Bit of back ground, Tim is the current Gotham Robin. Dick is the Robin who started the Teen Titans because he needed space. Jason got beaten by the Joker, but Bruce and Dick managed to save him. He's alright now. Dick, Jason, Cass, Tim, Damian are all of Bruce's kids, and Barbra and Stephanie are close friends to the Wayne kids. Dick is 15, Jason is 12, Cass is 10, Tim is 9, Damian is 5

Raven shook her head as Beast Boy, Starfire and Cyborg made their way to the kitchen. Beast Boy wanted to introduce Starfire to midnight snacks. Cyborg had tagged along. Raven had only wanted a cup of tea.

They heard a voice in the kitchen and pause by the door.

"I already told you, I couldn't make Thanksgiving. I didn't promise, I said I'd try. Why wasn't I there last week? Alfred, you know you can't leave a crime ridden city alone on Halloween. Yes, I know Jump isn't as bad as Gotham, but I made a commitment here. Oh, I'd loved the pictures. No, I can't come at the beginning of December- I'm covering another hero so they can take Christmas for me. Why am I covering? I dunno, I think they said they wanted to spend time with their family on Bodhi Day... I have no idea. Yes, it did work out nicely. Yeah, I'll try to be in town the 15th. Was that sarcasm? I feel like it was part sarcasm, part sincerity. Um, no, they know nothing about my civilian identify. Dad wants to talk to me? Alright. Love you, A. Hey Dad. Yeah, I got the pictures. Slightly concerned about Jaybird's. I knew you probably feel the same. Must've given Tim a scare. Oh, Dami? Does he need validation? Tell him I thought he made a wonderful little Batman. Oh, and I loved the gender bent Star Wars the other three did. Was it Steph's idea? Course it was, though I never suspected Cass to be the smuggling type. Oh, did Tim object to being Prince Leia? Was it a busy night? No? You're kidding me? Joker and Scarecrow both wanted to do something big? Took each other out, practically? The commissioner must have gotten a kick out of that. No, I'm not coming over for Thanksgiving. I'll be there for Christmas! The 15th. You know I can't come earlier, I've got someone to cover for. And I'm getting home earlier than last year, at least! Oh, don't bring that up again. Of course, I've forgiven you. You've forgiven me, right?"

The team looked at each other. Beast Boy mouthed to the others. "Robin?" They nodded, and shuffled closer.

"Of course! Yeah, I think I'm going to make a bunch of single severing dishes and eat in my room. Umm, I eat in my room all the time. And yes, I am going to eat Thanksgiving Dinner in my room, so I can skype you guys. Yeah, yeah, I'll have lunch with my team. Relax. Okay. Good night. Love you, Dad.

There was a click and soft footsteps. The eavesdroppers tensed. Raven muttered her chant and pulled them into the shadows in the nick of time. Robin walked past were they had been, oblivious to his now wondering teammates. When they heard the last of his footsteps faded away Raven dropped the cover.

"Dude, I didn't even know Rob had a dad!"

"Of course, he has a dad! What, do you think the universe said, "I need a kid to help fight crime" and just *poofed* him into existence?"

"Well, he never seemed like the family kind of guy!"

"It is most glorious to know that Robin is on good terms with his family! I have often feared that they were dead, as my parents are. Or that they hated him, as my sister does me. It is most painful to have a broken family."

"But who is his family?" Cyborg asked.

"Batman." Beast Boy said without hesitating

"Who?" asked Starfire.

"Another hero, he works alone." Raven informed the redhead.

"He used to, but six or seven years ago he got a sidekick. A kid who wore red, yellow, and green and went by the nameā€¦. Robin."

Cyborg blinked, "But that Robin is working with Batman. I saw a news report on 'em yesterday."

"But what if that's a different Robin. What if our Robin wanted to go solo, so Batman had one of Rob's little siblings be his sidekick?"

Dead silence. "It would make since, news reports and speculation mention how Robin's fighting style has changed a bit, and how he looks a little younger." Cyborg sad slowly.

"But, this is assuming Robin does have younger siblings." Starfire added.

"Didn't you hear him talking about kids dressing up as different things? They must have been his younger siblings Halloween costumes."

"Huh, didn't know you could be such a good detective." Raven said, leaning against the wall.

"Thank you, Thank you. I know, I am wonderful."

"But why does Robin never speak of them?" Asked Starfire.

"Think about it, if Robin does have little siblings, then bad guys might try to use them to get under Robin's skin." Cyborg said through a yawn.

"Get under his skin?"

"Use them against him. Kidnapped them, hurt them, threaten them. That kind of thing." Raven explained. "It's late, or rather, it's early. Let's go back to bed and worry about this later.


Robin looked at the contents of the fridge and shook his head. Next, he checked the pantry. Then the freezer.

"Okay, guys. We have almost nothing to eat. So, I'm going grocery shopping,"

Raven raised an eyebrow. "You hardly ever go shopping."

"I'm compassionate today. Imagine Beast Boy or Star trying to shop for more than 20 things at a time.

"Good point. Hurry back."

Robin nodded went up to his room, and come back down with a drawstring bag over one shoulder. "I'll be back."

As soon as he was out of sight Beast Boy raced to the window.

"And we are in the clear!"

Cyborg glanced at him, "You sure we should do this?"

"Duh! Come on, dude!"

Starfire floated in to the room. "Friends, what are we doing?"

"We purposely let food run dangerously low so Robin would go grocery shopping! Now he's gone and we can get inside his room!"

"Why would you want to get into his room?" Raven asked.

"To see if we can find out anything about his family."

Star's eyes widened. "But if he has not told us, we should not 'snoop' as you have often called it."

"This is different than snooping. It's bonding!"

Starfire still looked unconvinced.

"It's not like we're going to tell anyone what we find. Don't you want to know about Robin's family? Who knows maybe he talks about us to them. Maybe they know when his birthday is, or what he wants for Christmas."

Starfire thought about it. "It would be nice."

"Well then, to his room!"

Raven glanced around the room, Star was digging through Robin's closet; while Beast Boy rummaged through the dresser. "Somehow I don't think we're going to get any information out of the socks."

Beast Boy gave her a glare as she moved to the bookshelf. She pulled out a book titled Dulce et Decorum Est*. She raised an eyebrow, and pulled it off the shelf. Flipping through it, her breath caught.

Someone had taken all the pages out and replaced them with pictures.

A picture of a black-haired girl in a ballet outfit, with the signature 'Cassandra Cain Wayne'

A picture of a tiny child with black hair and blue eyes sitting with a cat, dog, cow, and a turkey. Sprawled along one side was 'Damian is Snow White'

A picture of a horrified man looking at a boy, holding a battle of blench and white hair dye, who had to white streaks in his hair. This one was captioned 'Bruce finds out what Roy dared Jason to do.'

A redhead in a wheelchair with a boy (who looked a lot like Robin), with the words 'Barbra and Dick dance' written over the wheel.

The man, Bruce, giving an old man in a suite a present. The older man looked pleasantly suspired. 'Bruce gives Alfred a Father's Day present'

Yet another picture with another black haired blue-eyed boy, this time with a blond girl. 'Tim and Stephanie's playdate'

A picture of an annoyed Bruce wearing a pair of cat ears; with a woman beside him laughing, her own pair of cat ears on. 'Bruce disagrees on Selina's fashion sense.'

The same woman; this time joined by an older red head, at a park with Damian. They were planting trees. 'Damian makes up for maiming the shrubs in the front yard.'

One picture of three women, one ginger in green; who looked like the one form the previous picture, one blonde with pink and blue died tips wearing red, other in a cat suite with cat ears and a mask. It was captioned titled 'Gotham City Sirens'

Raven shook her head and took a deep breath, trying to process the fact that she had just found Robin's family photo album.

"RAVEN!" She blinked, Beast Boy was waving his hand in front of her face. "Look what I found!"

It was a cellphone.

She raised an eyebrow, but Beast Boy simply motioned for the girls to fallow him. Star flew out, leaving Raven to put the book back, half way to the door she double back and grabbed it again. Then she left, dreading how this would end.

So... how was the first chapter? good? bad? let me know, so I can try to make them the best I can. ALSO, in the next chapter it mentions Barbara, and how Robin likes both Barbra and Starfire, but that is not going to be focused on a lot. This is a story about family, friends, and laughter.

*Dule et Decorum est is a reference to the Latin saying "Dulcet et decorum est pro patria mori" which literally means "It is sweet and honorable to die for one's fatherland." However, in this case Robin used it to reference a poem of the same name, which is about how it really isn't sweet or honorable, just sad. Robin is using it both literally and ironically, reminding himself both of what he fights for, and what he has to survive for.

Also, Robin sorta thought that no one on the team would snoop in a book with a depressing, boring, Latin title.

Thank for reading