![]() Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Hello! I am a British female in my twenties. English is my primary language (and all my stories will be in English), but I also speak French, German, Italian and Spanish with varying levels of proficiency. I'm an avid reader, but in Fanfiction universe I'm essentially focused on the world of Harry Potter. Like probably 90% of people my age, I grew up with the HP stories and was madly in love (and still am). I started reading Harry Potter fanfiction, and eventually decided to write something of my own. Please be patient and kind with me - legal writing is far more analytical, and I'm a little out of practise in the creative department. When reading HP fanfiction, here's a little of what I like and dislike (and therefore what you'll likely see and not see in my writing): Characters: Harry, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape are probably my favourite characters in JK Rowling's work. I also love Remus and Sirius, and I enjoy exploring some of the lesser-known or under-utilised characters from canon. I usually detest stories that paint Dumbledore as evil or vindictive (although occasionally I will read a story where he's slightly manipulative). I see Dumbledore as a complicated character with a difficult and troubled past, but as someone who ultimately struggles to balance the weight of the world and the 'greater good' with genuine love for Harry, and a desire to do what's best for both. I shamelessly sobbed when Dumbledore was killed in Half Blood Prince, even while I could understand JKR's reasoning from a story perspective. I like stories that have Dumbledore as a mentor/guardian type figure, although personally I don't buy into actual adoption fiction in most cases. As with Dumbledore, I prefer Snape and McGonagall to be portrayed close to canon in personality. I think this can be (and has been) done, even where we see more of the character's 'soft' side, or where Snape warms to Harry. I'm not much of a 'Snape is Harry's real father' fan, or a 'Snape adopts Harry' supporter, although I do sometimes enjoy stories where Snape becomes a mentor or more openly protective of Harry. I adore McGonagall; and Maggie Smith, who I saw as McGonagall in my mind when reading the books long before she was cast in the role, and who reminds me strongly of my strict, proper and fiercely-loving grandmother. Although I think Ron can be pig-headed or annoying at times, I also find him loyal and ultimately lovable. I think Hermione is fantastic, and that Harry would probably have died in PS without her help. Needless to say, you're not likely to find significant Ron or Hermione bashing in my work. Actually, you're not likely to find much 'bashing' at all in my stories... generally, I think creating unnecessary hatred for some character just because the author can tends to be a front for bad writing or pandering. Pairings: If you are the type looking for a 'Harry meets the love of his life at 11 and is mated forever' type of story, you are not likely to have any luck with my writing. I like the canon pairings, but I'm not opposed to alterations. I do NOT write slash. I've no problem with slash writing, I just don't generally think it makes sense with Harry, Draco, Ron or Snape (who tend to be the characters in HP slash fiction) - it just doesn't fit with their characters - so you won't find those pairings here. I also do not ship Remus/Sirius or Sirius/James. I haven't yet considered OC pairings for some of the characters, and although I am not ruling it out entirely, I think it's unlikely. I find, sadly, that Snape is difficult to pair with anyone in canon: although I have seen great stories that pair Snape with Tonks or even Narcissa Malfoy, and somehow make it work. For Dumbledore, I don't mind him as the sort of asexual (now that Grindelwald is gone) character he is in the books, but I also like when his relationship with Minerva is more significant than friendship. If you're reading my Child of Hogwarts series, that is the pairing you will see most prominently, at least in the early books. General Thoughts on Writing in the HP Universe: I am much more in tune with the canon story of the books than the films. The films were - generally - well done, but the true story for me will always be in the pages. I find I enjoy reading fanfiction that stays relatively in-canon, at least at its premise, and where the characters are not too OOC. I don't mind a powerful Harry or an as-is portrayal, but I'm not a big fan of self-harm Harry, acts-constantly-younger-than-his-age Harry, disabled Harry, fem-Harry, is-not-the-boy-who-lived Harry, or evil Harry. As I mentioned, I don't mind reading some of the adoption fics or even the occasional Severitus fiction, but it isn't my favourite story line and I won't be using it. I don't mind some of the stories that portray Harry as physically abused at the Dursleys, though I hate when the abuse becomes sexual. There will be some neglect and/or mild physical abuse in some of my writing, but it's not likely to be significant (probably only present where needed to advance a plot point). Any spells or incantations used in my work which were not articulated in the books will derive from Latin. No magic can awaken the dead - as long as they were, indeed, dead to begin with... which may not always be the case. The plot of any 'series' I might post (COH being the only one I am currently working on) is continuous... that is to say, the stories do not 'conclude' and stand entirely alone book to book. There are things early in Part I that will matter in Part VI, e.g., so if you read out of order or skip the early story you are likely to miss things, in future. Finally, I like to read complex characters, and I think JKR does complexity brilliantly. I have tried to stay true to that in my own writing... and thus I try to be very, very deliberate in the dialogue and character thoughts that make their way into each chapter. Very little has only it's surface meaning, but if you can decipher the subtext you will find that sometimes I hide answers to riddles past and future in plain sight. You have been warned. :) Reviews and Messaging: I would love any and all reviews! I'm not hypersensitive, so I don't mind some critique if you feel you must share, but I would prefer if reviewers avoid profanity for the benefit of other readers! I do generally prefer constructive criticism, however... so if you are merely wanting to comment that you hate the story and do not wish to read further; by all means feel free to read something else... there are more than 700k HP stories on this site alone with innumerable different plots, pairings and premises, and many are wonderful. If you are enjoying the story - please do let me know! It takes a lot of work to write these stories, and I have yet to meet an author who didn't cherish each and every reader who opted to leave comments. You are welcome to share ideas on plot, character development, or just general comments if you have them. I will endeavour to answer all questions I receive from reviewers as well (unless there is a story-line reason why I cannot, in which case I will say so). I also welcome any messages from readers and - most especially - suggestions for further reading! Lots of Love, C.S.D. 8 July - I know, I know. I am so sorry for the continued delay. Between some personal issues, illness in the house, work and other distractions of late, I am quite behind. But I promise Child of Hogwarts remains close to my heart, and the next chapter is well underway. I won't give an estimated posting date as I have missed so many of my hoped-for timelines of late, but I will say that it's coming along and I am cautiously optimistic that the remaining wait will not be extensive. As ever, all my love, C.S.D. |