Reviews for Better Be- Ravenclaw!
Nkhamer chapter 9 . 7/20
Amazing story. Not too short not too long. I love when the goblins are smarter than the wizards. The first story I read where Harry lived carefree at Hogwarts like a regular kid, loved it.
chasefrayy chapter 1 . 6/27
I really liked the idea behind this story however i think harry and hermione getting together when they were 11 is a bit unlikely. Also them getting engaged during their sixth year makes it rather obvious that you wanted to wrap up the story quickly
SerpentGlass chapter 4 . 6/15
I see what you mean about Ron's delusions... and, also, how is Ginny supposed to seduce him when she hasn't met him? Doesn't make much sense.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/13
Fucking cringe relationship between two 11 year old kids. Honestly, it's unbearable to read.
stevem1 chapter 9 . 6/2
This is one of those one event changes history for the better story.

I really liked 1st year Harry’s letter to Fudge. Also Percy sticking with Fred and George was very cool.

Harryandhermione4ever23 chapter 9 . 5/21
I love your story so much it was very happy thank you so much.
Caliban03 chapter 9 . 5/19
Not too long and cute story
especially with an open-minded and no-more-angry Snape
and the power of unifying sport lol

Thank you for sharing
Guest chapter 9 . 5/10
Really loved this story
HayamiHinata chapter 9 . 5/6
This entire fanfiction made me smile. I enjoy reading stories where passion for the work is presented. And it was clear that this was one of those stories.

As a Ravenclaw myself, I was happy to find representation so quickly after a Google search. You deserve to have this recognized as one of the best stories I have ever read.
SerpentGlass chapter 3 . 4/30
Oh, hell yes annoying Gryffies is fun. As another Snake, I wholeheartedly approve.
SerpentGlass chapter 1 . 4/30
Woah, this is a new approach to Harry Potter fanfictions. I like it, it's pretty good, and this is only chapter 1...
Guest chapter 1 . 4/21
Started reading due to the interesging premise. Then I got to the sorting and Snape of all people points out, and is seemingly upset about, Harry being malnourished and that he will need help. I get that Alan Rickman's portrayal of Snape was more that of a stern and tragic anti-hero as opposed to the books portrayal of him as a spiteful manchild so it is understandable why the author did this. But as someone who got to know the characters through the books instead of the movies this is just to much ooc for me to continue reading.
The Punmaster chapter 9 . 4/20
Awww so cute
KnowInsight chapter 9 . 3/25
Ninamaria429 chapter 9 . 3/22
This was so good and well written!
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