Author's Note: This will be the last chapter. It was not my original intention to end it here, but I've simply lost the desire to continue it, and with less free time now and the fact that this story has never been as popular as my other two multi-chaptered stories, I decided to finish it. I told some people that I would be adding additional chapters about other girls, so you'll just have to forgive me for that.
Chapter 10
Harry was left momentarily unable to speak after Hermione's pronouncement but after he finally regained his voice asked Hermione, "What do you remember?"
"I remember that we were married and had 3 children until one day I find out that you're actually from some alternate past hopping around futures including one with me, so I decided to prove to you that you would love me best and I really thought you loved me. Then poof, you disappear one day and then the next I find myself here, back in my 15 year old body with a memory I don't remember actually experiencing, of going with you to stop Draco Malfoy from raping Pansy Parkinson who you then kill," Hermione summarized.
"I'm sorry I've just never had this happen before," Harry admitted, "having one of my past wives remember in another."
"What happened though Harry? It seems fairly obvious that more time has passed for you than me," Hermione asked.
"First of all, I didn't want to leave you Hermione, I loved you and I know that you love me, but Destiny decided to have me visit even more futures. After you, I ended up with Cho. After that it was Hannah, then Parvati, and Padma, then Su, then Lavender who I really didn't care for much by the way, Gabrielle, Fleur, Tracey, and now Pansy.
Hermione seemed surprised by all the futures he had already visited then asked, "Do you love them all?"
"Not all of them but most of them," Harry confessed, "not Lavender or Tracey but the rest yes."
"I know he loves me," Pansy decided to say.
"I definitely love Pansy as well," Harry replied looking fondly over at the girl.
"How come though Harry? Pansy was your enemy in school and you didn't even know most of those other girls very well," Hermione questioned.
"Maybe in your future with me, but it wasn't that way in my futures with them," Harry pointed out.
"Then where does that leave us?" Hermione asked sounding very worried.
"I'll let you decide on that Hermione. I love you, and I want to be with you, but I also love Pansy and I'm not going to just dump her," Harry claimed.
Hermione seemed to puzzle over that for a second before saying, "I suppose I can't ask you to leave someone you love, so I guess that means that there is only one thing I can do."
To his surprise, she quickly jumped into bed with them and got on the other side of him.
"I guess I'm sharing you then," Hermione claimed.
He was concerned about Pansy's reaction to this but instead she was quite fair.
"I'm not one to keep you from someone you love either Harry," Pansy replied.
Pulling in both of his two ladies, he wasn't entirely sure just how long this would last with the 3 of them, but he would enjoy it for as long as he could.
After Hermione had snuggled into him, he was trying to come up with a good way to suggest a threesome without them possibly getting mad at him when there was a knock at the door.
"Well what do you know? I wonder who that could be?" Harry asked sarcastically since he was fairly confident it was Dumbledore as he was the only other person who knew where they were.
Opening up the door, Harry was then unsurprised to find the aging headmaster there.
Dumbledore looked behind him to find both Pansy and Hermione still there in bed but he made no comments.
"Harry I was wondering if you had a moment to speak privately," Dumbledore suggested.
"Anything you say can be said in front of both Pansy and Hermione," Harry replied.
"Very well," Dumbledore agreed, "then I'd like to inform you that I have quite a few different girls curently outside my office requesting to see you."
Harry blanched, he should have expected this to happen after Hermione had showed up.
"Let me guess, they would be Ginny Weasley, Cho Chang, Hannah Abbott, Parvati and Padma Patil, Su Li, Lavender Brown, Gabrielle and Fleur Delacour, and Tracey Davis," Harry guessed.
"I am to gather that you already know what is happening," Dumbledore said.
"I just made a good guess," Harry claimed, "so what have they told you?"
"They all claim to have come from the future although each of them have different claims as to what each future was like, the difference being that they were all married to you," Dumbledore answered.
"Don't worry, I'll come handle it," Harry replied before turning to the two girls, "girls are you coming?"
"We sure will," Pansy said as she was already putting on her clothes.
"Actually I thought it best for you to meet them in here," Dumbledore responded.
"I'm going to take another guess and say that they are all just outside waiting for me," Harry guessed.
Dumbledore smiled and said, "That would be correct."
Harry sighed and said, "Send them in I suppose."
Dumbledore left and Harry was suddenly grateful that the bedroom he had been given was so big.
He watched as each of his past wives all came into the room.
"So I'm guessing that you all want an explanation," Harry addressed them all.
With nods of their heads, Harry tried to begin but then there was a flash of a light as they all found themselves now facing Destiny.
"Hello everyone, my name is Destiny," Destiny told them all.
A few of the girls tried opening their mouths to speak, but seemed incapable of producing any sound.
"Don't be alarmed, I just took away your ability to speak until I was finished explaining everything," Destiny informed them.
Destiny began explaining what had happened with him and his trips right from the beginning as all of the girls had signs of amazement in their eyes, particularly the ones he had never told about his travels.
She even explained each future world and how he had done there. Finally she concluded by telling them about this one.
"This is a world I've selected for all of you to potentially be with Harry. It might be difficult at times but you must learn to get along and share him. If you truly love him you'll do this and if not, you're free to choose someone else although I dare say you won't be as happy. Each of you have learned quite a bit about the future you were from and made a huge impact upon it. Together if you allow yourselves to, you will create a truly beautiful world. Remember that. Also you are forbidden to tell anyone about your previous lives besides each other and Dumbledore who already knows the truth. Are there any questions?"
Harry was sure that some of the girls had questions but since Destiny had not seen fit to allow them to speak again, they could say nothing.
"Great, what polite listeners you all are," Destiny told them, "I wish everyone wouldn't question Destiny whenever something seemingly bad happens."
There was another flash and they all reappeared back in the room.
"I have to say, that Destiny was really annoying, not letting us talk," Cho began the inevitable conversation, sounding annoyed.
"At least that explains a whole lot, even if I am a bit upset you never bothered to tell me Harry," Hannah told him as she shot an angry glare at him.
"I actually wanted to tell you in your case but Destiny actually wouldn't let me," Harry claimed truthfully.
"It seems Destiny wouldn't let you do a lot of things like save me," Gabrielle said, "the last thing I remember is dying in your arms, only to wake up and find myself back in this little girl body."
"Let's try to be rational and figure this all out," Hermione suggested.
"Yes, let's discuss it," Padma agreed.
So they did.
For three and a half hours they talked working things out until they were all comfortable with everything. Each of them weren't too happy about sharing but most agreed to anyway, with the exception of Lavender, who insisted that she could never stand being with only one guy the rest of her life.
She was excused after that to go live her life the way she wanted to, although she agreed not to make the world full of mindless sex zombies as she couldn't even if she wanted to, requiring Harry to be able to do it.
The next item of business was how sex would work as in the case of Gabrielle in particular, they were a bit young. It was decided to try and find a solution to the problem, but either aging potions or forced abstinence in Gabrielle's case was suggested.
Sleeping arrangements however nobody really cared about concerning Hogwarts rules, they would all be sleeping with Harry. The logistics and explanations to Dumbledore or their fellow classmates might be a problem, but they were willing to take that risk.
Ultimately it all worked out and before the year was ended they all slept on the same giant bed. In addition Voldemort was quickly taken out once Harry destroyed all his horcruxes and killed him before he could manage to come back.
When Harry reached the time that he had always gone to in his visiting of futures 19 years later, his future was totally different from anything he had ever experienced before.
The world itself had been totally changed, having received plenty from other futures. For example, most diseases had been totally eradicated thanks to Hermione and Hannah, although Hermione managed to create a much less fattening version of Hannah's food so that people could eat as much as they wanted without getting fat.
Nevertheless, Hannah still decided to regain her former weight, something that he wasn't about to complain about if she wanted. She and Hermione still ended up working together to run Potter Food's but also branch out into other research and testing devoted towards better health.
Cho and Ginny played quidditch in school, but never did it professionally in order to settle down and start having children.
Parvati and Padma still managed to develop clean water technology and their cousin in law became the ambassador of India who helped work out the India Pakistan dispute.
Su never got superpowers but showed others how to get them, including Neville Longbottom who married Astoria Greengrass and who both never wanted to have children. They both led a team of superheroes that drastically reduced crime.
Gabrielle was happy since they all moved out to a huge house secluded out by a lake surrounded by forest and she taught all of the children in archery, canoeing, horseback riding, and fishing.
Fleur turned down plenty of offers to become a model before finally being convinced to take over teaching charms when Professor Flitwick retired.
Tracey ultimately decided to stay with him but not become so focused on her job and instead only work part time as part of Hannah's company's legal team.
Pansy was made head of the House Elf rights department in the ministry after Narcissa did as she had the first time and started a very successful magical business, but this time ended up marrying to everyone's surprise, Sirius Black. So far they already had 4 children together.
As for Harry himself, it was still a shock to think about just how many children he had. Since most of the girls had been unable to wait any longer for children. He himself had decided to simply stay home and take care of his extremely large, ever growing family.
By the time each of them graduated, they became pregnant within a year, and in Gabrielle and Ginny's case, it was even before that. Ginny's pregnancy was unintentional and certainly angered her mother, but she managed to finish school before her delivery. Gabrielle, on the other hand, being younger than the rest of them, couldn't wait and so chose to skip her last two years of school since all she wanted to do was be a mother.
Many of them as a result of starting earlier, had more children than in their previous futures. Cho and Tracey had 2; Gabrielle, Fleur, and Su all had 3, Hannah, Parvati and Padma 4, Ginny 5, and Pansy surprised everyone with how many children she really wanted by already having 7.
Ultimately, a few more girls ended up joining his harem: Susan Bones, who became minister of magic and had 1 child with him, a girl with the name Rosie, and the final addition Luna, who had to have been the only one crazy enough to join a harem of such a size after that. She currently had 3 children with him.
Life had by then turned out pretty great and he couldn't imagine a better future than to be surrounded by the women he loved.
However one day Destiny visited him one last time as he experienced a flash.
"Please tell me that I don't have to visit anymore futures," Harry pleaded as he found himself in front of her.
"No, you're happy here. It's pretty obvious you've made your choice," Destiny replied, "I won't be having you visit anymore futures with different girls as this is now the reality that you've made for yourself."
Relieved, he then asked, "So why am I here then?"
She smiled and asked, "Why do you think you're here?"
"I don't think that it's just to see you," Harry claimed, "my wives might get a bit jealous."
She laughed and said, "a date with Destiny, I haven't heard that one before."
After a pause, he took a guess:
"Well in previous futures, something that Ron did made things worse, but last I heard, Ron overdosed on drugs and died," Harry said, "so I'm going to guess that you want something from me."
"I want to know what you learned," Destiny asked.
He drew a deep breath as he pondered what to say before finally saying, "I learned that love can be found more than once, in many places and have it come in all shapes and sizes and different personalities. I also learned that when a person really loves someone they are willing to make sacrifices. I would give my life for any of the women I am now with and I know that any one of them would do the same. I couldn't ask for a better life and I no longer wonder if it could possibly be better. Life is what you make it, and while no life is perfect, it's learning to appreciate whatever life you happen to have."
"Would you want to have anything else in your life now?" Destiny questioned him.
"Just one thing really," Harry admitted, "I wish I had more socks."
Destiny grinned and pulled out a pair of socks that she had evidently been hiding behind her back and handed them to him.
"I thought you might want these Harry. It seemed to be the only thing you lacked," Destiny told him.
"One can never have enough socks," Harry replied.
Author's Note: For those of you who don't get the end, it's in reference to Dumbledore's lie about what he saw in the Mirror of Erised during first year. If all Harry wants more out of life is socks, then he truly is the happiest man on earth. That reminds me...I've got to go out and get me some more socks...and some reviews from you all for this last chapter. I can't promise you that socks and reviews will make me the happiest person on earth, but not all of us can be Harry Potter.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the story. Thanks.