Author Notes: So here it is the last chapter! I just want to say a massive thank you to everybody that has reviewed. This is my first long fan fic and you guys have encouraged me more than I can say, this has been a great confidence booster. I can't believe the response to the last chapter, I didn't expect to make people cry! So thank you all so, so much. This chapter is quite long but I hope you enjoy it. Thank you again.

Disclaimer: Torchwood is owned by the BBC

Chapter Twelve

As Tosh finished reading the translation, Jack's eyes filled with tears, he looked down at Ianto's tear stained face; he pressed a kiss to his lips and said, "I love you too." Tosh smiled happy for them, Owen was pleased as Ianto's pulse was rapidly returning to normal and Gwen's heart broke.

Jack kept whispering in Ianto's ear, "I love you too, don't think otherwise no matter what other people say, now I need you to forget your bad memories and come back to me, I need you to wake up Ianto please."

Ianto didn't wake up as Jack kissed him lightly, Jack felt foolish this was no fairy tale he couldn't really wake Ianto up with a kiss. But then again…Jack's thoughts centred on that awful night when Lisa was found, Ianto had been unconscious and had woken up with a kiss.

"Ianto? I need you to wake up…please Yan. Forget the bad times, come back to me." Jack's voice broke a little, as he kissed Ianto again, he tried to reach inside himself, imagined that he was passing on a bit of that power that Rose had given him. His immortality had been forced on him out of love, Rose couldn't bear to see him die and he couldn't bear to see Ianto locked in a painful sleep, all because of some malfunctioning technology.

Jack imagined that energy passing from his lips to Ianto's, for a while nothing happened but then there was a slight response. Jack backed a way slightly as a small puff of air brushed against his lips; an almost sleepy pressure had been applied to his own lips. He grinned as he watched Ianto's eyes slowly flutter open, looking around trying to get his bearings.

"Jack? What's wrong?" murmured Ianto.

Before he knew it Jack was dragging him up into a bone crushing hug, he looked around and saw Owen and Tosh's relieved smiles and Gwen crying.

"What happened?"

Jack grabbed Ianto by the face and kissed him; Ianto pulled away after a second, blushed and flickered a look at Gwen, which annoyed Owen.

'I'll check him over, send them home and then rip into Gwen' Owen decided.

Jack pulled Ianto in for another small kiss, "how are you feeling?" he asked quietly, leaning his forehead against Ianto's.

Ianto thought for a second, "okay I suppose…a little tired really" he didn't understand why Tosh, Owen and Jack began to chuckle.

Jack eventually pulled away, his touch lingering as if he was afraid that Ianto would disappear if he let go. Jack nodded as Owen began to check that Ianto was okay, he murmured "be back soon" to Ianto quietly and then turned to head out of the med bay. "Gwen!" he said sharply without looking behind him. Gwen looked at her team mates in slight fear but Tosh and Owen just looked at her with disdain, Ianto with puzzlement.

Jack didn't offer Gwen a seat, so she stood wondering what it exactly Jack was going to do, would he retcon her? Would he see how much she felt for him? Would he choose his lover over her?

"Well?" stated Jack, too angry to look at her so he looked out of his office, down at the med bay where Ianto sat taking painkillers, 'his head must really hurt' thought Jack. His thoughts were confirmed as Owen lowered the lights to help with the migraine that must be coming.

"I don't know what to say Jack. I'm sorry."

Jack wheeled around angrily, "It's not me that you should apologise to!"

Gwen stared down at her feet, "I know" she whispered.

Jack stared wearily down at her, he just wanted to get home and talk to Ianto, he had had enough of the dramatics from Gwen and today's events.

"You are suspended for a month."

Gwen's mouth flew open, "what? You can't do that!"

Jack's eyes flashed in anger, "Yes I can Gwen, you have acted despicably over the last few months."

Gwen interrupted, "yes I let personal feelings get in the way…"

Jack slammed his fist down on the desk, "which is unprofessional and totally uncalled for Gwen! I trusted you! When I came back, I actually praised you for leading the team so well. You betrayed my trust and hurt my team!"

"This is just because its Ianto isn't it Jack?" Gwen retorted. "If it had been Owen…."

"The punishment would be the same." Snarled Jack. "I do not favour any of my team, just because I happen to be in a relationship with Ianto does not mean that you're bullying for want of a better word is allowed! You think this is favouritism? If anything I have treated you as a favourite, you throw your weight around her something chronic and get away with everything. For comments like that your suspension goes to six weeks."


"I don't want to hear it Gwen. You treated a team mate badly, expecting him to do all your work and then get praise for it yourself. You wouldn't let the man grieve over me even though you knew that we're together. You had to take the attention away, act like a grieving widow whilst Rhys was at home and Ianto was forced to stay away!"

"He could've stayed" Gwen said petulantly.

"No he couldn't Gwen he's a private man! Jesus have you learnt nothing about him today?"

Gwen bit her lip, "but I brought you back. You thanked me!"

Jack shook his head, "I just thanked whatever brought me back Gwen, so I could still be here with you all. You can't bring back people with kisses Gwen, life isn't a fairy tale." Internally he had to smile thinking about his own thoughts just a few minutes ago.

Gwen began to cry, "I can't not be here for six weeks, you need me."

Jack shook his head, "we will manage without you and if I'm honest I need a break from you too. You constantly use me against Ianto and that is not on. We're happy Gwen don't fuck with our happiness because you're not happy with your life."

Gwen stood and tried to physically stop her sobs by kneading her chest with her fist, "but I love you."

Jack shook his head harshly, "no you don't, if you did you'd leave Ianto alone. You have acted in the most petty, immature and disgusting way possible these last few months and Ianto protected you and didn't say a word about your behaviour! You even risked his life today!"

"What?" snapped Gwen.

"You deliberately made that machine delve into Ianto's memories of the cannibals, Jesus Gwen he nearly had a heart attack! What could have happened if those memories had surfaced properly? What if I hadn't calmed him down? So for that Gwen Cooper you are on six weeks unpaid suspension, I do not what to see or hear from you until then. Got it?"

Gwen's sobs of self pity rang through the hub and Ianto stared at Owen in the dim lighting, who was scanning his body.

"What happened?" Owen looked up and smiled what he hoped was a reassuring smile, which in truth scared Ianto that little bit more.

"Jack will explain, needless to say we found you collapsed in the archives, Jack had found you on CCTV…being stalkerish as usual." Ianto smiled, sarcastic Owen he could deal with, friendly Owen was a little too odd for him at time, although they had grown closer these last few months.

"Anyway it put pressure on your heart so for the next few days I only want you on light duties okay?" He finished his scan and passed Ianto some pills, "these will help with you headache", Ianto winced as the cog wheel alarm went off signalling Gwen's leaving.

Jack made his way down the stairs, both his and Ianto's coats in their hands. "Can we go home now?" he asked, Ianto looked a little surprised, since when was his flat home to Jack?

Owen nodded, "nothing too energetic tonight guys, give his heart a rest." Ianto flushed a little as Jack just grinned, knowing that internally Owen was thinking about that memory he had seen. Just a few seconds later Owen flushed and Jack couldn't help but chuckle. Owen looked away and Ianto wondered what on earth was going on.

Jack helped him slip on his coat and as he got off the table, Tosh hugged him around the middle, "I'm glad that you're better Ianto." Ianto smiled and patted Tosh's back for a second before they parted; Ianto frowned slightly as he saw a shadow of sadness pass through Tosh's eyes. Why did he get the feeling that those words meant more than the obvious? She grinned, "pub lunch tomorrow?" Ianto tried to ignore the sense of foreboding in his stomach, what had caused her to look at him like that? "Sure" he nodded, smiled and then left the hub with Jack.

Later that night Ianto lay curled up to Jack on the sofa as Jack explained what the device was. Ianto was a little scared, "so…what came up?" he asked quietly. Jack held him closer, stroking Ianto's hair slightly to ward off the headache.

"Canary Wharf, Lisa, cannibals…" Ianto nodded slightly, "your dad."

Ianto froze; he looked at Jack, "what about my dad?"

Jack swallowed a little, "that he used to hit you and your mum." Ianto grimaced and pulled away, "you weren't meant to know that."

He hugged his knees, "what else?"

"We saw you propose to Lisa." Ianto smiled softly, "we saw you take David and Mica to the beach, us all in the hub laughing and joking, you and Tosh in the pub…" Jack didn't want to mention that these memories were marred by his nightmares. "You and me having sex."

Ianto groaned, embarrassed to his very core, he banged his head on his knees and winced as his headache grew. "Owen will never let that go."

Jack smiled, pulling Ianto closer, rubbing his head again, "I think he was impressed"

Ianto raised an eyebrow. Jack looked at Ianto, "we saw a new side to Gwen." Ianto closed his eyes, "we saw how awful she was to you when I left and when I got back. Ianto I need you to know I have no feelings for her. I don't want her at all, I want you." Ianto smiled a little and settled back into their hug. "We saw a new side to Owen too, when he came round when I was away, making you eat and looking out for you. I owe him a lot"

Ianto just shrugged "It's my fault I got myself in such a mess."

Jack tightened his grip on Ianto, "no Ianto, Owen was right I don't deserve you. I need you to know that I won't be going away again." Jack moved so that he and Ianto were face to face.

"What else?" asked Ianto sensing that Jack was building up to something.

"Rhiannon asking about who this guy her friend saw you with was, the one that looked like a film star." Jack grinned a little and Ianto flushed as he remembered how he answered her. "And there was another one, where you were talking to me in welsh when I was having a nightmare." If possible Ianto went redder; Jack got closer, "Tosh translated it."

Ianto refused to look into his eyes, "you shouldn't have translated it."

Jack gently touched his face, "I know, but I've always wanted to know what you say. I'm sorry everybody saw it all Ianto, but we had to watch, so we could talk you through the bad memories, help you deal with them."

Ianto nodded dumbly, he knew that it had to be done, but he felt strangely invaded. Everybody had their secrets and now they knew all of his.

Jack frowned; he saw that Ianto was upset and embarrassed. He lifted Ianto's chin so he would look at him. "Something good came out of this though Yan."

Ianto met his gaze, "yeah?" he murmured.

"I realised that I need to tell you something Ianto…I thought that you knew but…but maybe I haven't been obvious. I love you, there's no one else for me."

Ianto looked into Jack's eyes and murmured "I love you too" before kissing Jack softly.

Later that night Ianto watched Jack sleep with a smile on his face. Jack was snoring slightly, his arm wrapped around Ianto's waist, pulling them close together. Although it was embarrassing what had happened, for people to see his darkest fears, he was glad that this had come out of it. He had good friends and they out of all knew the horrors of Torchwood and Ianto knew that they too had similar nightmares. He was glad that Gwen had finally learnt to stop fawning over Jack, hopefully their professional relationship could get better, he doubted that they could ever be close.

Ianto sighed as he thought of his dad; he hadn't thought about him for years, he had wiped his records so Owen would never know that his father had broken his leg one day. But strangely he didn't feel angry anymore, he realised that he had moved on, perhaps the device had worked after all. Just before he fell asleep Ianto smiled he could finally let go of all the horrors in his past and look forward to the future. A future full of happiness, contentment and Jack.