Harry and Hagrid walked into Gringotts and up to a Goblin.

"Mr. Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawal." said Hagrid.

"Does Lord Potter have his key?"

"Have it here somewhere." said Hagrid digging through his coat.

"Who gave you his key? And, Why doesn't Lord Potter have his key?" said the Goblin, "Griphook take these two to the Potter Accountant. Have him preform the necessary test to see if this is the current Lord Potter."

"Yes Sir" said Griphook "This way."

The goblin leads Harry and Hagrid through a solid set of gold and rubies doors. The group walked up to the door that read:

The Most Ancient and the Most Noble: House of Potter

Account Manager Brinkhook

Griphook knocked on the door. "Enter."

"Account Manager Brinkhook, this is Harry Potter. Senior Teller Bloodtooth wants the entire necessary test run to prove that this Harry Potter is the Harry Potter." said Griphook as he bowed to the goblin in the finest clothes.

Brinkhook pulled out a runic cover bowl and a rune covered dagger.

"Now Mr. Potter I need you to make a cut along your palm and put the drops of blood in this bowl. It will determine if you are who you say you are. And it will tell us all of your inheritances that you are entitled to."

Harry picked up the digger when Hagrid said "Harry I don't think you should be doing that. Professor Dumbledore told me that I need to take you to your vault and then to doing you're shopping."

"Mr. Hagrid do to the fact you claim that this is Mr. Harry James Potter the sole heir of the Most Ancient and the Most Noble house of Potter then your Professor has no say in the matter. The by-laws of this bank say any person claiming that they are a major heir of a Noble house or greater has to prove that they are who they say they are. Now Mr. Potter pleases continue." said Bloodhook. Harry cut himself on his palm and let the drips of blood fall into the bowl. As the blood hit the bottom of the bowl it started smoking and the smoke formed into several crest. "Okay Lord Potter you are the sole heir to several families. They are the Potter's, Peverell's, and Gryffindor by blood; and by conquest the families of Slytherin, and Gaunt's. And you are the senior heir to the house of Black family. Here are the head of house rings and the heir ring for the house of Black's."

Hagrid was escorted to the vaults to get what he needed.

Harry picked up all of the rings and put them on one at a time. The Peverell ring along with the rings of Slytherin, Gryffindor combined into one ring. The Potter and Black's ring stayed separate.

"Why did three of the ring combine and the other two stay the like they were?" asked Harry.

"Well Lord Potter the reason the four rings combine is the fact that you are the closes male relative to those lines. The main male lines of those lines have died out long time ago. The reason the Potter and Black rings didn't combine is because the black ring is only the heir ring, and the Potter ring is the Lord's ring." said Brinkhook. "Now Lord Potter I will perform an audit on all of your vaults and get the inventory back to you when I get finished with the audit. Griphook will take you to your trust vault so you can get some money so you can get your school things."

Brinkhook and Harry walked from the offices of the Ancient and Noble families to the lobby.

"Have a goblin please escort Lord Potter to his family vault. Ah, Madame McGonagall how have you been?"

"I have been good Master Goblin. May I ask what you are doing with Mr. Potter?" asked McGonagall.

"Well seeing as he is the Last of the Potter's and I am the Master Goblin Accountant to the Potter Family. Lord Potter this is Deputy Headmistress McGonagall of Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall you of course know Lord Potter. May I leave him with your group until a goblin can take him to his vaults? I have an audit to perform." said Brinkhook.

"Yes I will make sure he is shown around. Lord Potter this is the Granger family. Hermione is a first year too. Where is Headmaster Dumbledore he said he was picking you up and bringing you to the Alley?"

"I don't know a Headmaster Dumbledore. Hagrid brought me and then Brinkhook wanted to talk to anyone claiming to be Harry Potter." said Harry as a goblin walked up.

"Lord Potter I will take you to your vault." said Goblin

"Okay. Hermione I take it you don't have a vault here." said Harry.

"Yes you are correct. I can't set up a vault till after I sit O.W.L.s. Why do you ask?" asked Hermione.

"Well if you want to see what the vaults look like you can accompany me to my vault." said Harry.

"Can I, mom and dad" asked a very excited Hermione.

"Yes you can Hermione." said Emma Granger.

The Goblin leads Harry and Hermione off to the side of the hall.

"Professor we thought you said that teachers only take one family at a time in the alley?"

"Emma, Lord Potter is a unique case. He is the last of unbroken line of magical users that date back to the time before Merlin. His parents were students of mine when they went to Hogwarts, and they were murdered when he was a year old. After their death he was sent to his non magical family." said Professor McGonagall. "By the rings on his left hand Lord Potter has taken control of his family estate."

Harry and Hermione and Griphook raced along the tracks at break neck speed. Very suddenly they stopped.

"The Potter Family Vault Number 6; The Potter family is the last vault in the most ancient section of our bank. Vault 1 is Merlin's; vault 2-5 belonged to the founders of Hogwarts. Vault six starts the Ancient and Noble families' vaults. Key please." said Griphook as Harry handed his key to the goblin.

Once the door opened Hermione gasped as she saw huge mountains of gold, silver, and bronze coins, suites of armor, and a huge library on shelves of platinum, and several paintings. In the middle of the cavern on a podium was huge book with the Potter Family crest. Beside the Potter Family Grimore was a folder with the words:

For the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Only

Aurors Captain James Henry Potter

"Griphook why is that book there and not with the rest?" asked a wondering Harry.

"Well Lord Potter it is the Potter family Grimore. It is part history of the Potter family, part a spell book that the Potter family has created over the centuries, and part potion text." said Griphook, "Only a Potter can read it."

Harry put several columns of gold, silver, and bronzes coins in his bank bag. Harry figured once he learned enough to control his magic he would start studying his family book of magic.

Harry and Hermione climbed back into cart and headed back to the lobby. Harry and Hermione walked over to her parents and Professor McGonagall. "Mom Dad you should have seen it. He has a huge library in his vault." said Hermione excitedly.

The group walked out of Gringotts and headed to Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions.

"Mr. Potter if you don't mind me asking why the people, you live with here with you aren't?" asked George Granger.

"Well Mr. Granger one call me, Harry. And two my aunt and uncle hate anything that is not normal by their meaning. Since I am magical I fall outside of their normal. I do most of the chores around the house." said Harry.

"A Potter being treated like a house-elf." said Professor McGonagall.

"What is a house elf?" asked Hermione.

"A House elf is a magical servant that some families mistreat. They are powerful creatures." said McGonagall.

"Are we going to have enough funds to get everything for Hermione? After looking at the size of Lord Potter's money bag it makes me wonder." said Emma.

"Everything that is one the list has three levels of products. The first level is the mass produced items for poor class. The second level is slightly more expensive and are for the middle class. Then the final level is very expensive and is for only six families. They are the Potter's, Black's, Longbottom's, Bones', Greengrass', and Abbot's. Let's take cloaks for an example. Now all of the cloaks are black for school. The basic level cloaks are a couple of galleons. The next level of the basic cloaks is worth about ten galleons. The family specials which they are known as are worth about twenty-five to thirty galleons. " said Professor McGonagall as the group entered Madame Malkin's.

They saw two people one was on the stood getting fitted with a black robe, and a graying hair woman.

"Lady Malfoy how are you this fine day?" asked Professor McGonagall.

"I am just fine. I see you are show students around."

"Yes I am."

"Mother lets go to Madame Brine to get the robes. Since you can see they allow such mudblood filth to shop here." said Draco as he took of the robe and throw it into the floor. The ring on Harry's hand started whispering to Harry. Harry grabbed Draco by his shirt and pinned him to the wall.

"You will apologize to her now." said Harry threw gritted teeth.

"Let go of my son now. I don't know who you think you are." said Lady Malfoy as the Black Family ring started whispering.

"Lady Malfoy I am the senior heir to your birth house. But I am also the sole heir and Lord of house Potter. Now the house of Malfoy is a foreigner house. And will be that status until the next three hundred years. While the house of Granger is a first generation house but it is a British magical house. Now Lady Malfoy are you going to have your son apologize or do I need to have the DMLE to become involved?"

"Draco apologize now." said Lady Malfoy.

"When did we start apologizing to mudbloods, mother?"

"When they, have a Lord of an ancient and noble house, as their friend you do."

"I'm sorry." mumbled Draco as they walked out of the shop.

"Why did you do that Mr. Potter?" asked Professor McGonagall.

"The ring of the house of Potter told me I can legally reprimand him for the use of that foul word. When Lady Malfoy demanded I unhand her son the ring of the house of Black told me as senior heir of her birth house she couldn't demand anything of Me." said Harry.

"What does he mean the rings told him?" asked George, "Should you really trust something that you can't see where it keeps it brain?"

"Well the rings for the Head of Houses and their senior Heirs has two major enchantments placed on them. One is attached to the book of laws, and the other is attached to the wards of their ancient family manors. The minor enchantments are rumored to be loyalty oaths to all family members. An enchantment to detect any health risk to the wearer" said Professor McGonagall as she explained the family rings. The Lady of the House rings is similar to the Lord of the House."

"Two Potter family specials?" asked Madame Malkin as she listened to their conversation.

"May I ask what the Potter family special robes made of?" asked Harry.

"The hide of a very ancient dragon called the Hydria Craze. Their color is a deep shiny Black which is prefect for the school robes. Then the past school age Potter's have a choice between robes of red dragon hide which has gold trim and the Craze with gold. I would advise Lord Potter also to get his head of house robe today too," said Madame Malkin.

"Yes two."

"Alright let me get the robes," said Madame Malkin walking over to a section of the wall and she tapped her wand in a pattern and a door appeared. Harry and the others saw a room full of deep black robes. Madame Malkin brought out ten black robes and a set of deep red robes. After a few minutes Madame Malkin had both Harry and Hermione fitted for their robes, "That will be fifty galleons."

Harry pulled out the fifty galleons and paid for the robes. Together they walked to the next shop which was the potion shop and they bought the second tier of the beginner's potions supplies. In the book shop they bought true first editions of their school textbooks. When they bought their wands Hermione matched with a ten inch vine wood and a dragon heart string. Harry matched with eleven inches holly and a phoenix feather.

"Now Mr. Potter and Miss Granger, when you got to meet the train on September first, you meet it on platform nine and three-quarters. You walk at the barrier between platforms nine and ten," said Professor McGonagall.