Reviews for The Sealed Kunai
Guest chapter 11 . 6h
Shake my head
Makaze125 chapter 56 . 7/19
Yo Kenchi, firstly loving the story, secondly the end note: I agree man shit confused me, and with boruto it has turned in a bit of a dbz 'continuationas far as I know) with the Piccolo, Gohan dynamic, personally haven't watched or read boruto because of this inconvenience so I can't even imagine how you must feel
Guest chapter 26 . 7/16
Hanako needs to be killed and raped
Poseidreigon chapter 33 . 7/16
damn jaraiyas back on the list
Makaze125 chapter 50 . 7/15
I will say this now, I love the story, disclaimers and the end notes keep working kenchi
Mattroxursoul chapter 26 . 7/13
Hamako is like that perfect mix of meek. Yet when determined to get something it will happen
Mattroxursoul chapter 23 . 7/13
Good chapter. Only issue is timeline stuff is really off. 3rd war ended a few years before Naruto was born. That would put the 2nd war only a few years before it. Not super important just slightly off. Pretty sure uzu went down while Kushina was still pretty young. Maybe ninja age but fresh academy
Mattroxursoul chapter 22 . 7/13
Not sure I can complain about spoilers in your own story or when its not even halfway done. Maybe Naruto and sai could have drowned here and been replaced with time travel Boruto.. God that would be the worst.
RiceCakePlayz chapter 28 . 7/11
yes let's attack Naruto while he's GUARDING THE HOKAGE, because if a traitor nin shows up in front of the hokage, the bodyguard is going to fight, and if they lose who's left? mmm just the FXCKING HOKAGE
Mattroxursoul chapter 15 . 7/11
You are about the best at Naruto fanfic. So many people don't realize that in order to be good Naruto has to be dome kind of Crazy. Nothing worse than an op Naruto who is overly boring. You can do a serious story and still have some humor in it
nahson2 chapter 25 . 7/11
The way you characterized Deidara was dope
Great story so far
Mattroxursoul chapter 14 . 7/11
Fun chapter. I hate how most writers misuse Danzo. He can be an awesome villain if used right. Intelligent, connected politcally, old men are dangerous because they've been smart enough to survive that long. So many people use him as a one dimensional villain though. Actions often make no sense. Like wanting to kill or chase off Naruto. That is just a waste. He wants to use Naruto for his ambitions not get rid of him. Of course feels like most writers don't write strong antagonists instead they think their characters are op for stomping them. Which is dumb shit overcoming tough things is better for story as well as character development
Mattroxursoul chapter 5 . 7/9
Good .considered it a joke Kabuto was that strong.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/6
GreyFire chapter 69 . 6/22
Great story, I’m 7years late to it and loved reading it. Thanks for the read, this is my first review and I’ve read tons of fanfics. I don’t know if you’ll see this but damn, good fucking job
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