Chapter 13
AN: Hello once again everyone thank you for the fav, follows, reviews, and views. Now I'm going to keep this AN short so time to answer some reviews.
Rebmul: Yeah I actually had a few tears in my eyes while writing the last part of the last chapter.
Darkwarp: Thank you and as for the Naruto/FF X story I am still waiting to hear back from Maverick9871 in regards to if I can adopt the story or not. I have sent him multiple PM's but still haven't heard from him.
W01frunn3r: Thank you glad to see my story has turned you onto to Naruto x Star Wars stories. Yes Naruto will be teaching the various Shinobi villages about technology like he has been doing in Konoha. I don't think that I will give Anko and Hinata lightsabers however I might give them Vibro-swords.
ElizabethGreene-QueenOfViruses: Yes I know it was a rude sobering for Tsuande and in regards to the fight I wanted to do something a little different since you constantly see Naruto and Tsunade fight when they first meet each other. As for some of the Akatsuki betraying the Elemental Nations who knows maybe some will or maybe they won't.
Aluriea: Glad you found it funny.
Leaf Ranger: Thank you
Beowulfwarboss: No the war will not be using clones like the ones from the Clone Wars. However I am thinking about possibly using White Zetsu clones but have to iron a few things out before I make my decision.
Too everyone else who reviewed thank you very much for the reviews and support.
Also I have recently published a few new stories those being "Naruto the Resonance", "Naruto Return of Gundam", "Maelstrom in DC", "Maelstrom Macross", and finally two reading stories called "Reading of Naruto Saurian Soul" and "Reading of Naruto the Next Chosen One" which are based off of my "Naruto Saurian Soul" and "Naruto the Next Chosen One" stories, now it would mean a lot to me if Would You Kindly take a look at them.
It was another sunny day in Konoha; the birds were singing, people went about their business and at the village gates you could find the eternal gate guards Kotetsu and Izumo bored out of their mind as usual.
Kotetsu sighs before looking over to Izumo "Hey Izumo are you as bored as I am?" he asks getting a sigh and nod from his friend in response "Yeah same here I wish something interesting would happen it's been too boring around here lately" he says.
Izumo deadpans hearing this "The village was just attacked by Orochimaru and his village, and Naruto along with his friends from outer space helped defend the village using awesome looking machines that flew through the skies and reduced the enemy to vapor and your saying that it's been boring around her lately…have you been smoking that "special" weed again?" he asks in disbelief.
Kotetsu shrugs "Maybe a little but that has nothing to do with the situation" he says before his eyebrows rise "Hey do you hear that it sounds like two women…and a pig screaming for their lives?" he says wondering if he might be going crazy or having a bad reaction to some of the weed he smoked before his shift started.
Izumo just sighs "Kotetsu what are you talking about…" he begins only for his eyes to widen "wait now I hear it and what's that speeding towards us?" he says spotting two small dots rapidly approaching them.
As the two dots got closer Izumo and Kotetsu could make out that it was Naruto and one of his clones driving his speeder bikes that they had seen him use when leaving the village *and were secretly jealous of since they looked fun as hell* and he had what appeared to be Tsunade, her apprentice Shizune and pig Tonton on the back of the speeder bikes.
The two speeder bikes and their passengers zoom past Kotetsu and Izumo without even slowing down as they make their way towards the Hokage Tower. Kotetsu looks over to Izumo with a deadpan expression "So should we just sign him in?" he asks getting a shrug from Izumo before they turn their attention back towards the village gate.
Naruto and his clone with Tsunade, Shizune, and Tonton hanging on for dear life speed through the village streets flying over shocked civilians, and amazed kids as they make their way to the Hokage tower. As they approach the Hokage tower Naruto throttles down reducing speed before eventually stopping right in front of the building and turns to see Tsunade, Shizune, and Tonton all race off of the speeder bikes and go to a nearby bush before puking causing him to sweatdrop
As the three are puking Naruto dispels his clone and seals up his speeder bikes before noticing the three of them have finally stopped puking and are now glaring at him "What? You wanted to get back here quickly" he says trying to reason with them.
Tsunade glares harder "Yes that may be true however…I DIDN'T WANT TO NEARLY HAVE A HEART ATTACK IN THE PROCESS!" she yells in rage at nearly having a heart attack three times when Naruto nearly crashed them into a series of trees, a cliffside, and a cart carrying a bunch of fireworks and cabbages. That last one really made her curious though as who in their right mind would transport cabbages in the same cart as highly explosive fireworks.
Naruto sighs hearing this "Why is that everyone that I give rides to always complains about me nearly crashing into things when I have the situation perfectly under control?" he mutters. Naruto then coghs into his fist "Well I could have got us back here in an instant using my improved version of Hirashin but I felt like seeing the sites on the way back" he reasons before suddenly gulping as he feels the killing intent pouring off of the two angry women and one angry pig standing before him.
Tsunade and Shizune's eyes start to twitch hearing this "You mean to tell me that you not only do you know the Hirashin and have improved it and could have gotten us back in an instant, but you instead decided to take the long way home and nearly get us killed multiple times in the progress?" Tsunade snarls gritting her teeth the whole time.
Naruto gulps once again "Yes that is right" he says cautiously fearing that he might have made the wrong decision in how they got back to the village.
Tsunade just continues to glare before sighing and throwing up her hands "I give up let's just get this over with I am tired of just standing around out here" she says in resignation before they enter the Hokage tower and make their way to the Hokage's office.
*In the Hokage's Office*
Hiruzen was sitting behind his desk with Jiraiya standing beside him talking with the other Kages when they hear a knock on the door "Come in" he says before the door opens and Naruto, Tsunade, Shizune, and Tonton walk in.
Naruto smiles "Hey Hokage-JiJi mission complete" he says gesturing to Tsunade.
Hiruzen chuckles "Very good Naruto and it is nice to see you again Tsunade-chan" he says with a smile.
Tsunade smiles "It's good to see you again too sensei, I hear you want me to become Hokage so you can finally retire again and go back to smoking your pipe and reading smut" she says with a teasing smirk as Hiruzen coughs into his hand while trying to hide a blush as the other kage's snicker.
Naruto chuckles at this before turning serious "I also have to report that not only did I meet with the leaders of Akatsuki but also gained them and Amegakure as allies for the upcoming war" he says leaving everyone speechless.
Jiraiya pales hearing this "What do you mean you met the leaders of Akatsuki and got them along with Amegakure to join us when the war starts!" he yells in disbelief.
Naruto rubs the back of his neck sheepishly "Well it's kind of a long story so before I begin Kakashi-niisan need to be here cause there is something he needs to know" he says cryptically confusing everyone before the Sandaime sends an Anbu to fetch Kakashi.
10 minutes later Kakashi walks through the door with his usual eye-smile "Yo reporting as ordered Hokage-sama" he says causing the others to sweatdrop.
Naruto clears his throat "Okay now that Kakashi-niisan is here I can continue. On my way to find Tsunade-kaachan I stopped at a hotel for the night. A little after I arrive there was a knock on the two and when I opened it the three people were standing there wearing black cloaks with red clouds on them…actually the cloaks looked pretty badass now that I think of it" he says causing the others to sweatdrop at his thinking that the cloaks were badass.
Naruto chuckles a bit before continuing "I questioned if they were from Akatsuki since they matched the description that Pervy Sage gave me" he says causing the group to snicker while Jiraiya sulks at the lack of respect. Naruto then continues where he left off "They confirmed that they were a part of Akatsuki and introducd themselves as Nagato, Konan, and "Tobi"" he says shocking Jiraiya.
Jiraiya's eyes widen hearing this "Wait did Nagato have red hair and Konan have blue hair with an origami flower in her hair?" he asks hoping to confirm his thoughts.
Naruto nods "Yes they did why; do you know them?" he asks.
Jiraiya nods "Yes they are two of the three orphans I came across during the Second Shinobi War after the fight against Hanzo the Salamander. After meeting them I ended up teaching them a few shinobi skills but was forced to leave them behind due to the war and not being able to bring them back with me when I had to return to Konoha. After the war I searched for them but was informed that they had died fighting Hanzo" he says clenching his fists in anger.
Naruot raises an eyebrow hearing this "Well they are most certainly alive I can assure you of that. Now they told me that their organizations goal is to bring peace to the Elemental Nations but seeing how that has already been achieved they wanted to meet me since I was the one who essentially achieved that. I invited them in an we had drinks while I began telling them my story and also revealed that I knew the real identity of the one called "Tobi" who is in fact Obito Uchiha" he say narrowing his eyes for a moment remembering that Obito was the one who took his chance at a happy life with his parents away from him before taking a deep breath to calm himself.
Kakashi nearly faints hearing this "Impossible I saw Obito die with my own eyes during the Third Shinobi War, he was crushed under a ton of boulders" he says not believing what he is hearing.
Naruto shakes his head "From what he told me he was rescued by Madara Uchiha who had apparently survived his final fight with Hashirama Senju by using a forbidden technique of his Sharingan" he says causing Hiruzen to drop his pipe and Onoki to pale since they are the only ones old enough to remember what Madara was like when they were younger.
Naruto sighs before continuing "After being saved by Madara, Obito was subjected to intense torture via the Mangekyo Sharingans Tsukiyomi. During this time Madara also used White Zetsu which are a strange type of clone thing to heal Obito's injuries and reconstruct his entire right side since it was crushed by the boulders. Over time Obito's view on reality started to become shattered" he says causing Kakashi to clench his fists in rage at the thought of his friend being tortured like that.
Naruto then sighs once more before he continues "It was also at this time that Rin Nohara who was Kakashi and Obito's female teammate and the girl that Obito loved was captured by Kiri Anbu and had the Sanbi sealed in her so that she could enter Konoha and would explode thereby destroying or crippling the village" he says causing everyone's eyes to widen.
Kakashi gulps hearing this "Naruto how do you know that?" he asks trying to figure out how he would know.
Naruto chuckles "I was trained by the ghost of my father remember?" he says causing Kakashi's eye to widen before he facepalms. Naruto chuckles again before continuing "Obito had also found out about this due to Madara using some of the Zetsu clones as spies. He then rushed off to save Rin but when he got there he saw her impaled through the heart by your Chidori Kakashi" he says causing Kakashi to lower his head.
Naruto puts his hand on Kakashi to comfort him causing Kakashi to smile in thanks and gesture for him to continue "After seeing this he awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan and slaughtered all of the Kiri Anbu present. It was also this event that snapped his hold on reality and broke his mind. After a few years he eventually formed Akatsuki along with Nagato and Konan and began planning to bring peace to the Elemental Naitons by capturing all of the Bijuu and sealing them in a statue that is the lifeless husk of the Juubi that the Sage of Six Paths defeated and then become the Jinchuriki of the Juubi and cast the entire world into an endless genjutsu thereby brining peace in his own sick way as Madara had told him before he died" he says shocking the group.
Everyoen is speechless by what they are hearing and what Madara was planning before they turn their attention back to Naruto as he continues "He attempted to start his plan by capturing the strongest of the Bijuu and also take revenge on the village that betrayed him" he says shocking the group once more and nearly causing Kakashi to have a heart attack as he falls to his knees.
Hiruzen shakes hearing this "You mean that.." he begins before Naruto cuts him off "Obito Uchiha is the one behind the Kyuubi attack and the death of not only everyone who died that night but also my parents" he says lowering his head.
Kakashi hearing this begins to have a mental breakdown. The person he thought of as his best friend and brother in all but blood is not only alive after all this time, but he is also the one behind the Kyuubi attack and the death of his sensei who Kakashi saw as a older brother or even father, and his sensei's wife who he saw as an older sister.
Naruto sees Kakashi begin to break down and decides to intervene by using the force to calm him down and have Kakashi focus in him "Kakashi just breathe…Let me finish my story before you breakdown" he says calming Kakashi down "Now we all know what happened that night so I won't go into details. After that night Obito returned to Amegakure where Nagato and Konan were they continued planning" he says getting nods.
Naruto cracks a knot in his neck before continuing "Now after I revealed that I knew his identity I began to tell them of the upcoming war and that was the reason why the Five Great Villages have allied together they decided that to uphold the peace that has finally been achieved that Amegakure and Akatuski would join the fight with us when the war starts" he says once more leaving the group speechless.
Kakahsi then realizes something "Wait what about Obito?" he asks wondering what his lost friend is going to do.
Naruto smiles hearing this "After I told Obito about the tale of Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker and all the horrible things he did before only to redeem himself and join his late wife when he died; Obito decided to fight by our side in the war in hopes of making up for all the horrible things he has done thereby redeeming himself so that when he dies he can join Rin" he says causing Kakashi to smile slightly that his friend still has some good in him and is willing to redeem himself or all that he has done.
Kakashi nods before turning to the Hokage "Hokage-sama if there is nothing else I am needed for I would like to leave in order to reflect on all I have heard here" he says getting a nod from Hiruzen before he leaves.
The Sandaime then looks back at Naruto "Well Naruto it seems you have had quite the trip" he says getting a chuckle from everyone.
Naruto smiles "Well what can I say? It seems that whenever I go on missions things always get more complicated" he says getting another series of laughs. Naruto then turns serious "I also want everyone to know that when the "New Hope" finishes dropping Luke-niisan and the others off it will be returning and taking up orbit above the planet for the time being" he says getting nods from the others.
Hiruzen thinks for a minute "I imagine that supplies, weapons, and troops will be returning with it?" he asks.
Naruto nods "Yes it will be returning with Shield generators for each village, along with laser cannons to be mounted on the walls of each village. Planetary defense weapons such as Ion-Cannons and Turbo-laser towers will also be among the things coming with it. Armored vehicles and Anti-vehicle laser cannons will be included along with engineers and technicians to not only maintain them but also teach our forces how to use them. As for actual forces it will be returning with a dozen bomber squadrons including Gold Squadron; and a dozen fighter squadrons consisting of X-Wings, B-Wings, and A-Wings. Among the fighter squadrons that will be stationed here are Wraith Squadron and Dagger Squadron" he says listing off the forces that will be returning with the "New Hope".
Everyone is speechless by what Naruto had just told them until Jiraiya finally breaks the silence by summing up everyone's thoughts "Holy Shit!" he says snapping everyone out of their stupor.
Naruto laughs hearing this "Well we need to be ready for when the war starts and the hope is that we can hold out long enough for our allies to get here and help us either push the enemy back or the more likely case help us get as many people off world as possible before we have to retreat" he says somberly.
Raza's eyes widen hearing this "Wait you think that we will have to abandon our homes and retreat when the enemy arrives!" he says shocked by what he is hearing.
Naruto nods "Yes I do; we have no idea the size of our enemies' fleet, the number of ground forces they have available, and we know absolutely nothing about the capabilities of their weapons, fleet, or themselves. It has never been my intention for us to not only stop the enemy but also defeat them in the first battle. My plan is to buy enough time to get as many non-combatants off-world to safety as possible while we fight and learn the capabilities of the enemy. After we do this we will fall back to New Republic space and regroup with their forces delivering everything we have learned to them so that we can go from there" he says explaining his plan.
Onoki rubs his beard hearing this "As much as I don't like this plan since we will be abandoning our home in order to fight another day, from a strategic and long-term point of view this is our best chance to defeat the enemy in the future" he says getting nods from the other Kages minus Raza.
Raza just shakes his head "But what about all of our jutsu, techniques, and history we would be throwing it all away or worse giving it to the enemy!" he protests.
Naruto shakes his head hearing this "That is why we will begin sealing up all copies of our jutsu, techniques and history that way they are not lost especially in the event that we are unable to return to our planet" he says grimly.
Mei raises an eyebrow hearing this "What do you mean by that Naruto-kun?" she asks curiously.
Naruto sighs "There is a chance that the enemy may change our planets ecosystem to the point that it is toxic to us or worse they could destroy the planet itself like what the Empire did to Alderann to prevent us from ever reclaiming it" he says grimly as everyone pictures such a thing in their minds and pales.
Hiruzen then realizes something "By kami we don't even know when the enemy will appear!" he says causing the others in the room minus Naruto to gasp.
Naruto shakes his head once again "Actually we will because when I first returned I launched a series of probes that will send a message to me when they spot the enemy coming and give an estimate on the number of their forces. They will also give us a timetable on when they will arrive due to how far I spaced each probe from the others" he says causing everyone to sigh in relief. Naruto then thinks of something "I have been meaning to ask but what is the status of my fellow Jinchuriki on how much of their Bijuu's power they can handle?" he asks.
Ay is the first to respond "Both my brother Bee the Jinchuriki of the Hachibi and my adoptive daughter Yugito are able to able all of their Bijuu's power and work together with their Bijuu's" he says proudly.
Mei sighs "Utakata the Jinchuriki of the Six-Tails is the same…however we just recently resealed the Sanbi after it reformed due to the death of Yagura which means the new host can't handle any of it's power yet" she says sadly.
Onoki runs his hand through his beard "Both Han and Roshi the Jinchuriki's of the Yonbi and Gobi respectively are able to fully handle their Bijuu's power and work in tandem with them" he says woth a smile.
Raza sighs "Gaara is able to handle about half of the Ichibi's power, however Shukaku refuses to work with him at all" he says sadly.
Naruto rubs his chin in thought "What about the Nanabi and its host?" he asks curious as to why they left that out.
Hiruzen sighs "The Nanabi's Jinchuriki is a girl named Fuu from Takigakure and we currently don't know about her capabilities yet because we are still waiting for Taki to respond to the alliance" he responds tiredly.
Naruto shakes his head hearing this "I guess I will have to make a trip to Taki sometime soon. However for now we need to get each of the Jinchuriki to be able to use all of their Bijuu's power and work with their Bijuu because I have a feeling they are going to play a significant role in the coming war. That is why I propose that those who can't fully use their Bijuu's power or don't work with their Bijuu be taught how to by those that can and do" he says getting nods from the others.
Naruto then smiles and turns to Tsunade "Now that the meeting is down how about I show you to my house where you will be staying until your sworn in as Hokage" he says getting a nod from Tsunade and Shizune before he walks over to them and gestures to Mei who then walks over and places a hand on his shoulder before Naruto uses I.T. to transport them all to his house.
When they reapper at Naruto's house Tsunade, Shizune, and Tonton nearly lose their lunch before Naruto opens the door and leads them in "Girls I'm back!" he yells before they hear the sound of footsteps and Naruto is suddenly bombarded by a series of hugs.
Hinata buries her headin his chest smiling "Naruto-kun! Your back!" she yells happily as he pats her head.
Aayla has her arms wrapped around his left arm "Welcome back Naruto-kun I take it the mission was a success" she says with a smile.
Anko wraps her arms around Naruto's right arm "Welcome back foxy I missed by cuddly pillow" she says licking her lips seductively.
Karin wraps her arms around Naruto's waist "Welcome back Narut-kun!" she says happily.
Naruto smiles happily "Hey girls I missed all of you" he says before kissing each of their foreheads before he gulps sensing a lot of killing intent being aimed at him and turns his head to see Tsunade smiling sweetly with a miasma of death surrounding her.
Tsunade's eyes twitches seeing all of the girls hugging Naruto "Naruto would you mind explaining wha tall of this is?" she says a little to calmly for his taste.
Naruto gulps again "Well this is Hinata-chan, Anko-chan, Aayla-chan, and Karin-chan…and they are my girlfriends, along with Mei-chan" he says praying to the fore that she doesn't kill him.
Tsunade just continues to glare at him before sighing "You know what I am too tired to deal with this right now so I am going to bed…" she says causing Naruto sigh in relief only to gulp when he feels more killing intent directed at him "However that doesn't mean this discussion is over young man" she sasy before she goes to one of the free rooms and shuts the door presumably to go to sleep.
Naruto looks at the girls and chuckles "Well it looks like we dodged a bullet there huh?" says only to flinch when he hears Tsunade yell "NO YOU HAVEN'T I AM JUST TO TIRED TO DEAL WITH IT AT THE MOMENT BRAT!" from within her room causing everyone to gulp in fear before they go back to whatever they were doing and praying that Tsunade doesn't castrate Naruto when she wakes up.
End Chapter 13