Author has written 7 stories for Hunger Games, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, and Angel. Fan-fiction and commercial author; the fanfic universes I’ve written for: Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” When writing for The Hunger Games and “Buffy,” I use American word-usage and spellings; when writing for Harry Potter, I endeavour mightily to make my tale’s words and spellings become what an Englishman would write. Brit-picking corrections always are welcome. Most of the fan-fiction stories I have written so far have been AUs (alternate-universe fan-fiction stories). Among the AU stories that I love to read, and of all the AU stories that I myself write, the alternate-universe stories are ALTERNATE. One of my pet peeves with other writers' so-called ALTERNATE-universe stories is when, after an exciting and original setup, the story mimics canon, except for minor details. Am I really going to read someone's 150-chapter, 500-thousand-word bloated Harry Potter fanfic after Harry and Terry Boot rescue Millicent Bulstrode from a troll, and Pansy Parkinson has been possessed by Voldemort's diary? IF I ever write a chapter in which Harry in the Chamber of Secrets battles diary-Voldemort, my story will end with Harry causing some kind of horcrux-destroying chain reaction, so that Harry not only destroys the diary-horcrux but also destroys the rest of the horcruxes, the horcrux in Harry's scar, and wraith-Voldemort as well—so that Voldie is forever gone from Harry's life before the second-year term ends. In short, in every one of my AU stories, sooner or later the story’s events will greatly veer off from canon. Expect surprises. Let's see, what else can I tell you about myself? I earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics, with a minor in chemistry; all my fiction-writing knowledge is self-taught. As Thomas H. Richardson, I am an independent publisher; HYPO TO HELIO BOOKS publishes six authors, including Tom H. Richardson. As Tom H. Richardson, I have written three commercial novels and a short story that are for sale on Amazon, Smashwords, and Kobo. One of my three novels is a Hunger Games parody. My biggest unexpected accomplishment: Finishing third in a 5K race when I was thirty-four years old. (However, honesty compels me to mention that there were only a dozen people running in the race.) My favorite pastimes are reading and movies; but I watch very little TV. People tell me I'm funny. “Tom H. Richardson” is a semi-pseudonym; it’s a nontraditional variation on my legal name. Another nontraditional variation on my legal name is TOM HENRY RICHARDSON which anagrams to I AM HERR DONCHYRONST (Why do I bother telling you this? Ah, this question is another of Tom’s marvelous riddles.) To find out more about my published stories as Tom H. Richardson, go here: h t t p s : / / t o m h r i c h a r d s o n . w o r d p r e s s . c o m / a b o u t / To learn what I think about being a writer and publisher, go to my blog site: h t t p s : / / t o m h r i c h a r d s o n . w o r d p r e s s . c o m |
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