Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and months turned to years. Seasons changed, and changed again. The moon and sun rose and fell, day after day, and night after night. Then, after about one hundred years, or more, Link, The Hero of Time, had become a legend. And the tale of this hero's pure heart, overcome by an unstoppable evil, was passed down, generation, after generation, through all of the people over the land. The children of Hyrule believed it to only be a sad fairy tale, that their parents told, to put them to sleep at night, or to pass the hours by, over the long winter days. But only one young woman knew better.
She lived, long throughout the years, never aging, never growing. She would never grow any older, and she would stay the age she was forever. She lived alone, watching Hyrule change over the passing years. Watching the last of her friends, grow old, and die. The Shiekian, who was always there, was gone, after the long years of growing older. She never forgot the time when she knew the man, who had become a fairy tale. She heard the story told by Hylian parents, to their young children, but it was much more to her than that. The experience of it was different, and every time she heard the old story told, she would become sad, almost close to tears, but she would remain strong. She tried to forget her love, for that one man, who had made a difference in the world. That one man, who had risked everything, to save the land he lived in. That one man, who had given up his own life, to save so many others. The story caused her great pain, to let it reach her ears, over, and over, again. Although she couldn't change the events that had taken place those many years ago, she never let herself cry, after all, it was only a legend.
Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and months turned to years. Seasons changed, and changed again. The moon and sun rose and fell, day after day, and night after night. Then, after about one hundred years, or more, Link, The Hero of Time, had become a legend. And the tale of this hero's pure heart, overcome by an unstoppable evil, was passed down, generation, after generation, through all of the people over the land. The children of Hyrule believed it to only be a sad fairy tale, that their parents told, to put them to sleep at night, or to pass the hours by, over the long winter days. But only one young woman knew better.
She lived, long throughout the years, never aging, never growing. She would never grow any older, and she would stay the age she was forever. She lived alone, watching Hyrule change over the passing years. Watching the last of her friends, grow old, and die. The Shiekian, who was always there, was gone, after the long years of growing older. She never forgot the time when she knew the man, who had become a fairy tale. She heard the story told by Hylian parents, to their young children, but it was much more to her than that. The experience of it was different, and every time she heard the old story told, she would become sad, almost close to tears, but she would remain strong. She tried to forget her love, for that one man, who had made a difference in the world. That one man, who had risked everything, to save the land he lived in. That one man, who had given up his own life, to save so many others. The story caused her great pain, to let it reach her ears, over, and over, again. Although she couldn't change the events that had taken place those many years ago, she never let herself cry, after all, it was only a legend.