![]() Author has written 7 stories for Song of the Lioness. My writing is...not the best (well, not compared to some of my friends and a lot of my favourite authors on here!). But I enjoy it, and occasionally feel the need to inflict it on the world! As I'm sure you can see from my stories list, I took a very long break whilst getting my life in order and passing GCSEs, ASs and getting into university but I've now decided that I really need to get back at it, if only to improve my writing skills and finish Protector of the King's Own. I don't promise to update regularly...because if I do, you can guarantee that I'll never quite get around to it. In fact, updates before I finish my A2s are so unlikely, but I am aiming to get Protector of the King's Own finished before I've finished my first year of uni! I shall, honest. If you feel the need to send me a rude message telling me to get on with it, please feel free. I need a kick up the backside every now and again. Me: 19 years old, female, a very poor student studying for an MA in Accounts and Management at Aberdeen University (Scotland), originates from Newcastle, quiet yet bossy, loves chocolate, shopping and curling up with a hot drink and a good book. Hobbies: Well...spare time is something foreign to me seeing as I've always got piles of coursework, study and revision that seems to be about twice my height, but if, on the off chance I do have spare time, I read, read some more, and a little bit more after that, see my boyfriend and engrave glass. I also work part time for a local catering company in Aberdeen...for the moment at any rate. Music wise, I'll listen to pretty much any modern country music and modern christian music - YFriday, Delirious and Chris Tomlin to name a few. Also love to listen to Josh Groban. Book wise, I love fantasy, especially high fantasy - love David Eddings. If you're slightly older, the Jacqueline Carey books are good...but I wouldn't recommend them to any of the younger members of this forum, they're a little...sexually explicit in places. But, just to vary my taste, I have a strong liking for first world war literature - diaries, letters, poems, novels, plays...you name it, and I'll read it. Particular favourites are the jingoistic poets and of course Sassoon, Owen and Pat Barker. Another love (book wise) are school girl stories - I devour anything by Elinor Brent-Dyer, Elise J Oxenham and Angela Brazil. I spend many hours on the internet looking for their books and crying when I realise I can't afford them! As you can see, I only write Tamora Pierce fanfiction, and I'm open to reading pretty much any pairing but have a strong preference for anything Kel/Lerant or Kel/Roald. I'm online regularly, so please, feel free to add me and talk to/email me. I love to chat to new people about anything and everything! A final note, on the subject of reveiws...please, if you read some of my writing, and find something you dislike/disagree with/feel that it could do with improving, let me know! I love getting constructive criticism - no matter how blunt! Be warned though, if it is simply a flame, I will just consign it to the trash can. If you have given me constructive criticism and I haven't done anything with it, please don't feel offended. I'm incredibly disorganised, so I have to finish writing a story before I go back and do major revision - your suggestions will be considered then! |