Title: Divine Damnation

Author: DhampyrX2

Summary: Yet another secret origins of Xander fic that my twisted
little brain cooked up.

Timeframe: Post Season 7

Disclaimer: I own nothing. I do this for fun. Please don't sue me.

OOC: Sorry for the partial first part. Here's the whole chapter.

Alexander Lavelle Harris sat in a bar of a Japanese restaurant he
had found in a little side street in London brooding into his cup of
sake. It was not his normal choice for alcohol, but it suited his
mood. It was hot and slightly sweet at first, making you think you
can take it in forever. Then, if you kept hitting it too long, it
came up and knocked you on your rear when you tried to stand on your
own two feet.

The hot rice wine seemed to be a perfect metaphor for his life, and
the state of his friendship with the other so called Scoobies. He
had returned from a hard, but rewarding, six months in Africa
finding and training new Slayers at Buffy's request. He had thought
she called him in because of a big crisis that needed the assembled
skills of the original team, now the primary heads of the new
Watcher's Council. The fact Willow was there looking half upset,
and half angry when he arrived only supported that theory.

He really should have known better.

Instead, he got a three hour lecture about how he was an odious,
jealous, untrustworthy cretin that should be shot on sight, followed
up by a slap that actually knocked out a couple of teeth at the
hands of a crying Slayer. It appeared that his "big lie" during the
Acathla affair had finally come to light due to a slip of the tongue
on Willow's part.

The redheaded wicca actually looked apologetic as, during the course
of Buffy's assassination of his character, he was told that he would
no longer train Slayers because he was not to be trusted with such
responsibility, and he was to stay in London where Buffy could "keep
an eye on your lying traitorous ass."

Xander actually laughed mirthlessly at that. Buffy had no concept
of the responsibilities he had shouldered over the years. The scope
of them would crush her in moments. Of course if she knew about
them, she'd have whole new reasons to fear and hate him.

It was also rather funny that her idea of keeping an eye on Xander
involved refusing to speak to or look at him when they were in the
same room together. For two weeks now, she avoided him like the
plague, turning her nose up at him when they found themselves
sharing a room.

The only real consolation he had in the affair was that Robin Wood
was assigned to take over for him. The man knew how to fight a war
against low bred demons, and he had a soft spot for Slayers. He'd
keep an eye on Xander's girls for him. And Heaven help him, once he
got attached to a group of females, they were "his girls." That was
just the way things were, for as long as he could remember.

He raised his cup in salute, and gave a half-hearted "Kanpai!" as he
chugged the sake, before spitting it out in a classic spittake as
the first woman to earn a title as one of "his girls" spoke up
behind him.

"Nice to see you learned to drink something decent, kiddo." the
sultry voice remarked, the woman's tone tinged with obvious teasing

Xander coughed noisily as the woman sat down beside him and looked
him over. As she did so, more than one male patron at the bar
couldn't help but ogle her. She was tall, and gorgeous, with a body
that had unearthly curves housed in perfect bronze skin. Her long
platinum hair was in a stylish ponytail, which helped to accentuate
the blue marks on her brow and beneath her eyes on each cheek. Her
clothes seemed to make her ooze sexuality in the form of a red
leather halter top, black denim micro-shorts, and a leather bomber
jacket. Surprisingly, the amount of skin she showed did not seem
slutty. She just gave off an aura that was too sultry to be
classified so cheaply.

The woman picked up Xander's sake bottle and chugged it eagerly,
finishing it off in seconds with a refreshed "Ahhhh", before
ordering another, larger one. As she waited for her drink, she
brought her hand up to lightly touch Xander's eye patch, and asked
with a smirk, "You going for the Odin look, squirt? Or did you just
forget how to take care of stuff like this?"

Xander finally regained his composure as he asked, "What the hell
are you doing here, Urd? I thought you were in Japan!"

Urd just shrugged impishly as she replied, "Can't a goddess visit
her favorite little brother? Besides I'm only ever a turned on TV

"There are restrictions on thing like this." Xander hissed at her,
his voice low. "I'm under a contract, remember? No deliberate
contact with family or friends. That's also why I can't take care
of my eye, and you know it. Are you trying to get a worse
suspension from Dad?"

Urd chucked lightly as she responded, "The contract was for, 'A son
like you to keep that lazy damned drunk of a husband off my case
while we're stuck in this shithole town.' Sunnydale's a crater, and
the Harris' are dead. You've been free for months."

"What? Why wasn't I told about this? My limiter are still active."
Xander asked in shock.

Urd just shrugged as she replied, "Mom said you needed a vacation
from Nifelheim. You're not much suited to demonhood, and you were
in danger of a burn out."

Xander reacted as if he'd been slapped. "Since when do you talk to
Mom directly miss goddess? Besides watching over the Hellmouth and
nuts like that Glory dingbat were important work. I just...didn't
have to hurt people to do them."

Urd nodded in sympathy as she replied, "Mom visited my here on
Midgard not too long ago. Naturally you came up in the
conversation, little brother." She let a pregnant pause pass, in
which her booze arrived before she let out a mirthless laugh and
said, "It's funny, ya know. You'd make a great kami. You're loyal
to a fault, you're kind, you're fair, and you're all to willing to
make sacrifices. Me, on the other hand, I'm in trouble for breaking
the rules so much it's a wonder I'm still a system administrator.
Sometimes I think I'd make a much better demon."

Xander placed his hand on her shoulder in a comforting gesture as
he replied, "Maybe it would be easier for us, but that doesn't mean
better. You're good at what you do, except for getting too eager,
sometimes. And I've leaned to toughen up and take on jobs too
delicate for the more unsavory agents to do. Maybe Mom and Dad knew
that was what we needed."

"You really are the one who sees, huh, kiddo?" Urd said with a weak
grin, which grew into an amused smirk as Xander made a sick sound at
her comment.

"Do /not/ mention that idiot again, Urd. I never wanted to throw
some hellfire more in my life." he said in annoyance.

Urd's face lit up with a smile a she replied, well, now you can,
courtesy of our parents. She then proceeded to kiss him on the
forehead, causing a red triangle to appear on his brow, along with
two small crimson slashes under each, now suddenly fully healed, eye.

He raised his brow in question as he asked, "No questionable potion
or embarrassing light show?"

"Nope. Consider it your one freebee gift from mom and dad. You
restrictions are lifted without calling undue attention to you and
the people here who saw it think you always had two eyes." Urd
replied happily as she poured a drink for each of them, then toasted
her brother. "Cheers"

Xander returned her offer in kind, and downed his sake, giving off a
refreshed "Ah!"

"It's been a while since I got a recharge of pishogue from alcohol.
It'll take some getting use to after seeing the Harris' drink
themselves stupid so often." he said with a small grin. His face
grew somber as he asked, "So what's the rest of it?"

"Rest of what?" Urd asked, feigning confusion.

"The rest of the reason they sent you here on the QT to release me.
Mom would have just recalled me normally." Xander clarified.

Urd looked pensive as she replied, "Well...you have a new
assignment. The First Evil is plotting something big, and the
distraction that Sunnydale provided was only the start. You're
going to be the troubleshooter here for a while. Plus you can see
if the Slayer situation is salvageable. Nobody on either side was
pleased with that Buffy girl walking into the First's trap like
that. There needs to be balance for the multiverse to function
properly. Her actions are threatening that balance on this plane."

"Wonderful." Xander muttered tiredly.

"Oh buck up." Urd replied full of forced cheer. "Look on the bright
side of things."

"What bright side? Buffy hates me, I have to watch out for some
smoke cloud with an over inflated ego's real scheme, and the this
universe, at least, might be rocketing toward destruction." Xander
retorted pessimistically.

"Well...now that you're off restriction, Bell and Skuld and I can
visit you. Probably...Mara too." Urd answered, although her voice
brew quiet and angry as she mentioned Mara.

Xander just groaned as he said, "Are you two feuding again? I'm off
the radar for less than 25 years and you're fighting again. What is
wrong with you two?"

Urd sniffed disdainfully as she responded, that's none of your
business. It's between us. Besides she was trying to screw up
Bell's relationship with her then boyfriend/now husband on Mom's
orders. We have a reason to fight."

Xander rolled his eyes as he replied, "Mom was probably trying to
force you two to make up by keeping you near each other."

"Whatever." Urd snorted indifferently.

Xander just chuckled ruefully, as he spent the next several hours
drinking with his sister, catching up on all that had happened to
his family and old friends during his 'mortal' lifetime.