Not reading what you sign
Chapter 1
By ViceCaptainOmeada
Disclaimer: I do not think that I have anything to do with Harry Potter.
Authors note: Hello readers! This is the re-written version of my story that I posted under my old penname Genzosanzo. The story is basically staying the same, it's still a Harry Harem story, and the main paring is still Harry, Daphne, Luna, Susan, Hannah, and Gabrielle. But I am going through all my old chapters with a fine tooth comb and fleshing them out more. I hope you all enjoy the re-write, and hopefully I caught all my mistakes… but I probably didn't, if you all see any let me know!
This story is mainly about the error everyone makes, not reading the fine print before signing something, Follow our favorite intrepid hero as he tries to make the best of the situation he finds himself in.
Ages of main people:
Harry, Susan, Daphne and Hannah - almost 16 or 16.
Gabrielle -14 (I know that Gabrielle was 8 in the fourth book, but for the sake of my own sanity I made her older.)
Now, let the story begin.
Harry lay on his bed at Privet Drive; having finished the chore list for the day, stroking the snow white feathers of his first companion Hedwig as she snoozed leaning into his hip. His relatives went for a nice day out in London, to celebrate some sort of promotion or sale Vernon had landed at Grunnings. The green eyed teen didn't really care that they left him alone for the day; in fact he found peace in it. Though the peace he felt at being alone in the house was outweighed by the sudden loss of his godfather. His thoughts and eyes drifted to the letter he had received from Gringotts, which resided on his desk. His mind filled with grief and wonder at the same time. Sirius had made a will when he got out of Azkaban, and Harry was obligated to attend the reading, which was to happen in just mere hours.
He had a very strong feeling that Dumbledore would try to stop him from attending the hearing. The grandfatherly man had lost his trust. Since the end of the last year, the solitude that he was thrown into gave him time to think on the past five years of his education, and things just didn't add up for him. Why would he hide the philosopher's stone at the school? Why didn't he shut the school down the school at the first attacks from the basilisk? Why would he allow dementors access to the grounds of the school where they could easily harm children? Harry didn't even want to think on the fiasco called the Tri-Wizard Tournament, how could Dumbledore not have known that Crouch Jr. was not the real Alastor Moody?
With a groan from the strain, he moved to his feet, and a hoot of indignation from his feathery companion for the sudden wake up, he grabbed his towel, and walked to the shower. After getting out and getting dressed he grabbed his wand and the letter off the desk and made his way to the kitchen. He closed the curtains and moved to stand in the middle of the room. With a sigh he called out "DOBBY!" and waited about a minute before trying again. "Dobb-" he began to say but was cut off by the telltale 'pop' and the small elf appeared before him.
"Harry Potter Sir. Has called upon Dobby!" the little elf wailed. "Dobby is honored by Harry Potter Sir calling him!"
"Dobby, stop, it's not that big of a deal, I just need you to take me to Gringotts for my godfathers will reading. It's in a few hours but I want to discuss something with the goblins." He said as he tried to calm him down. He had to admit, despite the unease that he felt with the creature's hero worship, there was a small bit of self-pride that came with it.
"Of course Harry Potter Sir, Dobby will get you there right away Sir!" the eccentric house elf rushed forward and grabbed Harry's pant leg and with a pop they were both gone.
A dark blonde girl was reading over a letter she had received from Gringotts. It was saying that she needed to come to a will reading for Sirius Black at the bank for the main reason of a potential marriage contract. The only stipulation was that the Heir in question must accept his duties as the Head of the Ancient and Nobel house of Black; if he did she was to be wedded to him.
Needless to say she was furious, she had dreamed that she would be swept off her feet and live happily ever after, but now, Daphne Greengrass was being forced into a marriage under penalty of losing her magic, and quite possibly her sanity. Little did she know that three other girls had received this same letter, all but one shared her reaction, The odd girl out just smiled, shrugged and skipped to her shower to get ready.
Harry had landed in front of the large bank moments after his departure. He thanked dobby and told him he would call when he needed to return to Privet drive, and then walked into the building and right up to the first open receptionist he saw. The goblin glanced up at the teenager with a scowl. He slammed his quill into the ink well. "What do you want?" the Goblin asked gruffly.
As soon as the Goblin looked up, Harry smiled politely at the creature, realizing who this banker was. "Good afternoon Griphook. I don't know if you remember me at all but I am Harry Potter, and I would like to ask about my parents will, if they even had one." He said kindly, remembering how Griphook, while gruff and standoffish, had not been mean to him on his first ever visit to the bank almost 6 years ago now. "Oh! Also I am in need of a new key to my vault, I seem to have misplaced my old one." He added as a spare thought, of course he knew that Molly Weasley currently had his key, and he wholeheartedly believed she wouldn't misuse it, he deemed it time that he should take control of his own finances and it seemed like a good start.
The goblin's face flashed a wide eyed expression, and fumbled around a little. "Of course Mr. Potter, I remember you. Though I am surprised that you remember me, the majority of wizards don't even bother to remember the ones that handle their gold." Griphook stated with a feral grin, and newfound respect in his eyes. "I shall go and get the Senior Goblin whom is in charge of the Potter estates, and then I will start the necessary paperwork to get you your new key and render the old one useless." He said with a slight bow of his head before hopping off his stool and walking through a set of large oak doors. He returned a few moments later with an older, yet burly, looking goblin. "Mr. Potter, May I Introduce Skullcrush. the Senior Goblin in charge of your family's assets."
Skullcrush moved forward, "Mr. Potter, It is a pleasure meeting you at last. May we move this to my office, so we can speak in a more private setting?" Harry nodded with a smile and followed him to an elegant office. "Now Mr. Potter, I have been waiting for the day that you would inquire about your parents will, it has been kept save and unopened until you came to inquire about it. But before I read it I must verify that you are who you say you are." He rummaged through his desk and pulled out a black quill with red striping. "Now all I need for you to do is take this blood quill and sign your name one this slip of parchment, if you really are Harry Potter, then there will be a flash of red and the ink will turn black, if you are not, well let's not get into that right now." Skullcrush said as he handed the quill to harry and slid the paper across the desk in front if Harry. Harry took the quill and confidently signed his name, the paper flashed red and the blood turned black.
Skullcrush grinned wildly as he reached into a small chest that was on the corner of the desk and pulled out an envelope. He broke the seal and pulled out his parent's joint will, and began to read.
"We, James Potter, and Lily Evans-Potter, First and foremost, upon our death, our son Harry is to be in the care of Sirius Black. If he is unable to accept the responsibility, then guardianship is to be given to Remus Lupin, if he is unable to accept guardianship, then Frank and Alice Longbottom will be given guardianship. If they are unable to accept the guardianship, then guardianship will be given to Amelia Bones. If none of the listed above is available to receive guardianship then Harry will be given to the Honorhall Orphanage.
Under No circumstance shall he be placed under the care of Petunia Dursley and/or her husband Vernon.
To Remus Lupin, Frank and Alice Longbottom, and Amelia Bones we leave the sum of five hundred galleons.
To Sirius Black we leave the sum of one galleon, you have too much money already Sirius.
And finally to our son Harry potter, we leave the remainder of all the money we possess, any and all properties owned by the Ancient and Noble house of Potter, the entire Potter family library, and the hope and love of two parent's that love you immensely. We also wish that Harry be given the title of Head of the Ancient and Noble house of Potter. With this he shall be legally emancipated. And Harry, we have set up a marriage contract between you and our good friend of the family, the Delacour's, you are to marry their daughter. We are sorry if you think this is wrong, but we really wished that the bond between our two families would stay strong, and this was going to aid that, please forgive us. We both love you very much and we are sorry we couldn't be with you.
James and Lily Potter."
Harry was in shock, so much in fact that he didn't even notice the potter family ring had appeared on his finger, and the influx of magic that flowed through his system. "Skullcrush, is there any way that we could get the Delacour's here for the Sirius Black will reading? I would like to talk with them about this marriage." He said in a distant voice.
"It shall be done; I will get Delacour's here personally." Skullcrush said with a smile. "Now the black will doesn't start for another hour would you like to tour your new vault?" he asked politely.
Harry nodded and made his way out of the office where they met back up with Griphook, whom had Harrys new trust vault key in hand which he took from him with a word of gratitude. "Wow, I don't think I can take any more surprises like that one Griphook." He said aloud, as the two walked down a corridor which lead to the roller-coaster like carts that lead to the vaults. The goblin next to him made a cackling laugh, at which made a shiver go down the teenage boys spine.
And there we have it, the first of 9 revamped chapters to be released. I hope that you all enjoy it. This story will contain daring heroics, passionate romance, and comical hijinks. Should be fun for the whole family!
Though later chapters may be a little risqué for younger readers…
Also as stated above if you all have found any mistakes please let me know via review or PM!
Until next time!
Please review!