Author has written 4 stories for Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Pokémon. I figured that since I now have a story on this site and it seems that at least a few people like it, that I should actually put something on my profile. So here's a Naruto style introduction. My name is LordTicky. My real name is for my friends to know, no one else. My likes are chinese food, cartoons, and manga. I watch anime occasionally but I prefer manga. My favorite manga series are: Fullmetal Alchemist, Hellsing, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, Dragonball Z, Fairy Tail, and MAR. My dislikes are assholes who act that way for the sake of being an asshole and Twilight. My dreams are to get enough money to go back to school to learn computer repair and to eventually get 50 people to favorite any one of my stories. I also, at one point in my life, want to leave the country and see some sights. Edit: I reached my goal of getting 50 people to favorite one of my stories! And that particular story is Golden Lightning! Now my new goal is to get 100 favorites on a story! CHALLENGES These seem to be a thing. A LOT of very good stories that I follow/favorite originally started as challenges. So I'm going to lay out a few for you people at home. And please, if anyone accepts these challenges please send me a link to the stories as I would LOVE to read them. NARUTO Challenge #1 - Puppetmaster Naruto Summary: Naruto, at some point in his life, discovers the existence of the art of puppeteering and, deciding that it's cool, learns how to use it. Mandatory: These HAVE to be a part of the story. 1. Naruto's main style of battle will be with puppets. 2. Naruto is still loyal either to the village of Konoha itself, or just Hiruzen. 3. Naruto's parents are still Minato and Kushina. Don't say that Naruto is Sasori's secret child as an easy way to get him into puppets. 4. Please don't bash these characters. The rest are fair game. Hiruzen, Jaraiya, Tsunade, Shizune, Iruka, Teuchi, Ayame, Minato, and Kushina. Optional: They don't HAVE to be included, but I would love to see them. 1. Naruto getting into puppets at an early age. This is recommended, but not necessary. 2. Naruto's childhood being extremely rough. Ya'll may think me mean, but I like stories where Naruto has a rough childhood. It makes it all the better when he proves those asses wrong. 3. Naruto knowing Gaara as a child. Since puppeteering is a Suna art, it's safe to assume that at some point Naruto either visited Suna (with Hiruzen of course) or met the kazekage plus children when they came over to Konoha for meetings/chunin exams. Of course, Naruto can just learn puppeteering through trial and error, I've seen it done. Challenge #2 - Seal Master Naruto Summary: At some point, either during the academy or after learning of the Kyuubi, Naruto learns about fuinjutsu and decides that he wants to try it. Mandatory: These HAVE to be a part of the story. 1. A large part of Naruto's life will revolve around seals. Whether in battle or just to make life easier. 2. Naruto will have at least one weapon inscribed with seals that he regularly uses. It doesn't have to be 'SHIT!' powerful, I'd settle for a stick with an endurance seal, but it has to be his main weapon of choice. Aside from other seals, of course. 3. Naruto finding out about his clan, and attempts to gather up the remaining scattered Uzumaki. 4. Please don't bash these characters. The rest are fair game. Hiruzen, Jaraiya, Tsunade, Shizune, Iruka, Teuchi, Ayame, Minato, and Kushina. Optional: They don't HAVE to be included, but I would love to see them. 1. Naruto becoming proficient enough in seals to remove Anko's curse mark. 2. Jaraiya taking an interest in Naruto BEFORE the chuunin exams and helping him with his sealwork. 3. Naruto using his mastery of seals for an elaborate prank. Or more than one if you like writing it. Challenge #3 - Naruto Inuzuka/Aburame Summary: This is actually two challenges, but they're very similar so I'm combining them into one. What happens if Naruto was taken in or adopted into either the Inuzuka or Aburame clans? Mandatory: These HAVE to be a part of the story. 1. Naruto, either as an infant, young child, or even a fresh genin, is taken in (or adopted) by either the Inuzuka or Aburame clans. 2. Once taken in (or adopted) Naruto HAS to learn the clan's style of fighting. (Inuzuka with their ninken and Aburame with their bugs.) 3. Naruto's status as the Kyuubi jinchuriki MUST effect some part of his life once in the clan. (Aburame Ex. The bugs inside him mutating because of the malevolent chakra. Inuzuka Ex. Naruto having to get a fox kit instead a puppy because of how he smells like foxes to the dogs.) 4. Please don't bash these characters. The rest are fair game. Hiruzen, Jaraiya, Tsunade, Shizune, Iruka, Teuchi, Ayame, Minato, and Kushina. Optional: They don't HAVE to be included, but I would love to see them. 1. If Naruto is an Aburame, a Naruto/Fu pairing would be interesting. 2. Even as an Aburame, Naruto maintains his hyper and sunny disposition. 3. As an Inuzuka, Naruto would be even more fiercely protective and territorial then he is in canon. How would this effect the storyline? 4. Dogs chase cats. What happens if the cat is Tora? It would be great to see that seen detailed if Naruto was an Inuzuka. MASS EFFECT Challenge #1 - For the love of an Asari Councilor Summary: Shepard and Councilor Tevos fall in love. Can take place at any point in the series. Mandatory: These HAVE to be a part of the story. 1. Obviously, it's a Shepard/Tevos pairing. 2. The story follows its canon course, though you can add in any additional side missions you want. Optional: They don't HAVE to be included, but I would love to see them. 1. Please, for the love of GOD, make the Shepard in your story be Femshep. Femshep/Tevos is an INCREDIBLY rare pairing and I find that sad as I can genuinely see them as a couple. 2. Joker making wisecracks about their relationship. Because Joker's jokes are funny as hell. |