6. Red Rock

Australia is a large place. It didn't seem so large when in London, but just looking at the train timetable put things in proportion, yet Harry didn't think a train ride would help them any.

For three days they were watching the map and the tracking paper and they became quite frustrated. The Wilkins seemed to travel haphazardly, not following any particular route. They seemed to have flown from Perth to Townsville only to board another plane to Darwin and fly a day later to Alice Springs. It wasn't like her parents to act like this, Hermione thought. She had changed their memories, but not their characters, and such erratic behavior seemed very out of character with her parents. They acted like they wanted to be sure nobody was following them, yet nobody would have bothered with the Wilkins. It was very confusing.

Staying in their room most of the time had some benefits, though. They both seemed to enjoy each other most when not wearing clothes, so they decided to stay naked. Harry could not keep his hands off her in such situations and Hermione was also taking advantage of shirtless Harry. They shagged as many times as their bodies could handle and still carved for more. In-between they kept tab on the map, trying to understand where they should go next.

"It looks like they finally decided to use a car and not an airplane," Harry commented.

Hermione followed the trace starting from Alice springs and going south-west, in the rough direction of Uluru, the famous red rock.

She didn't think twice. "Let's go!" she said, starting to get dressed.

They left the hotel within an hour and boarded a flight to Alice Springs. By the time they landed, the Wilkins seemed to have stopped moving, probably booking into a motel along the road. The Potters found a nice room in a high-class hotel for the night and the next morning they were already driving in the same direction. It was late afternoon when they reached a motel with a sign "Next motel is 200 Km down the road". While it only meant less than three hours away, they were both too tired to continue.

Hermione was quite sure this was the same motel her parents had spent the previous night in, but the receptionist was unwilling to supply any information about other guests, frustrating them both.

Harry helped her out of her frustration by making love to her quite tenderly. This only helped some. Hermione was now determined to have some more. It took them two hours of intense shagging to calm down and fall asleep, both smiling contently as they hugged each other while sleeping.

Waking up in the morning, they checked the map, finding that her parents didn't move at all since arriving to their target, which wasn't really Uluru, so it seemed, but another red rock, just as impressive – Kata Tjuta [The Olgas], which was merely fifty kilometers farther.

They rechecked the map after breakfast. It still showed no movement. Hermione thought it would be safe enough to have another quick shag before going on the road. Harry agreed wholeheartedly.

It was late afternoon when they approached their destination. There were signs directing the visitors to all necessary facilities: parking, restrooms, accommodation and food. They parked the car and walked to the nearest restrooms first, before looking for a place to spend the night.

As usual, Harry was ready long before Hermione came out. He looked around, noticing an aborigine man standing nearby, scanning the people moving around, as if searching for somebody. He even made eye-contact with Harry a few times, but nothing more.

"There were ten women in the queue before me, and each took her time," Hermione said apologetically as she came out.

He just smiled at her. As he lifted his head he saw the aborigine approaching them. "Will you please follow me?" he said. His voice sounded authoritative but quite pleasant. It was the voice of a man who is normally obeyed and it compelled them to follow, yet Hermione was still prudent.

"Where do you want us to come?" she asked.

"To meet your parents, of course, although they don't know they have such a fine daughter. You've done a good job on them." He sounded appreciative.

"Why should I believe you?" she asked, risking to offend the man.

He smiled at her good heartedly. "Knowing what you were through for the last year, you're much calmer than I would have expected, Miss Granger, or should I call you Lady Potter?"

"Miss Granger would do for now. I would like to know with whom I'm speaking, though."

"Oh, sorry. I'm quite well known among my people. I keep forgetting that you are strangers to this land and to my people. My name is Arunta Ganan, which translates roughly to 'The parrot from the West'. Like a parrot, I sometimes talk too much and it's not always wisely."

"And how come you recognize us?"

"I'm the Shaman of my tribe, the resident wizard in a way. I keep track of what happens in the rest of the world and I've been aware of your deeds since you were much younger. I'm very impressed by you two."

This satisfied Hermione's prudence and her attention turned to the main topic now. "What do you know about my parents?"

"Not much, really. They seem to be nice people yet the compulsion you gave them is keeping them on the move. I had to check a bit deeper to find why they had that urge to keep moving, and I found you there. It's not difficult to understand your reasons for doing this."

"Do you think they'll ever forgive me?" she asked worriedly.

"I'm sure they will. We may find out soon after dinner, if you come along."

As they walked at his side he kept talking. "I usually scan the evening arrivals each day, trying to find the magical folks visiting here and invite them to join us. As the rock formations of Uluru and Kata Tjuta are sacred to us, many shamans stay around all year long and I also stay here as much as I can. We like to hear about other magical communities, although we didn't like most of what we've heard from Britain during the last three years. Anyhow, yesterday evening I noticed this non-magical couple which was radiating of strong charms cast on it. This piqued my curiosity and I invited them to join us. I promised to let them take part in a sacred ceremony to make them stay. I then found out it was you who cast the charms on them. The memory charm is starting to fade, making them more worried. Combined with the traveling compulsion, it makes them quite restless. I thought I would try to either strengthen the memory charm or remove it completely, depending on what I find in their suppressed memories. I intended to do it tonight, but now that you're here, I should defer to your intentions."

It was a bit much for Harry, yet Hermione had no problem understanding even what was not explicitly said. "So, you used legilimancy on them?"

"Not exactly. We have some older methods which allow us to find only relevant information without breaching the privacy of our subjects unnecessarily. I only found who cast the spell on them. I intended to try and find the cause and decide, based upon that information."

"Well, I was looking for them to restore their memories back and remove the compulsion charm. It's safe to do it now as the war is over."

"It's a very strong memory charm you put on them. Did you do it together?"

Hermione frowned. "No, I was alone. Why do you ask?"

"I'm not sure I could remove it alone. I intended to ask four of the strongest shamans to join me if I decided to remove it."

Hermione shrugged. "I only wanted to protect them. Not knowing anything about me and the war I was part of was supposed to keep them in peace. I wanted it to last indefinitely, so that they won't ever miss me if I didn't get through..."

"It is very powerful, but this kind of spell doesn't normally last more than a few months. I believe it is about six months now, which is about the upper limit for this charm."

"It's actually a year and two days since I cast it on them."

The shaman looked at her again. "You are really a very powerful witch. Do you know your Merlin Index?"

"What's that? It's the first time I even hear it mentioned."

"Nobody told you about it? No wonder the English are losing their stand in the wizarding world. This is a basic measure of magical power. It's usually measured at birth, except for muggle-borns; at eleven, when most magicals start their magic training; and at eighteen – when they finish it. I'm sure your school has checked you during first year, at least."

"We had a few medical checks during our first weeks at Hogwarts, but nobody said anything about magical powers."

Harry, who was silent until then, decided to intervene. "Maybe this was to protect the pureblood bigots from finding out how powerful the muggleborns and half-bloods really are."

"Or to keep us uninformed so they can continue pretending they are our better," Hermione added.

By this time they reached the aboriginal camp, which was surrounded by high fences for privacy.

"Welcome to the Shaman's Camp," Arunta greeted them, showing them in. He led them to one of the guest huts. "Your parents are lodged in the second hut forward," he noted, pointing at that hut, "but they are currently at the camp's bonfire. Please leave your luggage here and join us around the fire. It would also help you and me estimate what needs to be done about your parents."

Arunta let them settle in after instructing them how to reach the camp's bonfire. The hut they entered was quite simple, yet fully equipped for indefinite stay. It had a small living room which doubled as dining room, a moderately modern kitchenette and a standard bedroom with attached bathroom. While far from luxurious it was very nice and well arranged.

"What will your parents think of me?" Harry suddenly asked.

"Oh, I'm sure they'll love you."

"But... I'm sleeping with their daughter..."

"...who is old enough to decide on her own, both in muggle and in magical world."

"But your father... He will hate me. I know I already hate the guy who'll try to bed our daughter, and we don't have any yet."

She smiled. "Harry, my parents have been trusting my judgment since I was eleven. They will surely question us both, but they will give us their blessing eventually. Besides, I'm sure my father is not even close to being as frightening as Voldemort."

"I'm not sure," Harry mumbled quietly, out of Hermione's hearing range.

When they reached the bonfire, it looked like the feast was already in full blow. Several long tables were set around, each overloaded with various vegetables, meats and fruits along with varied beverages, none of which seemed familiar to the teens. The Wilkins were very evident, being the only light faces among the mostly dark ones. They seemed reluctant to approach the teens, but once they were almost forced to sit near each other, they started a conversation.

"Where are you from?" Mrs. Wilkins asked.

"We're from England. We live a short drive from London," Hermione answered, hardly reigning her excitement.

"Oh, we know some people there. We used to live in Derby, though, before we started traveling."

"How long have you been traveling?"

"About a year. I think yesterday was actually a year since we landed. It seems such a long time, yet it's nothing when you consider the vastness of this continent."

"Yes, it is rather large."

"I wonder if you happen to know any of our friends and relatives," Mrs. Wilkins said. "Do you happen to know Dorothy Granger? She has a daughter about your age, I believe."

These were her father's sister in law and her daughter, actually.

"Yes, I happened to meet them a few times," Hermione answered cautiously.

"Then you may have met their niece, Hermione, if I remember her name correctly. She seemed to be a very nice girl." Mrs. Wilkins' eyes turned dreamy for a moment. "If I had any children I would have liked my daughter to be like her. She looks a lot like you, only a bit younger, I think."

Hermione was hardly holding her tears, but Mrs. Wilkins wasn't aware of that. "I don't know what's happening to me. I sometimes feel like I'm living in a dream; like it's not the real me. Yet I can't remember much before our journey. It's quite confusing, really."

Her husband intervened. "This is why we came here, eventually. We talked with a shaman in Darwin and he suggested a visit to the red rocks. He said it would help us solve this mystery."

"Do you believe in them?" asked Hermione.

"I'm not really sure. It isn't logical, I know, yet some part in me keeps telling me that there's more to reality than I think. I know there's more, really. I can't remember clearly anything before this journey, yet I get glimpses of a house, a clinic, a weird visitor. It doesn't make sense, yet it seems truer than what we can remember. I even remember seeing you, Hermione, although I don't know why we should have ever met."

Arunta was standing nearby, paying close attention to his guests. As he saw an awkward silence coming, he intervened. "I see you've already met. Let me do the formal introductions: Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins are here to seek some help with their confusing glimpses into the past. Ms. Granger and Mr. Potter are here to look for some lost past. I believe you could help each other."

"So, you really are Hermione Granger?" Mrs. Wilkins asked. "I thought you looked familiar, only I remember you younger."

"It is more than a year since you saw me last, and it has been a very intensive year for me and my friend."

Mr. Wilkins looked at Harry. "Your name seems to ring a bell in my head. Aren't you Harry?"

Both parents seemed to be overwhelmed, as their memories were struggling to resurface. Hermione took their hands in hers, trying to comfort them. It didn't have the effect she expected. Once she touched them, there seemed to be a flow of magic through her hands, causing her parents to regain their memories and lose their compulsion to travel, yet she wasn't aware of it. She was only aware of the look of surprise appearing on their faces as they suddenly recognized their daughter and her friend, as they remembered why they had agreed to let Hermione act the way she did and understood the implication of her being there with them and with Harry.

They were all still for a while, nobody daring to speak, until her father noted, "So, you won the war, didn't you?"

"Yes, we did. It happened more than a month ago, but I couldn't come earlier."

There was another moment of silence. "And you finally got the boy of your heart," her mother noticed.

"Yes, I did." Hermione looked at Harry. That was all he needed to understand what she expected him to do. He still had to summon all his Gryffindor courage to speak.

"Mr. and Mrs. Granger, may I have your permission to marry Hermione as soon as we return to England? I promise to love her, respect her and care for her to the best of my ability."

The Grangers exchanged a glance. "You don't need our permission, son. Her heart has already been yours for many years and I believe she would gladly accept your offer," Mr. Granger told him.

The four hugged tightly. Hermione was crying freely now, releasing all the pent-up tension while sporting a large happy smile on her face. Mrs. Granger's face was also wet of tears as she looked her girl over. Mr. Granger was just looking pleased as he smiled at the other three. None of them noticed that the whole aboriginal populace of the camp gathered around them and watched the family reunion with awe.

It was some time later when Arunta re-joined them. "Now, that you know the truth again, let me put things in perspective. You, Miss Granger, are one hell of a witch! I was planning to combine the powers of four more shamans to achieve what you have just done without even using a wand or a spell, and if what I've heard about you two is true, then you, Mr. Potter, are quite a bit more powerful than her, which probably puts both of you at the top of the wizarding world as far as raw power in concerned."

"What are we suppose to do, then?" Harry asked, quite confused.

"Nothing, really. You may do whatever you please, yet I suggest you don't use your powers unless they are needed and do think before you do anything. I already know your hearts are in the right place; just be very careful with your powers."

"I don't think we're very powerful," Hermione commented. "I'm hardly adequate in some of the more powerful spells. If I hadn't studied so much I would have been well below average."

Arunta smiled kindly at her. "You're underestimating yourself, my dear lady. You'll soon find out by yourself, I believe. Anyhow, it's getting late and I've promised your parents a visit at the top of the rock, something very few outsiders are ever allowed to experience. I'll be glad if you two join us as well."

They didn't have to look at each other to know. "We'll be glad to join," they both said as one, making the others smile.

"Very well. We need to leave way before sunrise. My daughter Gulara, who's about your age, will wake you up at five-thirty. She will also join us on our way. I suggest you go to sleep now."

His suggestion was well accepted. The long drive and the excitement of the evening made both pairs exhausted. Getting some rest was quite welcome. They walked together to their lodgings. Hermione kissed her parents good-night. Harry shook hands with her father, but couldn't refuse being kissed on the cheek by her mother. None of the parents commented on the two sleeping together.

"Aren't they cute together?" her mother asked once the young couple closed the door.

"They remind me of us, about twenty years ago," was the answer.

Despite their fatigue, Hermione wouldn't go to sleep before making some love with Harry. She was happy at finding her parents and reestablishing her relations with them, and her happiness made their love making even more enjoyable.

A.N. This is the last chapter common to both stories, so it's the last in Harry's Love(s). Next chapter(s) will appear as two different stories: Hary's Love - a strictly Harry/Hermione version and Harry's Loves, whre he'll have more than Hermione to love.

As usual - Please review!