immediately pulling Rose and Jackie into a tight hug. Once everyone was settled Jack addressed his three companions.

"Everyone ready?" he asked quietly.

There were quiet affirmatives from all of them and Jack nodded.

"Alright then, let's do this."

There was room enough for the four of them to walk up to the dais together, so Jack held one arm out to Ianto and the other out to the Doctor. He felt both arms slide through his, and together, they took a deep breath and made their way up to the stone dais to stand before the Lady.

Jack leant back against the wall, looking around him with a happy smile on his face. If you were going to have a party, this was certainly the way to do it. After the ceremony was over, Owen had led the group down the side of the plateau, to what looked like an old medieval style castle nestled in the trees. Once inside, he'd led them into the large, high ceilinged ball room; which had been expertly decorated with brightly coloured lights, flowers, candles and metres upon metres of multicoloured ribbon. There were tables set up at one end of the room with extravagant centrepieces and beautiful place settings, while a live band played on a raised stage at the other end, leaving a large space in the middle for dancing.

Jack hadn't been expecting this at all, none of them had. While the girls had been sorting out what everyone was going to wear, Tommy and Derrek and had been helping Allira set up the ballroom and organise the food, drinks and music, while Owen and the Lady had been sorting out the guest list. When Jack, Ianto, the Doctor and Donna had walked into the ballroom after the ceremony they'd nearly fallen over in surprise.

Everything had been absolutely perfect. There was incredible food, the best wine and spirits, the music was fantastic but above all else, the company was excellent. They'd used the tables for as long as it had taken them to eat dinner and then everyone had gotten up and started mingling. It was nice, everyone was getting along, everyone was having a good time, everyone was happy.

Jack and Ianto had made their rounds together, saying hello and thanking everyone for coming, particularly on such short notice (Gwen had been monumentally annoyed that Rhys had known about it and not told her. Rhys just found it amusing since he had been doing exactly as Owen had asked him). Jack had such a good time; seeing people he hadn't encountered in years and introducing them to Ianto. Equally enjoyable was listening to Ianto's thoughts and feelings as he met them.

It was a whole new experience being bound to Ianto, feeling his feelings, hearing his thoughts. The Doctor had been right in his explanation; as soon as Jack touched Ianto, even if it was through his clothing, he could hear the other man's thoughts and some of them were very interesting. Consequently Jack found himself touching Ianto as much as possible so as not to miss out on anything he might have been thinking. Ianto of course could read this in his mind and found it extraordinarily amusing.

They'd finished their rounds and both men had immediately been whisked away to dance, Jack with Estelle, Ianto with Lisa. After being passed between several people, Ianto had been stolen by Allira and Jack had managed to sneak away for a quiet moment and a drink. He stood enjoying not only the view around him, but also the happiness that was flowing through Ianto; Jack couldn't help but think about how lucky he was.

He had found an amazing family in his Torchwood team, all of whom loved him and each other so much, they'd willingly given up a lifetime of happiness and all their future reincarnations to stay together and be near him. He had the Doctor and Donna, both of whom he was absolutely positive would be his friends for the rest of their days. Most importantly of all he had Ianto, a man who couldn't have been more perfect if Jack had dreamed him into life. He loved them, all of them and he was such a lucky man to have them in his life.

"What are you doing hiding over here?"

He looked to his left and found Gwen standing beside him, giving him a curious look. He gave her a friendly smile and replied. "Just having a break from the dancing, giving myself a moment to absorb it all."

"You're not having second thoughts are you?"

Jack ignored the slightly hopeful tone in her voice and shook his head. "No, none at all," he replied with a smile.

"Really?" she asked incredulously.

Jack felt a tinge of annoyance this time and he resisted the urge to glare at her as he replied. "Yes really."

"Wow, I never would have expected that. I figured by now you'd be panicking and looking for the exits." There was jealousy and bitterness behind Gwen's joking tone and Jack's irritation level rose significantly.

"Well I'm not, so how about we talk about something else like what a lovely job everyone did arranging all of this," Jack suggested trying to keep the irritation out of his tone.

"What's wrong, Jack, you sound upset, are you sure you're not having second thoughts?" she asked reaching up to place a hand on his arm.

Just as he was about to pull away he felt a flare of anger in his mind that wasn't coming from him. That could only mean…

"Hey," the pair of them looked around to find Ianto approaching them. On the outside he was the picture of serenity, on the inside he was annoyed and Jack could feel it.

"Oh, Ianto, I was just talking to Jack," Gwen informed him sounding slightly flustered by his sudden appearance.

"So I can see," Ianto replied with perfect civility although his eyes dropped pointedly to Gwen's hand which was still on Jack's arm. When she didn't pull it away he turned his gaze to Jack.

"Jack, the Doctor and Donna wanted to talk to us," he informed him.

"Could you just give us a minute, Ianto?" Gwen asked giving the Welshman puppy dog eyes. "We were just in the middle of something."

Okay, Jack was way past annoyed now and so was Ianto. The Welshman opened his mouth to speak but rather than yelling at Gwen or telling her to go away be replied with.

"Of course, Gwen, take your time, we have got forever after all." It was delivered with perfect sweetness but Jack didn't miss the subtle jab behind those words. Then, in another move that surprised Jack greatly Ianto reached forward and pulled him into a heart stopping kiss.

Jack's mind went completely blank for a moment but he quickly recovered and kissed his Welshman back sliding his arms around his waist and pulling him close. When Ianto pulled away he gazed into Jack's eyes and whispered. "When you're finished over here come and find us, I love you."

"I love you too," Jack managed to reply, still reeling from the kiss.

Ianto gave Jack's hand a gentle squeeze before pulling away and heading back to find the Doctor and Donna.

Jack watched him go, a happy, euphoric feeling flowing through his body. That was his husband. He'd never imagined himself saying it before but god it felt good to think it right now. Ianto was his, all his, forever.

"Um, Jack." He heard Gwen's voice call to him.

"Hmmm," he replied completely incapable of remembering what it was she wanted.

"Are you all right?" she asked.

He nodded. "Oh yeah, I'm good. I'm really, really good. What was it you were saying before?" he asked finally coming back to reality.

"I was…just…checking that you were ok," Gwen replied and Jack finally remembered that they'd been discussing.

He took a deep breath and turned around to face her properly. "Gwen, I need you to understand something. While you and I have been friends since you joined Torchwood and I hope we will continue to be friends for a long time to come, that's all we're ever going to be, friends. I know I might have given you the wrong impression somewhere along the line and if I have I'm truly sorry, but I don't feel that way for you."

Jack turned to look over at Ianto who was chatting with the Doctor and Donna and a small smile spread across his face. "It's always been Ianto," he said quietly turning to look back at Gwen. "He's always been the one. It took me a while to admit it to myself but I love him, Gwen, I love him so much and I'm so happy."

He watched Gwen's eyes fill with tears as the realisation of what he was saying finally seemed to sink in. "But, don't you love me?" she asked tearfully.

Jack nodded. "Of course I do, Gwen. We're friends and friendship is a form of love. I know it's not what you want from me but it's all I can give you and if you want to stay a part of mine and Ianto's life then you have to accept that."

Gwen looked down and gave him the barest of nods.

"You should be happy, you have a husband who loves you and a beautiful baby boy to chase after. You're a lucky woman, Gwen," Jack reminded her.

Gwen nodded again. "I know I am," she replied finally looking up. "He's just…not you." She gave him one last tear filled look before turning around and walking away.

Jack watched her go with a shake of his head. He really hadn't wanted to get into this with Gwen tonight; but at least it was sorted now and maybe she could finally get over him. He thought she had long ago but apparently he'd been wrong. With one last glance at her retreating figure he made his way over to where Ianto, the Doctor and Donna were talking.

"Hey, there you are," Donna greeted him as he came up behind Ianto and slid his arms around the guardian's waist.

"I'm sorry about that," he whispered in his love's ear.

"It's not your fault, you didn't make her rude and self absorbed," Ianto dismissed Jack's concern.

"I can't believe you didn't say anything to her. I was going to but you kind of redirected my attention," Jack informed him with a sly grin.

Ianto returned his grin for a moment before becoming serious. "You know I'm not the kind of person to be overtly rude to anyone, even if they do deserve it. Besides, it's not her fault that you're so irresistibly perfect and everyone you meet immediately falls for you," Ianto said doing his best not to grin.

"Oh please don't get him started," the Doctor groaned causing the other three to laugh.

"Anyhow, you're mine now. I'm the one who gets to spend eternity by your side, what would it help to be mean to her when I know she'll never take you from me?" Ianto continued.

"Yeah, why waste your energy being unkind to someone when you can kiss your man senseless right in front of them," Donna added with a wink in Ianto's direction.

Jack gave Ianto a sly smile. "So that's what that was for?" he asked.

Ianto just shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a nice person but I'm not a saint,"

Jack just laughed, pulling Ianto into a gentle hug. "You are a saint, Ianto Jones; I can't believe you never did something like that before. I noticed how much her actions annoyed you just then, they must have annoyed you at least that much in the past. "

Ianto nodded. "Yeah they did, but things were different before, I never really knew where I stood with you," the guardian admitted.

Jack felt a wave of guilt wash over him and he pulled back to look his lover in the eye. "I'm sorry," he said simply.

Ianto shook his head. "Don't be sorry, Jack. It's not like I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I agreed to go out on a date with you."

Jack just gazed at him for a moment, completely in awe of the man in his arms. "I love you did you know that?" he asked quietly.

A bright smile lit up Ianto's face. "I love you too, cariad."

"Not to break up your moment but we wanted to ask you both something," the Doctor interrupted.

Jack and Ianto turned to face him and Donna.

"Of course, sorry, Doctor," Ianto apologised. "What did you want to talk to us about?"

"We were actually wondering what your plans are now, the pair of you?" The Doctor asked.

"Oh," Jack turned to look questioningly at Ianto who gave him a blank look in response. "We haven't really discussed it in detail, why?" he asked turning back to look at the Doctor.

"We were just wondering if you'd like to come with us for a while. See the stars, explore the universe, a little more sober than we have been the last year or so." The Doctor offered.

"Oh…we'd have to talk about it," Jack replied rather surprised by the offer. He figured the Doctor would have been sick of him by now.

"Well, you two talk about it and get back to us, we're leaving in a couple of days," the Doctor told them.

Jack was about to respond when Tosh's voice came over the speakers.

"Hi everyone, how are we all doing tonight? I'm Toshiko Sato, for those of you who don't know me; I used to be the resident computer genius for Torchwood 3. While I don't know the Doctor or Donna very well I'd like to believe that I know Jack and Ianto about as well as anyone ever really will. They were great colleagues while we worked for Torchwood 3, but more importantly than that, they were and always will be, incredible friends. Jack, you saved my life and showed me all the wonders of the universe, you pulled me out of the darkness and made me part of something extraordinary. Ianto, you were always there for me, helping me through the losses of Mary and Tommy, enduring late night phone calls when I couldn't sleep, saving me from cannibals at no small risk to yourself. You are two of the best friends I could ever have wished for and I will be eternally thankful to have you as part of my existence."

Applause erupted from around the room and Jack turned questioning eyes on Ianto who was smiling warmly at Tosh. "I never realized you two were so close," he said in surprise.

Ianto's eyes never left Tosh as he replied. "There are very few people in the world who could understand each other as well as Tosh and I. She was the first to come and talk to me after Lisa and I was the first to offer her any understanding after Mary. After that we got to be friends and in the end I think I was closer to her than I have ever been to anyone, except you." He divulged.

"What about Lisa?" Jack asked.

"Even Lisa," Ianto replied.

"Wow!" Jack stated in shock. "You and Tosh didn't…" He trailed off knowing Ianto would know what he was talking about.

Ianto just laughed and shook his head. "No, Jack we were never like that. I am curious though, if we had, would it have bothered you?" he asked.

"Hell no! It would have given me something lovely to visualise though," he finished with a suggestive raise of his eyebrow.

Ianto was about to retort when the applause died down and Tosh spoke again.

"What most people don't know about me is that before I found my true calling in science I had an insatiable passion for music, yes I know big shock right? But I did, and while I was living out my life of bliss in the Eternal Kingdom I decided to write a few songs and sing a little. I called upon my life experiences and wrote things that explained what it meant to be a part of Torchwood. I wrote quite a few, but my favourite was a song that I called, Last Night on Earth and I'd like to sing it tonight because I think it's a song that everyone here can relate to. So, if I could ask both of our couples to step out on to the floor – Yes I know Donna and the Doctor aren't a couple in the traditional sense of the word but they can still have a dance together – and if I could ask everyone else to please find someone you care about, whether it be a lover or a friend and join our couples out here for their first dance. This song is a celebration of love in all its forms, I hope you enjoy it." She finished as lovely soft piano music began to play.

Jack took Ianto's hand and led them out on to the dance floor. Just as they stopped and Jack pulled Ianto into his arms the music kicked up to a higher tempo and became a beautiful flowing melody. Jack wrapped one arm around Ianto's waist, holding the guardian's body tightly against his while the other hand took a hold of Ianto's and held it to his chest. He pressed his cheek against his Welshman's and began to move with the music just as Tosh began to sing.

"It's the last night on earth before the great divide
My hands are shaking time was never on our side
There's no such thing as a beautiful goodbye
As an ordinary day I prayed for you a thousand times

It's never enough
No matter how many times I tried to tell to tell you this is love

If tomorrow never comes I want you to know right now that I
I'm gonna love you until the day I die
And if tomorrow falls asleep can you hold me first
I'm gonna love you like it's the last night on earth
Like it's the last night on earth

"Hey Jack," he heard Ianto whisper.

"Yeah," he whispered back.

"We're married," Ianto replied.

"Yeah we are," Jack agreed quietly.

"Never would have imagined this happening while I was still alive."

Jack felt a stab of pain in his heart and instinctively tightened his grip on the young guardian. He knew Ianto would have felt that just like he felt Ianto's guilt at his reaction.

"I'm sorry," the Welshman whispered. "I wasn't trying to hurt you."

"I know it's okay," Jack reassured him but he didn't loosen his grip on his Welshman.

A penny for your thoughts
A picture so it lasts
Let's knock down the walls of immortality
Your fingers on my skin only you can hear my fear
Only you can help me heal
I see forever with you here

Jack felt a thrill pulse through him as Tosh sang that verse and he knew Ianto felt the same thing. They did have forever, they never had to let go of each other again.

It's never enough no matter how many miles stand between us this is love

If tomorrow never comes I want you to know right now that I
I'm gonna love you until the day I die
If tomorrow falls asleep can you hold me first
I'm gonna love you like it's the last night on earth

"Ianto," Jack whispered quietly.

"Mmm," the Welshman replied.

"It's always been you," Jack divulged quietly. "I don't know if you ever knew, but all the flirting with Gwen, all the trying to keep you out of Torchwood, it was all because the moment I met you I felt something I've never felt for anyone before and it scared me. I was trying to avoid my feelings, even after we finally started dating properly, but I wanted you to know they were always there, it was always you I wanted, never anyone else," he finished.

He felt Ianto's arm tighten around him and smiled at the happy, warm feeling that he could feel flowing through Ianto in response to his words.

It's never enough
No it's never enough
(it's never enough)

The afterglow
The horizon line
The shadows fall
Will you still be mine
Will you still be mine
Will you still be mine I ask

Jack felt Ianto pulling back and for a moment he began to worry that something was wrong. He was pleasantly surprised when he felt Ianto's hand slide up to cradle the back of his head and the Welshman kissed him.

If tomorrow never comes I want you to know right now that I
I'm gonna love you until the day I die
If tomorrow falls asleep can you hold me first
I'm gonna love you like it's the last night on earth."

The song ended but neither of them noticed, Jack pulled his other hand free of Ianto's and wrapped it around the gorgeous guardian pulling him impossibly closer. This was the true meaning of happiness; moving around on a dance floor with the man he loved in his arms, surrounded by all those he'd ever held dear. He had never intended to get married again after Alice's mother; but it felt absolutely incredible to know that from now on, no matter where he went or what he did, this amazingly beautiful man was going to be by his side.

They pulled back from the kiss and gazed at each other sky blue burning intently into forest green. Everything they'd had to go through to get here, all the pain, the struggle, the death, it was all worth it just for his moment. With a loving smile Jack reached up to gently caress Ianto's face.

"I love you, Ianto Jones," he whispered.

"I love you too, Jack Harkness," Ianto whispered back.

Their lips met one more and the rest of the room disappeared into a swirl of colour and light.

For the first time since Rose had brought him back to life on that space station, Captain Jack Harkness was looking forward to eternity.

THE END!!!!! Ok so did we like it???? Please review and let me know. Thank you to everyone that did review they were all appreciated and once more sorry about the mix up I wasn't snobbing anyone Stupid Firefox!!!!!

Also If you liked the story please let me know I have several others that I'm working on and would love to post up I'd just like to know if anyone wants to read them. There are also others from this universe so if you want to read them let me know.


bye bye for now


Tried to put the youtube link on and it didn't work so if you ant to look it up it's easy to find on youtube just don't listen to the live one it's not as good.

