Chapter 10: The Meeting

Erza made her way to Natsu's and Wendy's house. She still wasn't sure about what Natsu wants to talk about but she figured she find out soon enough and as she walked she looked at the darkening sky. She finally made it to the house after about a 20 minute walk. She quickly walks up to the door and knocks on the door before talking a step back.

Erza waited a few seconds before the door slowly opened and it reveled Natsu standing at the door. "Oh your here" Natsu said before opening the door wider "Come on in"

She walked in with a small smile on her face as she sat down on the couch in the middle of the living room. Nastu walked over and asked " Would you like anything to drink?"

"No thank you Natsu" Erza replied with a small smile. Natsu nodded before sitting down on the couch as well. "So what did you want to talk about?" Erza asked as she looked at Natsu.

Natsu frowned as he looked down the hallway at the door to Wendy's room. "Can you promise me something?" Natsu asked without taking his eyes off the door.

"Sure, but what do you want me to promise you?" Erza asked. Natsu sighed before he looked directly at Erza.

"I want you to promise me that if something ever happens to me that you will take care of Wendy." Natsu said without breaking eye contact with Erza. Erza's eyes widen but before she could say anything Natsu continued.

"After thinking about it, I realized I was way too reckless. One mistake and I could have been a goner and I would have left Wendy alone in this world all by herself. I'm not going to make that mistake again. But just in case something does happen to me I want you to promise me to take care of her if something happens." Natsu said. Erza was slightly speechless but soon found her voice .

"Natsu... I... I don't know what to say. I can promise you that if something happens to you I'll take care of Wendy, but I don't want anything to happen to you! Your my best friend." Erza said with a few tears in her one eye. Natsu seemed confused before he suddenly remembered that Erza had told him that she couldn't cry out of one eye cause it was an artificial eyes. He quickly pulled her into into a hug.

"Hey it's ok" Natsu said while using the same voice that he uses to comfort Wendy," I said if something happens, but I'm not going to be that reckless anymore so nothing is going to happen."

Erza calmed down and pulled away from Natsu." Ok thank you for promising me that." Natsu said.

Erza wiped the few stray tears away before smiling," Your welcome, but you better not even think about something happening." Erza said in stern voice.

Natsu softly chuckled before said " Got it. Sorry I've got to use bathroom I'll be right back." Natsu got up and walked to the bathroom. Erza had a slight smile on his face while she waited for Natsu when she suddenly heard some soft sniffling.

She turned her head to look down the dark hallway to the bedrooms to see Wendy holding a blanket while it rubbing her eyes. Erza quickly got up and walked over to see what was wrong when she saw tears slowly escaping her eyes.

"Hey sweetheart what wrong?" Erza asked as she squatted down and put her hand on Wendy's head. Wendy looked up before more tears escaped,"W-W-Where's O-Onii-chan?" Wendy asked as tears streaked down her face. "Sshhh, it's ok he only in the bathroom." Erza said as she consoled the crying girl.

Erza lead Wendy back to her bed while holding her hand. She picked Wendy bed and softly placed her under the sheets. Erza pulled the blankets up to Wendy's chin. "Hey sweetheart what happened?"

Wendy sniffled a little bit before responding quietly, "I had a nightmare"

Erza asked " Do you want to talk about it? It might make you feel better."

Wendy nodded before quickly saying "W-Well I was s-sitting in the guild h-hall with everyone except O-Onii-chan and you." Erza's nodded listing intently to Wendy and she continued "T-Then you walked into the g-guild hall h-holding Onii-chan's scarf and y-you were c-crying and..." as Wendy continued she began to shake and the tears began to comeback. "Y-Y-You walked u-u-up to me an-and t-told m-me Onii-chan d-d-died"

Wendy was now crying really hard again and Erza quickly pulled her into another hug. Erza held her till she calmed down again before she said "I'm going to get Natsu for you so I'll be right back" with that Erza stood up from the bed and walked out of the room. She was about to call out to Natsu but she saw him standing right next to the door frame

"Thank you Erza, I'll take care of Wendy now." Natsu said with a soft smile. Erza returned the smile before Natsu started to talk again "You can go home if you want, I think I'm going to have to help Wendy for a little bit and after that I think I'm going to go to bed."

"Ya I think I will go home, it's late and this was a very bust day."

"Alright have a nice night" Natsu said as he walked into Wendy's room to comfort her. Erza smiled and softly waved as Natsu disappeared into Wendy's room. Erza continued to smile as she walked out of the house and closed the door behind her.

Erza walked happily and soon she reached Fairy Hills and quickly and quietly went to her room. She re-equipped into pajamas and laid down in her bed with a big smile on her face. Right before she fell asleep she said quietly to herself.

"Yep, I'm in love with Natsu"


"Do you really think it's Igneel Natsu-nii?" A now 11 year old Wendy asked a now 19 year old Natsu.

Natsu tried to answer but was quickly forced to close his mouth to keep his breakfast in his stomach. Suddenly a blue cat that was resting on Natsu's head laughed and said "To think the mighty Salamander would be defeated by a train."

Natsu growled before he tried to grab the blue cat but unfortunately the blue cat grew a pair of angelic wings and flew out of Natsu's reach. "Damn it Happy get back here so I can strangle you" Natsu was unable to continue as he covered his mouth with his hand to keep his stomach contents down. Suddenly a white cat that looked similar to Happy that was sitting on Wendy's lap spoke up "I don't understand why you don't have Wendy cast Troia on you, you wouldn't have to deal with this."

Natsu sat back in his seat not trying to catch Happy anymore. He turned toward the white cat and said "Because Carla if I always have Wendy cast Troia on me I won't be able to over come this weakness." while his stomach had settled enough to for him to talk. Wendy giggled at her brothers antics and respected his decision to not have Troia cast on him.

"We will be arriving in Hargeon in 5 minutes ladies and gentlemen" the voice on the intercom said. Natsu grinned before he had to cover his mouth again. Happy and Wendy giggled while Carla just sighed before she looked out the window. She had a feeling they would be meeting someone important.


"Damn that stupid shopkeeper. My sex appeal is worth more then just 1000 jewels." A young blond women said loudly as she kicked a trash can on the edge of the street

"I should go back there and give him a piece of my mind." The blond women thought out loud. But right as she was thinking about what she might do she heard a group of women running past her. She turned her head and heard what they were yelling

"The Famous Salamander is here, let's go get and autograph!" One of the random women yelled.

Suddenly the young blond's eyes widen as she heard "The Salamander". "The Salamander!? You mean the famous mage that uses fire magic that can't be bought in stores!" the blond yelled in excitement.

The blond ran over to see a large crowd of women surrounding a fairly tall man that she couldn't quite see. She pushed her way through the crowd trying to get a better look that the Salamander. She slowly made her way to the front and got a good look the Salamander and she felt her heart stop.

He relatively tall and slim man with mildly short, spiky blue hair jutting outwards, with a long fringe left hanging over the upper left part of his face. "Calm down ladies, there is plenty of me to go around." The Salamander said in a cocky voice "Who wants to come to my yacht later tonight? The Salamander asked. "What is this?" The young blond thought as she held her hand to her chest. She felt her heart beating in her chest heavily and the beat quicken. "Calm down Lucy," the blond women named Lucy said in her head.

"Is this... Is this love in first sight?" Lucy thought in her head. She was about to walk over and talk to the Salamender but she was stopped when a young blue haired girl pushed past her. She felt the strong feeling disappear as the girl pushed past her, leaving her confused.

"Excuse me, pardon me, sorry." The young girl repeated as she walked through the crowd. The young girl had just made it to the front of the crowd saw hen she suddenly called out.

"Onii-chan, you know Onee-chan wouldn't like it if she saw all these girls around... You?" The girl had stopped right as she got to the Salamander and finished her sentence in confusion.

"Oh hello little girl, do you want an autograph?" The Salamander said as he leaned down to her height. The girls confused face turned to one of slight anger. "Who are you?" The young blue haired girl question with slight anger that matched her the look on her face.

The girls around the Salamander and the young girl got anger at the little girl and her rude question. "Shut up stupid brat" one yelled. "Respect your elders kid" another yelled. They reached to try and teach the girl a lesson but soon realized that they couldn't grab her. Each time they tried and grabbed her their hands felt like there was a wind blowing them away.

The blue haired girl who was still anger didn't notice the women trying to grab her. "Who are you?!" The girl asked more forceful this time. As she said this the wind seemed to pick up. Lucy's eyes widen when she suddenly felt something familiar. "Is she using magic?" Lucy questioned in her head.

The Salamander seemed to be getting annoyed at the girl so he said angrily "Listen here little girl, I don't have time to play with you so get out of here."

The girl didn't move and stood her ground. The Salamander got even more annoyed so he suddenly summon a small purple fire ball in his hand "Get out of here brat, before someone gets hurt."

The girl once again didn't move but Lucy noticed her cheeks getting larger. "Sky Dragon's" the girl began to say as she pulled her head back "Rooooar" she yelled as a torrent of winds escaped her mouth and launched forward. The wind slammed into the Salamander sending him backwards into a wall.

Everyone watching gasped in shock as they watch the Salamander fall to the ground then slowly get up. Anger etched his face as he looked at the little girl. "Hells Prominence" The Salamander yelled in anger and launched the spell, not caring who he might hurt. The girl just smirked before relaxing. She stood there motionless as the spell race toward the crowd.

Lucy was about to step forward and block the attack when the fire ball for the young girl suddenly shot upwards toward the sky. All the girls except the little girl looked in shock as they looked upward to see what happen to the fire ball. To their surprised they saw a man seemingly floating in the sky with angelic like wings spouting from his back.

"You got some balls Bora to attack my precious baby sister right in front of me." The man said. The women looked confused when they heard the man call the Salamander Bora. But the man seeming named Bora shaking in fear. " N-N-No w-way, i-its the r-real Salamander" Bora stuttered out.

Everyone eyes widen except the little girl and the man when they heard Bora. They all turned toward the man and saw his features. His spiky pink hair, opened black with golden trimmed jacket with his ripped body, the white scaly scarf were very distinct plus his very handsome face.

Bora shook as the real Salamander walked toward him. "I think I heard you say something about a yacht?" Bora immediately pointed to the biggest boat in the harbor. Natsu turned his head to see the big boat before he turned back toward Bora. "And what were you going to do on a that boat?" The real Salamander asked darkly.

Bora didn't answer and continued to shake in fear. The real Salamander growled darkly before he punched the wall behind Bora. The wall shattered like glass and collapsed to the ground. Bora immediately confessed and yelled out in fear "We were going to sell the girls as slaves!"

The women gasped and the little girl frowned. The real Salamander growled again, he turned toward the boat before he asked "Is there anyone on the boat?" Bora quickly answered "No the crew is hanging out in a bar."

The real Salamander smirked before he make his right hand in the shape of a gun and a tiny fireball formed that the tip of his finger. The tiny fire ball shot forward like a bullet and soon disappeared from the everyone's sight. In the matter of seconds a giant explosion engulfed the entire ship destroying it and burning it to ash.

Everyone looked in shock at the entire ship burned. Bora shook in his boots as the real Salamander turned back Bora with a smirk. "Wendy go get the Ruin Knights, tell them we caught Bora of Prominence."

"Sure Natsu-nii" the girl whose name was Wendy said. "Come on Carla, let's go the the Ruin Knights."

Right as Wendy said that a white cat with angelic like wing floats down with her arms crossed. "Honesty child I don't know why you started a fight when you didn't even know where Natsu was." The cat named Carla said.

Wendy merely giggled darkly before replying "I could have beaten him easily but I like watching Onii-chan scare him" the cat merely sighed before saying "I swear he let Mira watch you too often" Wendy giggled again before running off to find the Ruin Knights.

Lucy stared at the Salamander in awe of his incredible power. She was still in shock after watching him destroy the entire yacht with such a tiny fire ball. "What kind of magic has that much power?" Lucy quietly asked herself.

Natsu watched as his sister ran off to do as he had asked with a smile before he turned towards the group girls who were still staring at him. He spoke up and told the group of girls "Well I'm sure you are all still shocked at the truth but it will be a few minutes before the Ruin Knights show up so I think since he was going to try and sell you all as slaves I think it's only fair that you get a little revenge."

Bora's mouth dropped and shook in fear as all the girl turned their head and glared daggers at him. Natsu chucked as he watch the girls slowly make their way to Bora and as Bora tried to back away from them. He was about to get up and run before he heard a snap and then felt an extreme heat behind him.

He turned his head around to see a wall of flames blocking his path before he heard Natsu chuckle some more. Bora turned his head one last time to the girls before they all began to beat him. Natsu laughed as Bora tried to escape but to no success and continued to take the beating. Soon all the girls had their fill of revenge and left to continue their day, leaving behind a bloody and bruised Bora. Lucy dusted off her clothes after giving Bora a kick before she had walked toward Natsu but decided to stand about 10 feet away and waited for the little girl to return.

Natsu's laughing finally stopped but he still had a large grin on his face as he watch Bora twitch in agony. Finally the Ruin Knights arrived and arrested Bora leaving Natsu, Wendy, Carla, a blue cat that looked similar to Carla.

"Great job Wendy finding the fake so fast." Natsu said as he rubbed her head. Wendy giggled and hugged Natsu before saying "Thank you Onii-chan."

Natsu returned the hug and looked at his shoulder and said "Happy you know that I won't be making you fly anymore right? You can get off my back."

The blue cat named Happy floated a little bit and landed on Natsu's head "Sorry Natsu I didn't want to ruin your cool moment"

Natsu laughed before he summon a fish in his hand. Happy stared with wide eyes as Natsu held it in his hand. Natsu tossed it in the air and Happy very quickly snatched it from the air before landing back on Natsu's head and happily munching on the fish. Wendy and Natsu laughed while Carla just sighed with a soft smile on her face. Natsu was about to ask Wendy if she wanted lunch when he finally noticed Lucy.

"Oh excuse me young lady, is the anything you need?" Natsu asked politely.

"Um actually I just wanted to ask if you really are the real Salamander." Lucy asked timidly.

"Well I don't usually use my alias but yes I am the real Salamander" Natsu answered and right after he answered Lucy squealed in excitement.

"So your really from Fairy Tail, The number one guild in all of Fiore?!" Lucy asked with stars in her eyes. Natsu chuckled before answering. "That would be a yes as well" Natsu answered

"Oh that is awesome!, I actually met someone form Fairy tail!" Lucy said like a fan girl. Natsu once again chuckled before asking "Are you a mage young lady?"

"Oh my name is Lucy by the way, and yes I'm a mage ." Lucy answered

"Just call me Natsu Lucy, so would you like to join Fairy Tail?" Natsu asked with a smile.

Lucy's heart froze as she heard the question. She looked directly in Natsu's eyes to see if he was joking with her but his calm smile told her that he was serious. "I would love to join Fairy tail!" Lucy almost screamed." But wait isn't there some sort of test or application to get in?"

"The only test is to ask Grandpa if you could join" Wendy chipped in with a cute smile. Natsu turned his head to look at Wendy and rubbed the top of her head again. He turned back to Lucy and said "Ya that's about it"

Lucy nearly fainted," That's all it takes to join the number one guild in Fiore?!" Lucy asked in her head.

"Well how about we go get lunch then head back to Fairy Tail, and once we can get there we can get Gramps to let you join." Natsu said before turning around to look for a place to have lunch. He stopped before he turned back around "Oh I almost forgot, this is my younger sister Wendy, the blue cat in my partner Happy, and the white cat is Wendy's partner Carla." Lucy's eyes widen as she say the cats but kept her mouth shut for the moment.

"It's nice to meet you Lucy-san" Wendy said while sticking out her hand for a hand shake.

"It's nice to meet you too Wendy." Lucy said as she grasped Wendy's hand and shook it.

The blue cat flew up to Lucy's height before shaking her hand as well "Its nice to meet you Luigi." Lucy just sweat dropped but before she could correct him Carla did it for her.

"She said her name was Lucy not Luigi stupid tomcat." Carla said in an annoyed tone. Happy just giggled into his palm and looked at Lucy. "It's nice to meet you Lucy" Carla said as she stuck out her paws for a hand shake as well.

"Well it's nice to meet you too Carla" Lucy said with a smile accepting the hand shake.

"Well if all the introductions are in done let's go find a place to eat." Natsu said as he turned around and began to look for a nice restaurant. Following behind him everyone began to walk and Lucy turned her head to look at Wendy.

"Actually Wendy, may I ask how old are you?" Lucy asked.

"I'm 11, I turn twelve in a few months" Wendy said with a smile.

"Wow your 11 and you were able to send Bora flying with just spell." Lucy said with a little amazement.

"Yep, that's because Onii-chan trains me every chance he can"

Lucy smiled before asking the question that had been on her mind since she had seen Wendy's spell. "Also can I ask what kind of magic you used? I've never seen anything like that!" Lucy said with enthusiasm.

Wendy giggled before she said "I use Dragon-Slaying Magic." Lucy's eyes widened.

"Dragon-Slaying magic? I've never heard of anything like that." Lucy said.

"Well of course you haven't heard of it, it's a Lost Magic." Natsu pitched in as he finally noticed a restaurant.

"Lost Magic?" Lucy asked.

"It's magic that has erased in history because of its incredible power." Natsu said as he and the rest of the group walked into a restaurant and took a seat.

"Well if the magic was erased in history, how does Wendy have Dragon-Slayer magic?" Lucy asked.

"Well that would be because Wendy was raised by a dragon who taught her the magic." Natsu said.

Lucy's eyes widened once again before looking at Wendy. "You were raised by a dragon?! I thought they were extinct?!" Lucy nearing yelled.

Wendy giggled before replying "Well Mama said she was one of the last dragons alive, and Onii-chan was also raised by a dragon." Lucy looked a Natsu and Natsu nodded. "Thats incredible." Lucy said in awe.

"Yes it is, but it's not just Dragon-Slaying magic, she uses a wind type of Dragon-slaying called Sky Dragon-Slaying magic." Natsu says. Lucy nodded before asking "So do you have Sky Dragon-Slaying magic?"

"No I don't, Wendy was raised by Grandine the Sky dragon so she was taught Sky Dragon-Slaying magic, I was raised by Igneel the Fire Dragon King so I was taught Fire Dragon-Slaying magic." Natsu said.

"Wow that's incredible." Lucy said then asked "So where are they right now?"

Natsu suddenly lost his smile and Wendy seemed to lose her smile as well. Natsu quickly wrapped his arm around Wendy and pulled her into a side huge. "Well on June 7th, 777 both our dragons disappeared. I woke up that day and couldn't find Igneel, I looked for Igneel for a few hours before I went to see Grandine to see if she knew where he went only to find out she had disappeared as well."

"After I went to find Grandine I instead found Wendy by herself, so I took her with me and we searched for then, and we have still yet to find them to this day." Natsu said in a somewhat sad tone. Wendy leaned into Natsu's embrace and closed her eyes.

Natsu leaned downed and kissed her forehead before sitting back up and letting her go of the side hug. "After a few weeks of searching by ourselves we ran into a member of the guild and he invited us to Fairy tail. After that we joined and have been guild members since." Natsu said.

"Wow that's an amazing story." Lucy said in awe. Natsu nodded as the waiter appeared with their orders. While they ate Natsu told Lucy a few stories from being at Fairy tail and once they had finished Natsu said "So Lucy you ready to go to Fairy tail?"

Lucy's smile grew before exclaiming "Yes lets go!"

With that Natsu, Wendy, Lucy and the cats began the walk towards Fairy tail.


Hey Everybody,

Sorry about the super long delay in the chapter, I know I said that I would get the chapter out in two weeks but a shit ton of things happened. I don't really want to list them so I'm not but trust me when I say there are a lot of good reasons that I couldn't get this chapter out sooner.

But I promise you guys that I will not abandon this story and I will finish it, even if it takes me a few years. I will try and get chapters outs as soon as I can but I am getting ready to start my senior year in highschool so I will have to deal with that but I'm am going to try and get another chapter out before then. Also sorry if the chapter seems rushed because I kind of wrote this entire chapter in less then 3 days.

If you have any questions pm me or leave a review.

With that,

Tigerstriker out.