Author has written 21 stories for Titan A.E., Power Rangers, Misc. Games, ER, Harry Potter, and Superman. I'm no longer simply Lucas Harrell. Instead, I've chosen to embrace my Kryptonian heritage as Har-El... heh heh, j/k. In all Siriusness... er, all joking aside, I decided to try out a new penname based on a joke mom and I make every time I get bill collector calls either emphasizing my last name like that or "Hay-Rill" as well as making a bit of an inside joke referencing my "Harry Potter and the last son of Krypton" series (you know, Harry Potter plus Kal-El = Har-El). Anyway, I've dabbled in fanfics about many things (shows, movies, etc.) over the years. My favorite to write about is Power Rangers though I've really gotten into writing Harry Potter stories the last few years. I have a rather complicated list of favorite couples, most of which I write about and some I don't. They are, in order by show (and, in the case of Power Rangers, by season)... Power Rangers: Tommy/Kim, Trini/Billy, Rocky/Kat, Tanya/Adam, TJ/Cassie, Ashley/Andros, Zhane/Astronema, Kendrix/Leo, Wes/Jen, Kira/Conner, and Nick/Madison, and now Summer/Dillon (I think they should have had the latter do the crossover in Crapurai as he was easily the most interesting character RPM or at least backstory-wise anyway). Haven't watched enough of most of the other seasons to get into an romances, especially Crapurai and Super Crapurai. Harry Potter: Harry/Hermione. I prefer Ron, Ginny, Cho, and anybody else generally thought to be paired with them to be paired with anybody but Harry or Hermione, be it a straight relationship or a slash one. I'm also a bit of a Tonks/Remus fan. Onimusha: Samanosuke/Kaede, Jubei/Oyu, and Jacques/Michelle. I don't remember enough of Dawn of Dreams to have any possible pairing references for it. Pokemon: I am an AAMRN and damn proud of it. Any characters on the show trying to seduce one or the other away from each other can get lost as far as I'm concerned. IMHO, the writers on the show were idiots to split these two after Johto. This is really the only romance I'm in favor of when it comes to Pokemon, mostly because Brock can't seem to make his mind up on whom to date. Final Fantasy: Cloud/Tifa (FF7), Squall/Rinoa (FF8), Zidane/Garnet (FF9), Cecil/Rose and Edge/Rydia (FF4), and Tidus/Yuna (FFX). Various: Cale/Akima (Titan AE), Scully/Mulder (X-Files), Leon/Claire (Resident Evil), Shion/Allen (Xenosaga), and I'm also split between the Smallville romances, Clark/Lana and Clark/Lois. On March 22, 2015, the fanfic community lost a great member in Broomstick Flyer. I did not know her but through her work, but her passing still hurts in a way as she was one of the best I've read. May she R.I.P. Update: I'm working on both the next couple of chapters of Someone to watch over me and hope to have them up within the month. However, no promises as I don't like breaking them. I'm also working on Last son of Krypton but mostly getting it's 2 spinoffs to certain points in both where I feel comfortable in putting them up and even more importantly, to the point(s) I want to get them to before going back to Last Son. I am fairly confident on having it up by summer time but again, no promises. I'm also finally getting around to writing the final few stories for my PRLG series. No clue on when I'll have that done but it has been over a decade since I finished one so frankly, what's a little more time, right? |