Author has written 31 stories for Digimon, Card Captor Sakura, Furi Kuri: FLCL, Inuyasha, Bleach, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Well I suppose that it's well past time I update this profile. The years have not imparted a resistance to laziness so really it's a miracle that it has only taken me a month to get around to it after having the initial thought to do it (well that and the years which lead up to aforementioned thought). I am still a frequent reader but not really active in writing fanfiction anymore. This is mostly for the same reason recovering alcoholics avoid bars, as it would be far too easy and far too counterproductive to start writing fanfics again. I first started writing fanfiction as a way to hone my writing and get all the bad habits out of my system. When your system comes pre-set with the grammatical prowess of a five year old and the sensationalistic sappiness of a preteen girl it takes a while to accomplish, but after a while I got to the point where I needed to stop writing for other people's characters and start creating my own. I still write today, but now I am doing it without the benefit of a preexisting fanbase and characters that are my own to make or ruin. It's hard, but looking back at some of my old stories I do feel like I have accomplished a lot. I love stories and have learned to love what goes into making them work, which throws a bit of a monkey wrench at me, as I am now an educated reader looking for more quality than it is wise to expect outside of professional authors. I suppose I've become something of a literary snob but to me there is real magic in the way a story can be built, reworked and edited until it speaks to us in a real and sometimes profound way; though rare, there are authors on here who seem to feel that magic too and create some awesome stories. Did I mention that it's rare though? : P On a personal note I love this site as it's brought me in contact with several people who have become lifelong friend and of whom I could not imagine being without. The most notable of which is Angel2 who means more to me than... well... at this point I would hope she gets just how important she is to me (The fact that she plays Grammar Gestapo with my writing notwithstanding of course.) I hope that you enjoy my old stories and that they mean to you what other people's stories have meant to me over the years. Thanks! Logan |