"All those in favour of conviction raise your hand."

Every single hand in the courtroom rose unanimously, making those watching breath out relieved.

"That's settled then. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, you are hereby found guilty on all charges. You are sentenced to the Kiss for the crimes you have committed," Amelia was grim-faced as Dumbledore screamed in rage at the verdict.

But Harry tuned him out in favour of turning to Sirius and McGonagall, who were seated beside him.

If it weren't for the occasional blink and the hand she was clenching around his godfather's discreetly at their sides; he would have thought she was a statue with how stiff she was sitting as she stared blankly ahead.

Not that Harry could blame her; hearing just how deeply Dumbledore's manipulations had gone had been difficult and he had no real bond with the man while his Head of House had been that manipulators friend for years.

"Come on," Sirius got to his feet, even as McGonagall weakly protested; her complexion ashen as Amelia silenced Dumbledore's angry shouting.

"I have to watch...I owe..."

"You owe him nothing," Sirius cut her off and used the death grip she still had on his hand to pull her to her feet as well. "Harry."

Rising to his feet as well, Harry wordlessly followed them down the steps, not slowing even as several others started to follow their example.

He had wanted to be present for the Kiss; to be sure the man got what he deserved for what his manipulations had done to his parents and Sirius; but for once Sirius had left no room for argument and had told him no.

The finality in his voice had kept Harry from arguing, aware the man would only deny him his request for a good reason and seeing how green those who fled around them were and how grim even Moody and Amelia looked; Harry knew Sirius was right to deny him.

As they made their way down the stairs Harry briefly wondered why Amelia was waiting so long before retrieving the Dementor when he realised she was watching them make their way across the room, waiting specifically for Sirius to reach the door before indicating to a dark-skinned Auror.

Harry was struck with a wave of gratitude at the kind gesture to prevent Sirius from having to be present in the same room as a Dementor, aware that never coming across them ever again would still be too soon for his godfather and he quickly slipped by him as Sirius held the door open for him.

"How did it go?" Remus was waiting for them in the anteroom and Harry stopped at his side, even as everyone else continued out of the room as quickly as they could.

"Found guilty on all charges."

"Good. How is she?" Remus glanced towards Sirius and McGonagall as they had stopped a little to the side and his godfather had pulled the stern professor into an embrace the moment the last stranger had left through the door.

"Shaken. From what I understood they had been very close," Harry quietly answered him as they moved further away to give her some semi-privacy.

"He is her closest friend," Remus nodded. "Gosh, she must be devastated."

Nodding, Harry tried not to glance at them as he could hear her quietly sob in Sirius' arms even from the current distance and fully turned to Remus. "He'll be administered the Kiss right away."

"I'd figured as much when so many came out so quickly," Remus sighed as he sat down on one of the benches. "It is still hard to believe."


"It's done," Moody's gruff voice turned Harry's attention back to the door a little while later and he noticed McGonagall had managed to compose herself again, squeezing Sirius' biceps as they made their way towards them, Moody following and eyed Harry confused.

"Shouldn't you be at school?"

"Lessons were cancelled today because of the trial and Amelia did say I could come," Harry reminded the man and he rubbed a tired hand over his weary face.

"Right, sorry. It's been a long trying few weeks."

"How many Death Eaters have you arrested after Harry's stunt?" Remus asked.

"Twenty-one who were originally cleared and seven who were never even suspected," Moody sighed as he turned to McGonagall. "You are going to need a new Potions teacher as Snape was convicted to life-long imprisonment this morning."

McGonagall nodded. "I've already found someone who is both qualified and capable."

"Oh? I didn't think it was that easy to find a Potions Master, where did you find him?" Moody asked interested.

"He actually found me," A tiny smile broke through McGonagall's stricken face. "Kind of threw the whole Wizarding world in chaos as he did, though. So it took me a while to finish the paperwork."

"You're hiring Sirius?" Moody asked surprised.

"Only part-time, though," Sirius clarified. "I'll help out full-time until she's found a new teacher, but after that I only want to teach part-time at most."

"Why only part-time?" Remus asked and it occurred to Harry that despite the fact that the two had been corresponding back and forth for a few weeks now and met up once, Sirius had clearly not told him about his plans.

"I've only been free for a little over a month and I'd like to enjoy my freedom before I'm tied down to one place. During Harry's holidays I hope we can go travelling so we can see the world," Sirius glanced at Harry. "I would also like to pick up my training to get my Mastery in Healing while also focusing on research at the same time."

Harry knew all about his godfather's and father's research into finding a cure for Lycanthropy and his godfather had also spoken to him about other things he'd like to work on so he only smiled as Moody raised an eyebrow.

"Old or new research?"

"A little of both. After I get my papers, I would like to study the mind."

"Figures," Moody barked out a laugh. "Perhaps find a way to undo certain damage done to one?"

"They deserve better," Sirius shrugged. "And they're not the only ones who deserve better."

"If there is anything I can do to help, I will," Moody promised and McGonagall nodded as well.

"Hmm, oh, I've been in contact with Andromeda and Ted as promised, you should try them for Potions and History of Magic. Andromeda said that they had both applied for a position after their graduation, but were turned down."

"I had no idea," McGonagall admitted. "I will be sure to contact them and I've already written to the board about the classes we discussed earlier."

"Good, I hope the board will be able to see the benefit of having Muggle and Wizarding Studies made mandatory for first years," Sirius turned to Harry. "How about we get an ice cream before I return you to Hogwarts. Maybe you could help me pick up your Christmas present while we're at it."

"Isn't it a bit early for a Christmas present?" Harry chuckled.

"Belated birthday present, then."

"You've already gotten me several birthday presents," Harry protested.

"Then I guess I will have to keep that broom to myself if you don't want it," Sirius sighed. "Guess I could let Tiffy sweep the..."

"No! I'll take it!" Harry cut him off sharply, heart leaping up in his throat at the implication of what Sirius had gotten him.

"But you just said..." Sirius frowned down at him confused but Harry waved him off.

"Forget what I said!"

"Are you sure? You already have your Nimbus anyway, I could just..."

"Siri!" Harry was well aware he was whining as he pulled on his godfather's arm, but didn't care in the slightest at the aspect of getting the Firebolt he'd been drooling over since their Diagon Alley visit.

Sirius laughed, his still too thin face splitting into an enormous grin. "Guess you do want another present, then."

"You're spoiling him," Remus shook his head fondly.

"It is my good right to do so," Sirius calmly waved him off. "No kid of mine is going to have to make do with a school-issued broom."

Warmth rushed through Harry as it always did whenever Sirius called him his and he was fairly sure he was grinning stupidly.

"Besides, we've got a reason to celebrate."

"You do?" Moody asked curiously, though Remus and Harry both grinned now as Sirius nodded.

"Vernon Dursley was sentenced to twenty years of imprisonment for aiding in child abduction and neglect of a minor yesterday afternoon."

It was no news to Harry as Sirius had kept him involved in what was going on and although he had made sure Harry hadn't needed to testify, they had been present for the trial.

It had been a trying day and Harry would never forget the reactions of the people of Privet Drive who had showed up to the courtroom; curious to the events.

They had been grim and horrified to learn the oh so neat and proper Dursleys had actually aided in the abduction of a child; and Harry had no doubt gossip would be flying around in the entire neighbourhood by now after that trial and Sirius' short statement to the Muggle press.

He was relieved Sirius had absolutely refused to submit Harry to the press and Remus had Apparated the two of them back to Potter Manor from the restroom while Sirius faced the cameras.

It was however news to McGonagall and Moody as they both brightened considerably.

"That is indeed a reason for celebration. And Petunia?"

"Sentenced to twelve years while Marjorie Dursley was convicted to seven years; though she will get time added to that sentence as she will also have to serve time for illegally breeding dogs."

"How on earth did you manage all that?" McGonagall gasped.

"We went high up," Sirius and Remus shared a glance.

"Very high up. Sirius wrote to the Prime Minister," Remus revealed gleefully. "It took him no trouble at all to find out there were no guardianship transfer papers over Harry's custody signed at all."

"All I had to do was provide both my papers and the Potter will and he personally saw to it that the ball got rolling," Sirius continued.

"But how? You were a wanted man as far as he was concerned, wasn't he? Why did he even listen to you?" McGonagall frowned.

"That's where Amelia came in. As Fudge was arrested for corruption and Crouch for breaking the law, she went to the Prime Minister as a Ministry Representative and informed him of the truth about me among other more important things. Because Lily didn't want to disappear from the Muggle world entirely, James created Muggle identities for both himself and Sirius after his marriage and later made sure Harry was officially made a citizen of Muggle England as well. The paper trail left by this ensured we could prove both my existence and Harry's and that was enough for the Prime Minister to do everything in his power to help us."

"And since Amelia ensured a press release was issued in the Muggle world about you being framed for another's deeds as well, you are also no longer wanted in the Muggle world," Moody nodded in understanding but McGonagall raised a hand to quiet him down.

"What do you mean Crouch has been arrested? I knew Cornelius and his administration have all been taken in for questioning and all fired while some were imprisoned, but what did Crouch do to break the law?"

"You haven't heard yet?" Moody raised an eyebrow. "Due to the high level of corruption discovered in Cornelius' administration, Amelia made sure every Ministry worker had to undergo a thorough questioning before they were allowed to leave. During Crouch' questioning under Veritaserum it came to the light that he was harbouring his son in his house."

"Barty Crouch? But he was convicted twelve years ago for the torture...how..." McGonagall looked horrified.

"It's a long story, but the short version is that he managed to have his dying wife take his son's place and smuggled his son out of Azkaban as her dying wish and has kept him under the Imperius Curse ever since," Moody revealed. "It was revealed in the Daily Prophet this morning."

"I've been avoiding the paper today," McGonagall admitted. "I can't believe...what happens to Crouch now?"

"Junior has been returned to Azkaban immediately and Crouch's trial will be held tomorrow," Moody nodded at Sirius. "Thanks to this one here, the Ministry finally has a chance to clear ship and Amelia is making good use of that."

"So who is in charge now? Rufus Scrimgeour?" Remus rubbed a hand over his face and Harry couldn't blame him for looking a little overwhelmed as, if Sirius hadn't taught him about the workings of the Ministry and the various people in charge, he'd probably feel the same.

"He'll probably try to be elected, but most of the Ministry is calling for Amelia to step up as the next Minister due to her actions these last few weeks," Moody sighed. "Like I said, it's been a rough couple of weeks."

"I bet," Sirius shot him an apologetic smile. "But as lovely it is to chat with you lot, I really would like to get that ice cream now and leave any bit of politics for another day."

"I wish I could say the same," Moody laughed.

"What happened to the Dursley's son, though?" McGonagall asked.

"Oh, child services contacted his boarding school and taking into account that he has no other relatives, child services relocated him to St Brutus's Secure Centre for Incurable Criminal Boys until at least his eighteenth birthday."

"What a horrible name for a school," McGonagall commented, though she didn't look surprised Dudley had been sent there.

"Yes, it's where the Dursleys wanted to sent Harry so I thought it would be more accurate to sent an actual criminal boy there," Sirius ruffled Harry's hair. "The boy didn't seem very happy about it, but as the neighbourhood's children came forward with horrible stories of his behaviour towards both them and in general, social services believed it was the best choice for his future. The reputation of that school is actually quite good and if anyone can change his behaviour, it would be them."

Sirius clasped his hands together. "Well, when would you like me to start teaching as we've not actually discussed that yet?"

"As soon as you can would be good," McGonagall blinked at the sudden subject change but didn't comment on it.

"If you don't mind that Harry will be back after dinner, I can be there tonight," Sirius suggested.

"That would be great," McGonagall nodded. "In the meantime I will inform the staff and students of the results of the trial, Remus, will you travel back with me or on your own?"

"You're coming with us, aren't you?" Harry spoke up before Remus could.

"I am?" Remus asked at the same time Sirius blinked with equal surprise. "He is?"

"Yeah, I mean...if you'd like to," Harry shrugged and pretended that he didn't notice his godfather's confusion.

Harry knew he had not exactly treated Remus overly warmly during the few times they had interacted.

But even though he'd been angry with the man for his lack of taking action when he should have and for abandoning his godfather; he knew he had made the man suffer enough and it was time to forgive the man, especially since Sirius truly didn't hold any grudge about what had happened and Harry could see he missed his old friend dearly. And Remus was doing everything in his power to help and support Sirius now.

"I...are you sure?" Remus gazed at him as if trying to determine if it was a joke or not before looking up to Sirius, who only shrugged in response to the questioning look.

"It'll be fun," Harry nodded.

"All right, I'd like that," seemingly deciding he was indeed serious, Remus nodded his consent and Harry flushed as Sirius smiled happily.

The man hadn't said anything about Harry's behaviour as he'd clearly understood perfectly why he acted the way he did, but Harry felt shame wash over him as he realised just how much his behaviour had hurt his godfather with his dismissal of the only friend he had left.

"Maybe you can tell me some stories about him and my parents and some more about yourself while you're at it," Harry swallowed. "Because although I know all about you from Sirius' stories, I haven't actually met you properly yet. And since Sirius took the time to get to know my friends, I think it's time I made an effort to get to know his as well."

Harry smiled at Sirius' grimace at being reminded of meeting Ron and Hermione; the man's previous impression of the former not having improved at all after actually meeting him and even Harry had to admit Hermione's bossiness had been both rude and Sirius hadn't let it slide at all, cutting her off sharply before she could even get truly started and poked holes in every single of her claims without breaking a sweat.

His meeting with Fred and George in Diagon Alley however had the three hit it off immediately, bonding scarily easily and at first Harry had thought it was their shared love for pranks until the same happened when they ran into Neville and later a petite blond second year Sirius had immediately recognised on sight and actually gone to.

Harry wasn't sure what to think of Luna Lovegood and her father, though he had been surprised to learn his godfather and the girl's deceased mother had been close friends for years and had made a vow to get to know the odd girl as Sirius was obviously very fond of her.

Four weeks into the new school year had Harry reaching out to befriend other students of his year at least and he had been surprised to even get along with several Slytherins not belonging to Malfoy's little gang, finding surprisingly good company in Blaise and Daphne.

And although Ron was utterly horrified by his new behaviour, Harry found he didn't really care and Sirius had been delighted when he told him about expanding his social circle.

He had also made sure to reach out to Neville, trying to get to know the other a bit better and was pleasantly surprised to find a surprisingly humoristic and kind companion and once he had introduced him to Luna, the three often hung out together with the two Slytherins and Hermione.

All in all, Harry's life had changed for the better drastically and although his friendship with Ron was deteriorating rapidly due to his association with Slytherins; something Sirius had said to Hermione had clearly caused the girl to try and change her behaviour so that she became a lot more relaxed and less difficult to be around.

For the first time Harry realised he was truly happy and he wanted that same happiness for his godfather and knew Remus would be a big part of that.

"Sirius might have mentioned something along the lines of meeting them," Remus smiled at Sirius' grimace.

"Shall we go before the stores close?" Harry eagerly suggested, wanting them to get a move on as he knew there was a Firebolt with his name on it waiting for him.

"Sounds good, shall we first go eat that ice cream or first pick up the broom?" Sirius yelped as Harry swatted at him.

"Don't be mean!"

"You have got your hands full on that one," Moody laughed and patted Sirius' shoulder in sympathy, making him laugh.

"Nah, I wouldn't trade him for the world," Sirius beamed and Harry let his godfather pull him close for a hug, happily answering it before eagerly beginning to pull his godfather along with him, Remus following behind him as they waved their goodbyes to an amused McGonagall and Moody.

Harry laughed as Remus took the opportunity to tell him a story about his father retrieving the newest racing broom for his seventeenth birthday and promptly catching a cold after flying in the snow for hours.

He knew that as he watched Sirius laugh while he corrected Remus on some parts of the story and Remus scowled at him playfully that he'd made the right decision to lift his wand that evening two months ago, never having dared to believe where it would've lead him in such a short time.

But he wouldn't trade it for the world.