Alternate beginning for Summer
She sat alone in his room at St. Mungo's. Ron had gone home for the night with his parents. It had been two days since that night Remus Lupin had come to her home to tell her Harry had been taken to St. Mungo's. She had cried as Remus told her and her parents how Harry had, in a fit of wand-less grief blown the roof off of #4 Privet drive. The two Improper Use of Magic officials had found him crying uncontrollably in his room, sitting in the rain. They had summoned help to contain Harry. They had eventually needed eight enforcers to contain the magical force Harry was unconsciously emitting. They had tried to stun him but he was completely unaffected. Out of desperation they had summoned Albus Dumbledore to the scene. Somehow, tears in his own eyes Albus had rendered Harry unconscious and whisked him away to St Mungo's after sending Remus for her and Ron.
She had felt like screaming "I TOLD YOU SO!" at the top of her lungs. She had known that Harry had needed help but no one listens to a fifteen year old girl, even if she was the smartest witch to come along in over a century. Instead all she could manage was to cry in her father's arms and beg to go to him. Her mother had quickly helped her pack a bag and Remus had taken her through the flu network to St. Mungo's before going for Ron. She had bullied her way into his room as quickly as she could. When several of the Healers had tried to keep her away Albus's stern voice cleared the way for her to reach Harry's side. She had only left him to venture to the toilet here in his room. Albus had ordered that she and Ron be allowed unrestricted access to Harry. The staff had brought her and Ron all of their meals. They had slept the first night in the chairs, hoping Harry would wake.
Now Harry lay quietly, he had not yet woken from whatever Albus had done to him. The Healers had assured them all that Harry had no physical damage, only mental ones, unfortunately they could do little for him. Now that she was alone with him she held his hand in both of hers and talked softly to him. She rambled aimlessly at first; just trying to reassure him that she was there through her touch and her voice.
Albus quietly came into the room and sat watching them after Hermione had fallen asleep. He conjured several pillows and tried to make it so Hermione would not wake up with pains from having slept in such a position. He sat sadly watching them for an hour lost in his own thoughts. How blind he had been, when Hermione had clearly understood Harry so much better. She had sent him a letter the day after term had ended asking for Harry to be given help and support before he gave in to his grief over Sirius's death. He had believed that Harry needed to deal with his own emotions without interference from others. He silently cursed himself for making another terrible mistake where Harry had been involved.
She woke up the next morning her head on Harry's bed, still clutching his hand, Harry's fingers had somehow become entwined with hers. Albus was sitting in the other chair quietly watching them both. "When is he going to wake up sir?"
"Alas I do not know. The spell I cast on him will allow him to rest peacefully until he is ready to deal with the world again. Unfortunately it was the only thing that would put an end to his destruction of Privet Drive without harming him. I need to apologize to you for not heeding your most accurate warning as to Harry's state. I assure you it will not happen again, I believe it is up to you to help him through this Miss Granger."
"What? Me?"
"Precisely, he trusts you explicitly Miss Granger. Unfortunately I have lost his trust at present, for reasons I am all too well aware of. While I will strive to once again be his trusted advisor it is you alone at present whom he feels he can rely upon."
"How can I help him now? I have been trying to get him to wake up."
"Alas, again I must leave that up to you. Trust to your heart, I say that as one intellect to another Miss Granger. Too often we become mired in our love of knowledge to feel what is in our hearts. Trust in yours, forget your books and cleverness for now, There are more important things – friendship and bravery and…" He trailed off for a moment letting her think. "What is the last word Miss Granger, the word you could not utter four years ago? Can you bring yourself to say it yet?"
She finally spoke in a very small voice "How long have you known Sir?"
"Since before your birth to be honest Miss Granger. Certain things are meant to be, this is one of those things. It is no coincidence that brought the smartest witch along at this time, just as it is no coincidence that Harry Potter was born to defeat this and most likely the next Dark Lord."
"But, that's not logical."
Albus leaned forward and spoke passionately for the first time Hermione could recall. "Logic will only take you so far Miss Granger. Your heart must take you the rest of the way. Trust in your heart, the emotions that brought you here two days ago, I still see them, barely controlled. Let them loose; forget your fears and feel! That is what Harry desperately needs." Albus stood and walked to the door.
She stopped him just before he opened the door when she spoke up clearly. "Love Professor, Love. That is the one word I have been unable to say to Harry."
Albus turned and smiled at her, "Then I leave him in your loving care Miss Granger. Summon us when he is awake, well when you are ready to anyway." With a twinkle in his eyes Albus strode from the room.
She knew no one would disturb them until she rang. Taking a deep breath to calm herself she turned back to Harry. He needed her and she had sworn to always be there for him.
This is an alternate beginning to my novel length fic Summer of Despair and Hope. Link is in my Signature...