And here we are, folks. The last chapter of Alliance of Heroes. I hope you enjoy.

The first chapter of Part 2 - Night Must Fall - will be posted on July 26. Chapters will be posted every Tuesday.

Thank you to everyone who read this story. I especially appreciate everyone who has taken the time to review. I hope you enjoy Part 2.

And now, on with the show.





It wasn't as difficult as she'd expected to tell the story of her former life.

Mara arrived at Cracken's office with Luke in tow and informed the general that she had important matters to discuss. He was in a meeting with General Madine but Mara asked the other general to stay. If she was going to confess, she was going to do so correctly. Madine was a former Imperial and had worked with her when she was the Emperor's Hand. He deserved to know the truth as well.

She told them everything, starting at the very beginning—how the Emperor stole her from her family when she was a young girl, how he trained her to do his every bidding without question, the skills she learned from the Royal Guard and Intelligence, the misgivings she'd developed after Alderaan, the Emperor's assignment designed to test her allegiance, her decision to leave the Empire, and her ultimate decision to stay with the Rebellion. Not a stone was left unturned. Luke sat silently the entire time, even as the generals interjected to ask questions or for clarifications.

In the end it was freeing, finally being completely honest about who she was. She'd never done so before. Perhaps now, she was one step closer to finding out who the true Mara Jade really was.

There were no outbursts, no accusations of deception or treachery. Cracken and Madine listened to her story as they would any other report. They didn't even flinch when she told them about the more delicate aspects of her time as the Emperor's Hand.

Luke, for his part, was muted in the Force. But every so often, when her voice wavered just slightly, she felt his presence reach out to hers—the mental equivalent of squeezing her hand.

The confession lasted several hours and Mara was exhausted when she finally got back to her quarters. Cracken had asked her to stay confined there for the rest of the evening, but that he'd like to speak with her again the following morning. She could sense that he was cautiously optimistic about her past as the Emperor's Hand. She couldn't really blame him, considering all the information she'd be able to provide. That night Mara had fallen asleep quickly, a small sense of hope growing inside her that maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all.

But when she'd woken up, just minutes ago, her world had once again been shattered.

She stared at her datapad for a long time. She had only one new message, from Intelligence, counter-signed by Mon Mothma.

Her new orders.

She'd been transferred to Intelligence.

The officer who initiated the transfer was Luke Skywalker.

She didn't bother to read the rest. She just stared blankly at the datapad, a familiar feeling of dread settling over her shoulders. So this was it. Luke had decided he couldn't deal with her dishonesty, so he'd requested that she be moved to another branch of the Alliance.

She couldn't really blame him.

But it still hurt.

What did she do now? Did she stay? She wanted to Alliance to win this war. She fit in with the Rebels more than she ever did in the Empire. She wanted to defeat Palpatine. She wanted him to die.

But she'd never considered being anything other than a Rogue. She'd grown to love flying her starfighter, more than she ever thought possible, and the thought of not getting to do so anymore filled her with unease. Not only that, but she'd become friends with her astromech. At one time, her only friend in the galaxy had been a protocol droid. Now her only friend was an R5 droid, and he was being taken away as well.

She wanted to cry, to scream, to do anything, but instead she remained silent, unable to gather the strength.

There was a knock at the door. She looked up, sensing who it was. She was surprised that he'd come to talk, but she shouldn't have been. He was the type of person who would want to end things in person. Not that there was anything to end.

"Come in."


Luke steeled himself before opening the door and stepping inside. Mara was sitting on her bunk, still in her sleep clothes, staring at the datapad in her hands. Even with mussed hair, she still looked incredibly beautiful.

She didn't acknowledge him. He stared at her for a moment, then took a seat on her empty chair. "I see you got your new orders."

The look in her eyes was the only confirmation she needed. After a long moment, she asked, "Why?"

"There are many reasons."

"But…I thought we'd be able to work through this…I thought you felt the same things I did…" Her voice cracked as she spoke.

He narrowed his eyes, not understanding why she was so upset. Of course he wanted to work through this—that was why he'd requested the transfer in the first place. Did she not get that?

She continued ranting and raving and it all fell into place. Luke suppressed a grin. "Mara, did you read the entire document?"

She shrugged. "I didn't need to. I got the gist—I'm now in Intelligence, and it was by your request. You obviously can't stand to be around me so you asked that I leave."

"Actually, Mara, it's exactly the opposite."

"What are you talking about?" she snapped.

He held her gaze for a long moment, before bringing his chair even closer to her, so that their knees grazed against each other. "Read it."


"Just humor me."

She did. Luke watched in amusement as her eyes widened in both confusion and surprise. When she got to the end she looked up, an unreadable expression on her face.

"I'm in Intelligence, but I'm still with the Rogues?"


"I don't get it. If you wanted me to stay in the squadron, why move me to Intelligence?"

That old recklessness that Han assured would get him killed one day came bubbling to the surface. "Did you forget the rule about fraternization that quickly, Mara?"

Now her eyes widened with realization. "You…"

Luke nodded. Hoping she wouldn't snap his head off, he slowly took her hand in his. "It was Wedge's idea, actually. I mentioned your comment from long ago about being good in intelligence. He thought, we're already great pilots—why don't we learn new skills and become a better-rounded group? Wes is a sharpshooter and Zev went through some slicing training. Your experience as an Imperial agent made your specialty in intelligence-gathering a no-brainer. And Wedge thought that if we could arrange it so you were officially transferred to Intelligence, that it would help us get around that rule."

"Why would he care so much?"

"They all care, Mara, because they're my friends. They're our friends."

She glanced down at her feet. Luke could sense that, despite half a year in the Alliance, she still wasn't used to having a support system like Rogue Squadron. She still expected to live life on her own.

He hoped he could help her change that.

Taking a deep breath, he forced her chin up. "My plan ended up working better than we'd hoped. After the meeting yesterday Cracken said there was no way in hell that you wouldn't be working for Intelligence. I agreed, but insisted that you stay with the Rogues on a part-time basis. I said you were too good of a pilot and I couldn't imagine someone else flying as Rogue Ten."

"And Cracken agreed? Why?"

"To have the former Emperor's Hand working for him? He was so excited that he practically skipped around his office. You think he was happy when Madine came over? It's like that, times a thousand."

"But…but I lied. How could they trust me?"

"They're not ignoring that, Mara. Cracken does want to speak with you about some sort of official reprimand, and I doubt it'll be awhile before they send you on any missions. But they feel the same way I do—that you defected to the Alliance on Dantooine. Since then you have done nothing to endanger the Alliance. You're one of us now, whether you like or not."

She smiled, just a little bit. "Is that so?"


Now Mara reached out to take Luke's other hand in hers. "So...this was all your devious plot, to get around that rule?"

"Well, it was Wedge's idea. But yeah. This was all for my personal gain. I hope you're not mad."

Mara threw back her head and laughed. "Only you, Farmboy. Only you."

Luke grinned at her nickname for him. He ran his thumb over her hand, turning serious. He had spent most of the previous night thinking about what he would do about Mara. Even though he knew he should feel betrayed, he didn't. No matter what, he knew that this couldn't be the end, because whatever was going on between them had only just begun. "It's obvious that we don't really know each other as well as I thought we did. But that's okay. We can get to know each other, for real, now." He paused for a moment. "I want to get to know you, Mara. I want to know everything about you."

"You do?"

"I do." He took another deep breath. "I want to date you, Mara, like a normal person—well, as normal as it can be in the Alliance. I...I want to take things slow. I want to do this right. What I feel for you is so strong…I know I'm meant to be with you…I don't want to make any more mistakes. I just hope you agree."

Her voice was small and hopeful. "You know that I do."

"Well, then." Luke stood up. "Can I invite you to have breakfast with me, and to join me in the pilot's lounge later tonight? I hear Wes is organizing a sabacc tournament."

Mara smiled. "I'd like that. But…" She glanced down for a moment. "You really want to date me, knowing all that you do about me?"

Luke nodded. "Especially now." He stepped closer and pulled her up from the bunk. "Now…why don't you get dressed? I'll wait outside."

"Okay." This time, he didn't turn away when she leaned forward to kiss his cheek.


Mara watched as Luke left her room, still somewhat in shock. He still wanted to be with her. More than that, he wanted to date her, and really get to know her. No man had ever wanted to date her before. She almost didn't know how to feel.

There was only one way she could feel—happy.

So Mara smiled as she got dressed, and she didn't care one bit that it took her ten minutes longer than usual.




Luke smiled as he watched Mara fleece the other pilots out of yet even more credits. They'd definitely gotten in over their heads when they'd invited her into the sabacc game, but they were much to proud to stop the game now. They all wanted to win back their credits. Luke knew they'd probably be leaving the game completely broke.

The day had practically flown by. Breakfast was much more enjoyable than usual, thanks to Mara's company, even though they'd been interrupted several times by Rogues cracking jokes. Luke didn't care, though. Let them make their funny comments. He was sitting with the most beautiful girl in the Alliance.

After breakfast Mara went to speak with Cracken, then he briefed his pilots on the Drunost mission. He told them the entire story, with the exception of Mara once being the Emperor's Hand. Cracken had been the one to ask her to keep quiet about her former occupation, thinking that such a secret would be advantageous in the long run. So instead they maintained that Mara was a high-ranking Imperial agent who'd worked closely with Palpatine and Vader.

The Rogues were shocked at first, but then they crowded around Mara, offering words of support and encouragement. Even Tycho, the person Mara was most concerned about discovering the truth, did not seem upset by Mara's lies. After all, she had saved all of their lives the previous day. It was obvious that her defection from the Empire had been genuine.

The afternoon had been filled with gym time and sim runs and dinner and finally, another night in the pilots' lounge. Luke wasn't playing sabacc—despite having the Force, he was horrible at the game—but he was content to merely watch his new girlfriend kick the other pilots' asses.

Girlfriend. Luke let the word play on his lips for a few moments. He liked the way it sounded.

Mara glanced at him and handed him a stack of chips. "Go get me some ale, please. All this winning is making me thirsty."

He smiled and rose from his chair behind Mara. "Sure thing."

He only got a few meters before he heard Wes's whispered comment: "They're together less than one day and he's already running errands for her—ow!"

"Thanks, Wedge," Luke called over his shoulder. His XO raised a glass in his direction.

Luke went to the bar and got two glasses of ale. He didn't need a refill but picked one up anyway, thinking that one of the other Rogues (or Mara) would drink it for him.

"Hi, Luke."

Luke started at the feminine voice next to him. "Leia! What are you doing here?"

She shrugged. "Oh, you know, just thought I'd stop by."

"Please, you never come to the lounge, even though I've invited you about a thousand times. What's the matter?"

Leia glanced over at the sabacc table, then back to Luke. "Can we talk privately?"

Something in her expression gave Luke pause. "Sure. Hold on, let me bring these to Mara."


Leia watched as Luke returned to the sabacc table, deposited the glasses of ale, and gave Mara a kiss on the cheek to the catcalls of the other Rogues. Despite her misgivings, Leia smiled. Luke was like her brother, and she was glad to see him so happy.

Which was why she felt so awful about the way she'd acted.

They took seats at the bar. "So?" Luke asked.

Leia took a deep breath. "I need to apologize for something."

"For what?"

"Well first, for the way I acted in the Command briefing. It was completely wrong of me to call you out in front of everyone."

Luke waved his hand. "It was a fair question. I've been asking it myself. I guess I'm just not that good with the Force yet."

"But you are," Leia insisted. "You knew about Mara's trustworthiness from the beginning, and I…I doubted you."

"Well, you were right. I was lying about her."

"Yes, but that's not the point. Your intentions were always good. I doubted you, and for that I deeply apologize. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Leia," Luke chuckled, pulling her to him. "Don't get so upset. It's nothing."

"But it's not. Just…let me say I'm sorry."

"Okay then." Luke nodded. "I accept your apology."

"Thank you." After a few moments Leia pulled away. "You better get back to your girlfriend before she gets jealous."

"Oh, less than a day and you're already teasing me?"

"You got a problem with that?"

Luke glanced back at Mara. At the same instant she met his gaze, then grinned wickedly and pointed to a new stack of sabacc chips.

Luke returned the smile. "Nope. No problem at all."

"It's nice seeing you so happy."

"Yeah." Luke placed his hand on Leia's knee. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"I'm fine, Luke."

"You sure?"

"I'm fine. Now shoo, go back to your girlfriend."

"Okay, Leia." He gave her another hug. "But you know I'm always here for you, right?"

Leia met his gaze and nodded.

She watched him return to the sabacc table. He took a seat next to Mara and, after a few moments, self-consciously placed an arm around her shoulder. Mara hesitated for a second, then relaxed and settled in to the crook of his arm.

Blinking away sudden tears, Leia rushed out of the lounge, retreating to the safety and solitude of her quarters.




Several hours later, after Mara had fleeced the Rogues out of every last credit in their possession, she and Luke retreated to a corner of the lounge. They talked quietly for a long time. Mara told Luke about some of the missions she'd embarked on in the Empire's service. Luke told Mara all about the finer workings of moisture vaporators. He had an awed expression the entire time she talked, describing all the intricacies of Palpatine's court. But as far as Mara was concerned, Luke had the much more impressive childhood. His was normal. He got to be a kid.

Mara never had a childhood.

Perhaps that was why she now wanted to make up for lost time. She was glad that Luke wanted to take things slow. She'd never had a proper boyfriend and had no idea how she should act or what she should do or say, but that didn't matter. Something told her that Luke—and she—would be happy no matter what.

And so it was that they sat talking until the late hours of the evening, content to merely talk about everything and nothing at all.

Finally the chrono struck midnight and Luke said they better get some sleep. Mara considered making a snarky comment about Luke accompanying her to bed but thought better of it. She wanted to do this right, too. There'd be time for those things later.

She hoped.

Like a true gentleman, Luke escorted her to her quarters. She'd be moving soon; after her transfer to Intelligence she'd been assigned new quarters with Winter Retrac. It would be nice to have a roommate, and Winter was a genuinely nice person. Perhaps having a roommate would bring Mara one step closer to having a normal life.

The new couple stood awkwardly outside her door for several moments, holding hands. Luke's thumbs felt warm as they caressed her skin.

"Well," Mara said.

"Well," Luke echoed, stepping a bit closer. "I had a really good time tonight."

"Me too. My pockets are weighed down from all the credits I won." She grinned, patting down her coveralls.

Luke laughed. "Better hide those. Can I meet you for breakfast tomorrow?"

"I have a meeting with Cracken at 0900."

"I'll meet you here at 0800, then?"

Mara smiled. "That would be nice."

"Okay, well…good night then…"

"Good night…"

They moved toward each other until their bodies were almost flush together. Mara gazed up into Luke's eyes and, for the first time, she allowed herself to get lost in them. She bit her lip as Luke brought his hand to her cheek…

And then he kissed her.








The Emperor's Throne Room was as oppressive as ever. Vader hadn't desired to come here again, but he had no choice when summoned by his master.

Over the past several months, Vader had kept many things from the Emperor. He sometimes wondered if Palpatine was playing him, and actually knew all of Vader's secrets. It wouldn't surprise him. But Vader could only continue with the lies that started the day he discovered that his son was alive and serving in the Rebellion.

He strode forth into the room and fell on bended knee. "What is thy bidding, my master?"

The Emperor gestured for him to rise. "The Rebels escaped you once again."

Vader bowed his head, unable to deny the accusation. "Yes, master."

"My Hand was with them."

"She was."

"Ahh, my child," Palpatine hissed, narrowing his eyes. Vader could feel him stretching out with the Force. After several moments, he looked back to Vader. "She has betrayed us."

"It is so. She claimed to still be serving you."

Palpatine sighed wearily, considering how to deal with his Hand's treachery. Vader almost shuddered, thinking about what would happen to the girl when she was finally caught. "I will take care of her. But right now it is of no importance. We have larger problems to discuss, Lord Vader."


Palpatine reclined ominously in his throne. "There is a great disturbance in the Force."

Vader's regulated breath almost caught in his throat. The moment he'd feared for so long had arrived. The only thing he could do now was continue to lie. "I have felt it."

"We have a new enemy. The young Rebel who destroyed the Death Star."

"You have determined his identity?"

His master nodded. "I have no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker."

For once in his life, Vader was grateful for the helmet that separated him from the rest of the universe. He said the first thing that came to mind. "How is that possible?"

Palpatine steepled his fingers. "Search your feelings, Lord Vader. You will know it to be true. He could destroy us."

"He's just a boy. Obi-Wan can no longer help him."

"The Force is strong with him. The Son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi."

And there it was—the threat to kill the boy. Vader couldn't let that happen. Luke could accomplish all that Anakin had lost…

Vader was not lying when he proposed his next thought: "If he could be turned, he could become a powerful ally."

"Yes," Palpatine agreed, his yellow eyes twinkling with possibilities. "He would be a great…asset. Can it be done?"

"He will join us or die, master."

"Good. And Lord Vader? When you find the boy…you will bring my Hand back to me."

Vader stared straight ahead. It appeared that Palpatine also suspected the nature of the relationship between his precious Hand and Anakin's son.

Vader smiled to himself as memories from the past assaulted him; oh yes, Jade would be much more useful than he could have ever dreamed. He bowed his head reverently. "She will be yours once again, master."

Palpatine smiled, his decomposed teeth glinting in the sunlight streaming through the tall windows. "I have foreseen it. The Son of Skywalker and my Hand…

"Our enemies will quiver in their wake."




End of Part 1 – Alliance of Heroes

The Trilogy will continue with Part 2 – Night Must Fall