Author's Notes:- Thanks to Stonedtoad for betaing.

I just saw McKay and Mrs Miller and adored it, but since it completely contradicts my fic then I'll just ignore it.

This has the first few parts written so hopefully it will be up quickly.


"So," Jeannie said as she entered the TARDIS, her bag slung over her shoulder, "Have you decided where we're going this time?"

The Doctor nodded, "Actually it was decided for me."

Jeannie looked suspicious as she dumped her bag on the floor, "Meaning?"

He shrugged, "I've been called home."


"Yes," he replied as he started the TARDIS, "It'll only take a few hours and maybe I'll think of something better by the time we leave."

Jeannie shrugged, "Am I allowed on your home planet, since I'm not a Time Lord?"

"It used to be the rule," he replied, "But then again times have changed."

Jeannie crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, waiting as the TARDIS moved them through time and space.

"So," the Doctor turned to her once they were travelling, "Did you call your mother?"

Jeannie snorted, "Yeah, because we really have the time for me to have that conversation."

The Doctor laughed before looking at her concerned, "And your brother?"

Jeannie dropped her eyes. "He's gone and I doubt I'll be able to find him. I've tried a few times before I met you and the last thing I heard, he was in Russia."

"We could always…"

Jeannie held up her hand, stopping him, "Let's just go see what your people want first. Okay?"

"We'll be there soon," he told her, "Go put your bag away."


Jeannie ran, wondering what had happened to the Doctor but at the moment she had other things to think about. The guards following yelled at her to keep going, they would hold off the attack.

The door was closing; the slow inevitable movement of the slab of metal made Jeannie push harder and she flung herself forward, sliding under it just before it clanged shut.

The woman standing there stared at her, "How…"

"No time," Jeannie grabbed the woman's arm and pulled her along the corridor, "We have to get to the council chambers. The Chancellor is waiting for us; once you're there, they can get rid of these nuts."

"Who are you?" the woman was smaller than Jeannie, the long white flowing dress she wore looked pristine, despite the attempts on her life.

"I'm a friend of the Doctor," Jeannie replied, "You can trust me, Oracle. He said you'd know that."

The woman nodded, "Of course. You are human. A twin."

"Great," Jeannie pulled her, making her run this time; "We can do the tea leaves later."


Jeannie stood in the corner of the Council Chamber as the Time Lords thanked the Doctor for his help stopping The Brotherhood.

"I wish to thank you also," the Oracle stepped towards Jeannie who shrugged; she'd hoped not to be noticed, "They would have surely succeeded if not for you."

"It was nothing," Jeannie told her self-consciously.

The Oracle touched Jeannie's hand and looked at her with large sad brown eyes, "There will come a day when you will desire to change something. It will be something that will tear your very soul apart. On that day come to me and I shall do what I can to help."

Jeannie stared at her disturbed, relieved when the Doctor came to her side.

"It's time for us to go," he told the Oracle, "May peace follow you."

At this the Oracle smiled, "And you."

The Doctor motioned Jeannie out of the chambers and they started back to the TARDIS.

"What the hell was that all about?" she asked him, unnerved.

"The Oracle has offered you her help at any time," the Doctor told her, "It's a rare honour, Jeannie and hopefully one you won't ever need to take up."

"Enjoy the movie?" John asked Jeannie as they walked slowly through the corridors of Atlantis.

"It…pretty much sucked," she replied dryly, "However the company was pretty good."

At her smile, John grinned back, his arm tightening around her waist. She'd been on Atlantis for a week now and John had been trying to spend as much time as he could with her, despite the usual problems as well as some unusual. Reaching her room, John smiled as Jeannie turned to face him, a mischievous smile on her lips.

"Are you coming in?" she murmured, stretching up to kiss him.

John grinned back as she brushed her lips gently to his before taking a hold of his jacket and pulling him inside. John pulled her into a kiss, wrapping his arms around her, feeling Jeannie slide her arms around his waist.

"Colonel Sheppard report to the Control room," one of the technicians called over the radio.

"I'm going to kill him," John broke away and let out a yell of annoyance, "That's five times in a row."

"You don't seriously believe that Rodney has somehow managed to create a crisis every night this week," Jeannie laughed, "As well as involve at least four other people in this."

"He could," John grimaced, pushing his hand through his hair, "I'll see you later," he quickly kissed her once more before marching out fuming.


"Is your date over so soon?" Rodney asked innocently, seeing his twin sister stroll into his lab.

"Like you don't know," she replied, folding her arms across her chest, "You're good, Rodney."

Her brother stared at her, innocence covering his face, "I have absolutely no idea what you mean?"

"Of course not," Jeannie laughed mirthlessly, "It was funny at first, Rodney but now it's just annoying."


"Knock it off or I'll be the one you're up against," Jeannie told him purposefully, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

Rodney smirked at her, "I have no idea what you're talking about. But whoever is behind this I'm sure I'll pass the message on."

His sister laughed before leaning on the counter, "What you doing?"

"Work," he replied.

"Since you ruined my date," Jeannie told him, grabbing his arm and pulling him away, "You get to entertain me. Come on."

Elizabeth was pacing the briefing room the next morning when John and Rodney arrived.

"Good morning, gentlemen," she greeted them, "We have a problem."

"Another one," Rodney took his seat waiting.

Elizabeth nodded, "It involves Jeannie."

"What's the problem," John asked worried.

"The Daedalus is due back in two days," Elizabeth reminded them, "And on board that ship is someone who will not take too kindly to her presence. Considering how she got here."

"Caldwell," John frowned, "That's a good point."

"I think we should include Jeannie in this meeting," Rodney told them, "She might have an idea on how to deal with this."

"He's right," John mentioned as Elizabeth nodded.

Rodney called his sister over the radio, a few minutes later the door opened and Jeannie stepped inside, "Hi."

"Take a seat, Jeannie," Elizabeth told her, noting the other woman took the seat between Rodney and John, "Your presence here and more notably how you got here is going to be a problem. The Daedalus is due here soon and the Commander isn't exactly the most…open-minded individual there is."

"Alright," she frowned, "So what do you suggest? It's not like I can disguise my connection to Rodney, we're pretty similar in a lot of ways."

"Actually, I was hoping you'd have some sort of suggestion." Elizabeth said.

"We could hide her," John grinned at Jeannie.

Rodney frowned at him, "Get that thought out of your mind, this is my sister."

"Guys," Jeannie interrupted the fight before it could start, "I do have a suggestion and it's a lot better than hiding me every time he's around."

"Enlighten us o wise one," Rodney mocked, wincing as she thumped his arm.

"There's an organisation the Doctor is connected to on Earth," she explained, "They specialise in unusual occurrences."

Elizabeth looked confused, "Who are they?"

"They're called UNIT," Jeannie replied, "Unified Intelligence Taskforce and they know about the Doctor. If he asks all I have to do is say I'm connected to them, I even have a contact…assuming he's talking to me."

"I've heard of them," Elizabeth mused.

Jeannie shrugged, "See, no problem."


"Are you sure about this?" Rodney asked as he and Jeannie walked towards the mess later that day.

His sister shrugged, "UNIT have been around for a long time. It'll be fine, Rodney; you really need to stop worrying."

"Ha," Rodney muttered.

"Hey," she rested her hand on his shoulder, "You've got to trust me, okay?"

"Fine," Rodney rolled his eyes, "I'll assume you know what you're doing."

Jeannie let out a sigh, "Why thank you, little brother. You made my day."

He threw her a glare, stopping his next comment as he noticed new people wandering around the mess.

"What's up, doc?" Jeannie quipped from his side.

"The Daedalus is here," Rodney told her, "We're going to find out whether Caldwell will buy your story or not."

"You have no faith in me," she patted his shoulder, "Remember, I'm a seasoned Time Traveller."

"Rodney," Elizabeth's voice came over the radio, "Colonel Caldwell is waiting to talk to you and Jeannie."

"We'll be up soon," Rodney promised, he turned to his sister, "Ready?"

"I've faced worse," Jeannie laughed, "Let's go."

They turned and headed back out but before they left, Rodney stopped in his tracks as a woman walked in.

"Damn," he murmured.

"Hi, Rodney," a strawberry blonde grinned at him.

"Cadman," he groaned annoyed, "Didn't think they'd let you back."

Cadman grinned again, "Apparently I'm still sane, even after being in your head."

Jeannie coughed, "Hi. How about an introduction, Rodney."

"Yes, Rodney," the other woman agreed.

Rodney scowled at them both, "Lieutenant Laura Cadman," he motioned to the strawberry-blonde, "Meet my sister, Jeannie."

Laura's eyebrows shot up, "Your sister?"

"Twin sister to be exact," Jeannie told her, the grin never leaving her face, "What's this about being in his head?"

Rodney groaned in annoyance as Laura quickly explained the incident that had happened a few months after she'd arrived on Atlantis.

Jeannie bit her lip to hide her amusement at her brother's uncomfortable look during the story.

"We're expected," he said sharply.

Jeannie sighed before turning back to Laura, "We should talk more later."

Laura threw Rodney a cheeky grin before smiling at Jeannie, "Look forward to it."

Rodney let out an annoyed snort as he marched Jeannie out of the mess.

"I like her," Jeannie told him.

Rodney glared at her, "You would."

Caldwell stood confused, wondering what was going on. The moment he'd arrived, Weir had asked him to meet with herself, Sheppard and McKay. Considering this place and the way it usually ran, he wasn't holding out much hope that they'd discovered a cache of ZPMs. When Sheppard arrived in the conference room, he saluted as was appropriate before taking a seat.

"Colonel," Weir smiled at him, "We have someone on the base who arrived in a rather unusual manner."

"Describe unusual?" Caldwell demanded.

"In a big blue box you'd recognise," the woman's voice came from behind him and Caldwell spun.

She stood, her arms folded across her chest, amusement covering her face while McKay stood behind her looking as stunned as he felt.

"Jeannie," Caldwell groaned, he suddenly looked startled, "But that means…"

"We weren't lying about the time travelling," she finished for him, "Nice to see you again, Steven."

"You know each other?" Sheppard asked, astonishment in his voice and on his face.

"It was," Jeannie paused, "The eighties, somewhere in England where a small village was being over run by some…monsters. UNIT had an American contingent helping and guess who one of them was."

The other three turned to look at Caldwell.

"Is he here?" Caldwell ignored them.

"No," Jeannie replied, "I'm visiting with family."

"Family?" Caldwell frowned; he looked up at Rodney, "Hold on, Jeannie McKay. As in…"

Jeannie pointed to Rodney, "You've met my brother."

"Twin brother," Rodney threw in.

Caldwell turned to Elizabeth who nodded. He let out a long sigh, "I need a drink."


"Why didn't you tell us you knew Caldwell?" John demanded, as he, Jeannie and Rodney walked through the corridors.

"Because I didn't realise it was him till I walked into the room," she replied, a smirk covering her face, "But it was funny."

"You have an odd sense of humour," Rodney muttered.

Jeannie squeezed her brother's arm, "And you seem to have had yours removed. Perhaps Lieutenant Cadman took it with her when she left your head."

Rodney glared at her but didn't get a chance to retort as she walked away leaving them standing.

"She's met Cadman then?" John asked.

"Unfortunately," Rodney replied.

John patted his shoulder, "Then you're in big trouble."

Rodney frowned as he looked at the newest piece of technology they'd brought home. He wasn't sure what it was, or how it worked but it fascinated him from the moment he'd seen it. He knew it wasn't Ancient tech and he knew it wasn't Wraith so that meant he had no idea what it was.

As much as he enjoyed having Jeannie here, he wasn't getting as much work done as he normally would. Carson kept telling him it was healthy he wasn't spending all his time in the lab but Rodney didn't agree. He felt he was letting people down by not working as hard as he should.

Taking a quick drink of his coffee, Rodney returned his focus back to the device. Although he knew what it wasn't, Rodney still found it very familiar. Eerily familiar.

He hooked it up to the generator, hoping once it had a little power he'd get some readings he could use.

As he turned on the power, Rodney's world exploded in a bright light.


"You didn't?" Jeannie laughed, as Laura continued her story on what had happened when she inhabited Rodney's body.

"I thought I could die," Laura winced, slightly embarrassed, "Truth be told, Rodney didn't talk to me for months. Even when we were made to work together."

Jeannie laughed even harder, "Rodney has a very big personal bubble."

"I've noticed," Laura grinned, "But he's not the…bastard he pretends to be, though I guess you know that."

Jeannie smiled softly, "I do. I also know he argues with the people he cares about."

Laura opened her mouth to retort stopping as Jeannie let out a shocked gasp.

"What's wrong?" Laura asked, as Jeannie gripped the table, "Jeannie?"

"Rodney," Jeannie gasped, jumping out of her seat and flying out of the mess.

Laura stared after her before following.


Jeannie ran into Rodney's lab, gasping in horror to find her brother on the floor. She grabbed the radio, "Medical emergency, Dr McKay's lab," she managed to get out before turning to her brother, "Rodney? Rodney, open your eyes."

He didn't move and she started to shake him, "Don't do this," Jeannie cried, she could feel him becoming further and further away from her, "No, no, no, Rodney. You can't do this."

"Oh my God," Laura Cadman gasped when she skidded into the lab, "Carson," she yelled over her radio, "Rodney's unconscious, get here now."

"It's too late," Jeannie's voice was flat, "He's dead."

Laura's tears filled her eyes as she stared at the man lying on the ground before looking up at his sister, Jeannie had slid back against the wall and was staring at the body, her face blank. Moments later Carson came bursting in with his medical team and John just behind them.

As Carson fell down beside Rodney, John moved to Jeannie and pulled her into his arms. Jeannie just fell against him, her eyes completely blank.