The Package

By: Sheltie

I don't own Pokémon at all.

A/N: a short and sweet Advanceshipping story. Enjoy!

May sighed as she looked around the Pokémon Center. She had been traveling on her own through Jhoto for a few months and right now she was the most depressed. It was raining heavily outside, which meant that she couldn't head to her next destination. But that's not what bothered her, what bothered her was that she didn't have anyone to. Before if she got bored or down she'd talk with Brock or Ash or even her little brother. But now that she is all alone she missed them the most.

"Excuse me, are you May from Petalburg?" Nurse Joy asked

May looked up and nodded

"This package arrived a few minutes ago for you" Nurse Joy said

"Thank you" May said

Nurse Joy smiled and left

May looked at the package curiously. She had no idea who would send her anything. She looked at the postmark and couldn't recognize the place. All she knew that it was mailed from that Pokémon Center.

"Well there no way at knowing what it is with me just staring at it" May said to herself

She opened the package and found that it was filled with a few items. One was a hat she recognized instantly, a photo album, folded hoodie, and letter.

May pulled each item out gently and sat them aside. She opened the letter and began to read.

Dear May,

How are things going over there in Jhoto, I bet you're blowing the competition away. I always knew you were a great coordinator. I am writing this during a snowstorm here in Snowpoint. Anyway, I'm sending this package to you so you won't forget the times we had together.


May smiled at the thought her best friend put into this. She reached over and grabbed the hat and gently caress it. She remembered all the times she'd seen him wearing it and wondered what it was like. She took off her bandana and put the hat on her head. She smiled as she felt the brimming confidence that the hat was filled with. She took it off and set it aside for the moment. She picked up the hoodie and smiled, it still smell like him and that brought back memories of all the times she was close to him. Lastly she picked up the album and went through it. Each picture was of them really. It had Brock and Max too, but mainly them.

May was amazed at the detail of the album and that there was so many pictures. The last page had them both holding up the ribbon they won. She smiled at that. That was one of her most treasured memories and most prized possessions too. She took out her half ribbon and smiled. She then flipped back to the first page and found a dedication.

"To the greatest coordinator in the world"

May felt tears well up and slowly they fell. She wiped them away.

"Thank you Ash, I needed this" May whispered out loud


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