I know all of you hate me right now, and most of you looking up curses on yahoo! at this very moment. I'm not going to give you any huge sob story about why I haven't updated. The fact is just that I've been busy, I was unsure what to write, and -most of all- I'm lazy. I imagine a few of you were quite ticked off to find my name on reviews for other fics, while mine remained un-updated. hehe- oops! School trouble, medical trouble, writer-block trouble, boy trouble, and most of all...laziness trouble. I am to blame, for I am the utmost epitome of laziness. But I still love absolutely all of you, and I hope y'all'll still love me too after this chapter. It is, incidentally, the last chapter. I know, I know- I suck.However, it was time to end it, and there will be no sequel. I don't thinkI rushed it, although a little is left for you to ponder, and it ended the way I wanted it to. I hope you'll forgive me, and I hope you review (and possibly add me to your favorites hehe). Most importantly, though, I hope you enjoy. Thanks to all you who have reviewed, especially those who have been with me since the beginning and have supported me in every way. I'm not going to list you all right now, because I really want to be able to post this and the amount of reviews I got is uber-amazing!! I will be revising this later, at which time I will include all of your names. I've enjoyed writing this and I've enjoyed entertaining all y'all. So, without further ado, I give you the final installment of our (and Kel's) journey:


"Wh- what are you doing?" Kel whispered, getting slightly frightened by this mystery man.

"I'm signing my death wish," He whispered back.

"What do you mean by th-" His lips were on hers. Kel would realize only later that the magic had been removed from her limbs. Only later would she realize that she had voluntarily slipped her arms around the mystery man's neck as her feet closed the little distance between them.

You're Not a Little Girl Anymore: Chapter 8

Kel woke up with a start to find that she was sleeping on the floor. I must have fallen off of the bed, Kel thought. She stretched her arms above her head, still half asleep, remembering the interesting dream she had dreamt that night. Although, she admitted to herself, It wasn't exactly a bad dream, was it? Kel grinned at her foolishness. She put her hands down on the cold stone floor to push herself up when she realized two things about where her left hand was resting. It wasn't cold and it wasn't a stone floor. That information woke Kel up completely and she looked down with apprehension. A pair of hazel eyes twinkled up at her.

"Good morning," Thom whispered with a sheepish grin on his face. Kel's mind was doing back flips processing the fact that her dream hadn't been a dream at all. She amazed herself as she realized that even if it had been a dream- it had been a very good one. Thom was still looking at her, with uncertainty in his eyes.

"Good morning," Kel finally responded. They sat silently for a moment before Kel voiced a question that had been nagging her. "Why?" Thom didn't need an explanation. He knew what she was asking.

"I just felt-"he began.

"Like annoying me?!" Kel shot up to her feet and turned to walk out of what she now recognized as a classroom. Thom stood up and grabbed her right hand, causing her to face him. Kel glared at him in disbelief.

"No! I just felt that if I didn't my heart was going to burst from my chest," Thom said in a quiet but passionate voice. Kel's mouth opened in surprise. She struggled with a response, but her lips just moved wordlessly. "Close you mouth," the redhead teased. "Or I may have to do it for you." Her mouth snapped close. Then she did something that was unexpected. With a nervous look on her often-stoic face, she took a step closer to Thom. They were both silent, eyes locked.

"You may have to," Kel grinned as she broke the silence. Thom's eyebrows momentarily rose in shock. A smile then appeared on his face. He raised his hand, which was still holding Kel's, and entwined their fingers together. He shifted so that their noses were touching. Kel's eyelids fluttered closed as she yearned for Thom's kiss. After a few seconds of waiting, Kel opened her eyes to find Thom staring at her. "What?" She asked cautiously.

He replied with mock-seriousness. "I'm not going to be punched for this, am I?" Kel just laughed with exasperation. Thom closed the space between them. The previous kisses had been amazing. Caught up in the mystery of the man and the dark, Kel had lost herself in the moment. She was now fully aware of who she was kissing…and yet…and yet this is the most amazing thing that's ever happened, Kel thought. The need for oxygen caused them to separate, but they remained in each other's arms.

"The Goddess…" murmured Kel, while Thom added his own whisper.


"So…what exactly does this mean?" the lady knight questioned quietly. She knew what she felt. She just needed to be sure of what he intended to do. Thom smirked before wrapping his arms around her and looking into her eyes.

"It means that I think about you all the time, that I love your stubbornness, that I love the way you try to hide your emotions, and that I most definitely love annoying you," this brought a small grin out of Kel. Thom's hazel eyes darkened before he continued, "But most of all, Kel…it means that I want you, that I can't think of spending my life without you….that I love you." After his confession, he let out a deep breath and waited, as if he was expecting the love of his life to refuse him. Kel looked thoughtful before she responded.

"What do you mean 'try to hide my emotions'? I never had trouble until you came along. I'm a disgrace to the Yamanis," she said, sounding angrier with each word. The redhead's face grew distraught, so Kel hurried on. "Honestly, I can't go letting my guard down just because of the fact that I'm absolutely in love with you." Thom looked confused for a moment before a shocked look came over him.

"You are such a little tease!"

"But you love me for it," Kel joked.

"Yes…yes, I do." Kel face softened at his quiet, yet passionate statement.

She leaned towards him and spoke softly in his ear, "I'm sorry forteasing you,Thom.But...I just felt like annoying you." She turned around and laughed as she went to the door to exit the classroom. Thom followed her.

"Just where do you think you're going, lady knight?"

"Well…I was thinking about leaving this room before class starts, but if you really like audiences…" she trailed off.

"Point taken," he said as he walked behind her, out the door. "So, m'lady," the young mage said sarcastically, "Where are you leading me?"

"Although I can't live without you, my dear," she called teasingly over her shoulder, "I'm afraid I require food as well." Thom grinned and then, to Kel's surprise, captured her hand in his as they walked towards the kitchens. They strolled through the halls in a comfortable silence until Keladry spoke.

"Did I ever tell you about that dream I had?" She turned her head towards him as she talked.

"You seemed to have forgotten that. Was I in this dream?"

"You might have made an appearance."

"Really? Well, you know what they say about dreams," he taunted.

"I'm afraid I don't," she responded. "What do these 'they' say about dreams?"

"They're visions of the future, sent by the gods," he faltered slightly at Kel's look before continuing, "and goddesses to those that they favor." Kel quirked her eyebrow in disbelief.

"So you're saying that my dream is going to come true?"

"It's very possible, my protector of the small," he had to dodge a playful punch for his words. "Although, if you tell me about this dream, I can give a more accurate answer." He put on a hopeful expression.

"I'll tell you if it becomes reality," she offered.

"Oh, come on. Tell me. It'll probably never happen, and then I'll never know!"

"That was the plan," she admitted. "It wouldn't be so bad if it did happen, though."

"Okay, you win," Thom sighed in defeat. " On another note, what are we going to tell your friends when they see us so close?"

"We'll just tell them the truth," Kel said, in all seriousness. "You, being such a proper young man, asked for my hand in marriage- seeing as you are the father of my child- and I accepted."

"Well, naturally- that is what I would do," he jokingly agreed. He then hesitated, unsure of his next words. "Hypothetically speaking- if I were to ask for you hand anyway, would you still be so eager to accept?" Kel's feet stopped instantly as Thom persisted, "Just for future reference, of course."

"I'd say your chances are highly favorable," Kel answered after a moment witha wink. She began walking again, leading him towards the kitchen doors. They opened the doors and walked through them, accidentally knocking a man down. He was a rather short, bald man who was wearing a cooking apron over his clothes and looking rather frustrated.

"I'm so sorry, sir," Thom apologized as he helped the man to his feet. "Can we help you with something?"

"No, no. I'm quite alright," the man replied. "I'm just looking for some kitchen staff to help me. I'm from the local dairy and I've come to deliver some cheese." His next words caused Kel's jaw to drop. "I don't suppose you know where it goes, young man?" The short man jokingly asked Thom.

"No, but I believe the staff lounge is over that way," the redhead pointed the way.

"Thank you, young man. M'lady," and with a short nod of the head he was gone in the direction he had been shown. Thom turned to Keladry.

"Are you alright?" he asked in concern, at the expression on her face. Her shock quickly turned to happiness.

"I'm fine," she assured. "But you know how earlier I said that I didn't believe in dreams revealing the future?"

"Yes…" he urged.

"Well, I believe now."

"Why the sudden change of mind?"

"My father," she responded. Because of Thom's confused look she went on to explain, "When I was a little girl he always gave me two pieces of advice that would help me through this life." At Thom's nod she continued, "He always said that life would be made much easier if we followed the guidance we're given."

"Ah, a wise man. So, you see this dream as guidance from above?" She smiled. "I'll take that as a yes, then. Now- what was his other piece of advice he gave you when you were younger?" Kel's cheeks colored before she answered.

"He told me never to be alone in a room with a man whose intentions were questionable…" she said with a smirk. Thom laughed and she joined him.

Once they settled down, he teased, "And what do you have to say for yourself, not following your father's warning?" In response, she stepped up closer to him and draped her arms around his neck.

Her next words would be spoken often in the following months, as she explained her love and thoughts of marriage to her parents. As they argued that she was too young, or that she didn't really know what love was, she would use the same phrase over and over. They would eventually lead to their acceptance and blessing, and because of that, a life of love and happiness.

It had started with a rumor. It had progressed to affection. It had become love. And it ended, as most things do,……"I'm not a little girl anymore,"….with a kiss.

And, with that,...May the rumors spread quickly through the hallways of your lives.