Reviews for Harry Potter and the Eyes of the Serpent
Marc the Unruly chapter 13 . 7/14
Kinjo2k01 chapter 32 . 7/13
I know its discontinued, but I really enjoyed this story.. thought you should know..
reynolds252015 chapter 12 . 6/18
Guest chapter 32 . 6/16
I’m so so sad to see this story abandoned ( it is one of my favourites. Please, if at all possible, finish it one way or another?
Guest chapter 32 . 6/16
Extremely good! Even though I did not like the way you treated the ladies in this story, I understand the need for it due to Victorian setting!
Guest chapter 17 . 6/16
Ahahahahaha! Why don’t more stories include turning his grave into a public urinal! Hahahahaha
digbygreen chapter 32 . 6/15
Cannot wait for the Lord of Marches vs. the Wizengamot.
lovelylexi.3483 chapter 32 . 6/12
It's high time for a update or to be put up for adoption so someone else can continue the story.
samanthasherman78 chapter 1 . 6/1
hope this story updates agian
Jimbocous chapter 31 . 5/9
Do hope you get back to this at some point, it had some interesting elements. Thanks for a great read so far ..
Freddie Rindklip chapter 15 . 5/5
Is spore spitting spirea a QFG nod?
Freddie Rindklip chapter 10 . 5/5
Enjoying the fic.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 5 . 4/30
It looks like measures are in place for Harry not to be the Dursley's b*tch.
Nihatclodra chapter 32 . 4/17
Hell of a place to stop this story for over 7 and a half years...
Nihatclodra chapter 9 . 4/16
I love the Nargles being Hounds of Tindalos! I suppose Wrackspurts are Shoggoth? And Crumple-Horned Wrackspurts may be spawn of Shub-Niggurath or something?
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