![]() Author has written 20 stories for Legend of Zelda, Love Hina, Pokémon, and Legend of Korra. Hi everyone, I’m Karen and the main fandoms I write for are The Legend of Zelda and more recently, The Legend of Korra. As I’ve started uploading fics here again I figured it was time for a profile update. To those who have stuck with me and read my Legend of Zelda fics over the years, the only thing I can say to you is I am so sorry. I had such high hopes for these stories but overtime my motivation to write for the Zelda series has slowly died and is almost completely dried up; and as hard as it is to say this, as of today (Jan 6th, 2015), all of my LoZ fics, except for It Only Takes a Turn, are on indefinite hiatus. When it comes to IOTaT, I have every intention to finish it but I have no idea when as every time I attempt to write something for it I go instantly blank and sure, I could force the words on to the screen but I’m not prepared to upload something I’m not satisfied with. Maybe one day I’ll find some new motivation for it. When it comes to The Legend of Korra, my urge to start writing fanfics for it came after the epic finale a few weeks back. I’ve been a Korrasami fan since around Book 3 but when they did what they did in the last episode and decided to make it canon, I was blown away. This has to be, without a doubt, my favourite canon pairing of all time. Their relationship is so pure and sweet and based on such a strong bond that I wanted to try and explore it further and hope to write quite a few one shots about it. I'd like to give a shout out to Hylian Lemon for being an awesome beta for all my Korrasami fics :) Credit for my awesome avatar goes to Razorkun from Deviantart! Anyway, I think this has gone on long enough (I’ve never been one for long profiles). If you have any questions or comments or whatever, feel free to drop me a PM sometime. |