Reviews for Adopted by Default
Aquarica chapter 10 . 20h
I really enjoyed reading this story, it was a fun spin on what could have happened after Sabaody. I can see Luffy being so annoyingly lovable that he just fit right in with the Whitebeard pirates for a while. Glad I got the chance to read it!
Dethcat chapter 6 . 6/27
Technically Sabo had amnesia from his near death experience and that only went away when he saw the newspaper declaring Ace dead.
meh chapter 3 . 6/7
you see, I'm pretty sure the list of things that come first in your life at the beginning of the chapter was a biiiiiit off. Seemed pretty sketchy, ngl.
AnonymousChild chapter 10 . 4/21
Are you sure you haven't just abandoned this story? It's been 4 years
MagicIceDragon chapter 3 . 2/2
Haruta is a boy
That Sweet Bit chapter 2 . 12/11/2019
I think Luffy asking Marco if he poops is one of the greatest things in all of One Piece fanfiction.
Jewel Princess1992 chapter 10 . 11/14/2019
This story is absolutely amazing and I have lost track of how often I have gone back to read it but I'm willing to wait until u feel ready to complete it. And even if u don't I hope you never stop writing as you are a amazingly talented writer please do take care of yourself . I'm sorry that you are going through a stressful time. But things will always work out in the end.
bpv229 chapter 10 . 10/12/2019
I know it's been years, but I hope all has been slightly well. I hope your uncle is doing alright and getting the care he needs. (Or if he has passed on I give you my condolences) Hope work hasn't been so bad and I wish you the best! Stay strong.
Jennifer chapter 10 . 9/20/2019
Please bring this story off Hiatus, I’ve read it more times than I can count and I get sad every time it ends! :(
Guest chapter 10 . 8/16/2019
Incredible story. I foresee myself rereading it several times in the future and look forward to the day it is no longer on hiatus.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/25/2019
I can see why this story has been marked as a favorite by so many.
AnotherGenericNerd chapter 10 . 6/26/2019
I love this lmao Luffy is such a whirlwind and it’s always hilarious to see interactions from an outsider POV separate from his crew or himself
acetwolf94 chapter 10 . 6/14/2019
I LOVE IT! I'M HOOKED! I'll definitely read it if it's updated!
Guest chapter 6 . 4/23/2019
Guest chapter 5 . 4/23/2019
*snickers* Luffy might not be "crew", officially and completely, but he doesn't mind being "family", like the various "all-but-crew/brothers/sons" like Jinbe. I love getting to see that happen before or instead of the whole "Ace Dies" thing from the canon. XP The Whitebeards are great, and with such a big family what's wrong with some more extended members? XD The Strawhats ought to get along really well with various chunks of the massive crew/nakama.
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