A/N: Another long wait. I'm a horrible person but I'm not sure if I'm ever going to finish this story. And for heaven's sake I haven't even followed my promise and delivered Gambit. But even if I never finish this I promise that I will do that.

VI: (k) Angel

Devil's Lies, and Truths

Manipulation. As a mortal I was good at crude ways of getting my way. Sweet-talking my mother or my sister into intervening with my father, getting money, but nothing that compared to the elaborate emotional trauma I inflicted on my prey as Angelus. Angelus had been a master and proud of it.

Looking into the eyes of a boy who had never shown any love for me I used that revolting experience, praying to find a lie, some sign that he was playing me.

I looked away.

The truth sat as heavy in my stomach as any meal of stolen blood ever had. "No." I spat out bitterly. Ashes in my mouth, I wonder if I got staked and didn't notice?

There was a moment of silence then a shocked, "Wow. You listened. The sun must be shining." I didn't look at him. Facing those guileless eyes again would undo me.

A gentle touch on my arm startled me into facing him. There was more kindness in his expression than I'd seen turned my way in centuries, "Come on," He grinned wryly, "I think you need a drink."

In silence once more we headed off in the direction of his house. This time the air was full of commiseration and a truce.

VI: (l) Xander


Eternally glad that Sunnydale was enough of a city to have streetlights I headed up the walk to my house.

My arch-enemy and I were going off to get drunk together. It was so comic book. Part of me was rolling around in the isles and part of me was skeptical as hell that this reform would last. After all the bad guys: Magneto, Creed, they always seemed to turn a new leaf then bam they were back to the slaughter and the laughing. Seriously, it didn't take long to convince him I was right, how long would it take him to convince himself I was wrong? I'm giving myself a headache.

Unlocking the door I turned to look at Angel. I was about to invite the once evil fiend into my house. I'd bashed some sense into his head tonight but doing this would be the ultimate sign of trust. Something that until tonight I would never dreamed of extending to what had seemed like to me a dangerous idiot.

Is this really the brightest idea? The voice of sanity asked. As usual I clobbered it on the head. Sometimes you have to go with your gut, okay most of the time. I swung the door open. "Come on in Deadboy." Walking in I stopped in the foyer surprised. Mom was sitting on the stairs still dressed and holding a cup of coffee.

"Mom! What are you doing up?" As soon as I asked I knew the answer. She was waiting for me to come home. Warmth fluttered in my heart and I cleared my throat. "I mean, hi." There was movement out of the corner of my eye. "Ah, this-" I paused, he wasn't a friend yet- "is Angel."

She stood up and I recognized how much better sobriety suited her complexion. Oi, I need to get some testosterone in my life. Do vampires have hormones?

She extended her hand to Angel shooting me a puzzled look, "Nice to met you. I'm Elizabeth. I thought you told me never to invite anyone in?"

Understanding I turned to Deadboy, who was being all polite gentleman, and explained, "Due to the unexpected combination of a crossbow and a troll I had to let Mom here in on the Monster of the Month club." Facing my Mom again I said, "Mom, Angel here- he's dead. He's the numero uno exception. "

"I see." She said slowly, which obviously translated to 'I have no clue but I'll go along with that since I don't think I really want to know anyway'. Raising an eyebrow in Angel's direction, "Been dead long?"

VI: (m) Angel

You Can't Forget Your Family

(They Won't Let You)

Jack Daniels is good at quieting memories. Staring into my fifth glass I couldn't help but think that the Harrises already had guessed this judging by the fullness of their liquor cabinet. Picking up the glass I threw it back. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Xander nursing his glass. He saw me anyway and correctly interrupted my gaze.

"Sometimes I think Dad put beer in my baby bottle. Don't worry Deadboy I just don't want to face Snyder with a hangover." He ended his statement with a sip while his lovely mother gave him a bitter smile.

Elizabeth raised her own glass, "It's a good thing nobody in my side of the family suffers from physical addiction. My mother used to say that our family made a deal with a demon so we wouldn't suffer the consequences of our vices." Downing the liquid she took a deep breath, "I wish they had included hangovers in that deal."

I stared at her and I knew her son was doing the same. "Uh, she happen to mention the name of the demon?"

It was Elizabeth's turn to stare. "You're not serious? It's just a British saying. Like, 'deal with the devil.' Isn't it?"

"Grandma was British!" Xander blurted out.

I think I'm getting a hangover early. Rubbing at the sudden ache in my temple I contemplated the likelihood of this. "You're maiden name would be…?"

A little frown between her brow, she answered, "Pryce."

I poured myself a larger drink, "That's one of the old Watcher families. Like Travers, Wyndham, Powers, Tredor, Giles."

Looking straight at me she whispered, "Sounds like a family reunion to me. Even my father was in there." She turned to look at her son, "My mum was smart about a lot of things but men wasn't one of them. Wasn't til I was born that she had the strength to leave that two timing bastard father of mine. Lord Giles was already married with a kid and he still chased after anything in a skirt." Ruefully she shook her head, "I never even met the man and mum had to leave the continent to get away from the scandal."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Xander start drinking down his glass. He didn't stop until it was empty then he slammed it down on the table.

"I hate the Hellmouth."