Reviews for Of Dwarvish Ale and Battle Scars
shirebound chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
I re-read this wonderful, delightful tale once in awhile, and enjoy it just as much every time. This story is truly a timeless gem.
Dalek Warrior chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
This is hilarious. Finally a fic where Frodo is funny!
Rian Steelsheen chapter 1 . 6/1/2010
Hilarious! I loved it!
andaere chapter 1 . 8/21/2009
Aww, this is lovely! It's nice to see that you can write lighthearted fun as well as dark, angsty pieces. I love drunk!Frodo and can never find enough of him. Drunk!Faramir and drunk!Aragorn were also funny, as was the mental image of them all together, red-faced and laughing. Frodo's laughter really was infectious. I found myself having to stifle my own laughter (unfortunately I'm not alone in the room, and I don't want any weird looks). xD I love the idea that Frodo coerced both the Steward and the King to join in his little "game".

It was also nice because, as lighthearted as it is, you know as the reader that Frodo's been through a lot and that he hasn't laughed so much in ages and really needed to lighten up.

It was so funny when Frodo and Faramir were comparing battle scars, and when Aragorn and Frodo and Faramir were all exchanging rhymes. Faramir's really sucked. xD

I just LOVE this, it's so well-written, and as I said, drunk!Frodo is a treasure. I can visualize everything so clearly in my head, which is a real treat. :) Thanks so much for sharing this!
Lady Almaren chapter 1 . 2/19/2007
Great fic! I'll party with Frodo any day. And the battle scar scene was priceless!
Fix chapter 1 . 8/23/2005
Oh, that one's just nice! Part funny, part cute, the perfect thing to read on a rainy day, if you want to get cheered up! :)
Allocin chapter 1 . 3/23/2005
My cheeks are HURTING now. Oh so glad I read this, because I haven't laughed so hard in weeks! Thank you very much for this excellent tale.
Vilya0 chapter 1 . 11/4/2004
Hullo! I absolutely loved your fic. The dialogue was brilliant and I liked so much the way you described the facial expressions. Wonderful fic. :)
Leia Wood aka Cascadia chapter 1 . 8/8/2004
I love how Aragorn was drawn in on the act. :) And their pride in showing their 'battle scars' is just like men, LOL! :) Now I must read that sequel.

sdrtkjdr6yjdrtyj6uxe6xe46j chapter 1 . 8/2/2004
I really like this story. Well written and a great take on the characters of Faramir and Frodo; showing the true resiliency of their spirits (pun intended?). All in all a tale that was a refeshing breeze told in grand style. And the limericks were quite deft indeed.
Merlynnod chapter 1 . 4/5/2004
That was wonderful! Simply wonderful! LOL!
In a world full of angsty (and very often, very, very good angst ;) Frodo stories, this was a lovely little island of humour. :)
Wonderful story, very funny without being over the top; a precarious position, captured beautifully. :)
lilpip chapter 1 . 3/16/2004
Really really funny!
I can't believe I hadn't read this yet!
rabidsamfan chapter 1 . 2/16/2004
Oh, good heavens, this is silly but fun. And by that time all three of them probably do need a good drunk! I'm surprised Gandalf doesn't join them.
RAKSHA THE DEMON chapter 1 . 2/16/2004
Oh, what fun this story is! It's a fresh new angle on two long-suffering characters! I love seeing Faramir as a closet prankster. Poor Aragorn, Faramir should take him out on incognito sometime, check out the taverns, etc...
BuckleberryFerry chapter 1 . 1/5/2004
Oh I love drunk Frodo and drunk Faramir. Simply fantastic; keep up the brilliant work!
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